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Hi /x/, i got a story to tell you guys today. This happened to me years ago and i've never got someone to really talk to about all of this, i've always been an /x/phile but always had doubts if i should post this here on not, but recently things happened that made me change my mind so here we are. I hope you guys enjoy it.

>Be me
>Be brazilian
>Just finish school, and after studying a lot and through some miracle of luck managed to get into a good public university in my State, although not in the course i wanted
>Be sad because i wanted to study something else, but it is what it is
>In uni, most people are retarded normies who only think about the usual things normies think these days: instagram, twitter, the latest american issue imported to the brazilian political debate, pronouns
>Be at the uni library one day, looking at the books they have on the history and sociology section
>lots of books about religion and occultism here, covering everything from african folk religion to ancient mystery cults
>This peaks my interest and i begin to spend my time reading these instead of the course's subjects
>This goes on for weeks, during this time, a guy came up and began talking to me, he introduced himself as N, cool dude albeit a little strange, had this slumped eye which was really noteworthy on his face and walked as if he was always slightly off-balance
>He also had a string on his neck that seemed to hold some kind of necklace, although i never saw what the necklace was exactly
>He and i shared the interest about occultism, although he was clearly way more knowledgeable in the matter than me
>In all conversations we had, he led the subject and i always came out of them knowing things i would never imagine or probably even find in the library books
>He tells me the library is cool and has lots of resources, but some things are simply not available in places like this and that, to know the real truths, i needed to go beyond that
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>I asked him what he meant by this, and he said that, if i wanted, he could show me some special books he had that showed the truth of things
>I asked if he was talking about things like the lesser key of solomon or dogmas and rituals of high magic, some books i already knew from the occultist phenomena, or even the book of saint cyprian (a very popular grimoire here in Brazil said to have mainly metamorphosis powers), but he said those books where nothing compared to the things he had read
>Curious, i agreed to his proposal, and he invited me to go to his home that weekend
>When i arrived there in saturday afternoon, it was a normal middle-class house on a small and unremarkable neighborhood
>He welcomed me inside and explained that his mother was asleep so we should not make much noise
>The house was pretty silent and somewhat cold and dark even though the day outside was very sunny, most windows where shut and this gave the house a very still feeling
>He took me to his room, which was on the back of the house. When we entered, i saw that it was also very dark, with only a small sliver of light entering from a crack in the curtains
>It was a pretty unremarkable room, quite small, painted white and with the standard furniture you would expect. What really caught my attention was the 3 bookshelves spread through the walls filled with books
>When i say filled i do mean filled to the brim with the things, to the point that some books where in front of others and piled up in a disorderly manner to make up space for the things
>He smiled at my astonishment, and began talking about how his grandfather was a collector of books and how the custom must have rubbed off on him, although not on his own father
>He told me that, when his grandpa died, he left a chest with lots of special old books to him. Apparently, he was also big on the occult and had some materials from the imperial times that once belonged to the church and detailed many obscure occult practices
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>I asked to see one of them and he went to the foot of his bed, where a large wooden chest with a sturdy-looking lock rested. He pulled up the string from his neck and i saw that the necklace was just a key, a very old-looking iron key made to look like a cross
>When he opens the chest, i can see a lot of leather-bound books without any covers, just different shades of brown, black and red
>There’s not even titles on the covers, and the material seems very old, like just by looking at them i get scared that they might turn to sand or something
>He carefully picks one of the books and lays it gently atop his computer table, the tome is heavy and thick, and when he opens it i can see the yellowed pages
>The first page of the book has a religious picture and something written in latin, he explains to me that it is the creed prayer, apparently the priests who wrote these books made them like this to prevent them falling into wrong hands or something
>Luckly, the rest of the book isn’t in latin, but in old-school portuguese, wich, although somewhat difficult to read, isn’t impossible to someone who isn’t monkey-brained
>The book seems to be a study of some finer points of Goetia, containing lists of demons, astrological tables for summoning hours, procedures for rituals and the like
>Its a very complete and complex volume apparently, with hundreds of pages going into the specifics of how to summon demons, elementals and spirits and making sure they don’t fuck you up
>He explains to me that, while this book has the how-to one needs to summon demons, the real jewel is the more theoretical works that explain the worldview you need to have to first be able to make the rituals at all and then not be consumed by the creatures
>I listen to his lecture with great interest, although admittedly i always had a rough time with these “right state of mind” ideas, always seemed like religious crap to me and since i left the church early my cynicism was very strong in regards to these things
>My interest is mainly in the fact that these books seem the real legit deal, and so if there is something capable of summoning the supernatural, that should be it
>I asked them if we could summon something with those books, since he had them for so long he probably knew how to use them right?
>He tells me that he received them just last year, and that he didn’t believe himself ready to do a summoning yet, his state of mind wasn’t prepared for it, he wasn’t pure enough, etc.
>I insist with him over and over, trying to convince him that we should do it, i even ask once if he had already seen or summoned something at all to know if they work
>he says he tried once, but it didn’t work out that well, which is why he’s dedicating himself to the theoretical studies more before doing anything else
>Maybe i should have asked what went wrong, but i was so interested in testing the supernatural that i didn’t bother, instead going back to pestering him about trying some rituals
>The rest of the afternoon was divided between we talking about occultism and me trying to get him to do a ritual, he didn’t budge the entire time but i wasn’t going to let this opportunity slide without a fight, so when we said our goodbyes by the end of the day i promised myself i wouldn’t stop until i had convinced him to try a ritual
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>During the next weeks i insist progressively more on him to try something up, he tries to hook me into his theoretical study ideas, saying that if i summoned something without the proper preparation something bad would happen, but i insist that if we followed just the grimoires everything would be fine
>This goes on for almost a month until, finally, he gives in, telling me that i had won and that he believed he could pull the weight of us both in a ritual with his knowledge, but that i would have to do everything he said
>I agree and we decide to try summoning a air elemental in his backyard, he says he won’t summon any demons because that is asking for trouble
>He also asked me to “purify” myself for a month before we did the summoning, trying to eat less meat, avoid pornography, ire and other sins, as this could fuck up the ritual. Can’t say i did much effort on that department.
>We wait for a day when his parents won’t be home for the night, its a july night, his parents are away at a party and we can begin our work
>I won’t explain the ritual with details to you guys because i don’t think the average /x/phile has the sense to practice this without getting fucked, but what i can say is that we spent a good time making circles and sigils on the dirt of his backyard as well as arranging candles and some other ritualistic tools.
>Before the ritual began, he asked me to join him in a prayer for protection and purification, he had already asked me to bathe profusely before coming to his house tonight and frankly i was getting tired of all this “Purification” shit, but i followed with his orders because i had promised to
>Once everything was set up, we began the summoning ritual. Now, most people believe that you have to sacrifice living creatures to get a supernatural being to come to you, that isn’t always the case, you can also make the offer of food and drink and some spirits accept that, only more demanding creatures will require a living sacrifice to manifest themselves
>So we did that, we got some meat, fruits and wine together and offered it to the elemental, i was mainly repeating what my friend said, as he had more experience, but i had difficulty pronouncing the latin incantations used to bring the creature forth
>We chanted for a long while, it seemed like an entire hour, and the cold wind of the night only made it worse. It was a dark night, and there seemed to be no stars above, even the neighborhood seemed more silent than normal, it seemed that we are wholy alone
>It was then that i heard and felt a strong gust of wind, completely out of nowhere. It was as if some giant had begun blowing upon us with terrible strength: my clothes begun to be pulled violently, the pages of the grimoire on N’s hand began to flap wildly, interrupting him mid-chant, and some clothes that where hung on the backyard flew off
>I almost fell because of the surprise and force of the wind, but i did my best to stay up, N had told me not to leave the circle under any circumstances
Good thread, op. Keep going.
Sorry for the delay anons, had to deal with some things irl, continuing to post:

>I tried asking him what was happening, but I found myself unable to beat the gust of wind that now dominated the backyard. I gazed upon him, and he seemed to be still chanting the ritual from memory, as he could no longer read from the book which was now being violated by the terrible wind
>It was a terrible and terrifying situation, i felt my legs and whole body shake, not from the cold of the night wind, but from the fear that we had messed with something beyond us and found what we searched for. I don’t know for how long the violent gust lasted, but it felt like hours, terrible, long and cold hours.
>Then it died down, the violent gust slowly became more like a breeze, a tremendously could breeze, yes, but still a breeze, no more that violent tornado-like gust of hell
>I could now hear my friend chanting again, but his voice was also dying down. I looked at him and saw that he had stopped chanting, i asked him what had happened but he just raised his hand and shooed me, closing his eyes and raising his head as if trying to hear something
>I got confused for a second, until i began to hear very faint whispers coming from all around us, as if we where suddenly in the midst of a whispering crowd. I looked around but there was nothing to see, except the clothes on the strings that where still faintly moving, giving the illusion that something was there
>The whispers continued and i couldn’t make sense of them, they seemed to be asking something, but i couldn’t even make out what kind of language they where, they just sounded vaguely cohesive, like when you are drifting off to sleep and you hear people on your house but you can’t understand what they are talking about

Pretty good, poste uma página se puder.
>I felt once again a terrible cold and a sensation of my legs shaking, but this was now a internal cold, the kind of thing you feel when you think you fucked up real bad.
>I don’t know if this was because of the whispers, but i felt like something or some THINGS where looking at us, as if we had summoned a whole gaggle of undead spirits that would now haunt us forever
>It felt like forever, but eventually my friend began speaking, but it felt as if he wasn’t talking to me. I had difficulty making up what he was saying because the wind seemed to be stronger around him, as if he was becoming the “eye of the storm”
>This went on for a while, until finally after i had shat enough bricks the wind seemed to die down again and he opened his eyes, the feeling of being observed went away with it
>He told me to chant with him a finishing prayer to make sure the elemental went away, and i concurred, although i stuttered somewhat while saying the latin words. Afterwards, we quickly disassembled the ritual preparations and i noticed that the whine had vanished from the bottle, which was now empty
>We went into his house and turned all the lights on, we both where visibly shaken from the experience, and i asked him what had happened during the ritual
>He explained that we had managed to summon some wind elemental, but that it was too violent and powerful to be the one specified in the ritual. He said the elemental didn’t answer to the name in the book and thus he had to use a different closing incantation to get rid of it, as he didn’t knew the name of what he was talking to
>I felt as if a cube of ice had materialized in my stomach, i asked him if the creature had gone away for sure, to which he looked at me with a not very trusty face and said: “Maybe, you never know for sure with these things.”
>After that, we parted ways, i called a uber to go back home since i didn’t want to get mugged. He had offered me to stay at his home, but after the experience i decided i din’t want to go back there for a while.
>I managed to fall asleep pretty quickly, i didn’t notice how much tired i was until i laid down, but i didn’t sleep well that night, i can’t remember exactly why, but i feel like i had terrible dreams during that whole night
>When i woke up the next day i still felt weirded out by all that had happened, i didn’t have enough time to process the happening last night because i was just so tired when i got home, but now that i was awake again i began to think just how crazy the entire thing was
>Where a normal person would have their curiosity satisfied or be fearful that something bad may happen, the event only made my desire to know more grow, and i quickly picked up my phone and texted N to talk about yesterday
>The conversation dragged on, he was taking his sweet time to answer my texts, i felt at the time that he probably was tired after the whole ordeal the previous night, i for sure was
>He seemed as impressed as me that it actually had worked and neither of us had died, so i convinced him that we should try with a demon next time
>He said that he would think about it, and recommended me again that i should read theory to better my abilities, i told him i would next time i went to his home, without any intention of actually doing it
>The next weeks i spent a lot of time going to his home, not to study theory but instead to learn more about the rituals to invoke demons, which were way more complicated
>We decided that, if we where going to summon a demon, we might as well try to summon one that would help us with our grades in college, since we had been skipping a lot of classes to study the occult and it was beginning to take a toll on our grades
>After going through many names in his books, we decided to summon Glasya Labolas who, amongst other things, is capable of teaching the arts and sciences
>We waited again for the adequate astrological moment, and he stressed again that i should purify myself, this time especially because we where going to deal with a demon and thus purity and strength where necessary
>I was very tired those days and i believed it was because of having to juggle between college and the occult, so i started going less and less to college and spending more time sleeping or studying the rituals with him, i even convinced him to allow me to copy some pages of the book and take it back home with me for further study
>The day finally came and we where ready. It was another night, but this time he insisted we shouldn’t do it near his house, so we gave our parents the excuse of going to a party and instead gathered our things and went to a abandoned terrain in the farther part of the neighborhood
>To prevent someone recognizing us, we wore coats with hoods to hide our faces, it was still a very scary situation, since it was late at night and the two of us could be mugged. We hoped that the appearance of satanists we surely gave off would scare away any criminals
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>When we get there, we quickly begin to prepare the terrain for the summoning again. This time its a lot more work, and the air is just as cold as the time we summoned the elemental
>The terrain is very dark, the only light source is from a old lamppost on the street, its yellow light shinning meekly upon the dirt and grass of the abandoned terrain
>Once everything is ready, we get inside the circle and begin to chant the invocation in latin. I fared way better this time, having trained extensively for it, but i was still somewhat afraid
>N seemed to be so too, although he didn’t stutter i could hear in his voice the hints of fear. It was difficult for me to judge if the cold i felt was because of the night or the fear
>Unlike last time, there was no amazing gust of wind came during our chants, instead we went on chanting and chanting for what seemed like almost an hour without a response
>That was when we noticed the silence
>When we arrived at the terrain, we could hear all the usual city night sounds: dogs, cats, cars, insects and people in their homes. The things that you grow accustomed to so much you don’t even notice anymore
>But you can still notice their absence, like we where now. We couldn’t even hear the wind.
>Despite the surprise and the ominous feeling it brought, we carried on with the summoning, repeating the chants over and over and over again
>As time went on, we began to notice the temperature dropping. First slightly, then sharply until i almost couldn’t contain my teeth clattering
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>It was around then that i noticed from the corner of my eye a figure moving about the darkness to our left
>Shocked, i looked in that direction, and N did so too. We stopped chanting and gazed upon the darkness in silence
>And from the darkness something was gazing back at us: at first you wouldn’t be able to make them out of the general ink blackness, but once your eyes adjusted a little you would notice it
>There were two spaces amidst the dark which where darker than most, like new black ink in contrast to old, faded painting
>Once my eyes noticed that, i also noticed that a silhouette of something resembling a dog but with a different anatomy was also outlined in the dark, again by the same effect of the two spots
>My stomach dropped when i noticed what it was, it was clearly gazing at us but we couldn’t make out anything except its rough outline and what should be its two eyes
>Looking at it was unlike any other experience i ever had, it wasn’t simply fear like when i felt the elemental around us, it was abject terror, horror even, the feeling that i was looking at a unfathomable abyss and that at any moment my soul could slip and fall into it to be forever lost
>It was as if gazing into them transported my soul to a black and unending cold desert of abandon and fear, i had the distinct feeling that, even if i screamed until my vocal cords gave up, no one would hear me

OP please continue. So far this has been an extremely interesting read. I’m sure others are reading too and are completely taken aback by your experience.
Thanks anon, the posts will continue

>The creature kept its eyes fixated on me for a long while, until N began to address it. This time i could hear them both talking, the exchange was more or less like this:
>”Oh glasya labolas, great count of Hell, we have summoned you here and given you sacrifice, and now we request a boon in exchange”
>The creature’s voice was something halfway between a human and a dog, half primal half elegant and composed. Despite the paradoxical nature of its sound, i still could make out the words:
>”Aspiring binders, how much courage must thou have to call upon my name in this night and how much pride must grip thou hearts that you would request boons for such meager sacrifice? I feel no life in this flesh and no strength in this wine, this can pay for nothing”
>Me and N looked at each other anxiously, the book had specified that this ritual didn’t require living beings nor blood, but something was clearly wrong. I felt as if my legs where about to give way
>”What do you desire then?” N asked the creature
>From the darkness, we could hear a growl that seemed too much like a laugh, and the weak light from the lamppost illuminated briefly what appeared to be a full mouth of canine teeth which shone with a red luminescence, as if the light was reflecting on something red
>”I yearn for violence, end a life in my name, consecrate a corpse on the altar of brutality to me, and i shall ensure that your wish is attended”
>Me and N looked at each other, i saw in his face the same thing i was already thinking: “Hell no”. I just wanted to chant the banishment incantation right there and then, but N had warned me against it, saying that we would probably just anger the demon if we did it like that
>So N told the demon we wheren’t going to take the deal. It was easier said than done, however, as the demon began trying to persuade us that it wasn’t such a problem as we where making it out to be
>He told us many things, like pointing out that we already where using a corpse to summon him, and that we could just kill another chicken, or another kind of animal, no need for a human
>Frankly i felt somewhat tempted, especially when he told us that he could see a very miserable life for us if we rejected his offer, as there was no way we where fixing our grades that year without him. We hadn’t even told him what we wanted yet, and the way he talked about it made me feel cold to the bone.
>We must have spent almost half an hour debating the merits of killing for him with the demon, until the anxiety got the best of me and i said, a bit too loud, that we wheren’t taking any damned deal from him
>I immediately regretted what i did, for the demon’s gaze focused on me again. The same horrible sensations washed over me again, just this time mixed with a sense of anger and danger emanating from him
>It was a strange sensation, because at the same time i also felt somewhat hypnotized, like in those movies where the prey is enchanted by the predator and remains in a stupor even while it fears and knows its imminent death. Part of me knew that i was probably done so, even if i was still in the circle. I felt my legs trembling, as if trying to move.
>”Don’t look at it!” N screamed at me and pulled me closer to him in the circle, he then began chanting the prayer for banishment in latin and i quickly followed him, as a terrible growl began to sound all around us, becoming louder and louder by the second
>I couldn’t look at the creature because of the way N held my face, but my eyes where fixed on the ground and i could see that the light coming from the street was now flickering, alternating the terrain between light and dark randomly
>The air around us got extremely cold, to the point that i began being able to see my breath condensed in front of my eyes, the sudden change in temperature made my fingers hurt
>Then we began to hear the barking, as if all the dogs in the city had appeared in the terrain and started barking at us with murderous intent
>Those barks where terrible, the kind of thing you hear in your nightmares and just by remembering them you feel scared. To this day i tremble when i recall the sound, it was something from another, colder and darker world, something with the primeval violence of the dogs but with added traces of a evil no animal could ever possess
>At one moment, i thought i saw the outline of a paw on the ground at the edge of my vision. I closed my eyes completely and wouldn’t open them for all the money in the world, i knew that, if i did so,i would regret it heavily
>After what felt like hours, the barking stopped and the temperature went back to normal. N told me i could open my eyes and, when i did, i saw that we were still at the terrain, the lights had come back, and there was no dog to be seen
>I looked at him and was about to ask what had happened but his expression made me change my mind, he had a face that wouldn’t feel much out of place on a corpse, he wasn’t very white but now he was pale almost like milk
>We left the circle and dismantled the setup quickly, while doing that i noticed that the wine and food where intact, when i pointed it out to N he looked at it without expression and told me to leave it, better not to touch it at all
>Part of me didn’t want to go home and sleep tonight, not after all i had seen. The sounds and the images of the ritual where still coming back to my head, and i was sure i would have nightmares that night
>But i also didn’t want to spend time in his house, it also had a strange atmosphere which i had been noticing more the more time i spent with him. It was always cold and dark, even in the sunniest days, and frankly, staying there would probably only make me think more of all that happened
>So i went back home, N said he would contact me later tomorrow to talk about what happened and we parted ways
>All the way during my trip back home and even when i got there i couldn’t shake the memories of what had happened and a incessant feeling that something was following me, whenever i saw or heard a dog i felt my heart skip a heartbeat, as if the creature was going to jump from the dark and attack me at any moment
>It was a very rough night, even with the lights on and listening to podcasts i couldn’t sleep, the fear and constant feeling that there was something watching wouldn't allow it
>When i finally managed to pass out, i had horrible nightmares where a large black dog with wings hunted me through the streets of a city, biting bits of my flesh and barking at me
>I woke up to the sound of my cell phone ringing, bathed in sweat and trembling from the nightmares
>It was N, he told me that we needed to talk and that it would be better to do in person, i agreed
>We went to a cafeteria, i still hadn’t eaten that day and was feeling sick, and apparently he was too so we didn’t eat anything, just drank some coffee to not get thrown out
>The conversation wasn’t a happy one, it was basically him saying that he was done with playing around with Goetia, especially with me
>When i asked why, he said that i probably had fucked something up, probably didn’t purify myself adequately and that’s why the demon didn’t obey us like he was meant to
>I said he was full of crap, that he was leading the ritual and if someone was to blame it was probably him, not me
>The discussion began to get worse and worse until we where almost screaming at each other, which was when the cafe’s owner told us to shut up or he would throw us out of the establishment
>I never felt so angry at him like then, i believe i could easily have jumped on N and punched him until his face was red, why did he think he could talk to me like that? How could he say i was the culprit? If anyone was the culprit, it was probably him
>Once outside, N, who was still looking tired from yesterday, looked at me in silence and said that, if i was so good at that, maybe i would make better use of his grandpa’s grimoire than him
>I told him that i probably would, considering he’s too much of a pussy to use it. Amazingly, N didn’t react in a aggressive manner, just nodding his head and saying:
>”Come, i’l give it to you then”
Very interesting OP, this reminds of that Christopher Lee video where he states never to mess with black magick. Please don’t let this be one of the walk the dinosaur greentexts.

Hope there's more, great read so far
Leet larp OP. The writing was vivid.
Thanks to everyone who has read this far, there is still more to come, i had gone to sleep and will continue posting now

>We went back to his house, his parents where around this time and that must have been the third time i had ever seen the two of them together, they never talked much to me or N though, he had told me that they where very absent
>As usual, the house was cold and dark, but his room was very different: he had opened all the windows and allowed the sunlight in, changing the entire atmosphere
>He quickly opened the chest and took the grimoire out of it, the one where we had found the ritual to summon the demon
>”Here, take it, choke on it for all i care, maybe then you will learn to listen to me” he told me while holding it up to my face, the tone of his voice was still bitter
>I got a bad feeling then, a small flash of sobriety in the storm of anger that had suddenly washed over us: i was fighting with what was probably the only friend i had in college, and over what, a old dusty book that could fuck me up?
>But this doubt quickly vanished as he shoved it at my face again, repeating for me to take it, i felt i could punch him right then and there and so took it from his hands and walked away in silence, i didn’t even say goodbye
>With the book on my possession, i began to study the rituals alone, i was sure that i had done everything correctly and that the issue was N’s obsession with purity and theory instead of focusing on practice
>The months that followed where very rough as i became more and more obsessed with the book and its rituals, to the point i began skipping almost half of the college days to dedicate myself to studying the rituals
>I had given up completely on the idea of studying for college, and decided that the best plan would be to make a deal with another demon for knowledge, i believe that, if instead of material gains such as wealth i asked for knowledge, i would be able to evade the usual end people have of losing everything one day
>But i didn’t have the courage to summon Labolas again, i still had nightmares about the whole ordeal, so i decided to try my luck with another demon
>Luckly, there are many demons who grant knowledge, one of them is Buer, a “president” of Hell in their hierarchy
>It would be more difficult to do the ritual without N’s knowledge, he had a veritable trove of occult materials and had been doing this for a while, whereas i was a complete sole initiate, but i was certain i would be able to manage, and then i could shove it on N’s face
>I decided that this time i would leave nothing to chance, so i “borrowed” some money from my parents without them knowing and bought everything i would need, including a live chicken for sacrifice
>The most difficult part was the chicken, i had to hide it through an entire afternoon so my parents wouldn’t ask about it, for that i asked the guy who sold it to me to tie it up neatly so that it couldn’t scream or move around, i put it on a big box and hid it on my room
>I was so obsessed with doing it back then that it didn’t bother me in the slightest to do that with the poor animal, even though in the past i had never been insensible to the suffering of animals
>That night i went to a crossroads in my neighborhood, unlike the other nights the air was mild, not cold, and the wind blew softly, in general a much more pleasant atmosphere
>This didn’t help my anxiety, however. It was the third time i tried a summoning, but it would be the first time i would do it alone and involving live sacrifice
>I was scared not only of what could go wrong, but of some hobo fucking me up or, god forbid, the police passing through and me getting into trouble
>It took a lot more time to set up the circles and ritual apparel without N, but i was so obsessed with the work that i didn’t stop once, not even when the chicken moved inside the bag i had brought it in
>When all was done, i began the ritual. Again, i’m not going to explain how it was, but suffice to say that it involved killing the chicken and draining its blood
>Just remembering that i did without thinking twice makes me sick, the poor animal was clearly terrified and shaking around, trying to free itself, while i did my thing without a ounce of compassion
>Once it all was done and the sacrifice was ready, i began chanting for Buer. I chanted over and over, my voice growing louder with each repetition as the initial shyness and fear was replaced with a ardent desire to see the creature and be granted my wish
>I don’t know how many times i repeated it, but at one moment i began to hear dogs howling and cats mewing where before there was a sepulchral silence
>This immediately scared me, as i thought Labolas was somehow being summoned, so i stopped the chant immediately and looked around
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I'm not going to read all of that.
>But the air wasn’t cold like i remembered, and i didn’t see the black dots like i had seen last time. Instead, my nostrils where assaulted by a wet smell, somewhat like what you feel when you go to the forest after a long rain, it was the odor of nature, savage and undisturbed wild
>Then i began to hear some shuffling towards a abandoned terrain to my right, i turned my eyes there and saw something that almost killed me
>I had seen the representations of Buer in the book before and found them quite silly, but its completely different when you see something in person
>The demon’s form was something grotesque, i could make out the rough outline of a lion’s head from the light that shone on the terrain, the creature, however, was still somewhat hidden in darkness so it was difficult to be certain of its form
>but i could make up goat legs around it, like the rays of the sun in old paintings, the lower hooves clapping about on the ground like some mockery of satyrs and the upper ones dancing wildly on a savage and orgiastic primeval dance
>The eyes of the creature, unlike those of Labolas, weren't dark, they shone like you normally see with cats in the dark, making it seem like two stars inhabited the lion head that now gazed upon me
>The creature’s appearance scared me, but it didn’t feel like the same kind of fear that Labolas gave me. Back then it was the fear that it would harm me out of evil, but here it was more like the feeling you have when you look at a wild animal and knows it could kill you out of instinct
>The creature then spoke to me, it had a guttural voice, kinda like a lion’s roar and asked me what i wanted with him
>I explained to him that i wanted the knowledge to get through my tests at college and he gazed in silence at me for a while, i could swear i also heard him sniffing the air. At no moment he left the terrain or the darkness, although every now and then a part of his body would enter the light and i would be able to see him better
>It was a very tense situation, like when you are a kid and are face to face with a street dog, the two of you are quiet and you know that, if you make the smallest movement, he might attack you, but you also think that, if you stay put, he will jump you at any moment
>After what felt like a eternity, the creature answered with a growl that he would grant me my wish, and then he walked back into the dark, melding into the cold black nothing until i couldn’t make out his silhouette any longer
>When it was all over, the air went back to normal and the peaceful silence returned to the world. I was trembling slightly, and felt extremely tired after the experience, my head was pounding slightly and i just wanted to go home
>But i felt like i had accomplished something that night, there was pride in me, for i had achieved what N had not: i had managed a deal with a demon. Of course, i was somewhat scared that it would backfire like it does so many times, but for the moment the pride and exhaustion took over most of my brain, so i just went back home and slept for the night
>Amazingly, it was one of the best nights of sleep i ever had since the ritual with N, and probably in my entire life. I don’t remember any dreams and woke up completely rested and full of energy
>Later that week i had a test in college and i managed to get a grade high enough to compensate for my previous lacking in past months, the same thing happened to all the other end of semester tests
>It appeared as if everything was going well, i entered my summer break feeling on top of life. I even contacted N to shove on his face how i managed to succeed where he had failed
>N, however, didn’t seem interested in talking to me. After picking up my first call, he simply blocked my number
>During this period, i began to dedicate myself more and more to the study of the grimoire and using its rituals. I had many experiences with the supernatural during those times: i saw ghosts, other demons, had dreams wich where prophetic and received many revelations of secrets both profane and holy
>Some of these happenings where still scary, during this period i started having sleep paralysis episodes, something that i never had before, and started seeing shadows in my house during the night, but nothing ever harmed me or my family so i believed it was only a side effect of being more spiritually-oriented now
>I think the most noteworthy event during this period was when i contacted a demon called Vine, for i had read that he was capable of imparting knowledge of the true nature of social hierarchies, something i believed could help me a lot in life
>The summoning was successful and, out of all the demons i saw, he was one of the most normal and even agreeable. I remember he had a distinct accent that seemed british, even when talking portuguese
>He told me much about the social classes, about how all riches are born out of sacrifice and how that heritage remains with them forever. How one must be ready to assume such a stigma to grow, and how greatness always requires tribute
>I believed that i had managed to cheat reality somehow, but as i was about to find out everything has a price. When college returned and i had another test, i noticed that i didn’t have the wisdom of Bauer anymore, and so got completely fucked in the exam
>This bummed me, but after thinking for a while i came to the conclusion that my ritual didn’t ensure knowledge for the whole life, the sacrifice was too small, thus it followed that i would have to sacrifice something for him again
>However, when i summoned the demon, he told me that he desired more than a simple chicken, that his hunger must be satiated if i desired the knowledge
>Because of his demands, my sacrifices grew greater and greater, going from simple chickens to stray animals. That was probably the lowest point of my life, when i did things that i look back and think that, if i met my former self nowadays, i would probably beat the shit out of me without a ounce of remorse
>But it before fruits, and time and again i managed to get the needed grates to advance in college, despite not studying at all
>As time went on my situation began to deteriorate, almost every night was tormented by nightmares, sounds in my room, shadows at the corner of my eyes and, some times, the sounds of hooves on the roof of my house
>This began to have a effect in my health, i began to get sick far more easily, and the lack of sleep made me highly irritable and unable to focus. It came to the point that all i could really do was study the rituals in the grimoire and browse the web, for i had no interest in anything else
>It was about that time that N came to me again. We had stoped talking but we still frequented the same college, he was now one semester behind me thanks to having failed his tests but we still saw each other every now and then, although we never spoke and made an active effort to ignore the other
>He came to me one day when i was eating, the difference between us by then was notable: while i seemed more like a skeleton with perpetual dark circles on my eyes and my face always gazing down, he seemed to have recovered from his perpetually-tired expression from back then, his slumped eye had almost gone back to normal and his posture while walking seemed fixed, in general he seemed way healthier than when we met
>I expected him to pick up a fight, but to my surprise he spoke to me gently and without anger, something that confused me, after all we had never made peace after what happened
>We talked a long while, after he managed to break the ice and reach me beyond the layer of fossilized anger and bitterness i noticed that i had felt terribly lonely all those years and really missed him, i had no friends to talk to after losing him
>We talked about our lives, and i quickly noticed that, while mine was easy but without much to be proud of except the occultic practices, his was a lot harder but full of interesting events. He told me how he had to repeat most subjects in his first semester and almost lost his scholarship, but managed to pull through after much study, how he picked up writing as a hobby and dedicated himself more to his course, to the point that he never had problems with grades again
>He shared many stories about the places where he was a intern the past years, the people he met, the problems he got into and how he solved them. In general, it seemed like a month of his life had more things than my past years
This is a good thread OP. Bump
>When i told him about my life, he seemed genuinely concerned for me, saying that i should stop messing with the grimoire, that it was clearly fucking me up and that i couldn’t go on like that forever
>We argued because of that, for while it was undeniable that my life had many problems ever since i began the rituals i also had gained much and grew accustomed to it. The truth is that, while i feared the demons and for my eternity, i feared being left with no magical solutions anymore for my problems, and losing the power and knowledge i had gained until them. I had the distinct feeling that, should i stop doing the rituals, specially those for knowledge, i wouldn’t be able to finish college at all
>Part of me also felt resentment for the fact that N would come out on top if i turned my back on the rituals, i would basically be proving him right and saying that all my years doing rituals had been a waste
>Because of this, our discussion didn’t get anywhere, we parted ways when the time for class came and i was hoping to never see him again, but when i arrived home latter that day i saw a message from him on my cellphone, he had unblocked me and wanted to resume contact
I don't want instructions for summoning a hellnigger, but can you expand or give some pointers on the theory and wordlview stuff? I'm into that shit.
wow this is some really gay shit, I'm glad you told nobody about this
>This coincided with a period when the demon’s demands for tribute had grown too large, to the point that they began asking me for human blood, something that i wasn’t willing to give. It felt as if i was at the event horizon of my humanity, and something in me still held me back from diving head-first into the abyss
>But i couldn’t shake away the obsession i had with the occult, i had entangled myself too much into it, to the point that it was easier for me to contemplate death than a life without the occult
>And contemplate death i did, i began to have suicidal thoughts almost daily, depression hit me like a truck around this period, to the point where i couldn’t even bring myself to study the occult
>Then, one night, i had what was probably the worst nightmare of my entire life. It was a grotesque dream where i was dragged by animal-headed people to what seemed like the altar of a temple, there was a enormous crowd of similar creatures looking at me from bellow, and i felt that they all where hungry for my flesh. The whole scenario was illuminated by torches held by demonic statues, for the night was dark and there was no star or moon in the sky.
>I was suspended on a pole by the creatures and they began whipping me with iron-tipped flails, tearing the skin from my body. That was the worst pain i had ever felt in my life, even tough it was a dream i felt as if i could die in that exact moment, the blood flowed from the open wounds down the pole and the altar into the steps of the temple, and the crowd of demons bellow howled with laughter and ecstasy
>This went on for hours, a torture that never seemed to end. I couldn’t even summon forces to beg them to stop, and it came to the point that, despite my irreligiosity, i wanted to cry to god for help, but i couldn’t even do that
Of course, i will answer all questions the anons have once i'm done posting, we are near the end now so i should be done soon

>Then they dragged me from the pole to what looked like an altar of pure white marble and laid me there. The pain i felt because of the open wounds touching the marble was horrible, but it was nothing compared with what i saw then
>A dog-headed man with wings was approaching, his face contorted in a inhumane smile of hunger, his eyes two pools of blackness. I knew what he was, and in that moment despair like i never felt gripped my heart
>When he reached me, he sunk his teeth into my chest without ceremony, tearing at my flesh like a rabid animal, blood and flesh flying all around in a grotesque spectacle
>The pain was something beyond anything i've felt, beyond something i could even describe, just trying to remember it is already enough to make me tremble and feel nausea
>I screamed, screamed like i never had and probably never will again, screamed until i passed out and woke up, screaming and trembling in my room
I think I've read this story before...
>My parents came to see what was happening, and i told them i just had a nightmare, they screamed at me for making such a noise during a week day and went back to bed, but i couldn’t go back to sleep
>I was still trembling, cold sweat ran down my skin and i felt a horrible pain in my back
>I looked at my back in the mirror and saw 4 horrible bruises in it, like something had scratched it terribly
>I felt in that moment i could faint again, i sat on my bed with all the lights in the room turned on and decided i would not sleep again that night, and that this was too much for me
>I called N the next day, told him i wanted to talk and we arranged to meet again on the same cafeteria we had last met so many years ago
>I told him everything, how the demons where demanding more and more of me, how my health was declining and the terrible nightmare and the bruises
>He didn’t seem impressed by what i told him, saying that he guessed something of the sort was happening to me, he told me that, since i probably didn’t do the purification procedures correctly, the ritual’s protections didn’t work out correctly and thus i got “tainted” by the demons, who never truly went away when i finished them, instead remaining near me and feeding off my energies
>I asked him if he could help me get rid of this, and he said that he didn’t have such a power, that although he still had his grandfather’s books i spent so much time with the demons that a complex ceremony beyond his abilities would be needed
>He said that only some religious authority could do it, he told me of a priest who, apparently, was a friend of his grandfather when he was still alive, and who shared his interest for the more occult aspects of religion
>I had doubts if this would work, mainly because i was not religious, but he explained to me that it was the best way, since the demons of the Goetia most commonly work in a abrahamic environment the abrahamic priesthood is more capable of dealing with them, and that the belief of the healer is the most important part of the ritual, besides i already believed the rituals of the priests had power, for i had been using their books
>I agreed to do it, and we went to the church of the priest that very day. It was a small building built in a classical style on a unassuming neighborhood, a place you could easily forget
>Once there, we spoke to the priest, his name was J. J, apparently, was already on friendly terms with N, and when he began telling the priest about my situation he didn’t seem surprised, saying that he recognized the great spiritual pain upon my back the moment he laid his eyes upon me
>He said that the ritual would be best done as quickly as possible but that he needed time to prepare. He told me that, while he prepared, the best i could do was try to keep my body strong and not involve myself with anything supernatural, especially not the grimoire
>That last week before the purification ceremony was one of the worst times of my life, i had constant nightmares and there wasn’t a single night i slept well, i got sick with something and had to deal with my head pounding and a high fever too
>During the nights, i heard dogs barking outside and things on the roof of my house like never before. Amazingly, this cacophony of hellish sounds only affected me, for my parents it seemed like another normal day in life
>When N and i went to the church again for the purification ceremony, i was barely able to walk straight, needing him to prop me up to meet the priest. I took the grimoire with me too, as they had said it was necessary
>I will not divulge the details of the ceremony as the priest asked me not to, but suffice it to say it was a long night when lots of things left my body and lots of doors where closed, i woke up the next day after a dreamless night, and no longer did i feel any spiritual or material malaise
>After that, i never saw the grimoire again. The priest said that this kind of thing isn’t supposed to be used by laymen whose weak wills can easily be warped by demons and that he would now take care of it
>I didn’t complain, after all that i wanted nothing more to do with the grimoire. N was happy that i finally snapped out of it, saying that he regretted having given it to me
>He told me that, after our experience, he got rid of the other demonology works his grandfather had given him by handing them over to the priest too, just keeping the theoretical works in his home. Right after doing that, he felt his life get immensely better, and it was the beginning of the good times he had told me about
>A similar phenomena came over me after the purification: calm returned to my nights, my health improved and my mood stabilized. When i looked back upon what happened i noticed just how far i had strayed and how close i came to total destruction
>There where heavy costs: i couldn’t finish college because, thanks to not having studied at all for the past years, i had no idea about the most basic points of the course, so i had to leave it and go work at a menial job in construction
>It was rough, but after some years working i joined a trade school and started a course on electrical engineering, after some more years i managed to get a certificate and now work as a autonomous electrical mechanic
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>My friendship with N continued and grew stronger after this, after all those years i finally made good on my promise back then and studied the theory he had been pestering me long ago to study about, and although i wasn’t planning on summoning anything anymore it had wisdoms for life that i took to heart
>Not only that, the whole ordeal heavily influenced my worldview. All of this taught me that there are forces out there you are not supposed to mess with, games whose rules are to be followed strictly. Even the words of some demons, like the wisdom imparted on me by Vine, still had some ring of truth to them, despite being warped by their demonic inclinations
>But the greatest experience I brought out of this was probably that, no matter how low you have fallen, you can always climb back up. Stay safe anons, don’t let an obsession ruin your life, you are better than that.
So what are the demons of the Ars Goetia? You said it seems like they are from a colder and darker world and part of the Abrahamic spiritual environment? What does that mean exactly?
I'l now be answering any questions you guys might have so feel free to ask anything

The theory part of the magic we where doing is the background belief/way of seeing things that you need to actually work these things correctly. Think of it like doing mathematics, you have to know the basics of operations and the rules/axioms to be able to understand and use the more complex systems, the same applies here

It's part utilitarian knowledge part belief, as all magical traditions are. You won't be able to use the basics of Goetia without believing in its basic axioms, like that demons exist, that the stars and planets influence the spiritual world, that each planet has regent spirits, the existence of elementals, etc. You have to believe or at least be open to the possibility of these things existing for them to manifest, as only them the invocations you make will "carry weight" so to speak. Its as if you where trying to call someone but you don't actually believe it will work, so your body unconsiously doesn't put effort into it and therefore the call comes out too low or not at all.

There are more complex elements, the purity part, for instance, is very prevalent not only in Goetia but in most near-eastern religious traditions, mainly islamic and hebrew ones. Ritual cleansing is important both to allow you to come in contact with divinity without dying and to channel divine energy/authority to rule over demons. Without a adequate level of purity, most rituals either won't work or be botched causing damage to you, which was what happened to me since i was stupid and didn't follow my friend's instructions to the letter.
It's difficult to nail down exactly their nature, as it is with most matters of the spiritual. Almost all sources of knowledge you have are testemonies either from them or from religious organizations, both of which have their own reason to warp what they truly are.

Even amongst their own, the demons and religious people don't seem to agree on a version, but in general they "are" spirits that have sentience and human-like desires and inteligence. They differ from elemental, astral and planetary spirits which are more like forces of nature.

Their relationship with the abrahamic spiritual worldview is complicated, from what i gathered they either predate abrahamic beliefs but where incorporated into them for such a long time that they became de facto part of them to the point some believe they where always abrahamic or they are completely a creation of the abrahamic spiritual sphere, their existence being wholly confined to the realm of abrahamic spirituality

Regardless of the truth, the reality is that, nowadays, they exist within the abrahamic worldview. They are powerfull creatures that can be summoned and bound to do the bidding of mortals like King Solomon once did and they differ wildly from one demon to another in terms of both personality and power. Lucifer isn't the same as Buer, for instance.
Why do these demons have a hierarchy and what do the positions mean?
You mentioned that the purification rituals allow a summoner to endure the demon's darkness in order to bind him. How does one estimate their purification and what makes a behavior pure?
>writes all this larp crap
yeah im not buying any of this. maybe 2 posts max, but all this? nope
So when you say the air became colder, was this a feeling or a literal change of weather. For example, could such entities keep temperatures under -20 degrees Fahrenheit (just warmer than -30 celsius) for several hours for a certain place? What I mean can these entities be redirected for chemical or mechanical labor? I would never, but I wonder if people do. Like, could some master magician have an evil demon turning his millstone?
Well written and fun to read but larp/10 unless you can provide any evidence (please)
What do you think some cryptids are? Demons who escaped the ritual? I know some, like the Kraken, are actual animals.
Nice thread OP, it was a really nice story, evn if you're just LARPing. Most interesting thread of this month here, at least.
I can already tell this greentext is going to be a classic. How could it not? It really doesn't suspend disbelief for the average 4chan schizo. The only thing complained about was that this happened in Brazil.
Hierarchies are simply a facet of living beings, just like the concept of the great chain of being in christian philosophy or the food chain in science, everything lives on a system where there are things above and things bellow. The hierarchy of demons is based on power but how that power is measured is a whole can of worms on its own.

The titles used in Goetia practice where classifications that medieval necromancers wrote down during their studies and that got turned into the accepted hierarchy we have today with time, its merely a atempt of translating the relations of power between daemonic entities to human terms, don't think of a daemonic duke or president in the same way you would think of a human one.

I know of no method to accurately measure your purity, its not like sugar on the blood which can be easily measured. The closest we have is the prescribed periods of purification to try certain rituals, depending on what you are trying to do you may have to spend a week or an entire semester preparing.

Pure behaviors also change depending on what you are trying to do, some rituals require complete abstention from lustfull practices, others demand that one does not eat meat, others require that you don't even gaze upon a woman. It can also change according to your ritual/religious practice, but one thing that is a constant is the need of some form of ritual bath before great rituals, something the jews still do a lot with their ritual washing practices.

I believe they could be harnessed for such ends, as they do have effects on the material world and the most well-known example of Goetia use we have is king Solomon using demons he bound through Goetia to build the Temple.
I'm not a specialist on cryptids, but since i'm a occultfag i know one thing or two about them. Cryptids being simply a denomination for creatures that science doesn't acknowledge but could exist probably hold some manifestations of demons in their ranks, but i would wager the majority of cryptids are just very strange creatures that evolved through very specific niches, as demons are mainly spiritual beings and thus shouldn't spend much time materialised
Unfortunely there isn't much evidence i can provide to you, as i said i gave the grimoire to the priest when he cleansed me, and N doesn't want to show these books to the public and i respect his wish

Thanks guys, this is no LARP believe me, these experiences really did happen and my life was forever changed by it, altough you will have to take my word on it.
Regardless if you believe it or not, i'm gratefull for everyone's time and atention.
There's all sorts of medieval and renaissance textbooks and grimoires that classify demons. Another example is the infernal dictionary which includes about 64. I have always wondered, the Ars Goetia seems like it's the official "table of elements" for these entities. Is it occult tradition or did the author have the most accurate representation of these entities? I wonder why this classification system became the most famous/normal.
The Ars Goetia certainly was very well-written and holds much magical knowledge, i can't judge if everything there is correct or not but from my experience i would say most is. The thing is, it isn't a exhaustive exploration of the world of demons, the author, despite his great knowledge, still had limited time and resources to create his work and because of that many other details escaped him which would either go on to be incorporated by later ritual tradition or remain hidden to this day.
Bumpilicus Bumpilicus Bumpylkarie
Here is a bump so that others might see!
Bumpilicus Bumpilicus Bumpalthazar
So others might see this from near and from far!
Bumpanadu Bumpanadu Bumpanada
Come tell your uncle, your sister, and bruh
Bampanadu Bumpanadu Bumbumpilary
A bump may you carry to let this thread tarry!
Is there a master list of all demons in the Western occult world?
Not a troll question, just a sick freak

On a scale of 1-10 how fuckable are the demons? And would they take sex as an offering?
He said Buer was grotesque. I am guessing touching one will mess up your psyche if not soul.
I think my will to fuck a demon or angel outweighs the “horror beyond human comprehension” thing. But you do have a good point.
I mean does anything in this ars goetia even look like a pretty woman? Stolas isn't the dude from Helluva Boss; he's not some silly British soft boi dating an imp. Nigga's a literal demon who's way bigger than a human and probably unkillable. Buer is a lionhead with six horse legs. No vagina, no penis; sex with him isn't a femdom bitch with double d tits and red skin. It's getting clopped to death in hysterical laughter while your soul falls into a dimension of desolation.
Yeah, that’s the fun part.
Well, if you do try it and it works, greentext it. Be careful it's not some trick if does end up being an 11/10 queen. What's in it for the demon to fuck an "incel" from 4chan?

Maybe try lucid dream sex? That's probably less work and a better experience, and best of all, it doesn't use materialized demons which want something in return.
I’m actually a femanon (go figure right, of course waman wants to fuck horrific demon)

But yeah, can’t fathom what’s in it for them. Just think it would be a cool story for everyone to accuse of being larp. Also think I could handle it
>woman paying for sex
You could probably make people pay for you instead. Then you could have sex and get something extra out of it.

And even though these beasts look male, they probably don't have any genitalia. All of their offers are designed to not be worth it unless you want to become as "pious" as King Solomon or something which I don't think the demon fucker does.
What is some occult wisdom which helps in everyday life?
>go figure right, of course waman wants to fuck horrific demon
BBC is trending for a reason
Do you think some demons would view it as an insult to be summoned for that?
>can a 4chan thread ever pass without the mention of bbc?
Mutt's Law indeed.
>female mentions they're into bestiality
of course im going to mention bbc
I know of no single work which lists all existing demons of the western occult world, mainly because the occultist world is divided in many different practices, and many groups hate each other since centuries ago. Add to that the fact that there are probably dozens of smaller demons that no one has ever wrote down and i find it highly unlikely such a work exists.

Depends on the demon for both questions, sex as a offering to spiritual forces has been around for a long time, its completely not kosher in Goetia terms for the reason that its both a abrahamic tradition and you are dealing with evil creatures most of the time, but other traditions, mainly eastern ones, have the usage of sexual energies and practices to connect with otherwordly beings.
If you want a more western example, traditionally the succubus and incubus dynamic is believed to be that the succubus steals the semen from human men so the incubus can go and impregnate human women.

I learned many things during my times with the occult, but i will keep it short to 3 "rules" so its easier to assimilate:
1) Whatever you do, put your body and soul into it. If you feel like you really have to do something, internalise that within you, really grasping the rationale of why you are doing it instead of just doing the motions. This is the basis of many magical practices but its also the basis of most productive work in general.
2) Stay away from bad places and people, it doesn't matter if they are criminals or just people that make you feel bad, the company you keep influences you on many ways and you want to always keep your surroundings as "clean" as possible for your own spiritual and bodily health
3)Respect what you don't know, never approach a new situation with arrogance or carelessness, always be prepared to learn from a new experience and never think that you know everything there is to something without experiencing it firsthand.
I’m sure you and most people would strongly advice against working with these demons, however;
If someone was dead set on it, are there any demons you would suggest working with? Are there any that are less likely to trick you, have milder temperaments, are easier to summon or more willing to deal with “mundane” affairs?

I don’t think I would ever do it, I work with Germanic gods and nature, and the idea of demons disgusts me and makes me feel sick compared to how nature spirits do. But if I ever did it would probably be something mild just to witness what they truly look like.
You're very close to Satan, but not quite there.

I hadn’t noticed that, that gave me a bit of a chill
just summon an elemental as op said in his story
So there are four elementals I assume (one for each classical element)? I have heard of a fifth element (ether). Does that have an elemental?
can I get a tl;dr for the plot so I know if it's worth reading
just fucking read it you lazy fucking troglodyte
>brazilian guy meets a weird occultist guy in college, goes to his weird home, and eventually summon a wind elemental
>brazilian guy gets excited about it and they eventually also summon a lesser demon who seem to curse them both
>brazilian guy's friend is scared shitless of it and gets rid of the grimoire, handing it over to his brazilian friend
>brazilian guy summons more powerful demons overtime and becomes cursed

if you want a bigger abstract you'll have to pay me for it
homie it's like a 30 minute read and I got shit to do. if the tl;dr is interesting I'll read it when I'm not busy
One day, maybe you can summon and bind demons to do the shit for you.
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Technically, if you follow the instructions strictily and only summon minor demons you shouldn't have much trouble, the problem with me is that i didn't prepare adequately and tried to "punch above my weight" and got fucked. You have to always mind your capacities.

That said, Buer and Vine where always mild when i dealt with them and never seemed to be out to trick me like you would expect of demons, they always where forthcoming with the terms of our agreements, even if i believe Buer kinda misled me in our first encounter.

I also once summoned Phenex, who was a very chill dude, into poetry and all, in general not the kind of presence you would expect from a demon.

What i gathered from my experiences is that your energy also influences how the things you summon will react to you. If you summon them without proper purification, they will probably show up with a more "evil" appearence, and if you summon a demon to kill someone he will certainly be worse than a demon to grant knowledge for instance.

But yeah, i would generally advise against doing it. I myself left Goetia never to return.

There is no ether/quintesence elemental, only the 4 traditional western elements seem to spawn these creatures.
What's the correct mapping between elemental and cardinal direction? Like, of air, water, fire, and earth, which ones goes with East, West, North, and South. And are these directions related to the sun (like does the sun rising in the East affect its relationship with the elemental)?
What makes summoning demons goetic rather than theurgic? After all, did King Solomon the Wise practice Goetia or is he an exception.

Also, is it possible to "bind" demons or do you need special occult technology? The Lesser Key of Solomon allegedly leaks key details about the brass vessel and seal.
I would also know how to bind a demon. I hate doing laundry I would like a demonic servant to do it for me.
Posting in this legendary thread so the demons know how cool I really am.

I am who I say I am.
I've come across more than one conflicting mapping between elements/elementals and cardinal directions, this isn't the right way to think of the relationship between things, you would be helped more by thinking of them as being linked to astral bodies, which have a far greater importance in magic than the cardinal directions, together with the hours of the day.
Observing the astral bodies is important for summoning not only elementals but also some demons and angels.

Theurgic magic involves a direct interaction with the divine, it would be something like reaching to the gods for a direct blessing, advice, wisdom or a boon. Goetia uses the power/glory of God to bind demons to your will and allow you to use THEIR power, not that of God. The difference in this case is that the heavy lifting is done by a god in Theurgy while in Goetia its done by a demon.

With that knowledge in mind, what Solomon did was Goetia, in fact the foundations of Goetia, since he used the knowledge given by God to control demons, he didn't use the powers of God directly.

The creation of artifacts with the powers of demons or to bind them is a ancient practice that predates even Goetia, the egyptians and mesopotamians where the first to develop these arts and where quite skilled at it. From what i read, its indeed possible to do both, but it requires the adequate know-how and materials, it's not a very common art to be practiced nowadays.
I take it all the classical planets and constellations are the astral bodies, right?
bump so the thread doesn't die
I noticed that all the demons are said to have n legions under their command. I assume a legion is a group of demons, the term probably inspired by its usage in the new testament. Do the entities control different kinds of legions and do you know why they only come in that unit?
OP, have you ever spoken to an angel? if so, what angel and how was the experience?
What a great thread. OP, I hope you don't mind but I'm planning to narrate and record this to upload somewhere.
Thank you midnight broadcast, very cool! Listening rn
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Pandemonium by Jake-Stratton Kent is pretty close.

The Grimoire Encyclopedia by David Rankine is also a very good resource.
Question for the OP if he's still here. Was this grimoire you used related to Quimbanda at all? The animal sacrifices/offerings are definitely different to the traditional Solomonic approach.

Either way, thanks for the story and well done for going 3 for 3 on physical manifestation, no easy feat!
That's not me. Haven't recorded yet.
That's a good threat, Ruralanon. I appreciate the effort you put into sharing your story with us.
OP go get your money from this guy
drop the channel link
nah it's not me

As i explained on a previous post, hierarchies are a constant of every society of living beings.

Demons also have their hierarchies and thus stronger demons comand groups of demons. The term legions is indeed derived from the use in the new testament which itself derives from the roman use of the term legions, the exclusive usage of that unit is simply a matter of tradition, its the same principle as to why the anglo world still uses the imperial system, Goetia practicioners learned with this system and no one ever tried to change it.

Mind you, the first classification of how many legions each demon commands where written during the middle ages, the numbers are probably outdated by now.

I have done no such thing nor ever plan to. Summoning angels is probably the most elevated type of ritual you can do since they tend to be far more aggressive to the average summoner than a demon, paradoxically. This stems from the fact that demons are creatures of "terrible glory and goodness" how i saw it called once, meaning that they are good and serve God, but their glory and power is so great that the average person couldn't deal with them.
Rituals for summoning angels exist, but they require such a preparation and purity of the summoner that i don't think i ever would be able to do it. Those who have done so say that the experience narrated in the old testament when Moses met the Angel of the Lord is pretty accurate.

It had no relations to Quimbanda, the two practices don't mingle, despite what some people might say. The entities of Quimbanda aren't the same as those of Goetia, they come from entirely different spheres of spirituality.

The reason the ritual seems weird to you is probably because its not the "traditional" mainstream solomonic incantations, as i said we where using a obscure grimoire, the kind of thing that's a single book passed down for generations and not mass-produced.

Feel free to record or share it anywhere you want anons, i'm really glad that people enjoyed it to the point of wanting to make a narrated video about it.
Errata: on the third answer i meant to say that angels are creatures of terrible glory and goodness instead of demons, obviously. Sorry for the small error anons.
Norse Pagan Anon again

If I am pure by my own faith’s standard, would I be pure enough for these rituals?
Or do I need to be the Abrahamic version of pure?

>It had no relations to Quimbanda, the two practices don't mingle, despite what some people might say. The entities of Quimbanda aren't the same as those of Goetia, they come from entirely different spheres of spirituality.
The reason the ritual seems weird to you is probably because its not the "traditional" mainstream solomonic incantations, as i said we where using a obscure grimoire, the kind of thing that's a single book passed down for generations and not mass-produced.

Thanks for the reply OP, I ask as I have often corresponded with a Brazilian practitioner who was initiated into Quimbanda as a young man and has since branched out into Nigromancy, he utilizes alot of Quimbanda 'tech' in his Ars Goetia operations to good effect, although he certainly began doing things 'by the book' as it were.

It's almost a shame the family Grimoire was disposed of, I daresay many a collector/practitioner would pay very good money for it. You could probably even have published it. That said, I respect your reasons for handing it over to the priest who helped you and probably would have done the same in your position.
When doing ritualistic magic you must always mind the rules of the tradition you are dealing with, so you must follow the proscriptions of abrahamic purity to interact with abrahamic entities through their rituals.

Yeah, it was a very valuable tome certainly, probably worth some thousands of brazilian reais (so some 5 dollars), but he saved my life so i guess me giving him the book was the least i could do.

For all my reservations about organized religion, the books are certainly safer with them than out on the wild.
>too stupid to study for college exams
>has to summon demons to pass tests
Lmao leave it to an apezilian to write the most retarded larp possible
No wonder the same xtards that polluted this board with their succubus threads like this garbage
He wants you to join his cult. Those books blah blah brazil yay brazil ez win ez win ya ya
But do you like BWC is the question got snap ? Where you from
>He wants you to join his cult.
This. How come it's not obvious he's trying to get you into freemasonry? Is giving up your soul worth some earthly riches? You'll be chained in after life if you give up your soul
Op you are such a nigger holly shit I hate you.
N was right OP
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Ignore the trolls, imbeciles and zealots OP.

This was a good thread and I'm grateful you posted it. I hope you consider sharing some of your other experiences from this period.
You are supposed to first work with the Angels of Shem HaMephorash to get the demons under control according to tradition in Goetia, each has a corresponding counterpart in the 72 Goetic Demons/Angels thingamajig.
Thanks anon, there are some other stories from the period i dabbled in occultism i could share if you guys where really interested in hearing them.

There are lots of things that help with keeping them under control, the divine names are indeed one of those, but the grimoire we had didn't account for this and, as i think its clear throughout the story, we wheren't exactly the best practioners around, specially me.
>mainly because i was not religious
>summons fucking demons
>not religious
Occultists/Theistic Satanists are so fucking stupid, holy shit
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You're welcome to our sanguinary sect of worship
Feel at home in our black conventicle
As we anathematize all those who oppose us
Don't summon the devil
Don't call the priest
If you need the strength
The conjuring
Behold, the flames rise
From the compass' cardinal points
Burn their sacred oil
And with the ashes you'll anoint
Arrange the symbols of the wizard and magician
Light the candles, place the parchment paper in position
Between its leaves place the lash from a black cat's eye
A straw of a broom, fold and burn and centralize
Don't summon the devil
Don't call the priests
If you need the strength
Then conjure me
I am the Devil's advocate
A salesman, if you will
You know my name
You know my name
I met your father years ago
I gave him what he'd please
He called my name
And you'll do the same
I'm claiming what is mine by right
It's time to close the deal
You're bought and sold
Bought and sold
Come join me in my infernal depths
Mephisto's hall of fame
I've got your soul
I've got your soul
The conjuring
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Let’s hear those stories anon. You’re probably asleep by now in Brazil so when you’re ready, let’s hear it then.

Anon, I'm brazilian just as you, and writing a horror/occult podcast. It would be very neat if we could contact each other, so you could answer some questions for me. Pode ser?
Im interested in the other stories. What do you think the afterlife(s) are like for humans and animals?
>had dreams wich where prophetic and received many revelations of secrets both profane and holy
Can you elaborate on these? Thank you.
According to Dr Rudd perhaps...
thinking about OP and N making out by candlelight...
My brother in Christ, what is wrong with you?
I'm thinking about OP giving N backshots on the floor
Okay anons, i will answer some more questions and then drop another story for you guys.

I don't contact people from imageboards in private, nothing personal its just that i vallue keeping my privacy. I will answer any questions you put forward in this thread however.

The afterlife is the perennial mistery all traditions seem to want to crack. From my years of dealing with the occult, i know for certain that souls exist and that you can go somewhere when you die or stay behind on Earth, but what this somewhere is i don't know, many traditions say many different things and when i posed the question to different entities they came up with different answers: some answered heaven and hell, some answered a general afterlife, others said you get reincarnated, etc.
Personally, i think there is something that happens to every soul when it dies, but it depends on what you where "closer" to during your life, so if you believed a lot in reincarnation you would get reincarnated.
Animals and even somes plants seem to have souls and afterlifes too, altough i don't know how they are.

The profane revelations where mainly regarding the structures of power within society. They told me about how much of the power in the world, and specially in my country, was built atop blood, and how magic/spirituality had a good part in it. One demon i talked to guaranteed me that the elite lineages have complex rituals to ensure their best members get reincarnated not long after they die to ensure the lineage remains capable.

The holy secrets where basically explanations about the nature of afterlife, the true nature of demons and their relationship with the abrahamic God and angels. As i explained up above, according to them they where gods and heroes of the ancestral peoples of that land which got demonized when the yahweh cult took over the canaan region, but as i said, that is according to them.
Okay anons, so here is another story, this happened during the period when i was doing the rituals alone and really getting into it:
>Wake up one day feeling really dizzy, like i could pass out at any moment
>Shattered remembrances of waking up many times during the night
>Despite feeling like shit, have to get up and go to college, can’t skip another class this semester
>despite waking up almost mid-day and it being a sunny day, there's almost no one on the streets of my neighborhood
>Walking to the bus stop, can’t shake the feeling that there’s something watching me
>Look over my shoulder, it takes some seconds before i can see a black emaciated stray dog on the other side of the street, just outside a abandoned house
>The dog is fixated on me, his eyes following me while i walk
>Don’t think much of it, continue walking
>The bus takes its damn sweet time to arrive as always, so i’m sat down waiting for it, my head is pounding and i got this weird feeling
>Feels like dizziness mixed with nausea and a tint of fear, but i don’t have the slightest idea of what it could be
>My gaze wanders about the street for a while, without looking for anything in particular
>See dog again
>We are like two streets from the house where i saw him, what the hell is he doing here? Is he following me?
>Its still looking at me, although he’s not close and somewhat hidden behind a lamppost
>Don’t have much time to think about it though, as the bus arrives soon after
>The trip is long, i live quite far from the college, and as it goes on the bus gets progressively more packed with people, until its looking like those indian trains, this is a normal day in Brazil
>Luckily i managed to get a seat by the window, so i can just sit back and enjoy the decadent urban visage while the hellish mass of people swirls behind me
>I don’t know how long it had passed before i noticed another black stray dog on the streets
>On a normal day i wouldn’t think much about it, black is a quite common collor for dogs and there are lots of strays in my city, but this day was different
>The moment i noticed the black smear on the landscape it immediately caught my attention and i fixated on it
>For the smallest seconds i think we made eye contact, me and the dog, who for some reason was looking at me while sat down on the sidewalk
>When the bus left him behind, i tried turning my head to look at him, but i couldn’t seem to find him again
>Now either i’m going full schizo or something is following me, and by something i mean the demon variation of something. Either way, i’m starting to get anxious at that.
>Begin looking at the window constantly, trying to see if its still following me, and hoping the bus would just go on faster. Every time it stops to pick up someone i almost scream in frustration, and the incessant babble of the other passengers ain’t helping either
>We reach a very busy intersection, i’m still trying to see the dog again when suddenly the bus halts, tires screeching. The whole air is taken by the characteristic sound you hear before an accident
>People screamed and fell down over each other, i myself was thrown almost out of my seat and then managed to lose my balance in my own legs and fall face first on the back of the seat in front of me
>It hurt like a bitch, and it didn’t help that i was already feeling somewhat dizzy before. I felt like i would pass out right then and there
>Fortunately i didn’t, and after some time recovering my bearings i managed to get up to try and have a look at what had happened
>Since the bus was full of people, i had to put my head out the window to try and discern what the accident was. After some time, i managed to make out the general outline of a bunch of cars stopped on the street and a growing group of passers-by gathering around something
>From my advantageous position, i managed to see what it was: one day it might have been a motorcycle and a person, but now it was a horrible bloody mess of machine and corpse strewn on the street amongst a enormous pool of blood
>And i do mean enormous, i had seen accidents and murders before but this was the first time i had seen so much blood pooled about a corpse, it was truly a horrifying sight
>I looked at it for a while, then went back to my seat. A good chunk of people where already leaving the bus, it was probably not going anywhere, but i was still dizzy and wanted to collect myself before trying to catch a new one
>That was when i heard the driver talking to some people, almost screaming really. Understandable, he had just got into a accident, but that was not what picked my attention
>What picked my interest was him saying that he only hit the guy because a black stray dog had jumped in front of the car and made him do a last-moment turn
>When i heard that, i felt a inexplicable chill. It couldn’t be the same dog that had been following me, how could it outrun a bus?
>I looked outside and i saw the same dog on the other side of the intersection, looking at me again, the very same dog i had seen before
What is the closet media that depicts the energy of these beings? I assume you picked this image (>>38321756) because it kind of resembles the entity in appearance and energy. The art style looks really similar to Alvin Schwartz's "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark". Do the stories and art better capture the demonic than say "Helluva Boss?" It seems like these beings share a similar aesthetic that's dark and cold rather than the infernal and ironic energy of, say, Catholic hell.

PDF: https://vinschoolgrade4.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/scary-stories-to-tell-in-the-dark-alvin-schwartz.pdf
I believe demons be dwelling in a brutalist and labyrinthian realm that twists the image of man into something half-beast and half-wicked.

Will AI find this realm and show us pictures of it? I think it might one day.
finally, part 2

gonna read it later
Tell me, in your academic opinion, when it says Max tames the beasts with magic is this not to the occult practice of binding demons?

Finna use this to get rich. Is it worth it?
>doesn't know about the faustian life
Haven't you ever heard of the fucking stereotype of selling your soul to the devil and the crossroads? Does selling their soul ever payoff.
>Animals and even somes plants seem to have souls and afterlifes too, altough i don't know how they are.

I can only say this for sure that my pet dog Fuu-chan is having a feast in heaven and is waiting for me. Good dogs go to heaven anon.
Do certain nations have more demons among them or are they evenly spread out?
I second this. I reckon some nations have demons than men.
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OP, I may have missed an answer you gave to this question so please excuse me if somebody else asked and you answered this. Do you think that demons are independent entities or thought forms connected to the consciousness of whomever summons them? I have heard from certain sources that Goetic demons are you. A similar concept to how we are all potentially a part of God and this you and me are both God. The Goetic demons are a meme representing a part of our collective conscious or subconscious. What do you think?
Will you digitalizing the books, specifically this grimoire and if yes, how can I get a copy of it?
Hey OP! If two people summoned Bael, would they interact with the same Bael? And how accurate are the descriptions and depictions? By the way, best greentext in a long time!
As i said before, it would depend on the entity. For instance, when i summoned my first demon it was a distinct feeling than when i summoned the second, and the elemental was something else entirely, but there are certainly grotesque and cold creatures like those of Alvin's stories, and Helluva Boss obviously misses the mark by a lot, as one would expect.

Catholics, for all their problems, actually managed to catch a lot of the aesthetic of some daemonic entities, there are many creatures that match 1 to 1 the depictions in catholic manuscripts, but that was more common in the middle ages, from the renaissance onwards the primal/realistic style seemed to give way to more spectacularized depictions of the creatures.

I'm not an expert on AI, but for all i know its just an algorithm that meshes a lot of previously-fed information and churns out some slop based on it. It has no consciousness to try and "grasp" the superior realms on its own.

Judging by the text, it appears he uses his willpower to overpower that of the entities, its very similar to many occultic practices of dominating these beings with your own power, i believe chaos magicians specially do it a lot.

Nope, not at all. If you have the time and resources to study this to the point of making such a ritual you would be better off applying it to something productive and earning money on your own
I too hope there is a good and peacefull place for the good animals to go once they perish.

Oh certainly, but the demons don't divide the world in the same way we humans do, to them nations are far less important than regions, some of them still guide themselves by borders of the biblical times, for instance.

Some places which i know for sure have heavy daemonic activity are the Middle East, Latin America, especially Mexico, the balkans and Great Britain.

No, the consciousness of the summoner affects how the demon will manifest but the demon isn't reliant on it for its form or nature. The goetic demons predate their first summoners, regardless of if we consider them idols of pre-abrahamic times or the fallen angels from heaven its undeniable that they existed and are distinct from what we would call a egregore or tought form.

That said, egregore demons or other forms of a person manifesting their own personal demon/entity certainly aren't impossible either. The phenomena of tulpas, for all the meme around it, is certainly real from what i've studied so it isn't such a jump to believe the human mind could birth demons.

Nope, as i said i handed the grimoire over to a priest and my friend is kinda posessive about the books he still has in his collection.

Thanks anon, regarding your question:
1) I never heard of such a situation and we would only know for certain by trying it, but my opinion is that two manifestations of the same entity would appear, but they would be the same "consciousness". These entities, being spiritual creatures, don't percieve space or are bound by the same laws as us, so they could appear in more than one place at the same time. But as i said, its only a educated guess.

Regarding the descriptions, those of goetic and ritual literature are mostly correct, and those of the middle ages holy art too but the conditions of summoning may affect how the creature manifests.
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Thank you for your response about whether they are ancient entities or thoughtforms. What is your take on people who do angel magic? Like invoking certain angels to try to get something in the material world. Would you say it is as fool hardy and dangerous as Goetia?
Do you think Enochian is a legit language or a scam or a mathematical code? I know Cowley and LaVey tried to use Enochian texts in their works, but I'm going to guess their occult textbooks aren't as effective as the medieval ones and they were just trying to include every idea they were aware of. Enochian apparently has impossible mathematical patterns but I could not find any grammar for the language.
So OP, you were saying that the priests also practice an occultism of sorts?
christcuck larp
It's dangerouns in a different sort of manner. Where with demons you always have the chance they will trick you with a faustian bargain with angels they will always be straight with you, however angel summoning is far more dangel because angels, unlike demons, are pure and very self righteous creatures, being the soldiers of god and all. If you summon a angel and anger it in the slightest you may not live to tell the tale, all summoning rituals that deal with calling upon angels make it very clear that you better know what you are doing because they don't joke around.

Enochian as we know it certainly isn't some ancient language spoken by the people of Enoch's time, but it has some use and power. Think of it as reconstructed languages, they probably wheren't what people spoke back then but they still have their uses in tracing the development of languages before and after. It has some use in better understanding rituals and time tables, but i never could get much into it, and didn't have much need, the tradition i was part of didn't owe much to John Dee and his style of ritual magic.

Many priests have always dedicated themselves to the occult, its only natural for people in a institution dedicated to the spiritual arts. Of course, not all priests do it, and i'm of the impression that nowadays the number has dropped significantly, but there are still a good chunk of priests who keep private libraries on the occult, and even those who don't mess with it sometimes will collect the books for safekeeping or to send back to the Vatican, its their policy regarding these things, either contain or destroy.
I have an important and personal question.

Over the past several years I have become noticeably more grotesque, insomniac, and darker in my desires. My posture has taken a hunch-backed form and I have been plagued by visions of gore which I cannot place the origin. My throat has adopted this raspy quality and my natural hand positions are akin to claws. I have been mocked for this peculiar posture but I have learned to imitate a normal walk and gaze but when no one is around I revert to my lizard-like form which is oddly natural at this point.

For large parts of the day, I am not myself, but something else is piloting me and it feels like I am conversing with another presence which has deluded me into thinking I am in control but it is actually in control. However, it is still able to attend to my daily affairs and so this has not caused ill-will with anyone. I believe this is a dissociation in medical terms.

This is not a larp. I have become increasingly more haggard and sickly as this force which is invisible has been influencing me. It began around the time the pandemic began and may be related to a shadow person experience I had.

I am worried that there is something dark afoot that has changed me tremendously. Is this just aging or is there something dark afoot as I suspect.
bumps (gently)
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>angel magick
Thank you for your response on that and good to know.
Are there any reasons to invoke or evoke elemental spirits?
Amazing thread, sir! Really appreciate it.
just marking my spot. nice OP
Are you a Christian now?
I mean he underwent a Christian exorcism per these:
But in another post he says there is an Abrahamic region of the spirit world
Who is Christ in the hierarchy? Is he even real to you, a wise man but not the son of God, a charlatan, something in between, a literary figure, etc.?
You are either facing some psychological episode, spending too much time online or having a spiritual problem. You may have attracted the atention of some evil spiritual force even if you don't mess with this kind of thing, some spirits go out of their way to hurt innocent bystanders.

I recomend you first go to a medic/psychologist to see if its a disease of the body, most of the time it isn't anything spiritual, but if it doesn't work i recomend you see some spiritual help. It doesn't have to be a priest or pastor, mind you, it can be any religious tradition that deals with purifying people and the like.

All creatures you can summon are able to grant some form of boon or knowledge, people normally go straight to demons because they have higher rewards but elementals can do that too. Besides that, the mere experience of summoning something like that will change most people's life forever like it did to me and that in itself is reward enough for a practicioner.

No, i recognize the power of the christian magical tradition as it is undeniable, but i don't follow the christian way of life despite being eternally gratefull to the priest for saving me.

The nature of Christ is something i can't give an authoritative opinion on, as i said i summoned demons and you wouldn't expect them to be reliable sources on their main enemy, right? But Christ undoubtely ranks very high on the hierarchy, be it the son of God or only a very important prophet, as even saints have some form of power in the hierarchy its expected that the literal Christ will have way more.
Are elements alive?
Thank you so much for the stories and for answering so many questions. If you have any more significant tales, I'd love to read them. I also have a question.
Out of all the texts you read, (both your friend's books and any others that seemed to hold merit), do you recall reading anything about the sexes? From all I've seen, the texts seem to assume the practitioner is a man by default and focus exclusively on men, except to express ideas such as abstaining from lusting after women or having sex. Did you see anything that expressed what the role of a woman might be spiritually, if anything? What purpose do women serve?
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thank you for the wonderful thread OP, and especially for sticking around to answer all these questions.

Do you have any thoughts for pagans working with near eastern deities that have been absorbed into goetia as abrahamic demons?

and could millennia of abrahamic disdain have tainted or changed their original spirit over time? (ie Inanna vs Astaroth) or do they remain distinct entities?
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Is there any actual power in crossroads that transcend simple symbolism? Why do devil worshippers go to crossroads to summon and deal with demons?
Is the Faustian deal a metaphor or will some demons unironically offer a blood contract?
>faustian deal
What's that?
It's basically the "sell your soul" myth where the devil offers worldly pleasures in exchange for the soul. Usually, the pleasures go wrong in a tragic/ironic way, similar to three wishes of the monkey paw story.
good thread
What's the invocation's words or what is some of the Latin?
Not in the sense that the dirt on the ground or the water in your tap has sentience, but there exist elementals which are creatures with sentience whose being is completely reliant/linked to one of the 4 traditional western elements.


Traditionally Goetia is written by and for men mostly, the female sex in the books i read is only spoken about when in relation to men, so as i said, the talks of abstinence and purity. Goetia is a far more "traditionalist" field of occultism you could say in the sense that it doesn't give much tought to female spirituality.

I never tried to summon these creatures in the way they would be summoned before becoming goetic demons, so i can't say for sure if there is a way of reaching this "inner part" of them, but i can say for sure that they have been warped a lot by being under abrahamic influence for so long.They are spiritual entities and thus are more easily affected by the perceptions and depictions of them, and as such they have inevitably grown to adopt many of the aspects forced onto them, even if many are antithetical to what they once where.

What i would recomend is, if you want to study a "dead" magical tradition that has been absorbed into another, try to learn their original rites and worldview first, don't go expecting that if you summon Inanna by the rites of Astaroth it will somehow appear like she was in ancient times.

The symbolism is merely the reflection of the already existing inherent power of a crossroads. Crossroads act, both in the material and spiritual plane, as places where different paths intersect and, because of this, its easier to traverse the planes in a crossroad than in other places.

Some demons do things like that, others are more subtle.

As i said i'm not going to translate the rituals here, it goes against my current personal way of life to spread this kind of knowledge carelessly.
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>The Grimoire
where is it
Did you even read the thread? OP told you where it went.
So far the most crazy part of the story is that you did not get mugged or beaten up, as a fellow south american that's really impressive. This reminded me how in my hometown I went a couple of times to a nerdy bussiness located in a big one store house. It was frequented a lot by Yu Gi Oh, Magic, Warhammer players who went there to challenge themselves and buy stuff. The store apprently doubled istelf in fuction as a place for rituals late at night, at least those were the rummors and I believed them, since I saw some of the parafernalia in a normally closed room of the house, Also one time I came out pretty late from there, all the tables were empty except for one with 4 big black guys all of them with some curious tattoos and bored faces. The place was evidently closing and those guys were clearly not Yu Gi Oh players, maybe practicioners of Santería, Camdomblé or whatever..
This is not a bad thread. Not well written enough to be a creative writing exercise with just enough small detail to be engaging/somewhat believable. OP you have no relics from these rituals you can post pics of?
Do the LaVeyan Satanic rituals have any capacity to make one's will come into being or are they a larp?

Also, do demons respect brave/stoic humans or they do view all humans the same or as opportunities? It seems weird that demons would only appear before people who are "pure" in a relatively christian sense.

Also, thank you for the stories and answers! We really appreciate it.
Fico só a imaginar essa história toda se desenrolando na biblioteca da UFBA, ou quem sabe a da PUC-MINAS
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One thing about the tarot is that it reflects spiritual imitation in the major arcana. You were the fool and you made it to the lovers at least. A card that represents a place of no return and a place of choice and change whilst interacting with divinity. You saw some shit. Did some shit. Most importantly you know it is real. Those who give up spirituality at the lovers tend to go back being the fool but are very uncomfortable in the world they know really exists. I doubt you completely gave up. OP if you don’t mind sharing what kinds of spiritual practices do you now practice? Spiritual growth isn’t just Goetia. If you don’t want to answer, you don’t have to. Thank you for this nice thread btw.
Do you have an instinct for telling if people or institutions are under demonic influence? Like do you ever feel a familiar, demonic energy with a random person, animal, or symbol or something like that?
Why do the 50s/60s seem so eerie? The 70s/80s seem surprisingly similar and of course we're basically still the same people as the 90s. People seemed to march to a different beat/tune back then if you catch my drift. At the same, I don't really find the 40s and earlier to be weird except maybe the 20s. The 50s/60s just seem off. I have read documents from the 1800s that feel more modern/familiar than the 50s and 60s.
Not OP, but I'm guessing it's like an uncanny valley or dunning krueger experience where people before the 50s were too alien or weird to be viewed as a fellow member of society so they are viewed from a more general standpoint. They are so alien that they actually seem less weird than if they hint a hint of genuine modernity.

Like when people read ancient texts, they look for the familiar but when people watch shows from 20 years ago, they look for the changes. I guess the 50s is right at the goldilocks spot between.

I don't think it's anything demonic, but maybe demons have a special relationship that time period right now because it's starting to shed a "ghostly odor" by being part of history due to a sufficient number of people from that time dying off or not remembering.

Did you notice how the 1940s had a surge of prominence in the 2010s? Mainly the rise of nazis and tankies? The 2008 recession parallels the great depression as well.

The 50s had a throwback period in the 80s; that's one wave. The next wave will probably be the 2030s based on this fibonacci sequence.

10, 10, 20, 30 (80s), 50 (00s), 80 (30s)

>inb4 schizo
This is /x/ kino! What do you mean?
>be Brazilian
Stopped right there

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