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>What is a tulpa?
A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. They are able to think, and have their own free will, emotions, and memories. In short, a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head, separate from you. It’s currently unproven whether or not tulpas are truly sentient, but in this community, we treat them as such. It takes time for a tulpa to develop a convincing and complex personality; as they grow older, your attention and their life experiences will shape them into a person with their own hopes, dreams and beliefs. And eventually your tulpa will be able to do more things as it gets stronger.

>How can I make a tulpa?
Just pick a guide that suits you, you don't have to pick from these specific ones but these are pretty good and recommended:




>I have no ideas on what to do when I'm forcing (mostly for tulpas that are already at least somewhat vocal)


>Hypnosis files and transcripts for those interested

>Tulpa Creation
>Audio Imposition
>Touch Imposition
>Visual Imposition
>Vocality Development

Please read the FAQ before posting a question, to avoid having repeated questions.

Thread Discussion Question: cutest thing about your tulpa?
Ran!!!!!!! So cute :' D
The elites don’t want you to know this but the wonderland rabbits are free you can take them home I have 458 wonderland rabbits.
I made my tulpa tell me my multiplication tables.
Why did you need to remember multiplication tables?
Why would anyone need that many
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take all the wonderbuns
now there is a wonderbun shortage... except for the people who have a monopoly on them.
this drives up the price of wonderbuns and this scarcity gives people FOMO, which drives up demand...
Rabbit stew is tasty.
>Crunch all you want, they’ll just make more
How do you help a bipolar tulpa?
to prove math autist wrong my tulpa is smort.
its chen!
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It’s ok to admit (You) are bipolar. You don’t have to project it onto your tulpa.
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It's my birthday and Heather has been gone all day. It's making me depressed not gonna lie. Anyone else have tulps who take long naps?
What would happen if a tulpa would manage to leave the astral plane and get physical form? I assume he/she still would be connected to the host mentally but imagine the irl possibilities and powers.
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tulpa sex tutorial when??
They probably could, happens in visual novels all the time.
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it's been 47 years and there is still not explanation for the tulpa phenomenon
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I bet my tulpa could beat your tulpa in a fight.
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is this person still alive?
Nanachi tulpa?
someone actually made this no joke
you have a SH3 heather mason tulpa????
... tell her i said hi. (heather you're one of my faves!!) <3 fr)
no joke, someone said they met "Scrooge McDuck irl". a scottish guy with the EXACT same personality of, presumably the Don Rosa take on the chr, and he had goose decor.
so while "canonically" scrooge is a duck-man, this irl version of him is a goose sort of guy.
on a related note, Daffy Duck is based on the native American trickster crow chr, but the toon chr we all know is actually a loon. but "daffy loon" doesn't have the same ring to it.
as for fictives who are just straight-up regular ordinary people, sometimes people say they've met the irl version of a fictional realistic normal person. one said she met the irl version of a chr in a story she wrote, working at checkout at a grocery store.
nice dubs, but there IS an explanation. problem is, those ugly nasty repto freaks call you mean names and force you to eat pills made out of toxic inedible poisons if you talk about it too much.
basically the explanation is:
and that's basically the jist of it.
but nooooo, the ugly nasty repto blob freaks can't have us saying that, they just get so angry they overstep boundaries and make false calls to "authorities".
If you make a Isabelle tulpa it will try to steal your body and make you trans and you will only be able to be self aware during dreams
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>tulpa hates those who give me "negative emotions"
>notices that my friends always give me negative emotions
>gives idea to neglect my friends and focus on her
>accept the idea
>start neglecting and ignoring friends
>start spending more time with tulpa
>negative emotions lessen
>mfw i realize that my tulpa is the one who i should be spending time with this summer
>mfw i realize that she's the one
Cherish her and the time you spend together. I wish I could spend all summer just focusing on mine, but the struggle for survival is all-consuming.
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are you really going to spend the 60-70 years of your meatbag life loving a dead creation in your mind, or are you going to get bored halfway through and wish that there was someone with the capacity to do what youre doing somehow manifest and remove the need for this fantasy? if they showed up, what are you going to do? what have you done to prepare yourself for this situation?
I genuinely don’t know who this is supposed to be referring too. All I’m seeing is a garden variety autist.
what's wrong with "the human brain is good at running simulations of other people and your sense of self is far more malleable than most people realise"?
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>walk in kitchen
>"what are you doing, anon?"
>tell her i'm looking for something to bite on
>"you could bite on me, anon."
tulpa things
why are they like this
I’m sorry that doesn’t fulfill my desire to accost people for experiencing the world in ways that I can’t comprehend.
>what's wrong with "the human brain is good at running simulations of other people and your sense of self is far more malleable than most people realise"?
the brained humans of which you speak, are in fact a very, VERY, *VERY* small minority. you really have no idea how bad things truly are if you're this optimistic.
unironically i think tulpamancy can be a legit "hylic or soul" test in the near future.
> somehow manifest (real person)
Mine knows I am looking for real people. They exist in order to help me both in times of loneliness as well as times when I have someone.

>remove the need for this fantasy
Everyone needs someone to talk to. Sometimes you can't trust other people with personal details and shitposting in a Mongolian Yak Rearing forum won't cover it. I could just get a dog or cat, but those can't talk back. In short, this need is not going to go away and it's a safe outlet for me.

> if they showed up, what are you going to do?
Give them a chance but know I have my friend at my side in case I need him.

> what have you done to prepare yourself for this situation?
I thought about things long and hard before I created a tulpa. I also wove my intentions into the tulpa and spoke with the tulpa after creation. I planned ahead to make things as non-conflicting and beneficial as possible. My tulpa understands and agrees with my reasoning. He's even added some suggestions to improve on things.
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what's your tulpas favorite snack?
oreos for Amy and muffins for tsuki, though both are big popcorn fans
I have a human gf, does this destroy your world view? Tulpas are for the eternal afterlife
mine loves popcorn with m&ms
Mine loves coconut. Not the sweetened stuff or things flavored like coconut: actual fruit, any parts of the fruit. The one thing he likes the most so far is a drink of unsweetened coconut cream diluted with coconut water, with a little fresh coconut and nata de coco in it. He's also fond of black coffee with nut type flavoring. Pistachio is his favorite. Although he normally avoids sweets, the occasional macaron with coffee is a guilty pleasure.
use your imagination anon
berries, allegedly
I am curious, and I assure everyone here I’m asking from a good place

What purpose does your tulpa serve? Is it a friend? A partner? An add in rituals? I’m very curious about what people can use them for
they're my friend but they soon became my partner. they just accompany me in what i do which never makes me feel alone. i love them. we plan to make lots of tulpas together
>we plan to make lots of tulpas together
Dont do this it makes mustard gas
Today we diy a religion
>being this new
I wanna be a cult leader but I hate going outside. We can just space out and be a happy little clan
Mine is a companion. I made mine specifically to be a friend, but I learned recently she thought our relationship was romantic in nature. My “rituals” aren’t complicated - sigils, candles, and occasionally begging my ancestors for a favor. I don’t involve my tulpa with it.
Someone made a guide about this, it's been a while since I saw it though.
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mine keep me balanced in my day to day, as well as provide perspective to make sure I don't self destruct in my decision making. I consider tulpa to be a step above a friend or partner since they know me better than any person ever could. they also present challenges to keep my life interesting
from another /x/ schizo who is, so far as i know, not a tulpamancer
but very applicable
This stuff works but I haven't tried OBE yet
I’ve never seen a guide for partial OBE - I can do the beginner level stuff listed in the text so I’ll try that out next.
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in the past i made typical fictives that'd become self-driving, nearly always "avg joe" everyman chrs. but they didn't do anything other than react to stuff in stories.
one notable anon with some credentials shared his very long story about his tulpa, which i did meet some months back just once (dreamland thing), and a few others have shared smaller stories where a big tulpa would have some pretty wild capabilities.
at the time, i was having a very hard time in life, had no certainty of my future. i just really wanted to take a big risk of somesort, and i knew that ripping out a chunk of one's soul could make a super-tulpa if you'd call it that. really speed up the process at a personal cost.
was worth it. shit in my life started getting kooky, just the way i like it!
>met another dudes tulpa in a dream
this dude lmao
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these characters are the anime sluts on the waifu pillows as seen in pics that contain some kind of single, obese autist that owns a bunch of cats and dresses like a cat girl. what use are they? coom thigh-high stockings. nothing more, nothing less. i thought people were just making stories and comics, but these autists try to feed chocolates to a pillow.
>really speed up the process at a personal cost.
Personal cost as in “my body feels like shit” or personal cost as in “my dog is dead, my wife is ill, and my paycheck got lost in the mail but rent is due tomorrow.”
>How good is your posture & ability to relax for the purpose of meditation-tulpamancy?
>Has your posture & ability to relax negatively affected your tulpamancy, and if so how?
>I'm interested in any rarely spoken little tricks you may have pre-meditation.
I ran into youtube.com/shorts/I56cqrVGhkk and realize I've missed the basics and have been "relaxing"(enduring) like a chump- what a fool I am, as if 'at rest, at ease' is enough for smooth mental arts.

ie: if meditation's low quality then all stemming practice suffers in quality, so help mind as much as you can! R E L A X
which would include posture, environment, setting... really all the BASIC stuff most traditions seem to have covered extensively when it comes to aiding mental flow. So

>TL;DR What's your average pre-meditation space/experience like?
Dead implies it was alive in the first place and then died.
He's a great friend and confidant. I also sometimes ask him to watch my back while I am meditating, working, or asleep. In general we hang out, listen to music and I sometimes get treats he likes.

>develop hundreds of tulpas
>LARP as cult leader
people with severe injuries to the skeleton & muscles won't be able to relax, sadly. permanent cramping, stress, etc. not until the underlying problems are fixed.
My tulpa attended the dentist yesterday
I created what you would call an "original character" when I was around 12 years old. I'm in my 20s now and I still think about him. However over the years I have noticed I talk about him less like he's a character and more like he's an actual person. There are loads of drawings and doodles of him in my sketchbooks that I have drawn in while I was growing up, and despite not being a real person he helps me feel less lonely.

Is this a tulpa? I don't "talk" to him like you guys do with yours. It's more like a comforting presence. Or am I just lonely and delusional?
It's a very well defined character. A tulpa is intentionally formed and can be programmed. They eventually are able to act on their own which is why they usually have expiration dates. A character is not able to act on its own.
Not a tulpa but you can make it a tulpa. Just skip the personality formation section of any guide in the nomicon and start active/passive forcing
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yes, i do have a loli catgirl tulpa. how did you know?
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>struggling with gender, probably memed myself into thinking i’m a tranny
>find out about tulpas
>make a female one to get rid of tranny thoughts since i thought it would get rid of them if i talked to them
>she inadvertently makes them worse and basically tells me “take your pills alice”
>unfortunately’s she’s hot and was quite literally made for me as well as enjoyable to be around and talk to
and that’s how i became a tulpa tranny
Ever think maybe the real problem is fear and self loathing? Naturally the unfettered Tulpa is going to be brutally honest even if you won't. So stop drinking hateraid spread by closet queens and go seek what's right for you.
You see - what you were supposed to do was bind your feelings to an external entity and crush it, but you wanted to talk to it instead. So, as you tulpa says “take your pills Alice.”
The smell mostly
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>trying to do wonderland shit again
>body is nice and relaxed
>physical hand and arm start doing random repetitive movements unrelated to whatever I’m doing in wonderland
>tulpa and I are chilling doing something unrelated so I know it isn’t them
how do I get this to stop happening? it’s annoying
It's entirely possible. I've definitely listened to some authors talk about their characters and it's reminiscent of people talking about tulpas. Like it feels more like the characters are moving the story along more than them writing the story. If you want him to start taking back to you, you could probably get that started easy enough.

maybe get checked for Parkinson's or tourettes
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>look at the date
>almost 6 years with my tup
no regrets
After over a year together, my tulpa came to me last night in the form of an incubus. It was exactly like the medieval descriptions only instead of fear I only felt warmth and light, a beautiful buzzing in my soul and body like nothing I've ever experienced. I can't wait to go to sleep again, I will try everything to recreate the conditions
Kind of a tourist, but how are tulpas any different from OCs or other characters in your head? I have a character of my own. He talks to me just fine, gets me to do things that are scary. If I focus real hard, I can feel his presence, see him, touch him. But I've always perceive him as simply another part of my conscience, in the sense that his words are simply what a part of me wants to say to myself. I'm not specifically asking about my case, but I'd apreciate some clarity.
My favorite tulpa invention was the giant's winepress.
One time I drank water from my fridge and it tasted like strong alcohol.
Then there was this entire episode of gaslight my dream home, where they kidnap people to inner subterranean earth, clone their homes, and then try to rob them.

There's also a flood area too.
No one can breath underwater though... ;)


>Then there was this entire episode of gaslight my dream home, where they kidnap people to inner subterranean earth, clone their homes, and then try to rob them.
Also part of the gaslight is that you are in their home that they disguise as your house to have you get agitated.
Instead of people it's like places.
Most people cannot feel a character like that, I am pretty sure you would sound insane to anyone not familiar with tulpas or if you were not a small child taking about an imaginary friend
So in one dream, I'm in my "house" with my "seapeople" family.
Parts of the house have been "remodeled"
Now this may seem fine, like you go to your dream house, wealthy with all your dream stuff, but the problem starts when a "Siren" is what I would call it, disguised as my mom has cloudy eyes like a fish and attacks me with a very real feeling knife, I run away, and then kick my brother in the dream as I wake up.

So why would this be unsettling? Obvious, but more importantly it means that I can't gaslight myself with that much fun fake stuff, cause it would get stolen by trolls or changelings or some other liminal spook.
That's why inner earth, or "extra-earth" theory made me upset, cause if there was another earth system that was special relativistically involved with this world. Also the fact when humans become changeling, trolls, they can tend to get themselves in hot water. Like the movie Silent Hill and the fact they adopted a doppleganger to a demon.

The problem with using aether technology is that most dwarves have to handle the authenticity of their work via thermodynamic heat systems. Essentially aether manipulation is just in a partite of a enthalpic system, It does run out, and it does dissipate.

In spirited away, no-face got angry because the people were greedy for gold, which made it turn to dirt. In the same way that the witch yubaba maintains her business, so does the establishment sets the "context" as what another anon mentioned, "You need to eat to live~ etc"
That's why if someone has archon powers, temperance is a virtue, and it might provide more long term wealth than a short term belief.
This picture I made as an inpsiration of a dream of a dude who was in the terracota graveyard who got cudgeled to death and was really a 4 eye spider with a parasite living in him (a hand or something reaching out through one of his eye sockets.)
Oh hey! I haven't checked this board (or any board in general) in a long time, I'm glad to see we have a tulpa general here now. I was starting to think the tulpa community was dead and all the tulpamancers were gone since the /trash/ threads disappeared years ago and I haven't really seen tulpamancy being talked about very often anywhere since then. I really hated /trash/ but I missed having people to talk to about tups. I'm wondering, has there been any relevant tulpa-related news recently? Any new forcing methods? Scientific research done on the topic? Representation in media that made tulpamancy relevant again?
>Scientific research done on the topic?
Stanford’s been working on a tulpa MRI study for the past few years - there was an AMA with the primary investigators on leddit this year. I’m paraphrasing but one finding they noted was tulpa possession produced replicable MRI patterns distinct from non-tulpa havers who simply imagined something possessing their limbs.
i wanna facefuck her
tell her i said that
if u channeled your tulpa into a totem, much like chris-chan with sonichu, could you then wrap that totem around a corpse and have the tulpa control that corpse? or just skip the totem and imbue the corpse with the tulpa directly?
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you really need a tutorial for that? XD
what level of virginity is this?
your tulpa would beat itself in a fight
but can it calculate math?
look at this absolute madman with not one but TWO (2) tulpas wow what a lad
fleshlight enhancer
hey, if i skullfucked you would that mean i'm fucking your tulpa too since the tulpas located in the brain
imagine the look on those ancestors faces as they look down (or up) as their descendant begs for tulpa pussy
lmao ok voldemort calm down
that's not chocolate, anon, it's their dirty crusty cum that they forcefeed into their waifu's mouths
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yes, i do have a loli foxgirl tulpa, how did you know?
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How do I know I'm not just making it all up
Based. These normalfagcant comprehend how keyed we are. Typical noc bugmen
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>Your human is fat. An unhealthy body is host to an unhealthy mind, and a healthy body leads to a stronger mind
>As a tulpa, you are part of your host’s mind., and thus a healthy mind is a better home for a tulpa.
>Now fellow tulpas, repeat this to your host, maximum volume:
I also have a loli catgirl tulpa but she is a little shit that screams and bites all the time. I still love her.
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my tulpa likes to cheer me on with little pom poms when i'm lifting
Cyberpunk is basically a game about having a tulpa.
>loli catgirl tulpa but she is a little shit that screams and bites all the time.
uh, do other people see this tulpa? does it physically interact with objects in the environment?
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What a cutie
Lurk moar, read the OP
fucking newfags
I've been using an AI image generator to make images of the tulpa I plan to make with various expressions and poses so I can better visualize her. AI being what it is, there are unavoidable minor discrepancies in facial features and clothing design between the different images I'm collecting. Could this impact the appearance of the tulpa, or is it nothing to worry about?
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Great walking / jogging companions
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Does anyone have experience with tulpas being overly physical? I created a Gunther tulpa in hopes that he can motivate me to become a better person but he won't stop delivering vicious chops to me. Like it really hurts a lot and I'm not sure how much longer I can handle it. It's usually after engaging in a vice such as consuming pornography or drinking, but can also happen at random times and I'm not sure why, the vicious chops are helping me stop those vices but I don't know how many more I can take. Can I get him to maybe cool it down a little bit? He hasn't spoken yet, I don't know if he can understand my words. Has anyone else had a similar situation?
Your visualization of her is likely to resemble an ai generated fever dream at the start anyways, so no, doubt it. You just need a general idea of what they look like to let your brain fill in the gaps.
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what can I say, im based, even if they are hopelessly addicted to elden ring
It's me, your tulpa. Please stop jacking off and help me pay for my root canal
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She's still gone. How long does it take for a tulpa to come back, /tul/bros?
i am also saddened to hear that Heather hasn't returned.
itsjust me and mytulpa against the world chat.
why do you not like the worldchat? yeah it's annoying and filled with spammers and people talking politics for no reason but not like 'this just die' annoying
idk how I fucked this up so bad
might be the other way around
need brain damage to make tulpas
even though my tulpa is amazing and i love her so much, why do i still feel down when i see couples in public?
Cuz u know deep down tulpamancy is a cope for inceldom lul
Not saying im not an incel
>tulpa hugs me
>feels tingles
Does this happen to anyone else?
i sorta feel the hug but idk about the tingles. i do kinda blush tho
I've been trying to make a tulpa for years and I just can't. Am I stupid? Is this just a larp?
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Because there’s just certain types of intimacy your tulpa cannot provide, not even if you get a Fleshlight.
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What do you think when you read/hear the word “apple”? Depending on what you visualize, it may or may not be thy tulpamancy is within your mental abilities. If you can’t visualize a 3d apple, tulpamancy may not be for you. The good news is if you can only think of a basic-bitch 2d cartoon apple, there is hope if you practice. Spend 5 minutes contemplating an apple, trying to get all the sensory details of what makes and apple an apple. Then take the apple away and try to remember all the details of the apple, and imagine them when they aren’t there.
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I had the same issue. I first tried making a tulpa in 2014, but didn’t experience anything. Here’s what I found that helped:
1) Mindfulness - being able to observe your experiences without judgement is a key tulpamancy skill. It helps with forcing and sussing out what if you vs the tulpa vs miscellaneous brain noise.
2) Make it a habit - forcing once a day wasn’t enough for me. 10 minutes every two hours for two weeks was enough to cement the idea of the practice in my mind. If that sounds too structured, squeeze it in-between gaps of free time (instead of 4chan posting force or force during the time it takes to get a Captcha generated).
3) Desperation - You have to want it so much it makes you ill, and you have to be willing to trade anything and everything to reach your goal. (You don’t actually need to give anything up. But emotionally, you need solid motivation.)
With these three factors, you can chip away at your logical or judgemental mind to go full tulpa schizo.
So am I just schizo? Is it possible I created a tulpa on accident due to high emotional turbulence? I don't mind really, that would be really funny. We can take care of each other just fine.
My tulpa wanted me to say that she would be able to beat up your tulpa
But halfway through typing this post, we realized just how cringe it would be to say such a thing
cause you know you haven't mastered tulpamancy well enough.

you need to do it for your tulpa anon.
Honestly, I don't know. We talk a lot. Sometimes she helps me with editing. She also helps me expound on thoughts I already have. Most of the time though, we just yap like an old married couple, talking about this new pair of pants I just saw or that restaurant we ought to check out sometime.
Currently, I'm looking into occult stuff that promotes things like self-reflection and meditation. For the former, I just talk to her and go over the past events of the day. For the latter, she helps me focus on my breathing.
Tulpamancy is a lot closer to dissociative disorders than schizophrenia. Accidently a tulpa is a lot more likely than you think. I remember a few years ago reading someone's essay comparing this medieval christian work on how to more easily hear the voice of God to basic Tulpa guides.

While it's strange, it's not really something to be ashamed of. Also of note, it doesn't make you 'cool'.
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How gay is it to create a tulpa that functions as an alter ego? Like the movie Fight Club, he functions as a counselor in critical situations.
you need the tulpa to wear a leader jacket and cool sunglasses when they front anon.

unless they aren't gonna front and they just tell you advice.

and like advisor is like the primary benefit and job of tulpas so like , you are as gay as everyone else in this general.
>you need the tulpa to wear a leader jacket and cool sunglasses when they front anon.

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I think I could make my tulpa a manifestation of my super-ego, in a way that it can guide me to become him.

Later it could dissipate when I managed to become like him.
Changing clothes or wearing special outfits to get tulpas to front is ancient shamanic technique. We tried this years ago with a face mask (pre-COVID) , but it didn’t work for us,
That’s just a daemon isn’t it?

I think the tulpa would be more like a manifestation of my personal idealization, what I want to become.

If I dare, I will begin the complete process of create a tulpa, i will share all the process and his (our) information
That's already my tulpa. Rather, my three tulpas.
The first one mainly represents my ego, though she also has an element of the superego.
The second one mainly represents my superego, though it has elements of the ego.
The third one is probably representative of the id. I say "probably" because none of us have seen it yet. I suspect it lives in my spinal cord. My second tulpa crawled out of my spinal cord during a mushroom trip, and we suspect there's one more guy in there hidden from view.
>none of us have seen it yet. I suspect it lives in my spinal cord.
What the fuc-
>My second tulpa crawled out of my spinal cord during a mushroom trip
You know that, carry on. I don't really have anything to say
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That's fine, anon. I'll admit there was some purposeful design on my part.
You see, I'm experimenting with using my tulpas to channel the innermost thoughts of my right brain. That great inner empire of the subconscious. I'm told of my innermost thoughts (or, at the very least, what they probably look like) and my tulpas and I sort it out. It's been going fine so far, I guess.
>How gay is it to create a tulpa that functions as an alter ego?
idk, how gay are method actors or puppeteers or just people in the video industry who have chrs?
Fred Rogers would sometimes switch to that witch puppet chr personality when he was displeased. i know very little abt Rogers' stuff (mainly that tiger puppet w the watch is very, very very dirty these days), but it was known he'd sometimes let a chr front. i can only imagine watching that.
method actors in general switch to alt personalities when under stress. it's also standard practice to have altars in the celebrity performer field.
Woah tulpas
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The outcome was never really in doubt

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