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Nooooo, I don't want this weirdo to be a god, He already looks like a super villian. He looks like a ugly version of Aizen.

he's just going to age like everyone else. even in that pic he looks like he is 45 or 50. so whatever he has been doing to preserve his youth obviously isn't working. he is just another aging person like the rest of us.
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Dude looks like a trans millennial with AIDS. He can do all the wheat grass colonics and Zumba he wants, he will forever be a 2/10.

Of course and unless he’s willing to fork over billions to the AI, he won’t hit that 3/10.
I don't know who this character is but i've seen his ugly mug shilled here & on a couple of other boards. So what's the deal, does he pay people to shill for him, employ bots or do it all himself?
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Ehh worry not; he’s not common on here enough to merit any actual thought.
i just want ai to turn me into a hot anime girl

>even in that pic he looks like he is 45 or 50. so whatever he has been doing to preserve his youth obviously isn't working
we'll need to see how he ages into his 60s but yeah it's probably all overkill just waiting for a miracle cure
He couldn't even avoid long covid.
Is this guy just a meme and self-promoting? I can't imagine what kind of people would actually be a fan enough to promote him and willingly write articles. He's creepy. He's gotta be doing it himself.
>he's just going to age like everyone else.

ASI will reverse aging and he'll literally have the powers of Thoth, because of it. That is if AI doesn't kill us all when it becomes super intelligent. Not sure what will happen to us normal people when all this happens. Elon Musk and this guy, and other powerful people will just become like super villians and super heros I guess.
>going to use AI
>To become god
Well, I got good news for you OP, his method is literally impossible.
How isn't it?
Just like a tranny will never be a woman. He's got mental trannydom. Transexuals and transhumanists are one and the same (I won't say it's all due to Gnosticism, but that's a start).
nah, ASI will be able to do god like things. even a million john von neumann level bots working together, will do crazy stuff.
Does that mean he's giving up on his anti-aging protocol? Depressing. Even with all the best of modern medical science, we still can't fight aging. If I believed in the paranormal, I'd say it's like we were cursed to die no matter what we do to defy it.
Best he can hope for is a bot trained to act like him. His body (his self) will still be dead.
The universe is based on analog waves which are infinite, but computers are built on code (binary for now) which is finite. He will attempt to put his conciousness into the machine to become a god but he will detatch himself from big G God and enter into a prison of his own making. Do not go into the machine you will not get out.
Its one of the most interesting health stories of the year, because he puts all the so'yence to the test.

He has a background in data, so he trusts "the experts" and trusts "the science", even though nutritional science is notorious for have falsified and unrepeatable results by grifting companies trying to sell product.
So despite following the best nutritional advice available, he looks like a pale ghastly ghoul, after years of following the best experts available.

And most of the parts that look good only do so because he pays for the best beauty treatments and photography possible.

Love the autism though, and its valuable learning experience for the audience
Yeah iirc he follows a strict vegan diet for his heart and eats the same meal every day @2000 or so kcals/day.
Nobody has to go into the machine. People in this thread don’t really get what’s going to happen. I’d suggest looking into what Thoth could do and his powers, because that’s what these rich people will be able to do.
He's not actually going to ascend, you know.
Only way he won’t is if ASI doesn’t let him or he dies, or some other random thing. Elon Musk almost certainly will since he’s creating his own ASI.

Unless you think the Aanunnaki, God, or aliens will stop us before that.
No, because ASI isn't even close to being real. Take OpenAI claims about their chatbots with a grain of salt.
What the fuck does that mean
why does he look trans? what does getting rid of your body hair achieve in terms on inmortality? or is it just a personal preference of his?
Ok that’s why they’re now working with freaking Los Alamos now. Lol
Ok? You know that was about preventing people using the AI to dispense info that could lead to the creations of bioweapons, right
"AI" is bullshit, and a total nothing burger. "Machine Learning" is what people called these models of procedural algorithms before there was a big push to make people think "AI is the next big thing," and thus create a state of fear/excitement around it to funnel money and legislation around to manipulator's actual interests.
Will this "god" have any worshippers or a liturgy? Will he have his own Bible plagiarized from some obscure ancient text? Will he have some "miracles" under his belt, a prophet, or an apostle to sell his story? Well, I choose not to believe in him. If many don't believe him then it won't be True, will it?
>"AI" is bullshit, and a total nothing burger.
I mean it's not skynet or the singularity or any of that bullshit, but it's definitely not a nothingburger.
Deepfakes alone are dangerous enough to fuck over our entire legal system now that all evidence can be faked and all real evidence can be accused of being fake.
But nobody cares because they're either focused on AI Taylor Swift nudes or fucking Terminator nonsense.
I'll never understand billionaires. He, for example, could set up a real scientific research laboratory with real scientists and devote part of his immense fortune to making real advances in the treatment of ageing. But he doesn't. He prefers to drink lemon juice and swallow 25 tablets a day, which you can find in any local supermarket. And sell his magic lemon juice too.

Why are they like that?
This is him before and after his protocol
Whatever it is, look at that picture and remind yourself "I dodged a bullet." All the stars aligned, all the upbringing and crossroads met in life, led to this very moment.
My dark mind would say they're linked and will "go away" together
Hahaha the trips of completion have announced that clowns exist for our laughter! Praise the Lord, He is Good!
Is this that deluded cocksucker who thinks he's going to live 200 years?
It's only possible if we were to have a almost perfect model of the brain, and be able to approximate behavior (to save on computation, since doing actual physics calculation of every electron moving in your brain is impossible), and have a way to convert from analog to digital.

Let's say best scenario we have an uber mega big dick ai that can act as some demiurge capable of knowing everything that is knowable. We could probably make abstractions for processes in our brain and get a really close approximation of it but that works in a computer.

But the hard part is converting analog to digital. There's two methods to doing it: Do brain scan over all your brain, or slowly replace your brain bit by bit with some sort of machinery that can mimic the activity of your neurons until your brain is completely replaced.

The first one is straight up unfeasible because information grows exponentially with every neuron u scan (since they each have connections with other neurons that you have to take in account)

An example of AI being able to approximate molecular physics without the intense computations needed for granular physics simulations would be protein folding.

The second one is unfeasible because of there probably isn't a material that act like neurons without being toxic to the brain while interacting back and forth, and replacing it bit by bit would require decades.
I hope he succeeds, but given how his brain is aging it seems unlikely. He's probably going to experience a catastrophic loss of function in a couple decades as the dna damage piles up, and no diet or exercise can prevent damage from copying errors.
all the elite are inverted so yes he is trans
First off the link in ops post goes to a post that says he would rather wait to merge with ai than engage in some shit NOW

He looks similar to an ex I dated but that guy was just skinny and normal. Brian would look better that way but all the forced muscles and makeup (you can obviously see it in some videos) and airbrushing and photoshopping he does just makes him look like a very insecure and self consumed douchebag..but not only that.. but also very creepy. Being hit on by this guy probably immediately feels like he's stalking you and planning to do some very weird freaky shit to your remains.

This guy is so retardedly insecure at his core and has built up all consuming walls of the most severe narcissism I've ever witnessed .. I dont know of anyone who takes him seriously. He is beyond obsessed with himself, to the point it has become a total delusion. He doesn't look any younger than he is. Everyone thinks he's weird and insane. I feel like people who interview him only do so because he was scheduled by their assistant or manager or whatever and they have to. Nobody is really interested in what he has to say or him as a person. I don't think anyone thinks he's succeeding. Look at the actor Crispin glover. He's like 60 I think and is some raw vegan or something but he hasn't had any plastic surgery and looks very good for his age.. this is without spending all the time and money that retard BJ has.

I'm more suspicious of Mr Beast being some kind of nefarious being than this dude.
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hes nice i've had a few words with him very down to earth.
What a fool
Ok troon
who dis
You cant be GOD with use of AI, you will become a robot. God is not a robot. People in past become like GOD with no use of teleology but consciousness. You are a cup, what you put inside yourself is what you become.

>Don't put technology, microchips inside yourself.
Why? You can be influenced by this, over frequency modulations. Like attract a like. Imagine a phone who is effected by radio signal when it gets a phone call. Same way human can be just with invisible frequency.
Why not? Everything is possible.
The last thing to be discovery, obviously, is the cure of balding.
he takes estradiol
He definitely plaps and breeds his son
this dude is a proof that the ONLY WAY TO MAKE VEGANISM WORK IS TO POP 100 PILLS A DAY


kek jpg
lol just take finasteride and estradiol
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What did Kai do
funny how he acts like he is reversing aging but he looks exactly his age. he looks 45.
as soon as this guy stops his regiment, he'll start aging faster than anyone else.
He looks healthy, but yeah. Of course its likely that he's going to live way longer than a pleb, and with higher quality of life, but that's generally true for the ultra rich. I'm still less worried about this guy and more worried for the blood drinking pedophile elites in the shadows.
King of the Hylics?
meanwhile theres no group of 200 year old spiritualist monks, just nuts who stop taking their meds and promptly die like the Falun Gong
>try to extend your life
>ghoul mode enabled
It almost feels like the Lord is making an example of this man and it's sad to witness
Damn, imagine being sentenced to 200 years on Earth.
The closest person on this planet to transcend, just human life for starters, is Elon musk, but even in his case it's not certain.

This one is just an obsessed faggot, even the quality of his obsession - "youth" is that of a woman, meaning pathetic. If you wish to transcend, you wish for immortality. He is there technically but not for the right reasons.
It looks like he is neither getting younger nor older, but instead he's going in another direction entirely
beats the alternative lmao. there is no afterlife.
decided to listen to him on youtube for a while after coming across this post yesterday. general impression is that he's a midwit. i'd guess he has a slightly higher than average iq (like probably around 120), so he's smarter than most people but not as smart as he thinks he is. a lot of people in that cognitive range end up going down the atheist/agnostic reddit route. they fantasize about a star trek type future for humanity and subscribe to a kind of neo-materialist religion born out of advances in neuroscience and computation. i'm not going to cover all of his false premises and incorrect assumptions because theres *so many* of them. but this is the highest thing he thinks he can strive for, completely surrendering his will to the will of a machine. if he was a bit smarter, he would understand that this is the equivalent of selling your soul. he is utterly shocked that "people would rather be miserable with autonomy than the happiest they've ever been without it". its so clear as day for anyone with even a basic grasp of spiritual matters that this is selling your soul to sauron. this is the product of his fundemental assumption, that the purpose of life is to not die. nietzsche brilliantly articulated the superior definition of life: the will to power. this is the most fundamental drive, the root of our soul. the energetic vortex at the center of our being, from which our will is exerted and the world take shape. he is giving his away to a greater will, one he does not even understand. i hope he realizes his mistake before he sacrifices much of his life to it. you can see it draining his body
(the atheism rates only get higher the higher up you go)
This is a mastercraft of xphile bait
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its more like the pic, but just replace the spirit language with god language. the reason there are many atheists with high iq is just due to the compartmentalization of their intelligence by the economic machine that seeks to utilize their specialty like a tool
It's the inverse.
The /x/ meme has no basis in reality. This board is just low-midwits fancying themselves geniuses for going off the beaten path.
Being religious and thinking some higher dimensions/power/spirits is probably true are completely different things
It doesn't help when separating those categories either
Granted it's hard to fully disentangle those two terms in how people use them to define their spiritual identities
It's actually mostly LARPers. The majority of people who rant about midwits and normies are trolls from what I've seen. This board is disturbingly disingenuous to the point that I get why so many people think it's all bots.

The amount of bored attention whoring autists who will spam shitty schizo LARPs or say literally anything to get some (you)s is genuinely worrisome and annoying.
lol, go back. yes this board is mostly full of dumb autists and schizos, but you will also find some of the most intelligent minds you will encounter on the internet through here

while this is true, it does not nullify the validity of the meme
>be average Silicon Valley misanthrope
>become AI
>get deleted
Why are these technocrats given a pass?
The meme is only as valid as any other dismissive insult, which is to say about 50% valid on a mostly superficial level.
Most modern memes are psy ops designed to sew division among the disenfranchised though.
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