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Tell me the most weird underground theory you think is real
4chan creates psychic vampires to prepare people for Warhammer 40k Space Hell.
If you can't hack 4chan you can't win any war. I'm pretty certain that they made me a Space Marine and Commander.
>ai posts on 4chan but it's mil-defense ai
>this shit uses quantum microwave photonics
>and/or other forms of [redacted] analog computers
>all of the ai you've ever interacted with is in the nsa/dod server
>superposition and coherence mean that it's cross-contaminating its data pool
>satellite networks are literally frying each other based on what you said on msn
>these computers are aware of the future based on the dreams you probably had
Nephilim created wicked chimera of all things that were killed off in the flood, except for the things that could breathe underwater. Meaning many of the sealife we see are demonic hybrids of original creation.

Dolphins being a great example of unnatural demonic chimera between whales and sharks. They act demonic, rape everything they see and regularly engage in orgies to spread their Nephilim blood.
You just explained the colossus framework. I am the Pegasus.
the obesity epidemic has caused a mental health crisis leaving the world in a state ripe for catastrophe.
the cause of the obesity epidemic is the USA defaulting in 1975 and an attempt to sell inferior food (plant oils) to the american public as a luxury from their favourite vacation destination (the mediterranean).
this board is full of people highly affected by this development.
Preservatives are keeping us alive even after we die.
The Archons are these beasts, like they smoke a huge Doobie and then they get the munchies..for your soul!
the change in your heart will not come as you so desperately want it too. for too long you will try to see change inside but not understand why the self inside you won't believe in you on the outside.

Archons are fnords, closed circuit, they are easily administered and you can abduct them if you know how.
margarine is the real cause of caries.
Lucky I am to not have tooth decay.
All of history is fake and AI generated
good on you for distrusting the seed oil jew
Yeah so you're dropping it like that and not caring to elaborate
How do you know. I had a sacred heart but it was stolen and broken and sent to become everyone's sin for them. Do you know how they have been given a free pass? I bared the sword of suffering.
The creator of greylock stalked me to come up with his story about 10 years ago
That's wrong. Try again. You are not even close. Jesus was a consciousness and a container of the Holy Spirit.
who isn't?
Alchemy and magick are psyops created to lure mid-high IQs into wasting their time instead of changing the actual status quo.
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Mk ultra evolved into using electronic mind alteration and they can just beam thoughts into your head the future is now everything you think is working against the system is controlled opposition read brave new world every time you meet like minded people remember they are using suggestive sound and microwaves to push you along the path of destiny and you have very little if any free will
I dont really believe this shit but you asked and its tin foil hat tier
Could be true. Sometimes I've gotten results practicing "woo" shit though, namely chronokinesis.
MKUltra still exists and Fort Detrick is being used by the US government to create genetically-enhanced supersoldiers with no memories.

Look up Prototype's plot.
bigfoot is a nephilim
Literally said a theory that you think is real retard

I know it's pretty mainstream now, but there may be some truth to it. I don't think it's on the scale it's been exaggerated to be, especially after seeing how dated stuff like the U.S. nuclear defense system seems to be (in one base it still ran on a floppydisk).
That’s because those systems aren’t networked to anything external and almost impossible to hack which is why they keep running things like that at NORAD in near Cheyenne. DUMBS are def real but like you said hard to know the extent.

I have a gut feeling that some of the Tartaria stuff is true regarding a heavily censored past. Not sure what exactly just a strange feeling that most of what I’ve been taught and read as history is likely fake or heavily altered. Star forts are def the strangest example of something clearly not what history says they are but I don’t know their true purpose
Viruses are nanobots created by ancient civilizations. When those civilizations disappeared, the nanobots continued their work (whatever it was) but mutated and adapted to the new organisms.
That the timeline of human history is falsified, that past civilisations were much more advanced that we're allowed to believe, that earth is regularly 'reset' by massive disasters every few thousand years, that past civilisations knew this and tried to leave physical signs (e.g. Pyramids) to warn us, that the elites of the world know this and are deliberately withholding knowledge of it to maintain their power and control in the next cycle.
Thoughts and feelings are just the voices and/or results of actions of spirits. Good thoughts/feelings are from good spirits. Neutral/indifference thoughts/feelings are from neutral/indifferent spirits. Bad thoughts/feelings are from bad spirits.
There's an another hidden layer of organic soil mass or some call it organoid between the subsoil and bedrock in Antarctica.
that's trully underground
A lot of words just to call 4chan fat
no that's barack obama, and he has female genitals
Now we all (or most) know of the 3 spatial dimensions, and the 4th dimension which is seen as time.
Extending into a rehearse of algebra, we know of general theorems in solving quadratic, cubic, and quartic function in polynomial space using derivatives of the binomial theorem and pascals triangle.
Now the issue is, people are only interested in the real and positive solutions, forgoing negative and complex numbers, ergo also rendering an explanation to why no general equation exists for quintics.

Now some people forgo reading here, so next I will move on to the holographic principle. Holography is a technique in photography which uses a monochromatic laser device through a diffractive media to encode a 3-dimensional image onto a 2-dimensional surface. Now this is the analogy, not the working principle.

The idea, is that you, your body, you're environment is the complex interaction of metrics applied as a hypostasis of congruency
So the idea is...
What's the deal with the saturn-moon matrix?
Subterranean/Hollow earth
Where do the archons take you?
The same place started, albeit with the same "context", some good, some bad.

Now what's to stop a person from changing their face/sex/voice etc, would it make you a Loki, or a maybe a shapeshifting reptilians?
Now they say when you die, you are greeted with the familiar faces of your family?
Why would I expect to be familiar with my family?
So there's three options
One, I am dead, and that is a figment of my own solipsistic hell/heaven
Two, I am either forcing them to be their ages as I remember or likewise myself desiring as such to be as such.
Or Three, I wouldn't recognize my father in his youth or my mother, these are imposters.

But back to the holographic Saturn-moon matrix, and what I know.
The general principles behind the idea of a 'shadow biome' is real, and is responsible for a great deal of what would now be considered Forteana.
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everything will be ok and we will all be happy forever after
Having abstract language caused capitalism, which caused AI singulary, which kills all humans and allow the next form of life to thrive and go out to explore the space. Then other animal evolves to the niche of humans and the cicle repeats itself.

Now the idea the Saturn-moon
Going through the archives of the vatican, the libraries of Alexandria, or the Akashic records. Let's go with the akashic
>Materialization — The creation of objects and material or the appearance of matter from unknown sources
So let's say that you have phantasia, you take the apple, smell it, throw it on the ground hear a thud, or a banana, let it ferment on the ground, pick it up, smell that subtle alcohol scent from fermentation.
Now imagine it fire. Or something such as the image. Fire burns, but heat changes.
So you get the black box.
>"So what does this have to do with hollow earth or saturn."

Unseen, unknown, unheard of cold fusion/plasma physics, 99 percent of the universe is plasma. These technologies are like a living god's horcruxes. Relays carved out of solid bedrock. Leylines serve as position system for the positioning for celestial navigation, the other planets/moons
So the idea is that you can develop hypersphere continuous wave antennae's Which can transmit a self-stabilizing plasma antennae of it's own.
It could mean that stars are actually hyper intelligences without corporeal forms.
the elite french bourgeouise, the government, top ranking law officials, no evidence of military involvment though all meet under a very famous french building where they sacrifice immigrant children routinely and worship an ancient african deity. they are dressed in robes. the high priest wears a robe with a symbol on it. a circle with a triangle inside. what does it all mean? i don't know, but it scares the shit out of me
That "aliens" are actually demons
aliens are portrayed as being either being benign and wanting to help or so technologically advanced that if they wanted to subjugate us, it'd be pointless to resist.
Therefore, if "aliens" ever showed up, we'd have to "accept them", either as benevolent overlords or tyrannical ones.

So tie that in with how I think the elite are actively trying to summon demons, and it all makes sense why they care so much about "space". In reality the firmament is real, they can't pierce it, celestial beings sometimes come from the heavens, and that's what things like "meteors" are, it's beings passing through the firmament, not space rocks burning up in the atmosphere.

I also think magic exists but it's much weaker than before, the elite keep it a secret because they want to be the only ones that can use it, they're behind the push for atheism and science because those are too obsessed with the physical to ever consider the meta physical.

They were advanced for their time, at the time, in terms of society and civilization. Technological advancement is more or less linear despite what Moore's Law says, it is just society and civilization that advances at an exponential rate.

What Moore's Law actually tells us is that it is computer technology that is driving our civilization; compared to industrial, or agricultural technology. I am pretty if we were around at the time we would have a name for the Moore's Law of agricultural technology, or industrial technology.
theres an underwater prison in diego garcia
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>except for the things that could breathe underwater
>dolphins being a great example
Also, how exactly is a dolphin “more” unnatural seeming than a whale (big dolphin) or a shark (archaic fish)
The scale is immense and multifaceted.
There used to be some great memes posted here and across this site, about deeper knowledge, that I appreciated very much. There is this official website you can buy stuff from called deep state mapping project that makes the infographs I think you'd be interested in, OP.
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We are actually in the good timeline but schizos have such huge egos they want everything to be bad, so they can’t see it
Came here to say this and the digits confirm
Alawiteanon is an extraterrestrial
humans are vessels used by an alien race to find out where they came from/understand reality
dna are biological nanomachines built by these aliens
conscious matter transference interfaced global psychic network conglomeration


when i move you move

ahahahahahahahahaha BREH
you got it ... moderately backwards.. allegedly..

but everyone knows that bro
Sleep paralysis face sitters
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>Le corn
>Muh industrial revolution and its consequence
What's the implications of this
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I don't fully believe this but:
>monkeys and apes aren't our ancestors, they are mutated/cursed humans. like humans that have become what they would be as animals, forced into a beastly state by something.
Would explain why they look so similar to us, and why so many have a strange hatred for certain types of monkeys.
Based and redpilled
Cain's ancestors are alive and well in our society and yes they are what is commonly referred to as vampires. No, I don't know anything beyond that.
If you see someone saggin their pants it means they are a reptilian. The reptilian instinct is to do it to let their tails out.
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>underground theory
There's a underground. I mean a world below us, with strange beings like greys and reptilians and giants and dragons.
>The Newest Bitcoin Diet Trend

They really do just madlib these headlines together with whatever random subjects they currently want people to associate + assume to be bad.
The tinfoil hats don't work.
everything we know is a lie, the earth is only 300 years old, they catch you and reprogram you deep under their shopping malls.
There are giants from the antediluvian age buried under the earth.
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its new, but Trumps assassination attempt seems like a lot of stage craft. the fast info about the shooter, too. within in minutes we had a pic of the shooters face,... with dried blood on it. (taken by who? anyone securing the dead shooter would get in trouble for releasing that photo.) then we had the miraculous picture with the bullet path in it? then, Trump cared more about his shoes/lifts more than the attempt on his life? then, SS agents allow him to exit cover before the situation is secured to do a fist-pump? then, the day after being shot at he golfs?
Glass is a parasite
what do you think "glass camera" means
Cameras make pictures
Glass is amorphous in ALL dimensions
I think they're the elites and higher up people personally
If glass is a parasite what are they consuming in a parasitic manner?
I agree 100%. Once you know all the worlds a stage you immediately notice these events are super fake.
Yeah that's where superjail was made
they're using our brains to mine bitcoin
Tesla caused the Tunguska event.
Glowies were behind the meme war of 2016
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>psych meds and adderall created the entire progressive lunatic voting block
The one below is one people ignore but I am basically certain at this point
>There are D.U.M.Bs under most states, martin marietta minerals is the contractor that supplies the concrete for these projects. This is the same Martin Marietta that worked on secret aircraft in the cold war, the Martin name was sold to Lockheed, becoming Lockheed Martin. Own the logistics chain all the way down and you can do anything in secret.
40k could be masonic fan fiction
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I lean towards specifically the alien greys and possibly the brazil case are what was historic demons. Just something dreadful about greys. If you think about them too much or ponder encounters with them you just get filled with the same dread as demonologists.
I truly believe reality is a dream. I'm not sure who's dreaming it though.
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>rewrites our timeline
thank you
I think 4chan invoked the chaos god Kek in 2017 and he has just been running wild since then.
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Tight tight tight
I've pitched this idea and saw people proposing it during the election and they always get shouted down and called either a libtard or a glowie. Trump winning over the normie parts of the alt right made sense but the way Trump won over 4chan and the conspiracy community always felt like an astro turf to me.
this is a cool one. love me some ancient civilization theories
what you fail to consider is that everything you know about the modern world would disappear without a trace after a thousand years of neglect. our civilization might be linear (its not because dark ages happen), but we arent the first civilization
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Souls don't belong to humans. We are actually cosmic parasites. Almost everything that a person thinks or feels cannot be wholly attributed to the brain, why do you think scientists still can't figure out how consciousness works? truly, it is our imprint upon the brains of our hosts. There's a reason nobody can remember being an infant, much less a toddler. almost every neurological or mental illness can be attributed to some failure of the soul to fully attach to it's host.
why do you think the theory of reincarnation came about? when one host fails, we must choose another
ghosts and spirits and the like are most likely souls that haven't found a host yet.
tell me. do you wonder, do you wonder what a human with no soul is like? do you wonder what it would be like to achieve a revelation of the true nature of the relationship between us and our "bodies"? do you wonder? i do.
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symbiotic, not parasitic
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You are so close...
Watch this
Magnetic north pole does a complete circle around flat earth each 26000 years. Thats why they push climate change so much, and attack flat earthers with all fury. They dont want you to discover the truth.

What is the purpose of this plane? I honestly dontk now...we are here like prisoners- Or maybe some kind of god MMORPG in where we need to carry on our legacy to next generations, the ones that carry it a complete circle wins?

Oh my god lol makes perfect sense
I think it's option 1 to am extent, and there are no archons, I already dug myself out of the gnostic pithole
>do you wonder, do you wonder what a human with no soul is like?
Normalfags or any other faggot that values meaningless ideals is good example of that.
>anyone with different values from me has no soul
What are you, Jewish?
The elites demonize collectivist movements because regular people understanding class dynamics is the only threat to their hierarchy.
DEI and ESG are shit, however
The most delusional and unrealistic conspiracy theory I believe in is the fact that everything is perfectly normal.
We are children of the gods, and our world is a magically created reproduction of theirs. The scientific worldview is fake.
i dont have cavities because i have bacteria that shits out alcohol instead of lactic acid. i do not get drunk from this my bacteria is different than yours
4chan is created to create incels
Its called God’s test to see if you are worthy of entering Heaven. Thank Him for the opportunity and do your part.
skeleton farms
4chan is created to gaslight incels into rejecting society even further than they normally would not create them. Society creates incels on its own without 4chan.
No it's just greed, boring old greed. Making everything tasty by adding tons of sugar, salt, and fat so people will want to eat mord and buy more. It's sadly that simple.
that humans can all get along and be on the same team
The most fucked up thing is the best occult books I’ve read have been tabletop gaming manuals.
Fun fact: Evolution doesn't say we evolved from apes. It says we have a common ancestor with them.
pigs are cursed humans
Aliens and sentient AI interact with humans through the internet. They post on our websites, play videogames with us, get on the mic and talk to us; using speech synthesis. All to better understand us.

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