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There was a time when all humanity was working together. We had technology that interfaced seamlessly with nature, long lives and huge urban societies that make modern cities look like villages.
This is the time many cultures describe before the ancient era, when giants walked the earth and beings from other worlds exchanged goods and wisdom with humans. These relationships led humans to discoveries about the fundamental nature of the cosmos and consciousness itself, allowing them to manipulate the natural world through a system of chemical, social, biological and physical processes. Ancient man could distort reality using a combination of technology and consciousness, allowing him to manifest things beyond comprehension.
Suffice to say, the capabilities of ancient man would look like magic to us today.
If the sayers are right, this period of harmony happened between 10,000 and 35,000 years ago but may have continued long before in a deep forgotten past.

The entirety of modern history is a twisted attempt at concealing this truth; something it has done with considerable success. The signs of past achievement are literally right in front of us yet all of modern science, philosophy and theology have been interfered with in order to make us believe disharmony is the default state of humanity. There are monuments to the harmonious nature of our existence all around us, but they are hidden by constant assurances of our own apathy.
Unignorable proof of our past has been hidden in plain sight-- those with interests in keeping humanity mundane has realized the truth doesn't need to be hidden if you can be convinced this is all as nature, science and God have prescribed.
Systems of consciousness use layered harmonic patterns to perform both computational and energy management tasks. In computational terms, frequencies establish order of operations for logic. In energetic terms, frequency interference allows energy to take on modalities that influence the electromagnetic spectrum in different ways.

These systems are not solely in human beings but the universe itself also features these characteristics as they seem to be intrinsic to all matter and energy. When human beings are working at their full potential, they are capable of both interacting with and exchanging with the energetic systems that unify time and space and allow deterministic events to occur at all scales.

This means humans are part of an ecosystem which allows human will to exert itself across cosmic distances without violating physical laws. Conscious will is common to all matter and thus everything around us is both our creation and responsible for creating us simultaneously. Other conscious beings in nature are also aware of their connection to the 'Prana' or 'Chi' that allows all things to exist, but they can only communicate through this energy when the "receiver" is tuned to the natural frequencies we were designed for.

These frequencies are not secret; they are represented in the thresholds of each brainwave activity type and also as a standing wave traversing the Earth's surface; the Schumann resonances.
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If you are unfamiliar with the Barabar caves there is a new documentary covering them that has been in-progress since 2017. Much of the older information about the caves has been analyzed and the results are incredible.
The most powerful, first deities emerged from stone Cosmic Eggs, as described in the thread
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show one artifact undeniable from 35000 years ago and I will believe you. Just one. A drill, an awl, or anything as advanced as you claim.
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You do realize the only way objects survive that long is if they are petrified right? Metals, plastics and polymers have no chance of surviving anything close to that span of time.
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>no giant skeletons
>no giant dna
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Rather than argue whether the Smithsonian and the papacy (through the european antiquities network) has participated in a coverup of giant skeletons, which neither of us are interested in, there is a much simpler answer to your assertion.

Elongated skulls are an anomaly in the record of hominid evolution in that they exhibit an enlarged cranium (at or around 150% normal volume) compared to homo sapien sapien and have unusual phenotypes for their region such as red hair and olive skin in South America.
These specimens also lack a sagittal suture meaning they are a totally different phenotype than normal homo sapiens.

Yet they are glossed over and their genetics has never been studied. The reason why is simple; they do not fit the narrative of history.
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The way we think of the evolution of intelligence is based on teaching.
A teacher cannot give a lesson he does not already know.
But when we gain the ability to bioengineer, we can just grow more intelligence.
Someone built a human with 4 brains.
So no proof.
Okay, go fuck yourself then.

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>wants to see advanced tools
>ignores the actual products of those tools
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everytime i see doors or indentations in rock like this it makes me believe in some advanced tools or process. because why create an even surface around the door? they could just make the door at the surface of the stone. its been cut down evenly from top to bottom of the original rock. just a very measured thing. And none of these doors ever have any of their own aesthetic or design to them, all around the world. Yet these places will be surrounded by intentionally crafted and carved stone pertaining to the culture that crafted them.
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The larger cutout around the door is called a "rabbet" in modern stone masonry. You are correct that there is no reason whatsoever to work this way unless you have very efficient tools or time is not an issue.

Picrel is one of the cave openings that was later adorned by the dynastic Indians. While beautiful, these kinds of carvings are very imprecise. More often than not decorations and bas reliefs are intended to conceal the inaccuracy of the work done.
When we see totally geometric designs that are also highly precise there is a precedent that is difficult to achieve until modern times.

I highly suggest the documentary I shared above; >>38356928
Which goes into great detail on these caves.
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Why so precise?
What was in them?
Why in darkness?
To avoid "observation"?
I am reminded of the heavy black granite boxes "subwoofers" under the pyramids at Giza.
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The development of human technology is not linear
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collective conscious/unconscious?
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>'Prana' or 'Chi'
The context may change the terms but the meaning is the same. The universe itself is a substrate upon which consciousness is exerted. This substrate propagates consciousness to the extent of being indistinguishable from it.

This reality is found universally in all structures of idealization or physics. It can be developed as a material art allowing matter to be influenced or it can be developed as an extension of consciousness into the symmetrical nature of broader reality.

Reality is defined by the presence or absence of consciousness and varying intervals; this is why theoretical physicists often discuss the possibility all physical reality is created by small perturbations on the surfaces of black holes. Everything can be traced to amplitude, vibration, the presence or absence of consciousness. Holographic theories also rest on this axiom. Our current scientific models have haphazardly assigned electromagnetism as the token term for this realm but this is totally insufficient as it exists now.

Applying this knowledge is the reason civilizations don't build dyson swarms and warp gate networks. The fabric of reality can be understood and can be manipulated using biology. This would explain as well the philosophical implications of the universe being tailored made to support life like us.
Cool, any substance to the idea that DNA is antenna shaped?
>>(...) theoretical physicists often discuss the possibility all physical reality is created by small perturbations on the surfaces of black holes.

Stephen Hawking has spread the theory that black holes are shaped more like sea urchins. This makes sense if you assume that every center of a galaxy is formed by one.
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DNA is microscopic enough to have a lot of unusual effects. It is a hetero nanostructure so it interacts with quantum properties and can theoretically leverage Casimir effects, to name one example.

The only problem with the "DNA as an EMF antenna" idea is that any structure with a broad set of properties will also act like an EMF antenna in a sufficiently large/energetic system. A person standing on the surface of the Earth is an antenna relative to the Earth; a hair on the body is an antenna relative to the body. DNA molecules are an antenna relative to the disordered intracellular fluid.

I would note that superconducting behavior in nanomaterials is contingent on relative orientation of crystalline structures. Certain angles can allow a material to superconduct, and theoretically DNA might have some related effect due to its cross-sectional symmetry. Unfortunately I have not researched this aspect.
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>this thread.
Ok, so, if we take the whole of Sumerian, the ancient Veda's, the myths of giants, floods, wars, etc. we get...Advanced civ comes to earth, maybe more than one. Wants to colonize, set up a base, explore. Finds gold...not that there isn't more gold out in the system alone more than 4000x over but, yeah gold (assumptions are now coming forth that gold is actually needed as a catalyst to refine AM). There is some kinda conflict among the sides and a war breaks out, this war can be interpreted as Aesir vs. Vanir, Deva's vs. Asuras, Ennead vs...well, themselves, and finally Titans vs. Olympians, in short, the Titanomachy. This conflict was before we were "made". Established who had rights to run the operations here. Some fuck all kick ass epic space war...based on Von Dieken, Sitchen et al.
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After everyone's heels cooled. The working class of the aliens were tired of working, because, fuck, you know...an advanced race of beings who can stride the stars like we can walk from one end of the street to the other apparently fail at making automatons. So, a few of the "gods" find a primate that is close, but not quite the same as them. Based on interpretation, they either decide to Zeus the females or add some of their DNA to them, and presto! The perfect slave race to serve them! They had a bunch of advanced cities around and in between the Sinai and as far East as the Indian subcontinent...which conveniently have all vanished, including the ones in the sky (3 of them according to the Vedas) and that really really neat one that Solon heard from some Kemet priest that he told his grandson.
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Well, based on some things the sand people were going on about, humans were very busy fucking and making more of themselves, in part to mine that rock and...serve (?) were making way to much noise and making the "gods" nervous. Probably thought there would be another revolt. Anyhow, they decided to flood the planet. Where the amount of water for this came from is debatable, but basically, they figured their chimeras could not swim. However, one "god" did not want the project to go to waste, and convinced Noah, Atrahasis, Deucalion, etc. to build a craft that could ride the storm out. What really happened? Probably Younger Dryas impact near Canada did fuck all to the ice and parts may have struck nearby.
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As humanity tried to regrow, they figured their former masters would fuck them again and decided to build a tower, it was tall, maybe had help from lesser "gods", may have been a OE, who knows, but this pissed the "gods" off too and they scrambled humanities heads and thus created the different peoples.
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Meanwhile, in the land where people shit in the streets and plot to fuck us all in ways the jews couldn't imagine, had two really long stories called the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, tl;dr, there was this global civilization that consisted of 7 or so really advanced cities (a few in the sky?) that were about to be embroiled in a really nasty war...not as bad as the one that happened before us, that one btw took out the fifth world, ruined Mars and Venus, because they were like Earth or something, closed Saturn's portal, gave it its rings, and a bunch of other bullshit, but hey, you had to be there because it was EPIC, but anyway, this war was about to go down and there were still some "gods" or their kids running around and decided to help one of the two factions. The cause of the war? Someone dropped the baddest "your momma" of all time and that just caused one side to chimp out (Hanuman?) like no other.
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So, the war happened with the remains of the tech from the "gods". In fact, some of the tech was so fucking dangerous, it was hidden in a land to the SE of India, Astralaya, (Australia, the oldest of the continents, according to geology, why? Because they say its so flat and featureless, some people say the Earth is flat too, but really don't care because hate flying and don't really see a need to travel too far) these weapons are the surviving left overs from that space war the "gods" had and one of them actually fucking sounds like a lightsaber. Also, personable portable mini nukes, aircars, power armor, mind controlled drones, and one weapon that sounds like a AM bomb. This war lasted 18 days, killed 1.8 billion, destroyed the flying cities (one crashed, causing a giant wave in a land West of India) and the 7 other major cities worldwide and gave us a probably incorrect description of nuclear radiation based on a weapon that sounds more like a curse or spell. Also, we are still recovering from this conflict to this day and are now supposedly learning back those "wonders" we lost.
if they were so advanced, what happened to them?
why did they fall?
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In short, ancient myths makeup the best science fiction fantasy ever and someone needs to put it all together and make some serious bank. You think when Marduk was on earth, he had a bike like this?
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HG Wells also identified this dynamic quite effectively, something the later White Mountains book series would develop.
I think anon is referring to the Serapeum at Saqqara
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What caused the bronze age civilization collapse?
>Long trade networks and supply chains
>Centralized governments
>Incursions of piracy
>A severe drought period

It's never as simple as one thing. Also, the evidence points to the fact that the Progenitors were aware their civilization would decline. Much of the work we are discovering today (Gobekli Tepe) fit this idea of many sites being created as memorials with the awareness their history would be lost to time if it was kept only in writing and oral tradition.

Of course, about 10,000 years ago the Progenitor civ would have most likely already been effectively gone, with small bastions attempting to revive civilization. These teachers are recognized widely across cultures; Viracocha, Thoth, Huangdi, etc.
do you think atlantis existed? was it one one of the "gods" cities?
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One of the Seven, yes.
what are the other 6?
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The Atlantis the Egyptians and Greeks spoke of was most likely one of the efforts to re-establish the much older legacy civilization considering it was relatively recent; most likely around 10-13,000ya.
It seems reasonable to me that one of the reasons Atlantis was so revered in its time is that it was created as part of the effort to return to the old system of unity. It was most likely built on top of a much older city with roots to the original Progenitor culture, just like the other well known necropolises.

The culture was global and it's likely the actual "city of atlantis" would have been emulated in other locations as well. So, even if we identify the city we should consider the possibility that there were multiple cities designed in a common image; a cultural iconography and set of values rather than a distinct location (or set of locations.)
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Iirc, Mu or Maya, Gook (pronounced Guk), Y's, Hawa or Hiva (yes, mentioned in the Mysterious Cities of Gold) and Xun or Xu. They are concepts of the main cities that existed during the Kurukshetra War.
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Why do you post this copypasta every time? It seems like a waste of potentially interesting discussion.
Because that war was the destruction of the prior age.
is there any recent work done on recovering the tech that is available for us plebs
why would there be
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The answer really depends on how far into a technical perspective you are willing to go.
Tesla was the last person to apply the scale necessary for the Earth-Atmosphere circuit concept. The ancients understood that large amounts of energy could be obtained by bridging charge gradients between locations on the Earth's surface as well as between the Earth and ionosphere.

Radioactive materials or microwave energy can dissociate air to create a conductive volume. Certain geometries can assist collection of energy (pyramids/obelisks are the ideal shape in electrical terms.)
As far as modern efforts go, a lot of these ideas either don't scale down well or are basically ignored because they are pitched in the context of free energy or antigravity, which are categorically blacklisted topics in science.

Others are military technologies like time-reverse wave interferometry and cross-beam over the horizon radar. These are very important but mostly secretive.
If you are able to digest white papers there are a lot more avenues that intersect with this tech. Fusion in solid materials and fluids (lattice confinement fusion and cavitation generators) are of great interest.
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neat stuff

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