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The idea that a perfect being of the highest order in existence who is literally responsible for bringing existence INTO existence would create a Universe subject to entropy and death, is absurd. A Creator who populates this dying realm with living beings who also suffer and die, and portions of which occasionally need to be annihilated to start again because the experiments go so horribly wrong, must therefore be an imperfect creator.
If everything was perfect, things would be boring and almost fake. There has to be contrast to be able to appreciate things.
>"Your honour, if it weren't possible for Junko Furuta to be horrifically raped and tortured over the period of an entire month in the cruelest and sickest ways possible, then things would be boring for everyone else! Ergo things like that SHOULD happen!

Holy fucking kek, begone you retarded Archon rat demon kike
"I would do it differently therefor God bad" is not an argument. You are ignorant of the nature of essence and substance. Think harder.
a perfect being is capable of creating imperfect things. your implication is that god or a perfect being has no free will and must only shit out exact copies of perfection infinitely. this isnt ehat the laws of reality even reflect to us or seem to be based on whatsoever. there are perfect geometrical creations in nature and obviously incredibly imperfect symmetries in nature. god created it all. you just sound like youre coping because you dont know the answer and you wont know it until you face the perfect being and confront its intentions face to face. god has free will just as much as you and i
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All those who possess a divine spark are able to imagine a better world because we are from a better world, the real world that this false realm is an imperfect copy of. All those who believe duality and suffering is required are products of this false world and ruled blindly by the archons.
Low effort straw-man
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What do you mean when you say god and imply that it is perfect? Would a perfect god create a world where everyone devours each other to survive another day and is afflicted by horrible disease and the innocent and helpless are brutalized, taken advantage of and their innocence is ripped from them and replaced by monstrous evil? No.
Oh boy someone who thinks they know more than their Creator…kill your ego and then yourself, respectfully
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Hello demiurge minion. You won't reverse any gnosis. May as well focus on your primary task as your energy is limited.
Perfection is an abstract ideal and a perfect beings creations would all be prefect as well by definition. An *all powerful* being could create imperfect creations as well as perfect ones, but even the so called imperfect aspects of the demiurges creation are part of his (according to its cattle worshippers) grand master plan which is ultimately perfect according to those who believe.
Triggered christ cuck alert *weewooweewoo*.
The idea that all this suffering is necessary for growth is one of the biggest lies of the so called archontic powers, and as we know most big lies have a kernel of truth. Overcoming hardship through developing the Will and Warrior Spirit is one thing. But the idea that without the most heinous suffering, murder, death, war, rape and cannibalism is necessary for consciousness to evolve from animal, to man, to becoming one with “god” is bullshit. Even in a perfect earth with no sick ess, death, scarcity and hunger there would still be never ending opportu ity to learn and grow, and to exercise free will.
2 words. Free will. Deniers are bad actors attempting to create slaves.
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The better world is before the fall. We can get it back if we quit making the same mistake.

OP gave a premise, a conclusion, and no argument, what do you want from me? "Person + Trait(Bad) = Person(Bad)" isn't effort.
Unless the imperfections are towards creating a kind of spiritual struggle or alchemy as a greater meaning to the cosmos
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Fingerprints are proof humans are a synthetic race created by someone thats NOT god.
For what "god" needs a biometric id system built into the hands of the biological beings it builds?
What "god" needs to put a biometric printer in their creations hands to know what they touched?
Omniscient, my ass...
Are you a woman?
I think the whole realm of matter and energy was created by/or is some kind of hyper advanced technology.
See: >>38359823
>a perfect being is capable of creating imperfect things
that makes no fucking sense. what are they perfect at then? perfect at doing nothing? couldn't be that because they did something in the first place. Retard.
You should go look up what fingerprints are for. It isnt identification.
God is another product of reality, like the bacteria in your gut.
They make big claims, but they didn't create everything, just the vessel you inhabit. They are very spiritually advanced, but they didn't create it. We're not the only dirtball they have their hands on either.

Look up the book of Job. "It's not torture if we make you love it."
This world is meant to reform you into a slave like >>38359703. When hylics die, they are almost guaranteed reincarnation. If they're lucky they get to experience the low of being recycled for scrap, before experiencing the high of being repurposed into a mindless tool. Sounds fun.
He created imperfect beings but instilled them the ability to achieve perfection, whether or not any human has achieved it or what perfection might be is not for us to know the point is to try.
I agree with the first part. Yaweh is just another name for EL which is another name for Baal, etc. So he is technically just another god who wants to feed on your soul like a vampire, not God or the Creator. But even the Creator is demiurgic if you follow the gnostic train of thought.
None of this is real btw
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>Holy fucking kek, begone you retarded Archon rat demon kike
holiest of based

You suggest a premise but it amounts to fuck all.

Regardless of who created this world you are still here anon.

God I get tried of the defeat the demiurge and escape the matrix threads.... oh well.
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>"I would do it differently therefor God bad" is not an argument.
Cry about it some more, maybe that will do the trick anon.
You imply that entropy is a bad thing. The point of existence is that being the absolute is not exciting and so souls willingly come to the imperfect human world to experience something. Life is beautiful and worth living. Creating a perfect universe would be boring.
where is picrel from? what game?
OP is a big whiner. Let's all list something we're thankful to the demiurge for. I'm thankful to the demiurge for anime and videogames.
nta but what are they for then?
There are several people that probably made entire careers out of that one girls death. Laws probably got passed to prevent it in the future. The net positive at the end is greater. She will live on forever in history.
Unironically yes.
How do you know its not exciting? Cause you watched some gay hollywood vampire film where they are tired of immortality? How do you know a perfect universe would be boring if you have never experienced one, and cannot even conceive of it in your current state (the physical body)
I'm smiling with tears of happiness

Yes defeat the demiurge. Escape the matrix! This world was created by an evil god.... so therefore.... we are the evil creations of an evil God?

Or you are saying we are divinely good creations trapped by the demiurge?

Please explain for the lowly pleb as I am missing the point perhaps?

Demiurge is bad. And then?
No. Because I've meditated hard enough to get there and ask him myself.
It's beautiful and cool and you'll understand everything all at once. But the biggest realization is that knowing everything isn't really that great. What you really want is to pet your dog when he's desperate for attention. To laugh when your best plans crumble in front of you in the most hilarious way. To cry when things go horribly wrong only to have them set you on a beautiful journey.
That's life.
tldr you need to be 18 to post here. Live more life and come back.
This post smells, and I'm not referring to the image..
Do you think a master painter is incapable of drawing a stick figure shit post?
In what way? Literally the first story in the Bible is about humans having that perfect paradise. We got bored and fucked it up. We literally crave strife and will actively create it where there is none.
That's retarded. Fingerprints are only statistically unique but not truly unique. DNA is in all creatures and is far more unique. Are you implying that God needs to take our fingerprints instead of just reading our DNA or some other soul marker?
Congrats, you explained the most exoteric, 5-year old Sunday school book version. Have a sticker.
So you're thankful to the demiurge for smells?
Look into your nature and realize I'm right. In a perfect universe human nature would just drive us to escape the "prison" even faster. We would immediately reject the simulation. The perfection of this universe is one in which free willed intelligent creatures can fully buy into the simulation for an eternity without anybody but the most fringe questioning it.
Thematrix is a gay Hollywood meme about transgenderism. My use of the term demiurge is simply for the sake of brevity to denote some kid of imposter god. The idea of gods and archons and what yhese beings really are is a entirely different discussion. I do believe that true freedom is against the very foundation of this world, however I believe each being must find that for themselves. The how you achieve that is the stuff of lifetimes.
That's even the premise of the matrix that retards love to quote endlessly. The architects have tried creating utopia civilizations multiple times but people reject them too quickly. This one is optimal in that people accept it.
What makes you think we would even have "human nature" in said perfect universe? When I look into my nature I see the opposite, the true nature is not the same as the nature of the biological vessel which the spirit is somehow bound to. The human form has its own nature and predicaments but to say tos is the entirety of our being is false. Stupid bible fairy tales aside, most people are happy to maintain the status quo and have no desire to escape the physical rat race.
I don't base my metaphysical views off transgender propaganda and bible stories. If you do that is your choice.
It was your choice to come to this universe every time. Not my fault you're a bitch.
>God is bad because he gave me the free will to know that he's bad and a perfect God would make an objectively worse universe but remove my ability to criticize it
Nah. You're just a bitch.
You can't justify undue suffering no matter how you spin it
Lol, ok retard. Fuck off now and read your Sunday school lessons(it's even got pictures for you to color!) the adults are talking.
>Sunday school
You're the one with the simplistic views on human nature. There's a reason we go insane is left in isolation all other needs met.
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kids also think that all the chores parents give them is undue suffering.
Why are you so adverse to suffering anon?

Can you provide an argument why you yourself deserve perfect bliss? Let's put others aside and speak specifically about you as an individual.

What makes you so special that you deserve to live without suffering at all? Please explain.
the world was created by MULTIPLE creator beings and no they weren’t perfect and they weren’t good or evil
You do not dictate nor understand perfection at this moment in time.

Please close your mouth, and open your ears.

If you continue arguing like this?
You will suffer for eternity, at your own hand, because no one is forcing you to be bitter about reality. That is your choice, the torment is your own, for you are the tormentor.
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Epicurus was a fucking retard
Sorry bro I eat Huel so mummy could and did do all of those things for me.
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Your only option is ignore. You'll never alleviate it, so it makes no sense to be a crusader. As much as I hated Atlas Shrugged, selfishness is a virtue. Its the only way. Try to forget. Try to forget about the human condition as hard as you can, because if you cannot, you're toast.
I domt need contrast to appreciate shit

It's only like that because we're in the time dimension.
Retard take
Fuck demons
But that doesn't disprove Epicurus, it just gives one of the answers he said must be: Mommy can't make healthy candy. Mommy is not omnipotent.
Adam and eve were dumb fucks.

We're superior than them.
Not that you don't need contrast, you don't need polarity.
>I have no dollars
>Now I have 100, I am happy
>Now I have 1000, even happier
>Now I have 10000.
This can keep going forever and imperfectly understand the contrast without ever feeling BAD because I am in debt.
You don't need negative money to figure out more money is good.
And you don't need suffering to figure out more pleasure is good.
We need death. We’re not designed to live forever in the physical world. Death is a form of reconstitution. The soul gets weary and the spiritual aspects would deteriorate after a while without death. It’s a need for it, it’s a form of rebirth. We don’t get to choose when we die because we function in the rhythm of life. Death provides reconciliation for ourselves and our loved ones and the spiritual world. It’s the way we reorientate back into the spiritual world.
Whatever u want to think in that intelligence level u do that and fight your opposition. But make sure to work hard pay taxes and vote against whoever you get to hate more
U r the dumbfuck of today tho they weren’t of their days
mommy never claimed to be omnipotent, unlike god of christianity
No u. Literally.
Youre retarded. Im debunking the idea that God created humans. Because as you say, a true god would not need to engineer a fingerprint system to identify each individual. A true god would not make that system so that government could gather evidence against us either.
Evolution is also debunked because what evolutionary advantage does being identified with almost perfect accuracy on everything you touch bring?
Also fingerprints evolving for grip is debunked because then everyone would have the same pattern optimized to grip, and they would NOT have a built in irrigation system to make them oily and slippery, which makes the fingerprinting perfect on every surface you touch.
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>if God why ... le bad
>no, I won't stop sinning, why would I do that?
it's how your able to hold stuff, they are like suction cups.
yeah, but you don't want to be her right? why must she be sacrificed at the altar of truth, and not you? what does she has to gain if she won't ever live the fruits of her own "work"?

why must she lose, and you win? who are you to be asigned the role of the winner and not of the loser?
>Why her and not you?
>Don't you feel guilty yet?

Sorry what's your argument here? Would her sacrifice not be completely meaningless by your reasoning?

Do you pretend to be crippled around crippled people?

You must be a woman....
pretty sure pussy doesn't have miniscule stuff like that and it too can hold penis just fine
Anon is correct. The ridges that we call fingerprints increase friction and provide miniscule suction with the oils. They help your grip; they just happen to be uniquely patterned.
Same with tiger stripes, whale flukes, etc.
you think some people are destined to be sacrificed, and you think that's somehow good? or are you even trying to have any resemblance of goodness in you at that point?
All is one.

Each of us is just God playing a character.

Every evil deed done by one onto another is what God does onto God.

Accordingly every act of kindness is also granted by God into God.

In the hereafter all tears will be dried and you will laugh and rejoice for everything you thought was pain and mourning in this life.

All paradoxes are ended. We are just characters and we dance and sing on stage together.

For each action there is an opposite and equal action.

Time is an illusion.

Therefore what you perceive as heinous or sacrifice is but the balancing of a scale set in motion either long ago or is yet to occur.

All motion in this material world are but the karmic consequences playing themselves out and thus I am unconcerned.
>implying that wanting candy while being cuddled by mummy ins a bad thing
Fuck the demiurge. All I want is a astral giantess who feeds me gnois sweets.
Note to all the triggered Christ cucks and "all is one" demiurge fellatio enjoyers: I never framed things in terms of good and evil, because most of what you call evil is plainly demonstrated by you Yaweh the Jewish baby penis blood vampire in OT. Also the subject of free will seems to be brought up frequently by suffering lovers/defenders as some kind of caveat. I am not a bhuddist or any religion including atheist but suffering in this realm is NOT optional. And neither is death. If you view that as a good ting then you have been broken by this realm and are now a cuck, nothing wrong with that.
Why do people use Concrete Girl as an example so often on here?
Is it all the same guy?
This creation is perfect. You aren't enjoying your role in the drama? Maybe you should get in touch with the real you, the actor.
I disagree that the creation is perfect. But I agree it's up to "the real you" to do something about it.
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Yes it is the same anon.

Probably their personal catharsis telling some obscure 80s murder case from Japan as a justification for their victim mentality.

Some random high school girl in Japan was murdered like 50 years ago makes them feel vindicated and that they can claim personal martydom for living in a world where that occurred.
Whoa. Where did you get this picture of the Demiurge about to devour an infants bloody foreskin?
and then how would you react if that happened to you? would you scream and cry, or just let yourself be used by your captors?
The problem is this goes all the way up, and Gnostics fall for the same trap of "there is a perfect all loving creator, it's the demiurge that made everything shit" not realizing that the demiurge has to exist to make things shit.
All of creation is fallen. There is no Sophia. There is no all powerful source of Good.
>this shit
I wholeheartedly agree. That's why I can't stand most modern gnostic shills like John Lash. It's just new age femboy goddess worship dressed up as truth-seeking. If I remember correctly Sophia was from the nag hammadi texts, so it makes sense they it follows the same script as ancient Judaism, who initially before they became monotheistic also worshipped the divone consort or "queen of heaven"
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Actual reprobates. You're not toddlers, no matter how much you'd rather be, think harder. Put logic before aesthetics, stop conflating cosmological necessity with your personal preferences. If not, stop arguing, the demand that reality is only valid insofar as it's a luxurious fucking cradle turns you into a big fat intellectually dishonest baby.
not an argument
"I know what the universe should be better than God himself" is the extraordinary claim, so you first.
Take a look at this picture. Read his eyes. To me this looks like a Norseman being blinded by the holy spirit. What do you think?
quake 1
god is not a fucking fingerprint reader when has it been known that god uses finger prints to identify organisms
>In the hereafter all tears will be dried and you will laugh and rejoice for everything you thought was pain and mourning in this life.
>All motion in this material world are but the karmic consequences playing themselves out and thus I am unconcerned.
Shut the fuck up you utterly horrid piece of shit, KYS, seriously. How dare you say any of that - yeah it's pretty fucking obvious that you're 'unconcerned' because you or your loved ones clearly haven't experienced enough direct suffering in your life. I'd love to see you say that if it was your daughter or girlfriend or sister or mother who'd been forced through that, to casually hand wave away her horrific torture and suffering as 'oh well, you're just playing a character, forget it all and rejoice!'. Can you imagine the perpetrators saying that to your face with a smile at your loved one's funeral as their mangled body is being put into the ground? What is wrong and broken with you that you cannot see how fucked up and utterly wrong these things are that are allowed to happen here?! There is no justification or 'divine' purpose for any of it - if God or existence requires it then God or existence is evil and fucked and should not exist.
If your so adamant that you're right, answer this question please.

statement. We assume that there is a god that is omnipotent, specifically the christian god. We were cast out of the domain of Eden when humanity betrayed god and ate the fruit which granted them forbidden knowledge, this was the first sin and thus is the reason why humanity suffers today.

Q1. The apple was given to Eve by Lucifer, the fallen angel. Why did god need angels in the first place if he is omnipotent.
Q2, Why did god make angels so that they could go against him, and what gave Lucifer the idea to revolt if there was no one to give that idea to him.

Please answer these in a timely fashion
wait.. so youre telling me people dont know about god's imperfection? the entire reason for our being here? the purpose for our creation? what we are supposed to do? the meaning our lives? how this whole system of creation operates? i thought that was just a meme.. like i knew christianity was just a silly fairy tale about the absurdity of god already being perfect and manifesting physically into reality, but i thought they knew that was clearly obviously not the case and privately knew what we were doing here?

wait, so god never spoke to you people? reached out to you here? thats so weird.. i guess that was what the greeks couldnt figure out. why some people are chosen to know him and others are kept in the cave, staring at imitations and shadows on the cave wall, and why they were so cobfused on why people even if shown the truth would sooner return or kill you than Listen. apparently its got nothing to do with whether you believe in him, but is something much deeper. perhaps you must be willing to reject everything you think you know in order to have him reach out to you.
Unironically seethe, you karma-addled imbecile. Must be hard being such a victim.
You don't know what perfect means. Stop attaching yourself to these notions. Resentment is wrong obviously, praise is wrong but not obviously. Things are what they are and they are for you to ponder, but without getting attached to a narrow viewpoint.
Things are very paradoxical, language is a tool but it doesn't express the answers.
> The idea that all this suffering is necessary for growth is one of the biggest lies
Suffering is the tool that let us see the light in, well, a new light. If you haven’t been at the bottom floor how do you expect to reach the roof?
It is always the same with you types so emotional and immediately you have to result to telling me to off myself LOL.

Typical commie behaviour.

I'll repeat this so you understand - you are not a martyr. That's right, you are are NOT a Martyr.

Of course if this random bullshit you brought up happened to someone I knew I would be upset but that's how karma works. There is nothing I could do about it.

Also I know someone who had a loved one literally murdered. Guess what they are still here and making the best of the life they have in the here and now.

So sorry I don't feel guilty. I feel pity for you and your ilk.

Also let me explain something - have you ever had a dream at night? Yes like a dream. A sleeping hallucination - I doubt you remember much of those. Either that or you are stricken with grave nightmares on the regular (I don't know it is usually one or the other with you types).

Anyways there usually a plot in your dream and dream characters. Events taking place. You probably see the end of the world and whatever else based on your anxious tendencies.

Anyways at some point you wake up from that dream. Guess what? Nothing that happened in the dream, the plot or the characters fucking mattered.

None of the dream really matter because everything in the dream was just a projection of your psyche.

No point really explaining this to you because it is part of your karma to be a crybaby, hylic, commie in this life. Oh well.
Just because you haven't encountered the source that doesn't make it non-existent
Demiugre I'm breaking out little bitch
>i am a dumb animal who can only have animal thoughts
>i know what is perfect because i am a smart animal with smart animal thoughts
>i actually know better than God because i am such a smart little monkey
Triggered suffering enjoyer
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>Be forced to go to restaurant
>order food
>The "food" that you get is covered in shit, bloody baby foreskins, and dead maggots.
>me: WTF, i dont want to eat this, this is disgusting
>you: You think you know more about food then the chief? be grateful that you getting any food at all. *proceeds to stuff face*
>food analogy
You're acting like you've been to a better restaurant than this one before. Develop a grown up palette, you're not entitled to perpetual dino nuggies.

>Q1. The apple was given to Eve by Lucifer, the fallen angel. Why did god need angels in the first place if he is omnipotent.
Why does a painter need a particular brush technique? God doesn't need anything, God knows the ideal ends and therefor knows the necessary means. You don't need to make an art piece any particular way, but that art piece needs to be a particular way for it to be what it's supposed to be and not something else.

>Q2, Why did god make angels so that they could go against him, and what gave Lucifer the idea to revolt if there was no one to give that idea to him.
God is free. In order for you to be your own person, and not just another unconscious limb of His, you have to be free as well. Freedom is about the choices to make manifest your values according to your will. Satan didn't need someone to give him the idea to rebel, he has his values and made his choices in accordance.
Perfectly imperfect.
A training ground
A stage
>entropy and death
>people starting to complain about staying here forever
You telling me you still don't see it?
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However this is solved by duality (gnosis).
Power is satan and knowledge is God.
They are seperate stuff on the oppodite ends of the wave spectrum.
Humans (and the material plane) are in the middle and can nudge either way.
To become a statue made of salt in hell (something)(with mass/power) or a being of pure imaterial imagination (without mass/power-there is no need for it) in the eather-nothing
maybe because what happened to her was really gnarly?
"Great art," says Ruskin, "dwells on all that is beautiful; but false art omits or changes all that is ugly. Great art accepts nature as she is; but directs the eyes and thoughts to what is most perfect in her; false art saves itself the trouble of direction by removing or altering whatever it thinks objectionable. Beauty deprived of its proper foils and adjuncts, ceases to be enjoyed as beauty, just as light deprived of all shadow ceases to be enjoyed as light. A white canvass cannot produce an effect of sunshine; the painter must darken it in some places before he can make it look lu- minous in others; nor can an uninterrupted succession of beauty produce the true effect of beauty; it must be foiled by inferiority before its own power can be developed. Nature has for the most part mingled her inferior and nobler elements as she mingles sunshine with shade, giving due use and influence to both, and the painter who chooses to remove the shadow, perishes in the burning desert he has created."
Look at all the overcomplicated explations the god explainers need to make for such a simple and easily understood premise. They really are scrambling. You can't use the parameters of this corrupted realm to explain anything to one who has caught even the smallest glimpse of what potential lies beyond, no matter how hard you kvetch and oy very.
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The question I have is what if the source is the demiurge? The only truly pure source is the infinite uncreated one, which has been perceived and characterized as "the void". The symbolism of the black sun is also relevant here, I think.
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if the demiurge is also imperfect do you think he is also having existential crises from time to time?
what do you think you are
Thank you for answering my question. Although you are quite crass with your responses, you still give us the time of day to come and challenge our ideas.

Now, in your response you said that god uses angels because they are the technique he uses to fulfill his vision, You also said that Satan was allowed free will to create his own values according to his will.

Here is my rebuttal:
You have a good point of god not needing anything, and he has the power to do whatever he wishes to do. But if god just wants to make the angels, then everything is simply of god's creation, including sin, and all suffering, which would imply that god created evil, and thus is not all-loving

in response to my second question, Your comment on freedom does make sense. freedom is the ability to make choices by your own will. The problem is that angels aren't human. They aren't born by parents who could instill values, or live in environment where they can develop values, or have any other thing that can make them develop values. God personally makes the angels so that they can serve in worship him.
>then everything is simply of god's creation, including sin, and all suffering, which would imply that god created evil, and thus is not all-loving
"All-loving" is a mischaracterization. He's as just as he is merciful, and justice is not "all-loving".

>They aren't born by parents who could instill values, or live in environment where they can develop values, or have any other thing that can make them develop values
They don't have the limitations that make those things consequential to begin with. They have freedom, will, and knowledge, that's all that's necessary.
Just wanted to say I hope for the best for those here and elsewhere.
Not OP but you have an interesting point in the second half regarding angels and rebellion. It's not really known if the idea of sin predates the events of genesis because it's mainly a human concept, but God did introduce a system of binary (ie light vs darkness). If a binary of good and sin was established than it can be deduced the recognition of sin means sin is possible and therefore a choice angels are capable of if they have free will. If not, then free will at this point is chaotic, and the sin of vanity is not known by lucifer to have been negative or positive.
With that in mind it's also possible that the fall of lucifer is an allegory for some other unknown physical phenomina. Some people think that satan is just the personification of physical reality or something more esoteric than the red dude with horns
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Christianity is an uncompleted work
it does not atone for the paradox of all things, because everything is both true and false in some way somehow
If you start from perfection, there is only regression
Trigger jew on a stick worshippers with this one trick! Notice i never used the words good or evil in the op but everyone of you archon loving shills keeps commenting about the good/evil dichotomy. Its like trying to talk to a retarded child, they simply dont have the ability to mentally process abstract concepts beyond their limited scope of pre-programmed beliefs. Many such cases. Sad.
Its fucking perfect, name whats actually wrong with it, u cant
Inb4, “ but muh suffering”
Shut up, retard.
What from one perspective is the evolution toward ascension, heaven or some other kind of higher state of being, is from another viewpoint a pointless fucking rat race. Out of practicality i certainly hope for and try to bring about what i feel will create better conditions here on earth and for my spirit, i dont consent to this realm and i will seek freedom even past my earthly demise. The people who say we consented to this because we are experiencing it, are just like the abusers who gaslight their victims, or the victims of others. And the christ tards are like little children, not really even worth having a serious discussion on ontology with, and they are spiritually retarded, and literally get off on being lead like sheep.
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Proof god is a fuckup: dinosaurs
You deserve all the pain, misery and suffering this world has to offer. Take it, all of it!
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lately i've been thinking about how deeply disturbing it is that suffering and evil even exist to begin with. think about it. they CAN'T exist. how do they?? whose bright idea???
pretty fucked, innit
it's so fucked up on so many levels. thinking about it logically it doesn't make a bit of sense that even the SLIGHTEST amount of evil or suffering exists
my personal cope is that god is really bored (extremely dumb to anthropomorphize the creator of the universe, i know) and it's all an illusion to make things more interesting, and once we die he says 'ha, just a prank bro' and gives us a real life gmod server to dick around in for 1000000 years as a way of saying sorry, before we get bored and he lets us ascend
it's retarded, i know, but id appreciate it if this were the case
How else could you ponder the existence of evil and suffering? How else could you consider these questions and their ramifications?

Do you think there is no value to being able to consider and recognize evil and suffering?

Would you rather be ignorant of both? How could you have free will without the ability to choose good over bad?
The Eagle is devouring the awareness of all the creatures that, alive on earth a moment before and now dead, have floated to the Eagle's beak, like a ceaseless swarm of fireflies, to meet their owner, their reason for having had life. The Eagle disentangles these tiny flames, lays them flat, as a tanner stretches out a hide, and then consumes them; for awareness is the Eagle's food. EG,173. (The Eagle) which makes organisms live by lending them their awareness. That force also makes organisms die, in order to extract the same lent awareness which organisms have enhanced through their life experiences.. TAOD,149 -https://www2.hawaii.edu/~jjudd/energy/partI/universe/universe.htm#WHAT%20ARE%20THE%20EAGLE'S%20EMANATIONS
Think of the universe less as science or art project and more like Rube Goldberg machine that ends in the creation of another universe.
It's. It about the toddler. It's about the mom. Replace the baby with a college student, or literally anyone and the point stands.
Mom can't because Mom is not all-powerful.
Why can't God make nutritious candy? Is God also not all-powerful?
God first created a perfect world with perfect beings (Seraphs, Cherubs, Thrones).

He then commanded the Thrones to make the life of the next beings harder, so that they would develop free will, which the aforementioned beings don't possess.
Thank you both for your responses. With them in mind, I think I know of a way that the christian god could be real

First, lets imagine a completely omnipotent entity. It knows everything and can do everything. Now, since this entity can do everything, it would obviously want to do everything, so simultaneously god could want to destroy and create. Since you can't destroy and create at the same time, you would have to find a way to work around it. So what does this entity do, it splits it self in half. One half creates, the other destroys, this allows the entity to do everything without contradicting himself. this can keep going so that anything that the entity could do that would contradict herself could be just simply split into another branch.

This could explain why god can't vanquish evil, because to vanquish evil he would have to vanquish a part of himself, and because god can't contradict himself, he can't vanquish evil.
not him but this comment is a perfect example of the type of attitude that plagues our world and why its filled with such apathy and malevolence. The other guy might be emotional but you're just an asshole.
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I am no victim.

Your name calling is meaningless and petty and simply betrays your own insecurity and fear.

You are not a martyr.
I love the heckin lawerino! Rule me harder moshe!
That is a really excellent song, just read the lyrics.
Good music video too. Evocative of Tool in places and I think Mastodon vids took some inspiration from it in places
the gnostic mistake is to look up and see the foul serpent coiled around this world, and making the assumption that it is god.
>He's as just as he is merciful

>be God
>make a little creature out of clay, be very careful about how I make it
>It's entire life is in my head before I even make the rough shape, for I am all-seeing, and all-knowing
>It does exactly what I made it to do (I didn't make this one to repent)
>Look upon my work
>"What the fuck?"
>Burn it alive forever
>Evil exists
NO! Evil is a privation on and lack of the good. It is an anti-thing. You gnostic niggers appeal to a fundamental goodness that you don't even believe in, and an infinity that is somehow LACKING. Retards!
Anyone that knows enough about both programming and physics should be aware of this, there are far too many similarities;
Because their brains literally weren't made for it, and because most parents are shit at incentivizing the kids to do their chores. Retards like you have no clue about the difference between what your body wants and what you want.
Just because there is a source, it doesn't mean it's all good, all omnipotent or even conscious.
>God knows the ideal ends and therefor knows the necessary means
You don't understand what "omnipotent" means. Your argument is circular, "god is perfect therefore creation is perfect", "the proof that god is perfect is that creation is perfect", "because god is perfect and therefore creation is perfect".
That's literally the mistake of anti-gnostics, not gnostics.
I think 4m is a good goal to be happy
If you tell me to hand you my wallet and I say 'no' do you assume it's because I can't? What is this logic you're working with?

>Now, since this entity can do everything, it would obviously want to do everything, so simultaneously god could want to destroy and create.
That's a massive logical jump. You assume the only entity that exists, period, would be motivated to destroy things that don't exist yet, for what reason? Are you equally motivated for every single potential experience you could have?

>Since you can't destroy and create at the same time, you would have to find a way to work around it.
He literally could do that. The laws of linear causality are contingent on time and he invented time. He could do anything he wanted to "at the same time" when time doesn't exist.

>So what does this entity do, it splits it self in half. One half creates, the other destroys, this allows the entity to do everything without contradicting himself.
That's like wanting more pussy so you clone yourself then send the clone out to get laid while you keep going to work. It doesn't make any sense.

>This could explain why god can't vanquish evil, because to vanquish evil he would have to vanquish a part of himself, and because god can't contradict himself, he can't vanquish evil.
Pretty severe misunderstanding of terms here. Evil isn't something to "vanquish" because evil isn't a thing in and of itself. You don't vanquish a shadow with a flashlight, they are what defines the other's purpose, you only know where the flashlight is shining by its contrast against the shadow. God created light, saw it was good, and separated it from darkness. Morality is good, and so good morality is separated from evil. To have something in a world capable of change as ours is requires that something to itself be capable of change, to move, or shift, dilute or concentrate, weaken or strengthen, be present or absent. Evil is morality in absentia.
Very cool cartoon anon, thousands of years of tradition utterly btfo by another greentext about how there's no way you don't deserve heaven despite actively spiting the guy whose name is on the lease. Thanks for sharing.

I didn't say creation is perfect, I said it's necessary to achieve an ideal. That means it is what has to exist for what is most suitable to happen according to God, to happen. He, being God, gets to decide what is most suitable, and again, obviously being God, He's not going to fumble it.
lmao op btfo
>If you tell me to hand you my wallet and I say 'no' do you assume it's because I can't?
Why DONT you hand me your wallet? If you exist as all-giod, and all-powerful - what do you lose by giving me your wallet, that it outweighs the good it would do?
Do you not have unlimited money? Do you not care that I need money?
You again try to make excuses for a being defined as unlimited by presuming a limitation.
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You assume the only reason I don't give you something is because I want it too much? Or I get some sick joy in depriving you? Are you a toddler? Think harder, anon.

Thanks for responding bro, here's a response

That's a massive logical jump. You assume the only entity that exists, period, would be motivated to destroy things that don't exist yet, for what reason? Are you equally motivated for every single potential experience you could have?
I assume that since the entity is omnipotent, he would have all the knowledge that could ever exist. Everything that is real, everything that is not real, everything that will happen, everything that won't happen. Really she has a truly infinite amount of knowledge. With that, we have to understand what something would do if they had infinite power to do anything. I'm assuming that you think that god has an inherent motive or drive to do something with infinite knowledge and power, but there's two reasons why I don't believe that

1. Since he is omnipotent, with any motive he has , he also has all the information that could ever exist to show that his idea is bad and she shouldn't do it
2. I have absolutely zero clue on how an omnipotent being could form preferences on what to do

I assume that god would have every idea, will and preference imaginable and unimaginable. thus he would want to destroy things that don't exist and create things that don't exist at the same time.

>He literally could do that. The laws of linear causality are contingent on time and he invented time. He could do anything he wanted to "at the same time" when time doesn't exist.
I think time was not the right word to use. A better example would be the boulder paradox. If you made god create a boulder he could not lift and told him to lift it, that would prove that god is omnipotent. Now the answer to that is that god can't break logic, he can't make a being greater than god because he is the greatest being. So if he can't break logic and (by my assumption) would have every idea at once, which would include ideas that contradict each other.
>A Creator who populates this dying realm with living beings who also suffer and die, and portions of which occasionally need to be annihilated to start again because the experiments go so horribly wrong, must therefore be an imperfect creator.
You sound like one of those athiest losers who do the whole "if God real, then why baby die??"
It's called free will. Does your mother hand-hold you through your entire life just in case you might accidentally get hurt or make a shitty decision? Of course not. It's the same with God.
The Earth and every single thing in it was made for us and we were given dominion over the land, animals, natural resources, etc. It's our responsibility to work with it. God is still overseeing everything and will/has stepped in in the past if shit got out of hand (like when angels decided to come down to Earth and rape human women and cause abominations to be born including the nephilim who ended up eating human beings - which was why the flood happened.)
Pain, suffering, etc is also not a bad thing overall.
You go through pain so you appreciate the pleasure you experience otherwise.
Death isn't bad either. Your soul continues living on past when you die and eventually everyone is going to be ressurected again and live forever with God.
I am not presuming your reason at all.
I am asking your reason, and you have failed to give one.
You claim to have unlimited money. You claim to want everyone financially happy.
Why aren't you giving me the wallet?
You couldn't answer when it was abstract with God.
You couldn't answer when it was Mom and candy.
Now you can't answer when it's your wallet.
You can change the exact analogy all you want. You still have no answer that allows for God/Mom/you to be all powerful and all good and have the current situation.
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yaldabaoth created the world in an attempt to mimic the divine pleroma, the realm of perfection. therefore we should embrace the world, for it was intended to be perfect; and the mistakes with it, which were made with good intentions. yes, yaldabaoth is jealous and evil, and we must free our souls from his yoke and return to the monad, but we must also make the most of our time appreciating this world, with all its' roses and thorns.
God imposes his will on me, he wants me to have "free will" as in the freedom to possess a will because it brings him satisfaction to impose his opposing will on me. I have free possession of a will but not the freedom to enact my will, my will differs from God's and that's the reason why he gave me "free will" in the sense of "free desire", because he wants to be able to impose his opposing will on something that possesses it's own will, this is basically the most basic definition of sadism: imposing your harmful will on something with an opposing will. God didn't think it would be as fun to abuse me if I "shared his will", if I didn't have the freedom to desire not to be abused then God wouldn't have found it fun enough to abuse me, so he gave me the freedom to desire not to be abused so that he could get more satisfaction out of abusing me.
suffering sucks. It low key ruins consciousness
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is "gnosis" supposed to be the awareness of the state of the world, as described in the gnostic gospels? or is it a state of mind and soul like moksha?
You are as wrong as you are foolish for tempting the all powerful.
Wrong about what? That you have no answer?
Okay then - give the answer.
It's all loosh farming. Even arguing with the retards is loosh farming. We lost the moment we were born, we entered the game that you can't beat.
>Evil is a privation on and lack of the good.
then you don't know about satan / reptilians. They're not anti-good, they're literally just evil. (((they))) are their pawns/offspring hybrids. (((they))) aren't "anti-good", they're literally fucking evil.
>give the answer
He did, it's 'trust god, or else'. They don't have an answer to these questions, it always comes down to 'we have to trust god bro, he knows best'.

It's in the bible too. Look at Job.
it's called hard mode. no one wants to play the game at the lowest difficulty except weakling insufferable faggots
>He did, it's 'trust god, or else'.
That is not an answer, it is a threat. Lots of powerful things can threaten. Doesnt mean they are all powerful, and doesnt mean I need to listen to them.
>It's in the bible too. Look at Job.
The Book of Job's answer is that God is not benevolent.
That's fine. Accepting God is not all-good answers the question.
>moral relativism
as usual either coping christcuck retard or just plain retard retard
>if bible says rape is good then its good because some retard 2000 years ago has written that god said it and I just have faith that it's true and you don't know better than god. you just need to readjust your morals to the writings of this random goatherding dessertdweller from 2000 years ago because uhh have faith okay? the guy who wrote this is smarter than you because uhhh just have faith and stop asking questions
>raping a minor is not objectively bad or evil because there is no such a thing as good or bad.
Plato = Plotinus = Plethon.
Have someone ever tried to put their writings together? Because they are the same guy.
As for your question, there is no creator of the universe, OP. The universe remains uncreated, as one of the lowest levels of the omniversal axis.
What platonism tries to explain is how these levels emanate into one another. The monad depends on the dyad to exist, and non-existence nullifies itself, thus becoming its opposite again, hence dinamis and energeia.
His texts might have been manipulated by the Vatican to replace emanation with creation.
That's like wanting more pussy so you clone yourself then send the clone out to get laid while you keep going to work. It doesn't make any sense.
Like I said previously, God has to be fragmented to not contradict himself, If he was whole, he would, and would want to contradict himself

>Pretty severe misunderstanding of terms here. Evil isn't something to "vanquish" because evil isn't a thing in and of itself
This is where we diverge. You believe that evil is the absence of good. I believe that good and evil are two side of the same coin. God is ever present, meaning he is everywhere at once, which means wherever there is evil, he is there, and wherever there is good , he is also there. It just matters which half of god is present.

Anyway thank you for talking with me, I don't get to talk about this a lot with other people. Hope you have a good day man.
>That is not an answer, it is a threat.
A threat is based in danger. If the answer is no because it would provoke danger, the threat is your answer.
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This whole post is you acknowledging logic contradicts your assumption, so let your assumption go. One of the first things you read in scripture is that you were made in God's image, and in that process God refers to making man in 'our' image. Your mind is constructed off the pattern of the Trinity, when you experienced ego formation as a child, what did you will? To create and destroy everything? Or to do what is worth doing, and not what isn't?

>I believe that good and evil are two side of the same coin.
I believe that is merely a consequence of the misunderstanding of terms. If God wants to destroy something, God being the arbiter of moral standards as all other standards, then destroying that something would be good. Now anything we could call evil is good because evil serves God just as much as good does, except evil is definitionally that which goes against God. We now have a schizophrenic God which loves things He hates, which you try to resolve by having God split Himself in half just so He can have a second version of Himself that I guess exists only to get in His own way and break all His toys.

Fundamentally there's far, far too much good in the world for any hypothetical force of evil to be comparable to theoretical force of good. Trinitarian theology answers the evil problem, as well as many more problems, far more elegantly than the dualistic model you're working with imo. You seem intellectually honest and curious, the only two things needed for genuine truth seeking, I'm sure you'll get there. Keep studying. God be with you.
Who are you quoting?
Just because a beautiful area like that exists doesn't mean the entire world is like that. Some people's lives suck.
It's a perpetual flow state. Like zen except you actually get to know things and interact with the world instead of turning yourself into a hollow log.
I am aware that not everything is perfect everywhere at all times.
define that though

this post is perfect in that it's exactly what I intended it to be. you might not like it though
Not that anon but enjoy your "karma" when you are in a situation where you're helpless and become a victim and don't remember what you did in an alleged past life to cause it.
Karma is a sadistic concept. At least Buddhists say it's unfair and should be thought of as motivation to escape Samsara, but Hindus believe it's justified.
>no because it would provoke danger
Why is there danger? Where does the danger come from? From God? Is God threatening me?
That is CERTAINLY not an all-good God.
An all-good, all-powerful God would not threaten - they would remove the danger.
Unless they WONT.
Unless they CANT.
Yes anon God can't keep you as you are meant to be and change you into something else at the same time. You're demanding self destruction, and when God refuses to hand it to you out of affection you accuse him of a moral failing for making self destruction too self destructive. Why are all gnostic arguments just wailing that you should still have your cake after eating it?
>God can't keep you as you are meant to be and change you into something else at the same time.
If it is how I am meant to be, then why is God trying to change it?
>You're demanding self destruction
I am asking why God set it up to lead to destruction.
Nothing HAS to lead to destruction unless God WANTS it to.
Every one of your arguments is ultimately that there are things God is FORCED to do, is FORCED to follow.
That God CANT do it, so God is not all powerful.
That is also an acceptable answer.
We've hit the two conclusions Epicurus came to.
Either God WONT remove suffering, so He isnt all good.
Or God CANT remove suffering, so He isnt all powerful.
Any and all appeals to needing to follow some process only prove this point.
>If it is how I am meant to be, then why is God trying to change it?
>I am asking why God set it up to lead to destruction.
>Nothing HAS to lead to destruction unless God WANTS it to.
Anon you're asking me to prove your presuppositions wrong and every time I answer your questions you just reassert your presuppositions. A novelist doesn't have to have conflict or drama in his story unless he wants to, but if he wrote a story without drama and conflict you wouldn't have a novel.

Are you really so dialectically inept that you can't reason why another person who necessarily knows more than you wouldn't share your opinions? I can't handhold you through basic logic when you keep stamping your feet and demand an explanation why 1 has to equal 1 instead of whatever would make you the most comfortable.
I am taking your answers as they are - you just dont like to see them spelled out plainly.
>unless he wants to
Thank you for answering the question.
God is not all good, He wants us to suffer.
If I made you suffer on the basis of telling a good story, that is called sadism.
It's the same with God, even moreso because He has the power to do anything and make sure there is no suffering involved.
But He doesnt.
>if he wrote a story without drama and conflict you wouldn't have a novel.
See, this is you saying God is not all powerful.
Why CANT God do this?
What FORCES God to be completely unable to write a good story without suffering?
I know why LIMITED beings like you and I cant do it, but why cant the all-powerful?
Again you just reiterate your presupposition while ignoring everything I say except for the cherry picked words you can use to frame you repeating yourself.
You're literally asking why God can't make life completely static and invariable. That's what being dead is. How do you not get this? 'Why can't God make things worth making without any of the traits that make them things or worth making?' is an absolute hylic-tier interrogation.

I'm not going to keep trying to spoon-feed you if you're just going to keep spitting it up and whining. Reply with a summary of what I've actually explained to you without intellectual dishonesty or vent your impotent frustration at not having infinite cake and pussy to someone else.
i dont think you get what omnipotent means anon
I don't think you understand logic anon. Hint: it trumps your dictionary.
Wow, nature is so beautiful. God really did an awesome job! *Gets bit by a tick and gets Lyme disease, causing a slow painful death from auto-immune malfunction*
I'm not ignoring what you say. I am repeating it exactly, and you get mad that I point out your answer.
You said God can't do it another way
You said God wants to do it this way.
So God is not all powerful and God is not all good.
This isn't cherry-picking at all.
You just don't have any more to say, and all you add is verbose rationalizing these exact, simple answer you are giving.
Logic depends on the world.
If you can change the world, you can change logic.
You are saying God has no power to change how the process works.
Because your answer is God is not all-powerful.
>So God is not all powerful and God is not all good.
You are in the trenches of syllogismosis. I'm going to clue you in on something, the validity of the organization of reality is not contingent on the validity of the organization of the terms you use to describe it. 1=1, if you think there's something wrong with that, you're wrong, that's it. Don't like it? Eat shit. Gonna demand I explain why 1=1 without invalidating your conception of what "=" ought to mean? Again, eat shit. Until you give one shred of information besides "this is how I define this word" that could substantiate your premise there's no argument to be had.
inb4 'not an argument' anyway

>Logic depends on the world.
Wrong, the world depends on logic, you ignoramus. Symbols do not preempt the symbolized, think, use your brain.

>Because your answer is God is not all-powerful.
When you redefine a world to have an internally self contradictory definition your premise becomes unfalsifiable and that's not something to be proud of. "Is God powerful enough to overpower his own power? Oh that's nonsense? I'll interpret that as vindication and just repeat myself." You are not approaching truth you are masturbating with language.

Why haven't you killed yourself? Seriously, you don't like life and the world? Leave it, what's the problem? Nobody's holding you here.
Id rather kill faggots like you who say retarded shit and shill god on 4chan
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You are the architect of your own suffering, you double nigger.
>1=1, if you think there's something wrong with that, you're wrong, that's it
You equate MY ability to God's ability.
You are saying God CANT break this principle.
Even if He wanted to, God is not powerful enough to do this.
Again - your answer is God is not all-powerful.
>When you redefine a world
I can't do that.
And apparently, you think God can't either.
Because your answer is that God is not all-powerful.
Logic >>>> God, according to you.
Go ahead and get mad at seeing your answer again.
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I'm so mad. I am just so damn mad that your pussy hurts this much. Your pussy hurts so bad it's a transcendental problem for you. I am seething.
haha what a dumb faggot
Mad enough to not want to accept that you are saying God is not all-powerful, even as you say God is not all powerful.
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>Is God powerful enough to make logic not logical?
>Well if he made logic illogical it wouldn't be logic anymore, so that question doesn't make se-
Yeah man you got me. The only reason your pussy hurts is because God is cruel and incompetent. You're actually really smart and deserve only good things forever.
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so true!
>still no reply
No one said cruel or incompetent, though cruel is another answer.
You said God is not able.
And you confirm by saying logic holds power over God.
God has no ability to do it.
That is your answer.
>god creates a world full of horrors, anon asks why
>heh, you're buttmad mommy didn't give you your tendies huh?
It isn't a win, you're just ignoring the state of the world, or showing your ignorance.

Anon asked you really simple questions, and you don't have answers. Now you seem to be claiming god is bound by logic? Retarded.
but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”
God didnt say that shit.
youre just quoting jewish comic books.
eternal scripture vs your mockery
No, its mockery of your inability to cope with reality anon.
Truth isnt mockery.
Anon I can easily look up Genesis and see hes right, what's the point of this?
>create people with no knowledge of good and evil
>tell them not to eat the fruit from the two magical trees
>allow a serpent to tempt them for some reason
>they now have knowledge of good and evil, just like the snake said
>and I have to curse snakes too
It's a weird story anon, a really weird story.
Killing myself won't break the cycle. You know that, faggot.
>jew book says so
>so its true!
>nooo! you can't cope with reality
No, you can't cope with reality. You can't answer simple questions about why your religion, you can't tell us why your benevolent god would create the world as it it, you can't admit history is littered with horrors. I'm doubting whether you've even read the bible.
lmao go cry else where loser
Not him, but your act of presenting the secrets to these people reeks of nothing more but a desire for self-aggrandizement.
I know what you will say. All I ask is to have compassion for your fellow prisoners.
>"God" is a uniform, nondescript formless substance that created the demiurge and a trillion suffering souls because it self-reflected
It'd be more coherent and meaningful to worship the ocean.
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That is such a juvenile thread idea. This is almost pre-elementary.

Evolution is a thing that started happening about a billion years ago. Everything just is.

Further, with recent findings and implications, we are further pushed to realize that electricity is literally soul. Why would anybody die when they die if we are here? Brainlets. Who needs a God?
Actually true and based. Many Out of Body travelers have reported higher realms than this, totally without suffering. Suffering is a byproduct of an imperfect world. That's not to say there isn't value in it, but I think it's a bad tradeoff. I don't wanna come back, this place sucks. 2/5, had some good food
>Suffering is a byproduct of an imperfect world.
Why? Did God not create this world as well? Why put suffering in it?
>That's not to say there isn't value in it
There is only value in suffering because God set it up that way.
This is what keeps getting ignored by people trying to avoid answering the question.
It is one thing to say you have to follow rules or principles when you arent the one who set up the rules.
It is quite another to say you have to follow rules - like suffering delivers some value - if you are the one who set up the rules.
Why isnt it set up so that we can obtain these values WITHOUT suffering?
To say "it doesnt work that way" is to say God WANTS there to be suffering since He is the one who set up the way it works, or is to say that God CANT do it without the suffering because He didnt set it up and He cant change it.
>All those who believe duality and suffering is required are products of this false world and ruled blindly by the archons.
Who do you mean by those that believe duality and suffering are required? What is the antidote to them and why?
You're in the wrong thread, dude

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