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4 days. Are you ready? (Ok, some people say it will be tomorrow)
What could happen? The possible events might be:
- blue beam/fake alien attack
- nuclear blast at Ukraine or Israel or somewhere
- super big terror attack somewhere
- cyber attack, media/internet blackout
- new pandemia
- blue beam religion/fake "come back of Jesus" or such
- black swan event ... something no one has thought about
What's your take?
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We're gonna get reamed by a massive asteroid, it's going to come from up sun, those looking won't see it till it's only 12hrs out - nobody in the public will be informed.
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>it's going to come from up sun
Well, sun is not very big ...
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Video about it:
>What's your take?
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- zombie outbreak (of the vaxxed)
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But, maan, that's just what they want us to believe ...
Can you give timestamps for the interesting bits so I don't have to listen to this cowboy hat guy talk for half an hour?
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>two more couples of days
>spoonfeed meeee
vampires begone
Dio reference
I have to go to work soon and my time is valuable
that's not how research works
you are the normie herd, you need curated data
we tread the unknown to help you reproduce
This. Also, bump.
>you are the normie herd, you need curated data

I have to go to my job in about an hour, I can't listen and pay close attention while I'm working either. I get it if you're a NEET and don't ever work so you can devote all your time to researching, but I'm not. I guess I'll have to listen to the whole thing when I get home since a brief tldr is too much to ask, you jackass.
With all due respect anon, I believe you'll retain more of the content and be able to spread the word with more verve. Honestly, I don't know anything about this but the energy in the air is heavy and somethings coming. Guess I've just made my peace with it.
At 9:00 it's about the actual prediction.
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Also this thread:
this thread IS the bluebeam.
>the apocalypse guise
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A thread can't be the blue beam, Anon.
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>What's your take?
The matrix failing and all the people wake up.
That would be something.
Plandemic 2.0
Only this time they're not offering vaccinations they're going to tell everyone that doesn't have vaccinations that they can't get it and they're going to actually die.
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And what's the political use of this?
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Reminds me on this.
Mass quarantine camps?
What is this based on? The only likely 'event' in the near term is Biden dropping out of the 2024 race.
kill yourself retard
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Look it's the [kill yourself retard]-bot again.
the fact that multiple people are telling you to kill yourself should be indicative of what kind of person you are.
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Yeah, that's like mainstream media telling me that I'm crazy and delusional, so I guess there must be some truth with my theories.
nigger, nobody cares about your gay theories. You're just a retard and multiple unconnected people on this board have been able to tell.
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Ah, you're a troll.
Next time just say this earlier.
I'm trolling you because you're a retard. Apparently so have others.
You're trolling because you're a troll. It's your nature, low-level karma and such.
Nothing is gonna happen
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remember my chuddy buddies, nothing ever happens
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gettin' closer ...
Worship our saviours, the Space Nazis with technology 3000 years ahead of ours. Hail God Emperor!
I've seen a nig terror coming (nothing serious for me and the famalam)
It will make people scared
Then we will all heal
Amazing can't wait
Make it come faster
No master class will permit worship.
lies, 6 million Jews got gassed. Stay mad!
Oh my god
Two more weeks
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I had a dream where I died in a plane crags with one of my coworkers. Tomorrow I am set to meet her somewhere and have lunch. If it’s nothing then it’s nothing. If I die then my dream was telling me something but it’s still a big nothing because I’ll be dead and died with a coworker and nobody special. I’m ok with this being the end. I found peace a few months ago.
Perhaps you had that dream so neither one of you get on that plane. Revelation says young men will have visions, old men will have dreams. I would assume those dreams and visions serve a helpful purpose, not just for the sake of having them. I believe we're on the edge of all that unfolding.

I had a dream last year, on a day that I suspected I might have met an angel. That night that same guy was in that dream. I was having trouble making sense of what I was doing. I took a piss in a family's chest freezer. I just couldn't figure out what was wrong with the whole scene. The family was in some kind of trance. They looked spaced out. They were conscious, but it's like they were extremely high on drugs or something. I was obviously feeling the effects myself, though not as bad as they were. This guy, who i thought was an angel was there. I started to apologize. I was embarrassed. I just took a piss in the chest freezer and he saw me do it. I told him how I took a knock on the head a year earlier and how I thought maybe it affected me a little bit worse than I thought. He didn't seem to be affected by it at all. His response was, "maybe it's the Israeli mind control weapon." I woke up immediately as soon as he said that.

If you think that dream you had means something. Act on it. That's my advice. I can't imagine what purpose it would serve otherwise.
Blackswan event
Nothing burger
Biden steps down
going through my old dreams:

July 15, 2020

I recall going through this electric sort of gate. It was odd and pointed, like a deterrent. A somewhat tan yellow color. I heard and inner voice talking about the Magna Carta and how it was always mention first because it was the first document to guarantee freedoms. Or something like that. It then went on to explain the year it was created. Which was something like 1200 roughly. This surprised me but when I awoke It was confirmed it was roughly that old. A mysterious feeling dominated.
I heard some voice say something like “it is beginning” or “it has started”
10/1/2020-10/3/2020(*10/4-10/5), 10/10/2020-10/13/2020(*10/14-10/15), 10/10/2020-10/13/2020(*10/14-10/15), 10/20/2020-10/23/2020(*10/24-10/25), 10/30/2020-11/3/2020(*11/4-11/5/2020), 11/10/2020-11/13/2020(*11/14-11/15), 11/11/2020-11/13/2020(*11/14-11/15), 11/20/2020-11/23/2020(*11/24-11/25), 11/30/2020-12/3/2020(*12/4-12/5/2020). 12/10/2020-12/13/2020(*12/14-12/15), 12/10/2020-12/13/2020(*12/14-12/15), 12/20/2020-12/23/2020(*12/24-12/25), 12/30/2020-1/3/2021(*1/4-1/5/2021). this pattern will continue into 2025, 2025 will be a year of tremendous change. the synchronous dates are the date that contain all sequential number (such as 1-3) and the POWER dates will be any date which breaks this threshold. For example 12/13/2012 was a synchonous date, but 12/14/2012 broke this pattern, omitting the 3 and instead including a four. The Sandy Hook shooting happened on that date and then next series of synchronous dates were 12/20/12-12/23/2012. On 12/21/12 the moment of silence was had for Sandy Hook, which was also the date that the world was supposed to end.
I'll expound and say that often the date of the dream coincides with that date in a future year.
New month same thread
You’re the gayest one in this thread

July 15, 2013
I was driving out west. I think that I was in somewhere like Arizona, Nevada or New Mexico. Maybe some place in Cali. Wherever it was, it was a place with a very hot, desert climate. I felt I had truly driven very far to get here. I was driving down a main street. a 'strip' which seemed maybe to be a little historical. i went inside of a restaurant. in that restaurant was a small stage/podium. people were seated around it, waiting for the president(Obama) to arrive. he did. he began some kind of speech, i was seated so close to him. he seemed flustered and distracted, though. like something was causing him trouble. there was a strange lack of body guards and i saw through the open door a suburban or some kind of big vehicle like that. he left and came back at least twice. i had to move my own location to get a better view of him. this place was like a sort of modernized old saloon, converted into a restaurant.
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just throwing out stock market crash since it hasn't been mentioned
July 15, 2021

Some sense of impending mortality, perhaps. if not for me than others. here were other events that led me there.I entered a room and nearby there was another smaller room which I perceived as an elevator. And it was filling up with people.. I saw my two pharmacist bosses from high school. The older was seated and people were gathering around him and he was talking about the vaccine. The other stood next to him. He wore a pharmacist jacket, and had some kind of Id badge attached to it. he stood silent. I think he did notice my presence but I didn't know if they would recognize me. In my mind I knew the younger had died (as he did a few years back), so I was baffled and wondered if he had faked his death. when I entered I had a bandage around my head. It seemed there was a revolutionary spirit to all of this. A girl asked me if I got the bandage from the "insurrection" and I seemed to think that I did. someone also commented it would be healed but I still wear it. and I found this absurd. I took it off and explained I still have some abrasions. as though confabulating an explanation as I searched my mind for a memory of why I had it. Classical music I think played in the background at this time. a very distinct melody that is familiar, with a light choir in the background. but somehow i don't remember what it is. I wish i could remember but it is a very familiar melody(I tracked it down, it was Delibes: Lakmé - Duo des fleurs)

then I heard someone, i think a girl, talking about some odd phenomenon with the moon rays and some connection to the earth. perhaps the moon shifting or vibrating or resonating and this was associated with a mountain and a series of cave tunnels that descended within the mountain much like mine shafts. the tunnel would run a distance in a diagonal straightway and then abruptly switch to the opposite of the other, but otherwise be an exact copy of the preceding shaft.
July 23, 2021

I was at the office at night. My cube was positioned differently but in the same area. perhaps i was at my old spot. then, at it seemed 8pm, or 10pm, or maybe midnight, a Chinese man came in and sat roughly where my current cube it. we talked briefly. he seemed connected to something extreme going on in the world. there is some vision of a geyser, was this associated? like old faithful, perhaps. maybe black water though. not totally sure.
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Honestly hoping Ukraine gets nuked so we can get rid of that brainrot country.
The darkside of the moon will take the moon a distance away from the planet causing gravity shifts and an eventual flood. Either that or the brown dwarf star that rotates in an elongated elliptical fashion will make it’s 6000 year pass through our solar system again fucking up everything it touches again.
I think they could do an event that's used to shatter or gut puritan or "family" values in hopes that it gets more people to vote democrat
1/6 got the FBI on the elite's shitlist
That wouldn't make people blame moderates or sheltering advertisers, though

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