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I just had my left leg amputated completely due to a motorcycle accident 2 weeks ago. I'm still recovering but they just released me from the hospital. I don't know how cope with this mentally. I feel like I should just kill myself.
What should I do? Any rituals or some shit that can help me cope with this?
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Ehh it's just a leg, happy you kept your arms, maybe use this time to engage in the mind field cultivation ritual (aka thinking) about how being a motorcycle retard is a bad long term strategy if you wanna keep your limbs.
You'll be fine after a long while.

I posted you'll never fuck because I'm sick and people tell me fucked up shit all the time not knowing how fucked up I am. At least people can see your ailment. Don't kill yourself just yet.
Just accept it and buy a pirate costume for Halloween. Jokes aside Best of luck.
Women love when you are disabled however you have to be cute or handsome.
Intense grief, depression is a normal and healthy reaction to losing a whole fucking leg suddenly like that and it'd be more concerning if you didn't feel miserable right now. Your life - physically and socially is going to be harder. That said, you will adjust to things. You'll figure out how to deal with it all, and eventually, you're going to reach a point where you wake up and don't even "notice" the impact losing your leg has had on you.

There's no quick treatment or cure - material or spiritual. The whole process of grief and coming to terms with this is just something everybody needs to deal with when they're hit by shit like this. You're probably likely going to end up leaning on some kind of coping mechanism - try to make sure it's a healthy, or at least less unhealthy cope. Avoid alcohol, drugs, porn and overeating. Reject anti-depressants/anti-psychotics if doctors offer them - short-term benefits aren't worth long-term neuro damage. What happened to you sucks and it isn't fair that you went through it, but your grief is completely normal and life will get easier for you - or at the minimum, it won't suck ass as much as it does now if you allow yourself to go thru this whole process.
Sorry you went through that. A lot of posters on here live with very serious disabilities, so you're definitely not alone in your feelings.
The only thing to do is keep moving forward. Get a prosthetic leg and do the work necessary to get used to it.
If you feel phantom pains, there are usually spots that you can touch that will reduce the sensation (often on the face). Neurology is weird.

Why not do something cool with it like have a built-in sheath for a big-ass knife? Hidden compartment for hiding money. That kind of thing.
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It's joever...
Ask Lilanon in the /loa/ threads to grow it back for you. He can also reverse time so it never happened.
>I don't know how cope with this mentally. I feel like I should just kill myself.
and give up your chance at cyborg life? m8, we're at the cusp of amazing advances in every cool sci-tech imaginable.
look at robot shit: the moment the shit gets wide scale adoption you will get a leg better than what stinky organics have. also neurolink shit so elon musk can control your mouse-cursor.

(I'm sorry by the way this happened to you. sucks, but ... at least you can joke around about becoming a cyborg. also what I said isn't really wrong. )
If it makes you feel any better, I think I seriously fucked up my penis the other month. Still recovering and idk if it will ever go back to normal at this point. At least yours is still functioning fine, more important than a leg desu.
From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal… Even in death I serve the Omnissiah.
just cut the loose end, not like you'll be procreating anyway. buy a wig
These guys are right. I'd much rather lose a leg then an arm or a penis. Best of luck Anon, set yourself a target like riding your bike again and work towards it. Don't give up for anything.
did you hit a dumpster?
I'm sorry, I can only post a link
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If you will manage to get over this, you'll get over anything, forever. Warped it may sound, as Buddhists would see it, you just received a ticket to immortality. Don't squander it by some suicide that will end up dragging you back to this filter.
How fast were you going and was it worth it
Chill the fuck out nigga, in like ten years we'll either have some SAO vr shit where that wont matter or we'll have some cyberpunk prosthetic shit.
Also go look at those prosthetic guys on TikTok, chicks love it.
you're posting cringe anime characters even with condition like that? yeah it's not looking too good for you bro
Idk man some women are into the amputee shit.
Kek savage
Also checked
Get a prosthetic leg so you can ride motorbikes again, you'll kill yourself in no time on one of those deathtraps.
Have doctors cut your body from the waist down and attach you to your motorcycle. You'll be like a techno centaur
ask LilAnon
he can turn himself into a vampire. I am sure growing a limb won't be hard for him. I hope
Become paralympic champion
Get a nice wooden leg and go one with your life.
Lilanon will take your case
Research has shown that ppl adapt & go back 2 baseline happiness after enough time with those kinds of situations. But if you r bored & you want 2 try anything 2 get your leg back you can maybe look into this http://www.rexresearch.com/becker/becker1.htm
apparently ppl were able 2 regrow amputated fingers & stuff & a whole entire leg may be far off but atleast you might be able 2 restore part of it which is better than nothing. Never give up anon I believe in u & u can be happy again if you rlly want
I'm sorry, anon. I wish you well. If you were still in the hospital, I'd suggest taking a peek at other patients. It can always be worse. I don't care if it sounds trite, but gratitude will heal your soul, in any lesson. And it's not just the first lesson for babies. It's the end lesson too.
in any case*
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Things to research.
Like give your regular leg a lotion message in the mirror, and see if your phantom starts putting lotion on the phantom limb.
Then when your phantom limb starts doing something you might feel lotion on your missing leg.
Luka doesn't do that shit for free
I think you know the answer already, being a fellow Cyberpunk fan. Best wishes. <3
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>motorcycle retard
>loses leg
lol completely deserved
now suffer for the rest of your life for your absolutely retarded behaviour
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Also answer this question OP >>38361649
You fucking faggy faggot motorcycle dipshit
maybe this link is from a schizo, maybe it can be helpful:
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It's time to chrome the fuck up.
>maybe this link is from a schizo, maybe it can be helpful:
Kill.... yourself.
Cursing or blessing is like carrying a bucket full to the edge with a liquid inside, no matter how careful you are you will get some splashes.
Learn meditation and astral projection. Escape this shit reality.
fake leg + cane. The chicks dig canes. Havent you watched House?
>Any rituals or some shit that can help me cope with this?
do you have any friends? ask them to take you out to camp.
Buy a full list of all youtube channels from the internet
based retard
Walk it off kek
Jokes aside, prosthetics are evolving and will probably evolve into a fully functional “leg” in your life time. Find healthy ways to cope and hand in there
I would go back in the past to tell you precautionary tale, or to prevent enemy attack (hate) but its too late
>due to a motorcycle accident

well anon i dont know how to tell you this but you played with fire and got burnt. Likelihood of injury and death on motorbikes is like 10,000%X that of a car. You cant roll with that kind of stuff then complain when it does you wrong

Practically, I would say you should consider yourself lucky you are alive at all, or not quadriplegic, because in the timelines of motor cycle deaths you are more likely to die or be completely paralyzed than to only lose 1 limb, or have your cock/balls ripped off. Get a prosthetic leg
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motorcycles are cool, it was worth it OP, everyone itt shitting on motorcycles just wish they had the balls to ride one
Second post best post. Ive had friends that lost legs and did athletic shit and came back to doing it obviously not at the same level but still. One of them told me that after he got used to his prosthetic it wasnt a big deal anymore. Another one told me he didnt care because he can still get around on his own and he can still wipe his own ass and provide for his family.
you'll be ok. guy at work had his lower leg amputated due to a rare bone disease and he is in his 50s and fat. if i was you, i would get really fit and join paralympics, meet others with missing legs.
why would they love it? i would say the opposite, it signals weakness to them in their subconcious. but yes, even disabled chad will have suitors.
neuralink is one of the marks of the beast.
prosthetics have come a long way buddy. My pop spent almost my whole life in a wheelchair and then suddenly modern medicine let him walk again with total knee replacements.

Explore every avenue available before you give up. You will make it and you will live your best life.
Could have been way worse lol
Read this and maybe you'll be grateful you avoided it
you could in theory use your lack of leg for X stuff like some wierd rituals and such. >>38360487

but I am unsure if X stuff is actually real or usefull, as evidence for this treard.
>motorcycles are cool, it was worth it OP, everyone itt shitting on motorcycles just wish they had the balls to ride one
imagine being this corrupted mentally that you let illusion/parasites dictate things for you / give value to certain things in this false reality. That's how you know you have problems in your head
so it's perfect for those enjoying the fruits of this world
true, luckily I don't listen to the parasites badmouthing motorcycles
Prosthetics are super advanced now, losing your leg today isnt even that big of a deal compared to other body parts that are harder to replace from a utility perspective.
Learn to play piano
>how cope with this mentally
By thanking the Lord on high that it wasn't a chunk of your skull.
Now go enjoy a nice videogame or movie.
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>I just had my left leg amputated completely due to a motorcycle accident 2 weeks ago.
Become a pirate.
>other body parts that are harder to replace
Buy a unicycle.
>in like ten years we'll either have some SAO vr shit where that wont matter or we'll have some cyberpunk prosthetic shit
they said that 10 years ago and retards are still strapping computer screens to their faces and calling it "vr" today
Bro prosthetics are better than OG limbs now.
Not paranormal.


With time you'll cope, it's fine. Not worth killing yourself over this. Get one of those blade amputee legs.
dw anon
You'll get a robot leg in your life time

Posted from Chana (only on Play Store)
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You gotta find that inner strength within yourself. You gotta give yourself that pep talk otherwise you'll be co-dependant on other's approval of your current state. Now is the time to go into “hermit mode” and be with your thoughts. Not gonna sugar coat it but it ain’t gonna be easy but if you can speed on a motorcycle you do have the courage to pull through and find a way.

When you mentally pull through go write a book or do a podcast helping people out in their time of need should God forbid they went through a similar situation to you. Or at least something about finding inner strength during chaos.

I dunno where you are amputated (below or above the knee…) First get yourself a prosthetic leg and work on it. Make it so it’ll become natural to walk and reclaim your life.


Sending you positive vibes mah dude, good luck. You got this.
you still have the leg? you should eat it
Phantom Limb has Phantom right in the name. Cope + Seeth. Go touch grass with your normie limbs
That sucks, anon. My uncle is going through something similar after getting his crushed by a dump truck he was working on. In his case, it's dying and the doctors want to cut it off but he's latching on to it. It's got him off drugs and alcohol at least but going forward is what's best
my friend just had his leg amputated 2 weeks ago and he's just going through physical therapy. no hospital is going to give up the millions they get for amputation treatment if they can keep them in a bed. hes still light headed and pukes from his circulation being fucked from it all the time.

show leg.
Arent prosthetics like really cool now, get the springy crowbar one
lol motorcycles, you deserved it faggot
Anyone who says you deserve it for riding a motorcycle also engages in less-than-safe activities on a daily basis and will eat those words.
Quantum immortality says kill yourself to respawn with a new body that has all its limbs so you can spite the demiurge. They want to make you go through some kind of hallmark card life where you learn a lesson about what's really important in life by learning to ski, or some other challenging sport-like activity that requires you to confront the limitations of your new physical disability. Anyways, demiurge is half-big jannie in the sky and they want to jannie edit all the threads so that we live the lives they write for us. They were fine with Neo downloads kung fu, but not Neo downloads language and math.
I mean if I lost a leg my life would barely change. And it's your left leg so no difference driving a car. Could've lost a lot more riding a motorcycle.
You could do the missing limb ritual as seen on that one episode of House if you have phantom limb pain. This is similar:
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>he actually believes this
total motorcycle retard death
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>people with toxoplasmosis coping: the thread
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Hey, you'll save a fortune on socks now
You actually need a specialized sock for wearing prosthetics, so he's going to end up spending more on them...
>You gotta find that inner strength within yourself. You gotta give yourself that pep talk otherwise you'll be co-dependant on other's approval of your current state.
nta but how do you become self-dependant, find inner strength to not be co-dependant on others aproval? What are good ways/processes to attain this mental fortitude/self-reliance/indepence or whatever? (asking as someone with severe trauma/social anxiety/hikki lifestyle background)
Kill yourself. You should’ve been mentally prepared for this if you wanted to ride a bike. Did you think you were special and this couldn’t happen to you? XD
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For me it was through trials and trauma. Though not physical I've had plenty of mental ones. I guess the basis of it is to have self respect or rather love for oneself. Start off with improving yourself on a physical level through basic calisthenics and healthy eating and once that feeling of accomplishment hits you, BAM. Positive dopamine. Then that translate into mental health though increased blood flow to the brain and the feeling of self confidence and self esteem (NOT pride or ego) when you slowly see your body sculpted in a way that you want to appear and continue forward. As you continue on your journey please be aware to not compare your progress to someone else's. You will lose sight of the gains you made through comparison. I hope this is a good starting ground for you, sending positive vibes and good luck!
>letting another man cut off your limb
lol, lmao. go back retard (on the bike to finish the job)
>be you
>lose leg
>the best prosthetics in the market are still fucking garbage
>have a visible reason to not make garbage prosthetics and do cool engineering shit (becoming a wizard for electronics)

Maybe you dont think you have what it takes. I believe in you anon, go make yourself doctor octopus, please. Not joking btw. Every morning you can wake up, and remember that if cyberpunk dystopia is right around the window, so too is chroming up, and the possibilities. The infinite possibilities of the future.
I'm very sorry about your loss. Please reconsider killing yourself. I know things are rough, but I believe you can find happiness and joy. Others to connect with and help you can receive. Adventures to be had and dreams to follow. I hope for the best for you, and others as well. This message applies to others too.
Also you better develop that cybercock destruction nigga rage 10,000, or else i won't fund your ass, kek. That or brain transplants...
you will make it, just believe in yourself. you were born for a reason and everything that happens happens for a reason. always remember that there are people that love and need you. life is too precious to throw it away. i wish you all the best, anon. stay strong, its worth it!! <3
Thanks, I will try and see what I can do.
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You got it mah dude.
bumping this. There is something spooky here. The same equipment that detects ghost, detects limbs that are no longer physically there. The soul can be measured.
oh god anon i am so sorry i saw this pic for a few days but never read the thread as a motorcycle rider myself i don't know what to say except that i am sorry wtf happened ffs
were is this from?
We are 250 years away from an SAO type simulation experience. And that's being insanely generous. guaranteed we won't get anything Even close within our lifetime
Spring and chaos
I lied it's Texhnolyze

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