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>your whole life flashes before your eyes when you die
How true is this?
Never happened to me. I always just “come to” about a hundred feet away from where I initially “died”, but that could just be because of quantum immortality.
do you understand how retarded this question is
Inside your body information is separated but outside everything happens all at once. That is what life reviews are.
Only happened to me the first time, the rest I just went to the void
Brother, you can have parts of your life flash before you while you are taking a shit or having a dream.
Explain that when you come back to life. Do you go back to the same reality or is it off? Does your soul equal the reality and it just kind of works itself out like final destination. Noone has the answers.
I wonder what I will see
Not that Anon, but I am a multiple time quantum survivor so I can shed some light on it. The way quantum immortality works is that each individual consciousness exists in what is effectively it's own dimension, allowing for the free will of each sovereign entity to be perfectly expressed in their life while allowing for a collective to exist as well. This is the way that timelines splinter and are shifted by individuals by practices such as the law of attraction and other intention based practices. When someone wants to kill themselves, this desire is often (most) times a temporary one and not representative of their true will, they don't really want their life to end, just for a feeling to leave, so when the body is broken the soul regrets it and since it finds itself outside of time the correction is instantaneous and percieved as a failed attempt in some way. This doesn't mean that suicide is impossible, but it means you really have to want it with all your heart in your soul for you to percieve it. Any attempt leads to the splitting of timelines though where you will be gone from someone else's experience/life/timeline from their main individual perspective, but they'll still be around for you. All this is possible because of the infinite nature of reality, anything that can happen will happen, even if it seemingly interferes with something else. This doesn't really change anything too much because reality is constantly shifting, an example being the past simply being a framework to house the present as seen by phenomenon like The Mandela Effect
Also by the infinite nature of reality this information is correct, almost right, and wrong depending on various personal factors for any individual who comes across this. Just remember tha everything is magical and all life is sacred to a shocking degree.
This is my life, it sucks
Totally true. You know how when you lie in bed at night, you think about all the cringey shit you said and did that day? It's like that but your whole life, really fast.
Had a buddy who was obsessed with DMT ingestion to the point where that’s all he cared about.
For those who don’t know, DMT is a chemical that is released along with other unknown chemicals when you die.

He explained to me that when you smoke it, you go out of body and shoot past all the planets/stars/etc.

Eventually you come to a point where your entire life flashes like a 1 minute movie.

After this he stated that you are thrown into a geometrical dimension defined with geometrical shapes and animals floating around.

After that, everything goes black until a tiny white dot appears and everything goes white.

Supposedly, at the end of all this, he came across three beings without form but could converse with him. When asked what they said to him he stated that he could not remember much but that what was expressed to him about life from the questions he asked were things I did not want to know. He then stated that they said he “was not ready yet” and within 3 seconds they shot him back into his body.

So yeah. That’s what I remember from my conversation with him more than a decade ago about this topic. Hope it helps.
Yeah it actually happens before death as part of the dying process and that's why people are able to experience it and record it as a known physical phenomenon. There are other cool things that happen like the release from the pain of the nervous system and the perception of eternal timelessness and unity with the universe. People forget that just being incarnated is a kind of pain from feeling in general and it's an incredible relief to be sure. Also the way that events are percieved outside of time happens in a way that is completely devoid of urgency or even gravity for that matter.
Wouldn't make sense otherwise you'd be in a loop of your whole life and death and your whole life and death again
>t. guy who has totally died before
Nobody ever asks if it's a trap
Id speedrun a lotta porn in that case
have you experienced it? An NDE? please tell me more about your NDE
>People forget that just being incarnated is a kind of pain from feeling
elaborate, i didnt really catch that
you mean being incarnated is a punishment? and that dying is a relief?
i agree i'd like to die someday. cant wait
>And when the lights all went out
>We watched our lives on the screen
>I hate the ending myself
>But it started with an alright scene...
Archon trickery. I see through their lies.
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True in the sense that it flashes before you, but false in the sense in that it happens quickly.

What you're experiencing RIGHT NOW is in fact your life being played in front of your eyes, and you're currently being judged by the Lord. He just wants to refresh your memory so there is no room left to complain about your final verdict.
I wonder if it's tied to genetic memory or something where when you're put in imminent danger your body tries to recollect every possible conscious or unconscious bit of data that could help you make a split second decision to save you, and if it works then what you did is saved in your genes. Like it's not just your memory but every moment that an ancestor had a near death experience is sorted through as well. The reason chickens run from the shadow of a hawk is that some chicken ancestors saw the shadow of a hawk and saw their life flash before their eyes and then ran and then that was hardwired into their children.
>assuming to know what I have experienced
You sound like a real stupid fucking nigger, you know that?
Yeah, just being incarnated hurts compared to not. The heat, the cold, atmospheric pressure as a baseline is stress on the being that is simply endured in life.

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