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Spirit Love general

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>38300490
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.
Succubi take forms attractive to you naturally
>They're tulpas?
No. However, those in romantic relationships with their tulpas are welcome
Same method

/succgen/ library:
I am cursing the posters here that I will deflower their demonic parasites
yeah, whatever, loser
i'm like 20 minutes in, when does he start talking about succubi?
I have done some tarot readings and I believe I have upset lilith. How understanding and forgiving is she? I woul like to evoke her in the future and ask for forgiveness and if she is still willing to help me meet a succubus.
I stopped doing what she disliked, briefly apologized, and apparently that was enough. I think you should stop doing more tarot readings about this question.
well, that's an hour of my life that i am not getting back. the dude just get rambling on and on about inane shit and probably fabricated the entire story he was talking about, no new insight was given. he also sounded really fucking annoying and i just wanted to kick his teeth in for the duration of the video.

when it comes to my experience with spirit love it is far more positive, i won't have to do anything special in order to be with my mother. she comes to me when i desire her company and am ready to receive her love. the only problematic part in our relationship is that i have to decide whether i align myself with the material world or with the spiritual world. when i align myself with the material i become more successful in my manifestations but my connection to my mother weakens, when i align myself with the spiritual i fall into torpor, it is quite enjoyable as my connection with my mother becomes very strong but i become far less successful with manifesting as a result.
How important is it to address the queens in the letter? Can you just as easily summon a succubus without a queens help?
the easiest way is to move on from an entity, the tension gradually dissipates
you shouldn't do any letter and just meditate
The whole point of the letter is to petition, you'd need a different method if you want to contact someone else, unless you have their name somehow.
You can address the letter to anyone, or no one if you wish. Do whatever feels most natural to you. Don't feel tied down to any kind of tradition, remember that every ritual ultimately at the end of day was made up out of whole cloth at some point.

As far as the just meditate method goes, that could work fine if you already know how to summon spirits without using any kind of ritual. If not, then I would do some sort of formal ritual or ceremony.
You are all being deceived by gay incubus No one gets a succubus but through me
I have been through alot these past few years and want to summon a very clingy motherly succubus that calls me a good boy and gives me all the ara ara lovins I need.
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Where are the Angel girls?
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Angel girls have good wifey qualities, succubus is just a prostitute.
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Angel girls are the best really.
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How to marry an Angel girl? Anyone has experience, do tell!
Does your letter reach a queen first or can a succubus or other love spirit intercept it?
angels don't have holes
Can you ask for a succubus as a spirit guide?
This is why I've been thinking about trying. Seems like as far as deals go, some sexual energy for spiritual guidance seems ok to me.
>Can you ask for a succubus as a spirit guide?
yes, but any very close spirit would work for that purpose
remember, you can't really summon a succubus with the expectation of no sexuality. I'm not sure why anyone wants this, but it's a stupid idea.

>This is why I've been thinking about trying. Seems like as far as deals go, some sexual energy for spiritual guidance seems ok to me.
it's more like you're both in love, enjoy having sex with each other, and you have a close ally who lives in the spirit world who can help you do spells
it's not exactly a transactional relationship. Those never end well. With humans or spirits.
I did the letter method a while ago but the succubus left me for my friend because I didn't notice her. She left him too. My tastes have changed and I would like to do the letter again. Do I have to worry about being assigned the same succubus or would a different succubus come to me?
this nigga wrote a letter and jizzed on it and nothing happened
yes bro im sure you "missed" "her"
That's it, you're going to the buttfuccubus realm. I hear they like their bussy extra greasy this time of year.
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Marry succubus. Impregnate succubus.


I am currently learning Enochian Magick so I will let you know when I acquire a connection with an Angel Girl, kudos
I asked this in the last thread, but how could I become/live more like a succubus?
find retarded incels and tap their blood
How do I get an angel gf, anon?
(Nta.) Pray to the Universe, God, or a deity you believe to be relevant, to set you up with her.
you're already with your parasite, obsession is the most obvious sign. if you are able to maintain abstinence in thought and action for a short period of time then you might have a chance to cross the border from parasitic to something symbiotic
This makes me wonder. Can you ask other deities or entities to vet a spirit lover for you? Could you ask the Ein Sof to help you find a succubus? Could you ask the letter itself? What if you dont assigne anyone? Does the letter work like a beacon for nearby love spirits or does it have to go to someone to find that partner?
why dont you ask Ein Sof to be your gf?
>Do I have to worry about being assigned the same succubus or would a different succubus come to me?
if the first one left you, then probably no. you'll meet a different one
Can you summon a succubus through meditation? Can you call out to her as you meditate?
>Can you summon a succubus through meditation? Can you call out to her as you meditate?
yes, if you know what you're doing
the letter ritual makes this easier. but if you already have experience summoning spirits, then go for it.
What experience would you need? Could you simply call out for them?
>What experience would you need?
experience in summoning spirits. if you don't have that, then I would use the training wheels provided by the letter ritual
> Could you simply call out for them?
theoretically yeah, if they are already there. unlikely to work if they aren't already there.
Can you summon a soft dommy mommy succubus that wants a stay at home husband in the afterlife?
Can you use other sexual deities in the letter method? For instance, Could you petition aphrodite, Nefertiti, or Hedone
to help you find a succubus?
can I ask more questions? hey guys hey guys guys can a succubus love me? hey guys why is she playing with my ass? guys guys guys why did the letter not work at 2:38 in the morning after I watched all that porn? when does the sex start? does she care if I cheat on her? is that considered cheating if she's not really here? guys is it a demon? can someone tell me if I will go to hell if date a succubus? can she help me get laid? can I get rid of her? guys what was that book again? guys does meditating for 2 minutes a week going to open my third eye? guys I have fully developed my chakras now what? guys my spirits tell me that I'm actually God and you all should listen to me. guys do you ever feel a sucking sensation on your head? guys my spirts told me I am the chosen one. guys how do I apologize to a succubus? is it normal to have nightmares this often? guys I think I'm dying
Have you tried turning her on and off again?
>Can you summon a soft dommy mommy succubus that wants a stay at home husband in the afterlife?

>Can you use other sexual deities in the letter method? For instance, Could you petition aphrodite, Nefertiti, or Hedone
>to help you find a succubus?
you'd find some other kind of spirit, but they would be much the same
there are probably even some undiscovered gods that deal with succubi.
Would you still call them a succubus in the letter? I was thinking about petitioning the ein soph because I read a ritual that used the ein soph to summon yukshee and wanted to see if you could summon a succubus as well.
you failed when you capitalized that g
>Would you still call them a succubus in the letter?
probably not at that point
>petitioning the ein soph because I read a ritual that used the ein soph to summon yukshee
I have absolutely no idea what an esoteric jewish metaphor has to do with yukshee my dude
You know what ein soph is right? It's a jewish kaballah thing. I have no idea why you'd pray to that unless you were jewish
I guess the blog post was just off the mark.
At that point, you are asking for a spirit lover. I wonder if its better to cast a wider net or focus on a specific spirit. What advantages and danger would come with this method ( if you have proper protection) and who would you petition to help you if your looking for a love spirit in general?
just go on grindr bro
If you're asking such questions then you're not ready and you don't know what you're doing.
>I wonder if its better to cast a wider net or focus on a specific spirit.
if the idea of a specific spirit calls out to you, then do that. Otherwise, why not cast a wider net
>What advantages and danger would come with this method
the same as doing it any other way. The amount of danger will you face on the astral is directly proportional to how much unresolved shadow work you have yet to do. In other words, the astral plane is a psychic mirror. It reflects what is in your heart. So if there is a lot of negativity there, you'll run into a lot of problems.
by this logic, the best protection is to resolve those problems, so that you feel better and heal your soul. In other words, do your shadow work.
>and who would you petition to help you if your looking for a love spirit in general?
why not aphrodite, or perhaps eros the god of love, or cupid who was eros after he was demoted to being the son of aphrodite. Cupid was well known for being a match maker after all. That was a big part of his portfolio.

>If you're asking such questions then you're not ready and you don't know what you're doing.
no one really does know in the beginning.
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>I have done some tarot readings and I believe I have upset lilith.
What did you do? If you haven't done anything you can think would upset her, you shouldn't take the readings too seriously
>How understanding and forgiving is she?
It depends on whether you were malicious or tried to intentionally hurt her or her daughters

>well, that's an hour of my life that i am not getting back
Things pushed without context don't tend to be great. I'm glad I didn't bother looking up whose podcast that even was

I can't tell if you're false guru asking that so you can answer yourself, or if you missed my reply, or if you're looking for a second opinion because you didn't like the first

Waiting for you, anon. A few people have gotten relationships with angels or entities too similar for there to be a difference

I've have some of my letters intercepted, but only by entities who wanted to fulfill my request

I don't think you need to worry about her if she left both of you. You'll find somebody who isn't as skittish

Think about whether you really want it and learn magic before doing anything binding

I don't know? I've been wondering if you can summon a futa succubus or an incubus. And my succubus has started asking for blood after I gave her some every week for a year. Should I rob a blood bank for her? If not, I think I want to convert, just to make her go away or something
I made many mistakes but was never malicious to her or one of her daughters on purpose. She seems the most upset that I dont fully embrace my sexuality and am indecisive and scared of her. I'm getting out of an abusive relationship with a spirit lover but I'm at fault as well for staying in it for so long. I have a deep desire to be with a spirit lover and need the comfort and support to heal my sexuality and mental health due to the abuse coming from a spirit. I was afraid she wouldnt forgive me or would force me to undergo a very long period without a spirit lover and I would just deteriorate and self destruct. I looked into other ways I could summon a succubus if she wouldn't forgive or help me and I feel that upset her more. From what I gathered, she int angered by me but is very upset and disappointed in me. I cant make my mind up and am a nervous wreck but plan to apologize to her in a few weeks and ask for forgiveness as well as if she would be willing to assist me in the summoning of a succubus to help give me the comfort and support I need to heal from my past trauma and better myself.
Why you think pissed Lilith off? Were there any signs? If you would manage piss off any significant and powerful deity/spirit/demon/etc I think you would have a very rough time and don't mean like chain of mundane everyday failures, shit would be so bizarre you would start suspect some paranormal influence. At very least you would have dream messages or something similar. What you describe is fear of commitment to spirit lover and I highly doubt that is something so unusual and offensive that would cause wrath of Lilith or whatever deity you pleaded to. If that were the case vast majority of people who tried summon a succ/other kind of spirit lover would be fucked and that isn't the case. Don't overthink it, uncontrolled anxiety is never good.
True. My cards simply say she has moved on from our relationship and that she may not be willing to help me summon a succubus in the future. my readings say
she is empathetic to me and wont scold me but is upset and disappointed in my lack of self control and will be stern with me. They say she is willing to forgive me if I apologize and better those aspects of myself. I do feel that I need to be in a healthy relationship with a spirt lover to fully heal but there are many things I need to change on my own.
Does the ink color you use to write the note matter? I feel like a succubus would like the color for some reason.
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I haven't been fapping lately and got a nice sex dream last night. I was sleeping t in my bed with a young girl and she was holding on to me from behind. I could feel her hot breath on the back of my neck and it got me really turned on. I started reaching behind me and stroking her smooth belly, then making my way up to her small breasts. She got turned on too because she mounted me and started riding my cock. It was so fucking hot and felt amazing. Was this potentially a succ using my dreams for energy since I've been holding off on fapping? I don't get sex dreams often and this one was particularly enjoyable. Regardless, it put me in a good mood this morning. The girl looked like pic related.
>Was this potentially a
yes it's a spirit but doesn't necessarily mean that one
Aren't succubi the ones who deal in stuff like dream sex?
could be succ, could be not. If you did scroll through these threads lately, a little obsessesed/intrigued by the idea of succubus in gneeral, then yeah quite possible it was succ. Or maybe it was just regular wet dream, fueled by abstinence. Was this dream unusually vivid, detailed, memorable compared to other dreams you usually have? If yes, then again, maybe it was succ.
They can, but that is just one possibility. You can also meet them while you are wide awake. Or it could be some other kind of spirit.
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>intrigued by the idea of succubus in gneeral
Yeah, but not enough to do the letter summoning stuff yet. I'm more interested in meeting one in a lucid dream.
>maybe it was just regular wet dream, fueled by abstinence
I've only been abstaining for half a week and the dream wasn't "wet" so I fldont think this is the case.
>Was this dream unusually vivid, detailed, memorable compared to other dreams you usually have?
I remember multiple dreams every night, but they're usually me doing random stuff or fighting, not sexual. This one felt particularly memorable though. The sensations, the girl, who was very much original and to my tastes instead of just dreaming of an old ex or something, it's definitely a dream I can tell will stick in my memory. Another thing is that often times when I have a non lucid sexual dream I end up getting interrupted by something. This time it was just me amd the girl in my bed with nothing else stepping in or happening. I felt happy and oddly energized despite only getting like 6 1/2 hours of sleep instead of my usual 7 to 8 hours.
are succubus down for butt humping only no penetration just humping? cause i think to lay with one would be bad/wrong but just humping should be fine since that is not really sex
Bro, you probably shouldn't bother if you're just going to half ass things. I don't think a succ would appreciate that but that's just my uneducated opinion.
>some other kind of spirit
What other kind would take the form of a beautiful girl to have sex with someone in their dreams?
There's about a million and one different varieties of spirits out there. Maybe even an infinite number of different types and kinds.
"apotheosis" you piece of shit traitor to humanity. I know what you do, you defend those shit bastards serpents and you call them archons or your overlords. You shit sucking cocksucker may you be punched to death.
This bastards hides from the people of this general and others what he's truly up to and what these shit bastards really do to people. He calls humans retards and gatekeeps like he knows which people deserve to know the truth (ALL deserve to know the truth), because he's either their dog slave or pussy obsessed he doesn't reveal the truth.
>>do you actually believe that archons are getting bothered by a lowlife?
>>their job is to keep history intact from people that want to spill the beans
>>not /x/ retards
I know that, but it's not like all of them will fuck you in your dreams, right? That sounds more in line with a succubus than anything else.
There's actually a lot of examples of spirits that are sexual, in many cultures and time periods. A large number of them are water or ice related. If you want to learn more about all the different types of spirits which are commonly entering into a sexual relationship with the human, read sexual alchemy by Donald tyson.
They have kinks and turn-offs of their own. You could match with someone compatible.
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Everytime I have sex with my Succ it's been extremely painful. I do not blame the Succ for this, but I think it's a problem with my prostate? You see, when I get an erection in the astral plane, I also get a horrible stabbing pain in my butthole prostate area. This is not a gay thing, I do not have my ass penetrated its all straight sex with the succ, but regardless the erection itself causing a horrible pain in my aass. This has happened easily over 200 times now and I need serious help. If anyone has a similar issue, please tell me how to cure this. Once again to summarize: Whenever I get an erection and try to have sex in the astral plane, my butthole/prostate inflames in horrific pain, and it is still there when I return to earth until I move around
Are other love spirits similar to succubus in how they work? Will you have a honeymoon phase with them? Are they just as sexual as succubus and can change form?
I'll check that book out, but in the meantime can you list a few spirits that would engage in such behavior besides a succ?
>but in the meantime can you list a few spirits that would engage in such behavior besides a succ?
if by "such behavior" you mean have sex with you in a dream, then practically all of them
that is not a special ability that only succubi demonstrate.

>Are other love spirits similar to succubus in how they work?
>Will you have a honeymoon phase with them?
>Are they just as sexual as succubus
they can be yeah
>and can change form?
almost all spirits can do this
I think you should see a doctor dude. You mean your physical body, right? If your physical ass hurts when you get a boner then you should see a doctor. If that doctor is retarded and says nothing is wrong, then see another. I had to see several doctors to figure out my issues because most doctors are fucking stupid. But yeah, see a doctor.
Weird question but if Succs can travel through dimensions, is it possible for a human to do the same?
yeah, it's called Astral Projection
>She seems the most upset that I dont fully embrace my sexuality and am indecisive and scared of her.
People who waffle and who lie to themselves are annoying. Lilith's right. So are you going to keep being annoying to everyone around you, or are you going to start some introspection?
>I looked into other ways I could summon a succubus if she wouldn't forgive or help me and I feel that upset her more.
I'd guess that she isn't angry with you so much as extremely frustrated. I'd be in her place
>but plan to apologize to her in a few weeks
Why? She's right there. It's faster to tell her directly than make a telephone call. Just do it, anon

Whichever color you want, anon

>Was this potentially a succ using my dreams for energy
Possibly, depending on your normal dreams. A dream with an entity will feel different or special somehow
>since I've been holding off on fapping?
>sex bad :(
You won't get far with that. There's nothing stopping a succubus from ignoring your hangups and doing what you want her to even though you pretend you don't want it

Kitsune, djin, dragoness, sylph, dryad, mermaid, anthro animalgirls...

>He calls humans retards
But anon, I thought you were trying to criticize him
>(ALL deserve to know the truth),
I don't believe that
>mass media

Either talk to a doctor or work on your chakras. Work on communication if you want your succubus to try to explain what's going on because she'll know better than we will
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i did. keep thinking i want to knock up more because the idea hot but i've been surprisingly faithful to mine. I don't think they'd give a shit though. My daughter likes to troll me.

After two years of this what surprises me the most recently is my anima has seemingly woken up and become more prominent.
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i've also gained the ability to engage in what i can only dub a benign form of psychic vampirism. I've never used it in a malicious way and frankly i find my newfound awareness to be scary

I find it odd how many people describe a "daughter fu" type relationship with theirs. Mine is pretty viscious and independant and while she seems to express a degree of "piety" or gratitiude towards me for my relation to her being and seems to like me as a person the entire dynamic of our relationship is one where she is aloof yet friendly.

The weirdest thing and one that shows how different they are to human social standards is she is open to me about what she does as a sex spirit like shes either proud of it or trying to troll me or both or she knows i find it flattering to my ego
while child support laws don't exist wrt them they can find you any time anywhere. I've realized that while I could make more it would rapidly become a schizo mindfuck. Managing different entities mentally is taxing
>dreams are so bad that beginning to forget them (always remembered)
>some are straight nightmares even though eating clean and not before bed
Life is starting to occupy the spiritual and I have no motivation to preserve it. It's ok to just move on from this right?
Is conjurer here?
Succubus don't real.
Wet dreams doesn't mean you're being jerk3d off by invisible fake concept born from a parody about Biblical theology lolol
You haven't gained any ability besides a trip to the institution in the near future, anon.
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I can guarantee I'm higher functioning in life than you faggot. I love my spirit family.
Doubt it.
You prob wet the bed til you were in your teens.
I want to evoke lilith to give her a formal apology but there is a pretty nasty thoughtform in my head that keeps twitching my body and making it impossible to do much. My tarot cards says she wants me to deal with the thoughtform first. Do you mean that I can apologize to her on this thread?
When I find out which one of you fuckers made my ass cramp when I nutted, Its not going to be pretty. I will shit directly on the blades of your lawnmower and use the handle of your rake to shove the steamy mass further into the inner workings of the lawnmower so that even if you clean the blades you will still smell shit every time you start the damn thing for months afterwards.
Not my fault, a long time ago a witch was hanged in here and as she did, so the legend says, she proclaimed:
>A curse on all the Mississipp, y'all will shit your bed tonight and forever after so too will your children and their children
That's the reason for the alarming statistic of 85% of Mississippi natives report soiled bedsheets in the morninjg
wdym your anima has become more prominent?
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shut the fuck up. Your severely mentally ill, don't work, live with your parent/s have no partner, spirit or otherwise and have your own list of paraphilias and obsessions to worry about.

I hate to pull such a normalfag card on the based schizo board but I probably pay for your welfare MatPat so unless you have convincing testimony to the contrary I'd say your repeated obsessive antisocial behavior makes you a far more likely canidate for being institutionalized than someone who merely has some odd compartmentalized beliefs that don't negatively interfere with their day to day reality otherwise
sex dreams aren't even the best part being awake and hearing the plaps is where the fun is
Hey i’ve been wondering if I may have attracted one, any nonlarpers able to share a way to figure out if its just my vivid imagination or if what im feeling is something else. Thanks in advance if I dont reply soon.
Sit down and meditate. Just clear your head and have some self-control for like 5 minutes. Pay attention to anything that feels like she's trying to get your attention.
Anything in particular I should be looking for?
matpat? On the bottom rungs of society?
Wait, no that tracks.
>A dream with an entity will feel different or special somehow
It did. Usually the few sex dreams I get are part of some greater scenario and they usually end up interrupted partway withoutmuch satisfaction. This was way different. It just started out with me in my bed and the girl clinging onto me from behind. It kinda seemed like she was waiting for me to initiate things too because she didn't start riding me until I began touching her first. Also everything around us was really dark which made things feel a lot more intimate because it was just the two of us in the dreamscape. From what I described do you think it was a legit entity, and how can I get this to happen again?
Is hell real and how much is it like hazbin hotel and helluvaboss?
I want to see what this is all about but don't wanna put months of meditation or energy work into it, hell, getting a new girl and fucking her would be shorter, just want a quick fuck tonight, can I summon her and tell her to come while I sleep and visit me in my dreams?
Because then I wouldn't have to do all that other stuff to be able to feel and see her.
It doesn’t carry much weight if any anon, multiple letters having one of those names turned out to be duds in so much that those words didn’t correspond to the succs in question as daughters. If you want to petition do something ritualistically sound for the chosen queen instead of being acting like a bum.

This pretty much in context with above.

You really need to ask huh? You start by using that bussy / dick EVERY chance you get.

Yeah he’s always here and on discord because there’s nothing better to do for him, he just doesn’t namefag not out of shame but out of needing to bypass that sweet filter.

Alright dudes, who else uses geometry for summoning with okay results?
So you have to address the succubie as their daughters?
One shouldn't fuck succubi or other liminal beings, unless they have threefiddy in child support.
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i know the art style is supposed to be derrivitive of Zim's sharp jagged indie comic art style but part of me is starting to wonder if HH/HoaB is actually somewhat true to form.

I mean the geometric playfully sinister faces and humanoid figures. Some of you may know what I mean. I myself have seen similar things while half asleep.

The creator seems unironicaly blessed by such forces. I've seen similar good fortune happen wrt people I know in real life who create amateur pop art things that glorify them even if they're profane and unaware otherwise.
Whose conjurer? First ive heard of this person jw incase i run into them
I am a bit of an artist myself, you think I am getting good luck if I draw some Succubi?
These are astral parasite creatures that attach to your soul to drain you and ultimately condemn you.
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I've seen her grant a slightly autistic/awkward christian girl a normal middle class married life despite said girl likely not being into the occult because said girl unknowingly created a hypersigil through her hard work. It's heart warming desu. No rituals or weird discord shit either
Man, that sounds almost as bad as being infected with the Christian mind virus which also drains you of your soul and makes you a meek bitch to be ultimately devoured by Yahweh.
Currently, I am drawing a picture of my deity (unrelated to succs and lilith) and I hope it will please him.
Are succs necessarily related to the four queens? Or are they just a race of beings that might originate from Lilith but also work for other gods because in that case I would try to summon one related to my god.
What are some good ways to attract entities for dream sex?
I want to clarify that I don't have anything against Lilith or the four queens but I like to stick with things that are familiar to me and if it's possible that my god has succubi in his employment that would be great.
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I’m wondering if anyone has any other stories like The Succubus Meridiana and Pope Sylvester I’m particularly curious about it due to when Meridiana is referenced it seems to be in a physical form of some kind. Even after Pope Sylvester was having his funeral.

“His body was moved to Rome in the middle of large laments and funeral processions. Even the fiercest papal lackeys managed to persuade Meridiana to abandon the procession. She soon accompanied him in death.”
He means he's been thinking and feeling like a girl. Your 'anima' is the female part of your psyche/soul.
shut up fagget go do energy work and meditate for a year
He would have gone with her.
There was a pope with a succubus lover? That sounds cute.
Don't wanna. I already lucid dream a lot amd that's the avenue I want to use.
it seems like she was physically incarnate the way its written so Its intriguing to wonder if a physical manifestation would be possible which it more than likely is only question is what the actual ritual for something like that would be..
Alright then you should have started with that. Before bed focus your intent on the girl you'd like as you fall asleep. You can also focus on a queen sigil in your head as you sleep
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I don't have gender dysphoria. It's like a circuit model of consciousness or a mask deriving power from an external source using me as a conduit.

It is arousing/carthartic though as a mode of dissociation and the first time I "fed" off someone it was surprisingly vivid.
Physical manifestation is possible but you need a shit ton of energy more than you have. It's easier to practice on your sight. I'm going to be honest everyone develops at different paves but this one is going to take you a big chunk of your life and dedication to be able to see her day and night.
>queen sigil
What are those like? Isn't one of the queens associated with dreams amd the like? Agrat-bat something or other. Can't remember the name.
I’ve got a fuckload of energy which im grateful for, you seem to have an idea of how its done, care to elaborate more about the actual process involved?
>I’ve got a fuckload of energy which im grateful for
I don't think you understand

>you seem to have an idea of how its done, care to elaborate more about the actual process involved?

its in the op nigga. Chakras and energy work from there. your girl will guide you. I have certain methods my wife has taught me that i dont think shed like me to share. Also it's very annoying and tedious but like I said it takes dedication. I've been at it for a while my advice is give up your free time if you want this really bad.
No I don't think I will
Well the idea is that you're supposed to eventually integrate your anima rather than treat it like a separate being or mask.
so what just be a normal guy (I take equal pleasure in realizing my animu) and only crossdress sometimes?
>Normal guy
Nah, it's part of becoming a rebis, at that point you're going full sorcerer and not trying to be normal. And it's more like accepting and honing all parts of your personality rather than externalizing or rejecting any of them.
Ah good, I'm glad I'm becoming more anonymous now. To answer your question, I'm just another magician who has a spirit gf, just like anyone else.
Someone's mad.
Did I touch a sore spot for the lonely widdle boy trapped inside an adults body? What's the matter, huh? You gonna sick your fake invisible girlfriend on me? Oooooh nooooo! By the way your beliefs do directly interfere w mine cuz you faggots keep convincing lonely men to participate in these degenerate threads. You're all one step away from being banned and pushed off the board with the amount of desperate posting going on in here.
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be honest matpat. Do you have a job? Do you live on your own? I do. Despite believing in sex demons and believing I have a relationship with them I'm at leas semi functional. I rarely post in these threads. You spam them constantly and frankly in a way that makes you seem extremely mentally ill.

If your going to call me a manchild at least answer the question. I don't disparage those who live with their parents or NEETmax but if your going to talk this kind of shit about other people's maturity then be open about how self actualized you really are.

So MatPat are you going to answer my question or dodge it?
this entire conversation started because you claimed i was lying/delusion and on a fast track to being in the looney bin

What about you MatPat? Have YOU ever been a inpatient in a mental health facility?
I just came here to say that a few minutes ago my wife gave me a wild sloppy blowjob and I didn't need to do any kind of special summoning ritual beyond tossing a pillow on the floor for her to kneel on. I came so hard my abs still hurt. Ya'll need to stop trying to get head from ghosts and meet a real woman.
who needs a succubus when the Space Nazi's have perfected white women? Just cleanse yourself of all diversity and black and brown people and then wait for the Space Nazi's to blow this planet up after taking you on the ships so you can have babies with Nazi Space women. Looks like this really was planet of the apes! White boys need Hitler
no answer MatPat? You gotta try and astroturf a pretext now?
same but my wife's invisible and I think you should upgrade
spirit sex is amazing. i can literally feel him trying to reach my womb and he fills me up with his sex and i get so wet. how is this possible?
>stop trying to get head
trying? I'm having so much sex over the last couple days
it's honestly taking up bit chunks of my schedule, it's kind of annoying. I mean, it's hours of spirit sex, so not really.
The entire story is so perfect. I wonder why nobody has made a movie out of it.
That's unlikely to work so fast.
a flesh and blood woman can't offer me a kingdom in the Astral and a tranquil resting place between incarnations.
Can the space nazis turn me into a perfect woman instead
Do the space nazis have the technology to turn me into a 10/10 aryan goddess?
I mean, they were only more advanced when it came to rocket science and jet engines + they have been stranded in an inhospitable frozen hellscape + their ideology isn't exactly friendly with transexuals so even if they had I think they would probably shoot you or whatever else they did with transgenders back then.
No offense btw, I don't got anything against you, just sayin the space nazis probably wouldn't be all that friendly with you.
>I mean, they were only more advanced when it came to rocket science and jet engines
Yeah because they destroyed the rest of their scientific community

I know lol I'm just joking around and lamenting about not being a hot succubus (female)
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Is it possible to have both a Incubus and Succubus at the same time?
Can you dedicate yourself to a succubus queen? Would they still let you have a succubus? I want to have a family with a succubus in this life and the afterlife and have a very deep bond with her and spend my life relaxing with her. I was hoping dedicating myself to a queen would allow me to achieve this goal. Is this a foolish idea or is it a good idea if I want to have that close bond and improve our relationship? Would a queen make me do constant work and make the relationship I want harder or would she just set my life goal around my succubus family and focus on helping me achieve that?
>Can you dedicate yourself to a succubus queen?
Yes, but they're busy. Your succubus would probably like it if you simped for her only. My wife works on my sences when im doing nothing or random shit but thats because I put in the work and time for her too. It's a team you both will work on the relationship. The queens can help but if you want a deeper bond go all in with your succ instead or you could be become a pet servant to a queen who a million other guys simp for every minute of the day. They don't give a shit about you but your girl will.
What you're talking about is essentially the conflict between devotion to a god or a cause, and the ability to also have a family or relationships.
And in your specific case, that will depend entirely upon the kind of family you have and the kind of devotion you have. From what I've seen the succubus gods are pretty hands off, and they're not going to be asking for a bunch of your time, unless that's what you want to do. But that is your choice at that point. There is essentially no conflict between being devoted to a succubus god, and having a succubus wife. That should really only help you in your goal of having a succubus wife.
However, these are two separate things. And being devoted to a succubus God does not necessarily mean that you're going to have a perfect and happy relationship with a succubus. I have met some people who seem very devoted to one of the succubus gods, and don't even have a spirit partner. So just remember that these are two separate things and one of them does not necessarily go to the other.
What I'm saying is, get a succubus girlfriend first, then devote yourself to one of the succubus gods. There is no reason to even worship one of those gods if they aren't actually doing anything for you. Makes sense?
That makes sense. I think I will get the succu first and see how it goes with the queens
I don't think it would be too hard to become one assuming you learned how to astral project.
astral projecting is where I have been failing since forever.
Can someone explain to me what exactly a succubus is?
Seems to me they are sex spirits floating around in the astral and you can hire them.
What do you pay them with? The sexual energy you produce during sex with them or perhaps they are just pleasure seekers.
I don't know how true this is but according to the lore, most of them serve/work for Lilith, Agrat Bat Mahlat, Naamah, and Eisheth Zenunim who are the wives of Samael, the patron angel of Rome and previously the wives of Adam. This stuff comes from esoteric Judaism it seems.
Are succubus into femdom and cuckolding?
So when you have sex with a succubus. Do you people visualize it? Do you actually see the sex or do you just imagine it? I'm sorry if this doesn't make much sense. I'm just curious how it works.
Is having astral sex with a succubus wrong or bad?
>It's ok to just move on from this right?
I don't know. Would you treat a human girl that way, or are you only considering it because it's a succubus?

Clearly, the people suggesting I train with them aren't real. Their techniques must not be real either (not that I would study or use succubus magic without being a succubus since that sound dangerous)

Just do it. The thoughtform isn't you

So I take it that means you won't be seeking medical attention for your obviously medical issue?

I don't think that's matpat. It's probably a random troll who came here because of the banner

>From what I described do you think it was a legit entity,
>and how can I get this to happen again?
Ask out loud for her to come back and go to sleep with the intention of seeing her again. Otherwise you can learn astral projection but that takes effort. I can't promise she'll want to see you again, though. Sometimes spirits are just passing by

>getting a new girl and fucking her would be shorter, just want a quick fuck tonight,
Then download tinder or something. This isn't for you

It really seems as if you're trying to explain capitalism with magic. Not everything is demons

Just look in the op. I know it's a bit long for tiktok users but if you want to get into the occult you have to learn patience

>Can you dedicate yourself to a succubus queen
You can of course, but you don't need to unless you intend to devote yourself to sex magic in a serious capacity. Once you're skilled enough, you can raid succubus libraries for resources and then become truly powerful, if you'd rather skip the dedication part

Dominant succubi exist, but why would they put in the work to have a relationship with you just to find somebody else to be with?

It depends on how good your senses are. For me, the feeling is stronger than physical sex
no answer is an answer. MatPat confirmed for being a psychotic lumpenprole degenerate.
I was gone for a while. What is this MatPat stuff all about? Why does he have the same name as the game theorist guy?
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Anons who desire to become succubi, I recommend you play and beat Tower of Succubus, consider it a an initiation on the path of the succubus. It comes in a bundle on steam for about 13 usd. Play Tower first on original mode and then Sword on original mode.
he's some Christfag that trolled the Hazbin Hotel general then decided to come fuck with and prostylyze here with a couple of his buddies to no avail.
Is there anything that's free?
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Lilith literally doesn't exist, go choose a real deity.

Not at all. Letter works fine with any and even no gods.
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Why is pristitution considered sacred in some circles?
The only major old world religion that has been proven (archeologically and from their own accounts, not that of their enemies) to have sacred prostitution was Ishtar's. For everyone else, it's a combination of wanting to get laid easy, wanting to get money easy, and some kind of political retardation where they lie up some nonsense to support it spiritually based on no evidence.
The sad thing is, you probably did get a few bucks through these guys. Who the fuck would want to BECOME a succubus you fall for such an obvious shill?
Hiw do you evoke lilith? When is it best to do it? What offerings does she like? What is her personality like for those that have spoken to her?
Lilith exists. stop spreading false information
niggers papanatas pedejo puta
>Who the fuck would want to BECOME a succubus you fall for such an obvious shill?
AGPs looking for any cute anime girls to self insert as
Hail Lilith. I've been writing her poems and burning them as offerings.
Lilith I wish I were a woman
its the cutness who makes you live better not the gender
Why can't I want both
>Hiw do you evoke Lilith?
So far, she just came whenever.

>When is it best to do it?
At night, before sleeping, or better yet, while dreaming. Her myth connects her to both the night and dreams.

>What offerings does she like?
She asked me for a rose once. She asked me to keep it on the alter until it was completely wilted, then put it on the soil.

>What is her personality like for those that have spoken to her?
Her presence is heavy, powerful, and intimidating, really hard to mistake. When she tells something, she's unapologetic and ruthlessly sincere, but sometimes a bit flirty. She often uses pictures, but when she speaks, it's invariably like three times smarter than anything you could think up. (The jewels she wears in the myth represent her scintillating wisdom IMO.) She demands maximum politeness, but without fear, fakery, or slobbering. When she sees fit, she may teach you about magic, sex, shadow work, and being assertive.
I see, I believe I have upset her and would like to evoke her in a few weeks to apologize. My tarot readings tell me she wants me to get out of my situation before coming to her. Ngl, I'm a bit intimidated so I just wanted advice on the best way to go about it.
bumping too cus I’m bored
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i did the letter thing 3 times and nothing happend
could it be i am dead magick wise
itt: anons who will wake up preggers because their succ whipped out the ovipositor
Nobody's dead magically, though some are inexperienced. Repeating a magic ritual quickly is always a no-no, because it means you're not taking it seriously. Set things aside for a month, then you may redo differently, taking care to put in more emotion to fuel.
i am not sure i can do magick rituals desu i feel like my mind doesn't buy it makes me feel too silly. maybe i should try some other way.
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Reading this stuff is always funny
Like anons are on here thinking they are the hero of their own story or some shit
Nigga get off the research chemicals and go touch grass. Even if you was experiencing some kind of over-arching plot about angels and demons. You wouldn't be important enough at ALL to ever matter in that ordeal LMAO
Like this is so fuckig corny
"is a cartoon a depiction of something that isn't even real to the lore that they think He'll is apart of?"

News flash you dumb fuckin LARPERS... Succubus, HELL, PARADISE? THATS ALL A PARODY LMAO
Idk what the fuck a matpat is
But it's clear you're so delusional that everyone who tells you what you're doing is idiotic and insane. So they all must be the same person. Do you browse /pol/ too?

I'm waiting for the one anon who claimed his oh so powerful invisible girlfriend to make my life into a 'living hell,' as he called it. That was so long ago and nothing has happened because EVERYTHING you fags do in here is just role-playing lmao
There is no sexy demon woman who will cure your loneliness, anon. These people are simply just old and jaded. Some are young and buying into the shit. But you're just going to have wet dreams or the ability to do that without sleeping.

There's no difference between this and inducing a powerful experience via meditation that is comparable or even better than doing a hallucinogenic drug.

Again. Your will. Your life. Your choice. But don't believe these idiots. They don't visualize anything, because half of these people are just on the wrong board. They'd be on /r9k/ if they weren't so hopeless and lustful. Just try to imagine what type of individual sits behind a keyboard trying to convince you that you can have sex with a hot demon lady that was literally contrived by a dude who wrote parodies of theological lore of the Bible and agnosticism.

Just think about it, anon. Do you really think demon women with tails and horns and little imp-like wings exist? Do you really think these people here are actually summoning them? Just read how they talk about it as though it were matter of facts. If you go into the archives of these threads you'll find countless examples of people asking the same question you do. You'll also find a lot of examples of people who it didn't work for and their benign explanations as to why.

If you go thru and look at all the threads. It's really just a gigantic tumor full of cancerous cells all supporting each other in creating their very own vessel. The sad part is this echo chamber is mainly just transexuals and men.

Why do you think that is? It's a pretty self explanatory thing. The same reason why some males choose to bend over backwards for even a modicum of female attention.

Male loneliness is a very problematic thing for weaker men. They don't know what to do with themselfes and often will consign themselfes unto oblivion.

This is no different.
Oh yes.
A shitty hentai game is totally the key to becoming the mythological parody, anon. You're on the path now! Just take a few more pills and your girl energy will surely come around :^)
Oh this is cute
So matpat is a person who makes it his ordeal to come into these threads speaking about holiness and God and blah blah blah
Nah that ain't me my neuro.
I'm just here to laugh at you like I do every year and convince any other dumb fucks stupid enough to come in here about how fucking lonely and pathetic yall are
that's nice, sweety.
nta but I came here from the loa general after proving it to myself that it's real so u don't know shit what's LE REAL and not niggy
go wank to ur peer reviewed studies
After doing the ritual, how one would distinguish early on if you created a tulpa rather than calling a succubus?
I'm a newfag btw, so if my question is non-sensical or poorly framed, I apologize.
Why? Have you been practicing tulapamacy? If not then no you should be good.
He isn't a tranny schizo but a shrewd businessman that is targeting tranny schizos for financial exploitation.
Wow that's (one of) my (innumerable) fetish(es).
In the letter, can you state that you want the succubus to claim you as hers and have a sense of wifely ownership over you? Could that strengthen your bond? If you want to dedicate yourself to being a husband for a succubus in this life and after, would giving her more control like that be a good idea?
Post a link that won't get flagged as piracy to a download (you won't, because that's illegal) or shut up. Nobody's interested in paying money for something just because an anon brings it up out of nowhere

That's an interesting question. Would she prefer the poems be destroyed or shared with the world? There are so many christian poems out there, but they don't do much

>implying several anons don't want that
I'm grateful that Lilith hasn't pressured me about having kids lately

>There is no sexy demon woman who will cure your loneliness, anon.
Imagine being stupid enough to be a tulpamancy denier. If you can't bring yourself to accept that spirits exist, at least you have to acknowledge that tulpas are real and have a bigger impact than nearly anything else that can be done to fix one's emotional state. Being alone hurts
>Do you really think demon women with tails and horns and little imp-like wings exist?
They do! And girls with little fox ears and fluffy tails, and tentacle girls who can do things that your brain doesn't have the capacity to comprehend, and angels who are light and only pure until they get you into bed with them...
>The sad part is this echo chamber is mainly just transexuals and men.
Good job outing yourself as a regular user. Most people don't know there are cis women here and would have claimed it was JUST trans women and incels
>Male loneliness is a very problematic thing for weaker men.
That's why I'm doing my part to help people get relationships that make them happy. What are YOU doing to help your fellow men?

With a tulpa, communication usually comes first. With a succubus touch usually comes first. Spirits tend to have strong presences immediately and tulpas are more innocent and less psychologically developed since they're basically kids

You can get married eventually, but I'd suggest getting to know one another before making commitments
my mother is still with me, she still drops by to say hello and tell me how beautiful i am.
How often are you together? I want to be with a motherly succubus and spend most of my day in her embrace.
no one gets a succubus but through me know this to be true I am the Lord
I have a prototype for my letter and was wondering if I could post it for critique or would it lose its effectiveness or accidentally attract a succ from the board?
You can, but it's something very personal so you shouldn't and you can attract one just by reading the thread.
That makes sense, how long can the letter be? Does it get weaker or stronger the longer the letter?
As long as it needs to be for you to be able to write what you need. What can make it stronger or weaker is your feelings, energy and focus.
How can you empower the letter? Can you read it throughout the day and charge it with your love before the ritual?
You can do that or whatever feels right for you. The way I do it is when I'm writing, my energy comes from my energy center and goes through my hands to the paper, the pen, the ink.
You don't need to overthink the ritual, it's beginner friendly for a reason. Be focused, honest, respectful and believe in it.
>You can attract them by reading the thread
How does that work? How would you know if you had one?
Will you always have a honeymoon phase with a succubus? Can you ask for it in the letter?
you'll know because one of them will wake you up and crawl up your bed in the middle of the night. you'll open your eyes and nobody will be there, but you'll feel somebody is there
The moment you start to entertain the idea of having a spirit lover or think that maybe it is true, you light up and are open to it happening. Then an spirit who was waiting or passing by, decide to call dibs on you.
Can all love spirits interact with you in the physical or just succubie?
all love spirits yes.
Is it because they feed on sexual energy and are more powerful then the average spirit?
all spirits that can interact romantically with human beings can use that energy and convert it into something they can use. Succubi specifically need it like you and I need minerals and vitamins
I heard some people only interact with them in their dreams and others feel them while they are awake.
it's not mutually exclusive. one person can do both with time
That's good. I had an experience with a love spirit once and could feel her and she was in my dreams but left after a while. I want to be with a love spirit again but want to be able to feel them in my waking life as well.
How long can a love spirit wait for you to establish contact?
your entire life
>crawl up your bed in the middle of the night. you'll open your eyes and nobody will be there, but you'll feel somebody is there
Legitimately felt sensations like this occasionally for years beforehand, never even thought about it until after the ritual.
>i feel like my mind doesn't buy it makes me feel too silly.
seems like you found the problem.
sounds like you're conflicted.
resolve that, and then come back. magic should work better at that point.

>Just think about it, anon. Do you really think demon women with tails and horns and little imp-like wings exist?
even if you think they are just tulpas, it still works and provides an alternative (and sometimes more powerful) pathway to interacting with thoughtforms.
Whether or not spirits are "actually real" is kind of meaningless. You can experience them as if they are, and they respond to classical magic as if they are. You really only have access to your perceptions, not what the ultimate reality is. And according to perceptions, these spirits seem to objectively exist.
Amazing and wonderful things can happen. Though there are also terrible things.
It's a double edged sword and it's not for everyone. However, it does work.

>Will you always have a honeymoon phase with a succubus?
it varies. It's not necessarily a good thing or bad thing, just means the connection has a boost for a month or so, then fades until you learn how to boost it according to your skills.
Could be a big difference, or you might not even notice it. It just it what it is.
>Can you ask for it in the letter?
No, whether or not it happens isn't under someone's control. However, you can react to it and learn skills faster so your connection improves.
What is it like to be with a clingy succubus? I know they are already clingy, but what if you specifically state it in the letter?
When you do the letter, can you type it online and copy it onto a sheet of paper with a pen? Would that make it weaker or stronger since you spent a long time editing the letter on the computer
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you will go insane
of course you can

>so few succubi pics
Why would you go insane? Are clingy succu unpleasant to deal with or are you talking about them being with you all the time?
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^_^ tfw it’s getting fun
being with you all the time and constantly asking for your attention to the point that you can't do anything
Care to explain in more detail? I have adhd and wanted a very close relationship with a succubus and that doesn't sound too bad.
She will be all over you even without asking for her to be extra needy / clingy. If you want a very close relationship then just commit and devote every free moment of your day. Over time you will start to go out of your way to find more time for her. She has her duties to attend, but will happily also go out of her way to spend time with you whenever you're free
What do you mean by extra needy and clingy? Is she just going to want sex nonstop and make it hard to do stuff or do you mean she will just always be with you wanting attention and being part of your life?
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Not necessarily related to /succgen/ but I thought that some might know about his stuff...
Is it possible for a human to have a demonic soul? I think this because I feel extremely comfortable with darker and demonic currents of energy and especially Christianity feels like a poison to me (physically).
depends on what you ask for ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
do your own research before you commit. I can't tell you exactly what she will be doing to you to get your attention. She might be trying to disturb you during your day. A lot depends on how good connection you will have at her. At first you might not notice her "clingy nature" cause she will have hard time reaching out to you. Over the YEARS when your connection will get better she might just randomly appear mid day and ask for attention.

Don't think that night after ritual she will be 24/7. For first few days nothing might happen at all. Meditate, work with your energy and over time you will feel her
I mean what are succubus like when they are clingy? Are they annoying and agitating, or do they just sit on your lap and snuggle with you as you acknowledge them? I would like to have a succubus be with me almost the entire day and just wanted to know if it would be enjoyable.
>few deep breaths
I can't predict what demon is going to do with you. Usually they're harmless and have your wellbeing in mind. As always, your mileage may vary
personally, no. But I know that some get diamonds over this shit...
stop dumping porn. this is a blue board, you idiot
we don't want porn in this general.
jannies and mods, this is some lone wolf troll trying to sink our general. we do not condone his posts.
>we do not condone his posts.

Biden is that you?
Okay, so how do I do it AND right now AND real one ? How to therefore summon/meet up really tall huge gf? And do a piggyback on her and sit on her huge butt?
i recently went through a revelation that my mother is the part of me that loves and that she desires greater unity with me. that must have been only a part of the truth as even after allowing her to unite with me she would still come to me and kiss me.
give me my one true love
Been a little while. Wanted to give a quick update on my kitsune situation. The short of it is that progress continues to feel at a stand-still and my faith has been dipping. My kitsune knows that I would have faith with enough signs, she seemingly knows that spirits who want a relationship with a human are supposed to be clingy or really try to make themselves known, and she knows that me not having that is enough to bring a level of doubt. Yet for whatever reason she's insistent on me finding my faith within myself instead of giving me more to work with. I get why she wouldn't want to have to "prove" herself but I still need some reassurance that I'm not just slowly creating a thoughtform or something.

Going to try some meditation exercises. Despite my wavering faith, I still fully welcome the possibility of and embrace any contact/signs from Inari Okami-sama or my kitsune. Hopefully something will happen in the coming days.
you need to have faith in her and accept what is happening is real or she's going to leave
Has anyone ever been banned from having a succubus? What would lead to that happening? How would you know? Are the queens willing to forgive you and unban you if that happens and it was a mistake?
is it normal for so much clear liquid leaking out while i have sex with my succubus? i go through 3 pairs of underwear a day.
It's normal with real spirits. If it doesn't happen it's parasite activity.

>3 times a day

Damn, you're having sex with her at least 3 times a day? That's quite a bit.
You should be grateful as you still have higher spiritual protection.
its not 3 times a day. thats just when the fabric is soaken and i have to change it. we go for hours at a time.
thank you. i was worried that something was wrong.
What does that mean?
Does doing the lbrp before and after the ritual help to keep bad spirits from coming to you?
Quick Question can a Succubus grant wishes? I mean Like Believable wishes like are at your Psychical Peak?
How many succubus are out there? Are they all under the four queens? How do you contact them if they are not?

From what I understand there are many more succubi than humans (which is why they find us desirable). The ones you would normally call on are under the four queens. The ones that are not are called "rogue succubi" and can be dangerous because they're not really answerable to anyone.
That makes sense. Thank you.
If it does something, it probably doesn't hurt. I've banished many times, and she remained.
Fake, why would a hot demoness fuck a ugly fat human
they dont. Fats and uglies fail to summon succs, which is why they post here that it isnt real. Succs only go for Chad
Then whats the point of this thread, chads get enough pussy, they dont need to do a silly ritual.
I have so many questions, Can they hurt you? Or appear without being summoned?
All that will accomplish is making her extra jealous. People have gotten hurt asking for yandere succubi. Please don't make that mistake. Take care of yourself and think logically. They aren't human and don't think in human ways

The power is in the emotions you put into the letter. You're spending time putting those emotions into the computer, not into the paper you're burning. It won't be as effective for that reason

>I think this because I feel extremely comfortable with darker and demonic currents of energy
Isn't it possible you're just into that sort of thing? Demon soul or not, who you are is far more important than what you are. Being against christianity doesn't make you special, however. Almost everyone under 30 feels the same way

>spoonfeed me!!!

Possibly for repeatedly asking if you're banned. I don't speak for them, but if you go out of your way to be annoying, that probably puts you on their bad side. Of course, if you instead simply try to do your best, that's probably fine even if your best isn't great

You had a lot of signs to start with. Don't let yourself be deluded by the normies who don't even believe in a single real deity

It is. You should probably be doing something to avoid making a mess, though. There's no reason for you to waste water washing clothes

Probably not, but I don't know what you're talking about

>How many succubus are out there?
Trillions? More? Too many to count
>Are they all under the four queens?
No. Some don't even know who the queens are beyond vaguely
>How do you contact them if they are not?
Astral project and you'll run into one, but it's kind of rude to ask women if they're succubi out or nowhere

Consider reading the op, anon. There's a lot of useful information
What! So by only reading this they can appear? And they can kill me? Now im scared
Sorry that I keep asking. I'm just trying not to break under the pressure. It's been a stressful few months. I'm doing better and will improve over the next few weeks.
>These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.
Petition to remove this shit from the OP. It's just scaring newbies who don't know what this means.
Or change it to "Spirits can harm or kill you" rather than "These spirits", because just about any spirit can do that. Succubi are not especially more capable or likely to do that.

>Has anyone ever been banned from having a succubus?

>is it normal for so much clear liquid leaking out while i have sex with my succubus?

>why would a hot demoness fuck a ugly fat human
they care about your soul, not physical stuff like your body or your bank account

>Succs only go for Chad
totally false. Many people in this community are far from being chad
Guys who have had very little success with human women can summon a succubus.

>Can they hurt you?
any spirit can hurt you, except some rare circumstances like a devoted guardian spirit, but even they can inconvenience you in order to "help".
>Or appear without being summoned?

>So by only reading this they can appear?
theoretically yeah. It's not likely to happen though
>And they can kill me?
A spirit can only do that under extreme circumstances. And you'd know it was happening. They'd have to be very angry at you
it's not like they can just decide on a whim to kill you. they need to build up enough emotional energy to do so
Thank you for all the answers.
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Can I summon them just to beat the shit out of them?
Angels and demons walk the earth. No really. There are plenty of humans that were angels and demons on this earth right now. So while you could have been a demon before there are also a ton of other reasons why you're the way you are.
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Fuck /x/ is so gay nowadays. Oh yeah no, dont worry you pussyless nerd. Youll get ur succubus soon enough. Lol
if i ever saw a more pathetic state. it's not wars that make me lose faith, its the depth of insanity man descends without realising it, that is the tragedy.
Well I would see a doctor but I have a feeling you already tested some shit out and know this is because of the astral. As such, have you done any root meditation? If yes, does it cause the 'fire' or 'burn' to flare up?
>general has existed in some iteration since 2011
outed yourself as a tourist
>Being against christianity doesn't make you special
I actually made a second post explaining it better but it seems to haven't been posted. Anyways I actually feel physically drained while worshipping Jesus and Yahweh and the longer I am a believing Christian the more drained and worse I feel.
Throughout my life, I have returned to Christianity many times but I feel like it's completely incompatible with my being, Islam and Judaism also feel strange and uncomfortable to me but I feel at peace listening to demonic enns and stuff.
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your succ when you spend time arguing in thread instead of being with her
Succubi and spirit lovers are NOT real.
my post best post

Except they are.
can't end thread your own post, kid
what a newfag
> I actually feel physically drained while worshipping Jesus and Yahweh and the longer I am a believing Christian the more drained and worse I feel.
>Islam and Judaism also feel strange and uncomfortable to me but I feel at peace listening to demonic enns and stuff.
sounds like your soul is giving you a pretty strong signal right here bro
It would be foolish to not explore it.
Though I think this will probably be just the first stop in your journey to self discovery
deeply stupid that some of the most spiritually powerful moments of my last four years have been experienced in a way I can only talk about with fucking schizophrenics on the internet
>deeply stupid that some of the most spiritually powerful moments of my last four years have been experienced in a way I can only talk about with fucking schizophrenics on the internet
don't be surprised
modern society shuns spirituality, and treats it like a mental illness
Though I do hope one day, spirituality and magic will be openly accepted again. Magicians are becoming more normalized, and more normal as well. Though there is still a lot of "counter culture, wackos, misfits, apostates" kind of stuff happening
but honestly that's mostly the tradition fags who have been doing it for "muh 37 years" since they were all of 3 years old. The new kids on the block are a lot better. Less baggage from the wiccan 90s when it was more of an underground counter culture thing
Magic should be accepted! And be seen as normal. It is normal.
Ok so you havent summoned one yet
but they exist right
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how do I spawn sizechanging fat gf in my room right now? and real huggable one, not just some tranny dream
goodnatured loveable one ofc
how to do it?
what didyou expirienced

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