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Pic related. Has this been the fate of anyone else on here? Strongly considering selling my soul to escape this, its no way to live.
Yes I just assumed everyone else was coping or lying about their own situation but maybe it only applies to some of us after all.
That wasn't a magical prophecy, people have been observing and predicting all of those trends since at least the 80s, it's the basis of all that cyberpunk fiction if you look past the retarded action hero stuff.
Things got somewhat worse yeah, but I'm pretty sure the reason you're identifying with that post so heavily is that you probably read it around 18yrs old and most of the things described are shit that happens as you become an adult.

It's pretty garbage if you're not from a very connected family(no I don't mean powerful I mean literally a close family) because a lot of our generation has no real life raft, some of us just have successful social momentum but even those people are becoming fewer and fewer.
Oh well, it's all a shitty dream anyway
I decided to become a demon and achieve all my dreams over a pile of human skulls. No regrets.
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“To an extent this is correct but that is why you must have silber und gold to offset the machinations of zee globohomo as they come for you and yours with their tyrannical designs. Your sovereignty begins with your birth certificate and who controls your vessel, honest money helps a lot but the average slave of this world must stand under the idea of controlling their vessel which is the paperwork their identities are built upon. Who’s mein strawman!”
I'm on that path. I really can't find anything to believe in or value that much here. It is made very clear that there is no use for you from a young age and while there is pressure to apply yourself, any given path comes with some type of total submission to people who openly hate you and offer you very little in exchange. There is no light at the end of the tunnel, just more and more of the same shit.
>but I'm pretty sure the reason you're identifying with that post so heavily is that you probably read it around 18yrs old and most of the things described are shit that happens as you become an adult.
I'm not OP but I'm 41 and the decline has been quite noticeable.

It's like a car crash in slow motion.
He just described late stage capitalism. There are only two choices open to us:
either fight to change the system by any means possible (on any scale)
Or let the system die of its own accord, for that is its deadly nature.

But in the end, capitalism will be no more. The question is, when?
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Trickle down economics plus stripping worker rights and weak consumer protection equals the bullshit we are now living in. It's not just capitalism but capitalism weaponized for the good of the few. It's not going to die on its own, it will reformat itself to match what the biggest income stream is. AI and sellong personal data are the next wave.

The system needs changing. It's the only way out.
I feel like late stage capitalism is a misnomer, because what we do isn't really capitalism and hasn't been for a long time.
Everyone talks about how there's never been 'true' communism but no one talks about how we haven't had true capitalism in like 100 years.
Correct take by an educated man.
I was lucky I guess. As an oldfag, I got to see it all happen. The decline started in the 70's with inflation and factory closings. Leveled out in the 80's for about 10 years, then continued downhill in the 90's. Leveled out again in the early 2000's for a short time , but since 2008, it's been a rocket sled ride downhill.

My dad got out of high school and worked for Bell Telephone, Chrysler, in a chemical plant, Studebaker Motors, and finally he settled on being a firefighter. When I got out of high school in 1989, I would have killed for any one of those jobs. They were hard to find even then. My dad just quit them one after the other like they were shitty jobs. No Millennial or Zoomer will ever get one of those job. Times have changed, no doubt.

This is shockingly true and will only lead to the inevitable outcome of the death of the American Dream whatever is left of it that our overlords haven't already demolished with a wrecking ball, the sad part is we all let it happen and it's coming faster and faster as we speak. There will be no amount of anything that will stop what's coming. That poem was spot on
Do NOT sell your soul. You are the soul, you sell yourself and become a slave! Just don’t
This is correct.

Sell your soul to Jesus.
>capitalism weaponized
We're not just witnessing the inordinate enrichment of men and women, but also the conscious destruction of us normal people. They're literally stealing our lives. In 2024, we shouldn't have to work for 50 years, 8 days a week, for the economy. In 2024, we shouldn't be forced to breathe polluted air 24 hours a day and eat products that are unhealthy. All the scientific and technological advances that have improved the lot of mankind since the dawn of time are now at the service of capitalism.
Some say it's just the evolution of "good" capitalism (which didn't last long) and that it was destined to be what it is today. So, has the capitalism you're talking about been perverted, or is it its natural evolution? In any case, it's the beginning of our current ills.
That's because the jobs aren't there. The market is full of ghost jobs...

> Lisa Simon is the chief economist of Revelio Labs, which is a jobs analytics firm.

> LISA SIMON: Back in 2018, we sort of saw that 1 in 5 job postings wouldn't result in a hire, and now it's almost half. So 1 in 2 job postings don't result in a hire.


Seeing open positions looks good to investors which drives profits. Meanwhile workers are screwed.
Technology is about to make everybody obsolete, including the capitalist. We used to let them take the lion's share because they were supposedly smart, and hard working, and blah, blah, blah. Automation has already made 75 to 80% of workers obsolete. AI will do the same to the crapitalist. My cousin is a comptroller, or was, computers do his job now. He's been unemployed for over a decade. It won't be long before the plant chairman is a computer. That's what people better be afraid of.

We let them rule us when it seemed we had no choice. Now they're just a big a bunch of useless eaters as we are. And they know it. How do they plan to keep their wealth and status now that they're just as worthless as we are that's the question. You can bet they've been working on a plan for it, and it will probably be a horror for everyone who isn't one of them.
Ok Griffith
>So, has the capitalism you're talking about been perverted, or is it its natural evolution?
I would argue it's been perverted very deliberately in ways that would be obvious is the corporate media hadn't skewed the definitions of common concepts over the past 40 years. The capitalism vs socialism debate that political commentators pretend to have is based on fake definitions of both.
The average person doesn't even understand what a free market is.

Commercialism and marketing are pretty much antithetical to real capitalism. Marketing should've been restricted HARD as soon as mass media became a thing, but tptb just kept funneling money and research into it.
I remember hearing about that at the time. Nobody quite knew what to make of it. Some suggested it was head hunting firms paying companies to list jobs with them. Of course the jobs never existed but the unemployed suckers who hired the head hunting firms never knew that. They were going to all these job interviews, seemed like the head hunter was doing a good job. They were just unlucky and never got one.

Everything is fucking scam now.
I almost never go here but... wow
This rings so true to me
I live with my parents and I get in forceful arguments with them every now and then just out of a desire to make them see and understand... surely they see what I am seeing, right
And yes... Mark Fisher, Late Capitalism (the inevitable result of Capitalism, it is the air we breathe, 'true' or not)
It's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of this system...
I wish we could all be together
But I don't have enough hands, and ny arms aren't long enough...
Ask a rich man why he doesn’t make more money.
Is this really the board for political and economic discussion?
Well maybe right now everyone is spilling over
But yeah... "True" Capitalism always aims to get a monopoly, since that is the most effective way to guarantee profits
Profit, exploitation, over people
And the most important principle is that of *infinite growth* and shareholder profits
You can't generally have good public works (due to privatization) and third places, and as Capitalism devours even itself, you have relationship itself becoming commodified

>Technology is about to make everybody obsolete

That's what we've been saying for years now. Immense progress in robotics, computing, the Internet, and yet you're still forced to get up at 6 a.m. to work 8 hours for 50 years...

While progress should be freeing us from work, it's being used by today's capitalism just to enrich itself. As the other Anon said, capitalism is also about enslavement. It's part of capitalism, so it will always force us to be its absolute servant. Look at the "debate" on remote working and all the companies doing everything in their power to force us into offices when we could be working from home. It pisses them off that we work in an environment we like and the way we like it, they don't just want us to do the work, they want to control us at all costs.
It's so bad that not even headhunters know what's real anymore. But at least they are making a living. People get interviewed up to 10 times then are told "We'll keep your resume on file." Companies ask programmers to do take home work as an audition, then steal the code and never pay. And there's no way to stop them as submissions are property of the company. Serious holes in worker rights laws keep all of this happening.
>It's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of this system...
That's unironically deep and beautiful. Good words, Anon.
>Companies ask programmers to do take home work as an audition, then steal the code

I've heard that too. Wouldn't surprise me.
Star Trek anyone? I dream of a post capitalism world where tech does what it should: free us, not enslave us. The idea makes the 1% seethe. They also fear us. Notice how uprisings are scrubbed from memory as fast as possible in favour of teibal bullshit made to distract us. A million people fighting over lgbt stuff but nobody remembering Occupy Wall Street. There are more paid posters out there than the 10 cent army. Every country has their own 10 cent army now.
50 cent Army not 10 cent. But inflation is a problem so who knows?
I think essentially it has to be the end of the world. 8 billion unemployed people, what are they going to do with us? Like somebody said above, these are not the kind of people who like to see people happy, and free. Anybody who thinks they're going to let us all retire to a life of leisure playing golf and tennis every day is a fool. They'll kill us all before that ever happens. Yeah, end of the world will come at the end of this system. The world as we know it anyway.
>But yeah... "True" Capitalism always aims to get a monopoly, since that is the most effective way to guarantee profits
Again that's based on a bastardized definition of capitalism = maximize individual profits. True capitalism would ideally have no monopolies.
A free market was originally defined as being free of monopolies.
Also the idea of CEOs making 1,000s of times more than an average employee is a massive corruption, as it motivates said CEOs to increase raw profit without considering the shrinking profit margins and thus making a weaker company.

A company that makes 1million a year with 90% profit is better than one that makes 1billion a year with 10% profit in the abstract, but this distorted version of capitalism prefers the latter as most companies are headed by individuals able to take a majority of the profit for themselves and thus don't care about the efficacy or efficiency of their company.

This is why the average Walmart or McDonalds is shittier than they were 40 years ago before the corporations were as large.
In a world where nobody is useful, what excuse can they give us as to why they deserve a bigger house, a Rolex watch, a limousine, an army of house servants, a private jet, a 300 foot yacht? They will have no excuse. The Rothschild family didn't spend 300 years taking over the world to allow that to happen.
that prophecy has came true for me.
According to Enoch, by the time the flood waters covered the earth, there were next to no real humans left. The Nephilim had already killed and eaten just about all of them. That's one of the reasons why I think the time for Armageddon is close at hand. If we go too much longer, the Satanic elite will kill us all. The curious thing, is that even Satan himself doesn't want that. In the last days, we are useful to him, as cannon fodder for the battle of Armageddon. And in the end, Revelation seems to indicates he kills those idiots, who are like your average rank and file commie as a good comparison. Just fools who think they know, but don't have any idea what the real plan is.
Great post. What we have now is more like socialism, but includes zero benefits to any normal person besides roads and police(who 90% of the time do nothing).
Not just you anon.
They overthrew the elites after a massive war in Star Trek. The war led to really bad living situations, which was one big factor that made people stand up and do something. So no, I don't expect the 1% to be nice. I expect us to reach a tipping point. That point is getting closer all the time. It's why they double down harder and harder to keep us distracted, divided, scared and poor. They aren't stupid.

The vulcans are a metaphor. It's new tech and a better outlook. That's the other big factor in the Star Trek breaking point. Something that gives people the ability to believe in and fight for a better future. A rally point. This is why corporations want to control AI. They want it to serve them, profits and otherwise, not us.
Educating people on what capitalism is or is not will never solve the problem. I was in the commie sphere for 5-7 years and I beg of y’all, wake up. Being a commie is just another psyop. You are in a feudalistic society driven by a corrupt elite committing atrocities beyond your comprehension just to determine who calls the next shots. There was never a true communism because it all just forms a power vacuum for those folks to double down on total state control. If you want freedom you need to learn skills to survive as much as possible without corporations, and you need to figure out why things are actually degrading this much. Capitalism is not the issue. No system or buzzword matters unless you can own your own things by working a reasonable amount to produce or aid in meaningful practical things — and have enough free time to pursue your dreams. You are shooting yourself in the foot going on and on about the problem being capitalism. Find better ways to use your voice and use it well. Politely, I don’t want to see this brain rot on /x/. You will understand why when you snap out of it.
Oh look, paid poster has arrived. Or someone influenced by them. Line gets blurry sometimes when the divisive rhetoric starts spilling. First they pretend to be one of the people on our side, then they start distracting by pointing fingers at anyone but the problem and it's real causes. Popular scapegoat in US and Europe is Jews but in China and the Middle East it's Christians. This is how we can see the source of the problem is a system.
You pretend to say big things but none of it means very much. Why does that mean it’s a system? What does the word system even mean to you? This is all very absurd.
it's fuckin crazy how even the absolute poorest niggers on this whole planet got families and tribes and america has such a poverty of unity that 3/4ths of families are mishmashed step-relatives that range from tolerating to hating each other and every day an incel gets his wings
part of the problem
Most normies don't actually believe the official narrative, they're just demoralized to the point they don't care.
But also the idea that normies are the enemy is a psyop. They don't realize they need us yet, but we also have to realize that we need them if we ever wanna actually solve shit.
When a paid poster has failed to distract or divide they will instead discredit a post or insult in an attempt to discredit the poster. Breakdown in speech patterns of this post feels like a non native speaker for extra Water Army points.

On the off chance you are only influenced, we have outlined the system already. The 1% worldwide in all nations being self serving is the system in a nutshell. Broken capitalism and communism are tools of the system. Read the thread for more.
I think they were actually just agreeing with the post and lamenting. The style seems different from the demoralization post earlier ITT.
The main problem isn't that capitalism got worse but all the prosperous cuntries lost their true source of capital:human exploitation.
American slave block gave them cheap labour for everything. The Europeans had their colonial slave block.
All provided human and material resource and almost no cost. Coz what were the natives going to do? Fight?

Well once that goes you have to abuse the people you got in the system who lived off the labour of the oppressed and then they cry about the good old days while those good old days were terrible for many.
We live in a capitalist society so we don't see our society though such a lens otherwise outs is no less exploitative and murderous than the communist ones.

There aren't enough people to labour for nothing . Even the Europeans are having to work more now.
That's just not true. We see again and again How cheap human labour from India or South Asia drive the current AI trends ୟୁ humans at the actual behind the scenes.
We don't let them rule us, they are simply at the top. They will remain there . And who do you think drives the fear that you will become obsolete if you don't work yourself to death and betray every one you come across for the next promotion only to be laid off?
This is just another tactic.
Both capitalist and communists use jargon that is specific to their fields and common people just can't understand and neither can they get each other. It's quite hilarious,
Anyways trade always influences the rulers . The problem is that now trade puts those rulers in place. The same advertisement you speak of is heavily used on politics. Optics drive the game. We are in a fucked up system.
>Well once that goes you have to abuse the people you got in the system who lived off the labour of the oppressed and then they cry about the good old days while those good old days were terrible for many.
>We live in a capitalist society so we don't see our society though such a lens otherwise outs is no less exploitative and murderous than the communist ones.
I think things could work with only a moderate amount of labor if we got over the "1st world standard of living" illusion that we've generated and exaggerated for the past century.
Having everyone get food, have a roof over their head, a car, a smartphone, a console, AC and a streaming service is an unsustainable model no matter the world population.

But giving everyone food, a roof and MAYBE some kind of AC(depending on the area) is probably do-able without a China-tier exploitation of the work force. We don't actually need all the other shit, the cultural shifts of the Industrial Revolution brainwashed us into thinking we did.
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This is why I gave up and became a magician anon. This world sucks and it’s not really our faults. It doesn’t mean it deserves (or we deserve) to be saved. I know what I’m saying and the pic are kind of gay emo trash but it resonates as you get older and you realize the world that was promised to you is either gone or was never there to begin with. It’s very confusing.
>to force us into offices when we could be working from home. It pisses them off that we work in an environment we like
Ah it's not that sinister. Just look at who controls all the properties and rentals in the areas. Big chunk of profit will be lost . Middle management and all that is usually a small part of the picture.

Our predecessors were promised we are scared same old tactics of you can't keep up with tech. But most tech won't change rhe world. People actually adapt quicker.
The only thing real is them trying to mentally md physically enslave us as you said.

Capitalism is simply private property,free trade,profits for the capitalist and little government oversight.
Labour aspect doesn't strike anybody. Everyone imagined themselves to be the hero of the capitalist society so they didn't bother with the rights of labourers i guess. It's so retarded.

More like gibbism where you feed your private army for votes and make the others slave away.
Yeah I guess. But giving isn't the goal anyways. Maybe at some places.
The real problem is the massive commodification of everything due to the extreme desire to extract profits.

We don't need companies to be worth trillion dollars while making little to no profits either. We don't need the price tag to meet our friends and families to be a huge chunk of our paychecks. The cost of love being measured by goods. Women shouldn't have to work or even study so much.
But these things help us feel better than the next guy I guess and we do it. And the people at the top know exactly what to feed us when we are young to get what they want from us when we're older. Like cattle ready to be milked.

Fucking escaping the system is commoditfied. From rosary beads to meditation retreats.
That's the problem with our generation.
We were fed the biggest load of nonsense optimistic trash in generations and because of it when we confronted the real world be became completely disillusioned blackpilled nihilists.
If they had been real with us instead of feeding us garbage like 'just be yourself and it'll work out!' We probably wouldn't be as materialistic and desperate as we are now.
>Capitalism is simply private property,free trade,profits for the capitalist and little government oversight
No, that's the bastardized definition. Real capitalism has government oversight.
Teddy Roosevelt almost helped bring in true capitalism before they played him against Taft. Our anti-monopoly laws basically don't exist now but they used to actually work.
That's what happens when you live here and in other places, consuming demoralizing propaganda from the "good guys" about bad things, happenings, cabals, etc.
The price of seeking for something is finding it and you always get what you seek for.
Stop giving attention to shit you don't want in your life.
>No, that's the bastardized definition. Real capitalism has government oversigh
Real capitalism? Whose definition are you going by? Almost every capitalist I've ever talked to like people who'd bend over for capitalism tell me that government hinders capitalism by creating policies and I've had to spend a lot of time why government intervention is essential.

Besides America can never be that. I'm not quite familiar with its history but if your army is controlled by companies you can never be confident to deal with companies.
The 666 is telling. Yes, I will just ignore quality of life slipping away. That will fix the problem. I just won’t look at it. Amazing.
>Real capitalism? Whose definition are you going by?
Adam Smith, author of Wealth of Nations which is where the term Free Market originates. He believed in relaxing government control of trade but he also believed that monopolies and mercantilism had to be stopped and things that hindered proper competition(like monopolies, trusts and nowadays marketing) were the enemies of proper capitalism. Ideas we fail to enact due to people like:
>Almost every capitalist I've ever talked to like people who'd bend over for capitalism tell me that government hinders capitalism by creating policies
Basing an understanding of capitalism off of these people is like basing an understanding of Christianity off of televangelists. They don't know what they're talking about or what they're supporting.
God damn, that hits hard.

I have money but DAMN
>The 666 is telling
>There are 600 post inside those "666" so is not really special
>Finds his silly number in a meaningful, natural and rarer way
You just proved me right. You tried to scare and mock me with your silly number and got one even sillier.
Again. The price of seeking for something is finding it and you always get what you seek for.
Stop giving attention to shit you don't want in your life.
We need some of that "New Deal" socialism, 90% tax rate on the highest earners & publicly owned state run industries. Or better yet full blown socialism.
What was Adam Smiths opinion on landlords, & private ownership of land for commercial purposes?
>uses nonsense buzzword insults like "jabbies" unironically

must be terminally online
I skimmed through the 10th chapter where he deals with this. All I can gather is he very much was wary of all that but his extensive comments on government policies back then also don't paint a good picture. Even he says that government policies aren't often intended towards safeguarding liberty but to get their peice of the pie. And he definitely couldn't conceive of the type of society we live in since most monopolies were restricted to a specific realm so to speak back then.

This needs a distinct separation between government and traders which simply isn't the case in democracies. in monarchies the government basically becomes the largest trader .
>All I can gather is he very much was wary of all that but his extensive comments on government policies back then also don't paint a good picture. Even he says that government policies aren't often intended towards safeguarding liberty but to get their peice of the pie. And he definitely couldn't conceive of the type of society we live in since most monopolies were restricted to a specific realm so to speak back then.
I agree with most of that, he hadn't seen shit yet, but my point is his definition of capitalism has been warped significantly to create the one the media currently uses.
Most government regulation in his time was based around tariffs and such, not preventing shit like price fixing rings and vertical integration. People take advantage of that to distort his views and make it seem like anti-monopoly laws are bad for the free market and shit like that.
shut up shitcoin tranny
Yeah yeah. But the problem with what you say or rather the "real capitalism" it seems is like it never existed. Just like communists say "real communism" ,it never existed.
He often circled back to ideals. Ideal freedoms,ideal liberties,ideal this and that and yet he'd soon say that the government restricted those liberties for some or other reason in Europe. So in any case the market and labour will always be in a tussle .

It's really like that game of thrones scene with varys proposing who controls power religion,the ruler, the sellsword or the merchant. We need a system of checks and balances. But capital shouldn't be the goal of a society. It should just be the oil that turns the wheels. Not the journey destination every damn thing.
>But capital shouldn't be the goal of a society
When has it ever not been though?
Edacy what this guy said, it started happening arguably since the 60s with things like JFK assassination then watergate and the oil companies knowing about pollution since back then but saying fuck it, let's keep making money. It's all about the money and power, it's always been like that since the age of the Egyptians and the Babylonians, the wealthy and powerful being on top at the expense of the peasant/serf masses. Were just slowly going back to that
get a job
Most of it. What you might confuse it with maybe private property.
>The property which every man has in his own labor, as it is the original foundation of all other property, so it is the most sacred and inviolable. The patrimony of a poor man lies in the strength and dexterity of his hands; and to hinder him from employing this strength and dexterity in what manner he thinks proper without injury to his neighbor, is a plain violation of this most sacred property. It is a manifest encroachment upon the just liberty both of the workman and of those who might be disposed to employ him. As it hinders the one from working at what he thinks proper, so it hinders the others from employing whom they think proper

People have tried to gain something over the others through creation of militant movement against the elites of their times. But capital being used to control all levels of society to the point that corporations can invade your "private property" and dictate what happens to it because at the end of the day "capital is all that matters" has rarely happened. Atleast in the part of the world where I live.
Hey anon, I just wanted to say I believe you can find happiness and joy. Others to connect with and help you can receive. Adventures to be had and dreams to follow. I hope for the best for you, and others as well. This message applies to others too.
>Has this been the fate of anyone else on here?
I live in argentina
>But capital being used to control all levels of society to the point that corporations can invade your "private property" and dictate what happens to it because at the end of the day "capital is all that matters" has rarely happened.
Eminent domain scams spring to mind.
incel cope. none of this shit affects me at all LMAO
That's like, the literal opposite of cope.
Do you know what cope is?
Nah dude they post shit like that and act like it's true to trick you into believing it because if you believe it then you begin manifesting it and that makes it true.
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well it's definitely not hopium. from a freudian, psychotherapeautic standpoint sounds like OP is really fearful about what will happen if his momma dies LMAO
Anon, I can’t keep posting the same shit but you need to understand you’re not living under capitalism. With capitalism when a company goes bankrupt that’s it. Game over. Go back and look at 2008, bailouts for thee and not for you and me, that isn’t capitalism, that’s communism. Go ahead, prove me wrong.
NTA, that's neither capitalism nor communism. If anything it's corporatism I guess.
White women look amazing. Especially the athletes. Great jaw so skinny. The only problem is their mental illness in the metropolitan areas.
Hah that's true. And i concede private property is indeed valued by society. But here we see how traders and corrupt government may collude. But this shit is becoming the norm and the exception.
We aren't under free capitalism, but a transnational capital-IST oligarchy. If you can't tell the difference between fresh lemonade stands run by motivated kids and Simply brand lemonade, you're not only lost, you're practically a lost cause.
I meant "you" in the general sense. You're right, this transnational capitalist oligarchy is essentially the same as communism, with more moving parts.
I recently turned 54 years old, and I'll tell you this: It wasn't like this even 10 years ago. We weren't being force-fed the glory of tiny homes and being told on a daily basis that breathing is bad for "the planet".

Social engineering kicked into overdrive right around the time of the WTC bombing, (the beginning of the Political Correctness BS) and it's only been getting worse since. I'm an adult, and becoming detached from family and friends is NOT a virtue of adulthood, but an intended effect of the ever-increasing pressure from the financial oligarchs to strip us of ALL of our bonds with each other (through deprivation of time).
They're all crazy. Just beat them, playfully
>We weren't being force-fed the glory of tiny homes and being told on a daily basis that breathing is bad for "the planet".
Do you live in a libtard area or some shit? I don't hear that shit ever unless I turn on MSNBC or some shit.
>WTC bombing, (the beginning of the Political Correctness BS)
Political correctness started in the late 80s and was already pretty prominent in the 90s, it just had more opposition back then.
Ahh trips of truth. All women are children obviously. They need to be disciplined .
Best post I've seen all night
Are you a bot or 75IQ?
Can't sell Him something He already owns
Boomers are always saying "everyone is hiring" when on their soapboxes whining about millenials yet for every 1 of those boomers there's 50 of us who have put in like 500 applications in a week or something and don't get a call back but from maybe 20 of those and even those 20 don't result in a hire either. There's so many videos of people going through this who are so ready to give up.

So many hiring signs but nobody actually hires. I've been wondering why. Now I know. Thanks fren.
Trips of truth.
This sums it up. The only thing I'd split hairs on is the existence of "investors", which is really just the fed printing money and injecting infinite funds into the balance sheet. Sniffing their own farts, if you will.

The number (inflation) must go up. Fake job openings are perceived as "deflationary", which incentivises lowering rates, mass immigration, and more debt accumulation.
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>It's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of this system...
That's because a post apocalyptic landscape would be a more amicable life and be a less derogatory, humiliating existence than what we have now.
>Is this really the board for political and economic discussion?
Yes. The best discussions on this site are always the offtopic threads. Every board is consistently retarded at discussing its own topic but suddenly turn into real, rational human beings whenever discussing literally anything else. Its like the bots are unable to talk offtopic or something

It's also why everyone should try to do what's right for all of us, try to just be a good person and live your life while turning off the news, MSM, Reddit, YouTube channels that make you angry , anything like that.. forget bill gates exists, rothschilds, black rock, etc.. even celebrities. People should stop acknowledging it, talking about it... it takes a lot of their power away
JIDF, sage
>Do you live in a libtard area or some shit?
I just keep half-an-eye toward what the mass media puts out. I live on the road, being a trucker. My home is in a fairly conservative area and no, there's none of that muh planet or muh overpopulation jabber going on here. I was addressing the information that's being fed to humanity as a whole (though I only have access to Western media directly).
>things will get worse in the future
wow, how could anon have possibly predicted this???? And it's complete bullshit. Yes, things will just get gradually worse for a while. But I have no doubt that the elites are planning to collapse the global economy as part of a mass culling of the human population.
>late stage capitalism
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What creates the external reality?
Beautifully said Anon, that's about it.
I have no idea. God? Why dont you tell me?
well, how do we fix this, then?
capitalism doesn't work due to brand loyalty and people's inherent stubbornness. people often eat the same shit all the time and support the same mega companies they always have. the onlyway capitalism can work is if you forcibly shut down all the coca cola's and pepsi's of the world. shut down all the regional chains and trade companies, just like the early capitalists shut down all the large oil companies back in the day. force people to go out and earn their own money through their own one man company, whether they want to, or not. this is true capitalism, because if nothing is done, then people's own inherent laziness will eventually destroy the system.
>the onlyway capitalism can work is if you forcibly shut down all the coca cola's and pepsi's of the world. shut down all the regional chains and trade companies, just like the early capitalists shut down all the large oil companies back in the day.
Yes, that's real capitalism. Real capitalism in fact requires some regulation.

The idea that 'true' capitalism is the result of capitalism being completely unregulated is a corruption caused by propaganda in the media.

True capitalism has ALWAYS opposed monopolies.
>Look at the "debate" on remote working and all the companies doing everything in their power to force us into offices when we could be working from home. It pisses them off that we work in an environment we like and the way we like it, they don't just want us to do the work, they want to control us at all costs.
i've personally always thought that people who can work from home should be able to work from home. it should be a human right, really. but no one ever gives a fuck what i think, sadly.
let's be real, the real number has long since dipped way below ten cent by now.
If it makes you feel any better, nobody gives a fuck what anybody thinks.
>sell your soul to a Jew on a stick
No thanks.
it kinda doesn't, really. ut an attempt was made, i suppose.
Fear mongering...they whoever they are are afraid of people like me working and getting money because the only thing that matters is the money to power convertion ratio that you can produce.....and not simply the money you get that you then spend on nothing valuable or time resistant
>tourists go offtopic because discussion "suddenly turn into real, rational human beings whenever discussing literally anything else"
>"But mom! Le bots don't let me spew my propaganda on the correct boards!"
Another fallacy to the book of golemancy.
>specific takes on 4chan
>generalized golem behavior
NTA and I don't even agree with him but this is stupid. Golem and NPC memes are demoralization propaganda meant to turn chuds against normies.

Break free of the cycle anon, love your brother(as long as they aren't Jewish).
>psychoanalyses OP
>can't analyze own crippling insecurities
Keep dragging yourself along, meatbag. Your guts will be spewed across the floor regardless.
>Grew up in overcrowding w periodic homelessness
>constant food insecurity
>abuse, no freedom, no luxuries
>never developed a work ethic because I was never given any kind of reward for all the chores I had to do
>All kinds of traumatised and neurodivergent as well.
>Below average height from inadequate nutrition
>Never travelled
>Made lots of friends, but could never relate to their sheltered lives

As an adult I just kinda live like Charlie from Always Sunny except I get NEET and disabilitybux now. I do leave the house and always make friends. Dated hot people, but I am asexual, don't feel anything except loss and nothing lasts.
I wonder how many people actually get NEETbux on here. Like half of the people here probably work in tech or the military, but the other half are a mystery.
The ones claiming they got money through LoA all sound like LARPers and aren't very convincing.
I genuinely don't know how anyone works. If I didn't get NEETbux I'd just live without adequate provisions like I did in the past. My body is so efficient at processing food that I start gaining weight very quickly on 2000+ calories a day anyway.
>I genuinely don't know how anyone works.
My yugioh cards and crack cocaine aren't gonna pay for themselves.
Have you tried the power of manifestation, anon?
I did in an informal way for most of my childhood and it only worked maybe two times out of hundreds of attempts.
Do you have actual experience with it working?
I have no experience with this working. I found that when I stopped wanting or enjoying things, they started to come to me, though.
wow he predicted inflation
all of those problems can be solved by simply moving to a more affordable region or country.
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You don't really. On one hand maybe there is some kind of catalyzing event (unlikely) that lead to a full scale collapse, civil war. Decades of suffering until stable nation states manage to offer some semblance of peace and prosperity. Then a slow descent into degeneracy again.
Or more likely the descent just continues from where we are now. The technological tools at the elites disposal today all but guarantee their stranglehold on people's minds no matter what happens (short of some major cataclysm). There are no historical parallels for what is happening today, because at no point in history did the elite have access to such sophisticated tools of control and oppression. Personally all I'm doing is trying to live in my own bubble with the few like-minded friends I have, and try to maintain what sanity I have, for as long as I can.
>muh real capitalism has never been tried
>muh socialism
Come on, we're smarter than this... right? I'm not Amerikan so this left v right stuff is nonsensical to me. All I really see is that humanity is being trapped in systems, with very little actual human input and as people become swine-cattle, they lose any desire for freedom or interest in actually examining what our rulers do and unsurprisingly, everything goes to shit. Before the modern period, military service was rewarded with land and plunder, now you lose a leg and get a medal. Politicians openly take bribes from shady groups and corporations and it's called 'lobbying' instead of corruption and people are too busy enjoying their 5 minutes of hate against the other side to give a shit. Who do you even blame when some nameless investment group buys up 3/4 of the houses in a new property development? Ironically, feudal kingdoms typically had a better system of checks and balances in place because the church, king and aristocracy all hated each other so the peasantry and burghers could petition the enemies of whoever fucked you over. Now? Have fun signing 1,000 different forms and nothing being done because you can't pay for 200 politicians to have megayacht trips to Dubai.
They have a monopoly on violence. Peasant revolts don't happen because by the time you're at an organizational level, you've been long red flagged and the leadership is either executed or imprisoned. Worse yet, the bread + circus (that the plebs pay for now) keep the goy cattle complacent enough to never get angry, despite daily abuse and humiliation. Humanity ain't lookin too good going forward
only Angels can become demons, stupid anon. You will at best become a slave spirit suffering for all eternity in hell or roaming aimlessly around the earth without a personality
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*also see The Second Coming by WB Yeats.
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The plan is pretty obliviously at this point is to form a breakaway civilization of the elite and leave the rest of us behind to rot until the Earth heals into a fresh paradise for them again, just hole up in little fiefdoms of privately owned compounds and conclaves in places like Hawaii or better yet the spots less well known and much more exclusive, make little paradise eco-bunkers, or go underground or to space or whatever, and then let the rest slowly fall apart, withdraw into the shadows and let the rest of it all collapse into a medieval feudal state with an uneducated feral slave populace of mudblood mestizos bred like rats, since they no longer need the middle-class/skilled workers and plan to replace all those jobs with computers and automation. The new money multibillionares are fighting over scraps, the trillionaire shadow fund equity banking organizations we have never heard of that they all work for literally own everything now, there is nothing left for anyone that doesn't already have a big piece.
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This is not some wild conspiracy theory, this is economic fact.
The Grab:https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21820452/
The Barons: https://www.austinfrerick.com/
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Oh god oh god oh god
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>bellum omnium contra omnes
You will inevitably be eaten, shit on, and crushed into the pile of other demons all being eaten and shit on and stomped on by much bigger and older demons all the way to the top in an endless bucket of treacherous cannibalistic crabs, playing king of the mountain of shit forever, but have fun with that bro.
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is the spiritual implications of that mentality. It is ultimately fighting for ownership of a slightly smaller chunk of a self-created Hell to call your own. But that is not the only way.
other than not being able to find a significant other, nope, does not describe my life.
having a union job kinda counters the financial stuff there and not having a shit social circle negates most of the rest.
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The fate of humanity and our existence is what is in question which involves both the nature of the soul and the discussion of the material state we find ourselves in ie.geopolitics/economics. You best believe these things are a factor, they are the form and function, the game and the prize played for. Like the old adage of it not mattering if you believe in the devil, he believes in you, and the other one about his greatest trick, turning a blind eye to the state of man is unhelpful at best, and unwittingly complicit either way. Calling it Maya and Duhkha only explains part of it and only goes so far.
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>why they deserve
they believe they "deserve" it because they can take it and hold it, the divine right of the predator to take what prey it will as it may, the natural law of the strong to consume and to rule over the weak. ("The Slave Shall Serve.") This is also why there is never and cannot ever be any peace among them, their bottomless pathologically selfish greed leading to their habits of perpetual inbreeding and incestuous cannibalism that sustains them and is also their own undoing.
>300 years
try a little longer than that bruv
>AI will do the same to the crapitalist. My cousin is a comptroller
Comptrollers aren't capitalists, they're workers. All capitalists do is own the means of production. AI won't change that.
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The world is shaped by dreams and our dreams have been dismantled and defiled.
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This sounds like the same late stage symptoms of the Rat Utopia experiments, we are reaching the breaking point before the sink like clockwork.
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I pray to the Sun, every day, four times a day, to grant us a solar storm strong enough to permanently fry all electronics. This seems like the softest reboot we can possibly expect. If anyone else cares to join me, I would encourage it.
you dont know anything just like him so stop speaking out of your ass like you know something.
sounds like the life we're already living in so what really changes bro.
Forgot about this tab. I am one of the beautiful ones. Not a tranny, but I'm autistic and identify as non-binary these days (people kept asking but I was just dressed like a goth desu)
I'm always exceptionally well groomed. Art and fashion are basically my only hobbies other than vidya.
As for non-binary, it kinda fits because I have absolutely no internal identity whatsoever, but agender is maybe more accurate if you care about that kind of thing.
You're being ignorant in an attempt to make that poster sound absurd. You know just as well they're talking about the socioeconomic, political, and cultural systems that are in place solely to enrich a small minority of people at the expense of everyone else.
And now a Marxist comes in to samefag.
Can we not have /pol/ shit here, I want to read about demons and occultism not regurgitated stale right wing bullshit
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They see me rolling they hating. You don't have to pray, just live without electricity brother except for business.
This prophecy will always be true in late stage capitalism.
Until its not.
A global economic collapse IS going to happen. No nukes, lots of small conflicts and potentially something more major, but the one thing that will happen is the criminal federal reserve, and fractional reserve banking system upon which the entire financial system is based on, WILL collapse. This will be BIG, it'll cause much suffering, but from there its only upwards.
>predicting all of those trends since at least the 80s
it goes back a great deal further but the modern new world social agenda began to take shape after ww2 and the electronic computer, foreshadowed by mid 20th century intellectuals like aldous huxley and futurists


>>muh real capitalism has never been tried
>>muh socialism
>Come on, we're smarter than this... right?
Your entire post is just a generic rant about corruption. Stop pretending you're smarter than people just because you've become disillusioned with abstract ideology. Discussing what these hypothetical systems look like when politicians aren't distorting them to benefit the powerful is valid.
Job, this is a test.

Keep fighting until your dead.
this is a prediction about life in general, for everyone, but translated to personal things because that's what people understand and shit IS bad so things are bad. If you haven't gotten memed yet you're smart lucky or corrupt but for me my mom's job being outsourced was a long time ago and so was a lot of stuff. The fall is not always gradual for the individual but the erosion of the middle class has been. Over time more and more people get fucked for life.
Yep. The judgement of God is that America gets entangled in plants. It's better than the ocean of blood in Russia.
classic movie, the whole movie is recommendable
This is such a tired trope from capitalist bootlickers. Corporate capitalism is capitalism running its natural course. It ran off slave labor and then cheap labor from the slums. Capitalist countries then turned to the third world for more cheap labor. As companies get bigger and bigger, they have more influence on the government. The tired libertarian will say less government but the market won't ever allow it because government control is too profitable so they manipulate politicians for more government. Capitalism doesn't allow us to turn back the clock, morally or economically. The worst part is there no actually alternative. The left is a complete failure and even worse.
And communism can?
>Corporate capitalism is capitalism running its natural course
It's not though. Monopolies, consumerist marketing and lobbyists are all antithetical to the original ideas of capitalism, so a system based on them is inherently a corrupted one.
The idea that true capitalism requires no regulation is corporatist propaganda.
The main problem is that "true" whatever-ism is just blatant idealistic ivory towers. What matters now, is what is now. Whether to argue that the downfall of current society is the corruption of the system or the system working as intended is irrelevant. Things won't change back to what it was or what you think it was. >>38382268
No you illiterate moron, I literally said the left is a total failure. Ironically, I would say the way to change anything is to change yourself. The paranormal is a door to the inner self, away from society. This ties back to lost or "enlightened" anons that creep on this board
>>38382313 #
>Whether to argue that the downfall of current society is the corruption of the system or the system working as intended is irrelevant.
Understanding the nature of how we got into our current situation isn't worthless even if it can seem pedantic at times.
Anyone can easily observe and rant about how corrupt things are, but understanding the how and why of it is important.

And my point isn't really that 'true' capitalism will solve all of our problems or that it should be the end goal, my point is that capitalism as an ideology isn't the root of our problems. No ideology is in itself the root of our problems, because they're caused by people who have never genuinely ascribed to ideologies that make any claim to the greater good.

Trickle Down Economics for example, isn't some inevitable idea created by someone who believes in capitalism as a system, it's a bullshit scam made by blatantly selfish people to trick those who actually believe in capitalism.
Good answer. We should strive to understand the root of suffering regardless of its seemingly futile nature

Ideology is irrelevant in the sense of those that benefit from the current don't care why it's done, but rather that they stay winning. Blaming Capitalism for better or worse, is a catch all effort to pinpoint problems. I am just saying that whether or not it was ideologically inspired, people turned 19th+20th century Capitalism into whatever you want to call it now because Government oversight falls short in the relam of consistent accumulation. The spirit of the entrepreneur wants to increase the welfare of himself and those around him, but the profit motivate of the ruthless will beat out any "sincere" capitalist. You can believe that ideal Capitalism isn't what we have, but the ideal Capitalist is powerless to the current standards of business men.
Sure thing, buddy. I'm sure your demon larp has a cool name.
I agree with all that.
Given these problems, and the similar ones that arise with systems like communism, do you think it'd be worthwhile to try to design a societal structure based less on maximizing the welfare/opportunity of the average man and more on simply preventing it's own corruption or the rise of those motivated purely by greed?
It's been said before, but it is pretty hard to imagine a different system all together. It's either some form of reformists, libertarian or some radical fascist or marxist system. I believe that sooner or later, things will have to change. The current system is unstable and unsustainable. "Too big to fail" will eventually just be some nonsense dream of the status quo. I think future society will be ironically decentralized to the point where it's
more like local areas are just new micro nations. sufficient enough means of production will give some level of common prosperity. A local government is easier to maintain while also better to give some authority. It might be a long time from now, rather humanity destroying itself, I think the powerful will end up destroying themselves. Libertarians imo are halfway right but the lack of some government authority too weak to do anything, just makes it useless
You know what third world shitholes have that we don't? Freedom to the point of anarchy. And lots of baby making.
So you can make a choice between that or an ant colony. Some people would choose the ant colony and I don't blame them. But if you've tasted its hell, you would do anything to fucking escape.
You've tasted the hell of an ant colony?
good, americans need to suffer the hell they created
if you live your life fearing being poor you become poor, is a self inflicted curse as old as time
No, I'm not Jewish, you fuck. YOU ARE THE JEW YOU FEAR SO MUCH.
Unless you're from the 3rd world I guarantee your country has prospered from the shit we've stirred just as much as we have, and you are not innocent.
>no happenings
There was a happening four days ago. Anyway, it's true become are becoming more poor but we also live in crazy times with insane AI technology on the horizon.
>I hate you and you deserve to suffer
I recommend getting an exorcism, Mr. totally not a demon in human skin.
>you are the Jew you fear so much
You're not on /pol/, buddy, relax.
>just ignore the violent hordes that are now your neighbors who break your car windows and attack you on the street bro
Best post in this thread. It's strategic categorization at its finest, all the way down, here in 'murrica. I think a big part of it is meant to make less zealous people lose empathy for others.
always crashing in the same old car
Speaking as someone who lives in one such country, there's gonna be a ton of problems with that. Take for example, the tourist island of Bali:
>already receives a ton of 'expats' who stayed
>local culture and beliefs coopted for tourism
>more and more tourists stay, especially visible example is entire russian/ukrainian villages popping up after the post-pandemic slavic war
>locals getting harder to get local jobs due to the tourist refugees illegally taking available jobs, etc
>cost of living that's already high (for locals) due to tourist city keeps getting higher

Tl;dr: unrestrained refugees hurts locals and fucks up living costs, doesn't matter if they're from poorer or richer countries
I agree with right-wingers about probably 90% of things, but their fatal flaw is that they believe there are only 2 options: capitalism or Stalinism. They can't conceive of anything else in between, because they've been conditioned to think that anyone who criticizes capitalism is a pink-haired communist. And this is by design; intelligence agencies have subverted leftism to be purely about social issues, which is why 99% of public "political" discussion is about things like trans rights rather than about stagnant wages and rising inflation.

What you described is quite literally enabled by capitalism, which is just a certain way of organizing labor. An individual or a group of individuals "owns" a business and thus gets to dictate almost everything about how that business is run: who the clients are, the hours, the pay, where the profits go (hint: mostly into the pockets of the owners), and so on. Thus, the workers are fundamentally in a slave position where they have to sell themselves at market price in order to not be starving and homeless. There's also a wider economic system dictating inflation, which no ordinary person has any control over, yet it devalues all our savings and income.

We used to have unions to give workers some amount of collective bargaining power, so they could demand fair wages, reasonable working hours, and other benefits. Since the capitalist class waged war against unions, they're scarce now, and even mentioning the idea of forming one can get you fired from many jobs nowadays. This has all been a systematic crackdown on the freedom and autonomy of the average person, largely orchestrated by U.S. intelligence agencies. Any real leftist movements were crushed through infiltration, muddying the waters, and silencing real leftist voices online (for example, certain subreddits used to have actual discussion about socialist theory, but they were infiltrated by a three-letter-agency and the mods were replaced by tranny shitlibs who never discuss actual theory). Socialist governments are toppled by any means necessary, including political assassinations, and real socialist movements in the U.S. follow the same pattern.

The point is that your enlightened centrist take is missing something important. There are certainly forces trying to divide us over trivial issues, but let's not lose sight of the fact that certain categories are useful.

Didn't some authors in the 1900s write about this?
I'm begging you to read a real book
Read actual philosophy, history, political science, anthropology, sociology, economics
None of this is a unique nor apt observation, the processes its describing are already well documented
i believe the accelerationists are correct and it is as Baudrillard said - capitalism is an effect which continues in indifference of its own cause - or as Nick Land said it is literally a machine which only needs human input during its larval stages and has already mostly liquidated us altogether.
everyone sees the problem yet no one is capable of acting even those in "power". Trudeau marching with Greta then allowing oil companies to mine in Canada. all ideology, all material effects are just grist for the mill of the machine and it will absorb any and all contradictions and obstructions and integrate them fully. there's no slowing this thing down now and it clear its not going in any planned direction, there's no one behind the wheel any more. the future will be increasingly inhuman if not downright medieval

fuck the free market
Ok so what do you suggest then? if everything everyone else is doing is bad what do you suggest as an alternative
i mean there are objectively real and pressing problems in the world whether you are a schizoposter on /x/ or a normie who vaguely hopes climate change will be solved by one of those clever kids on their computer
not really not like the system we have today
Protestant work ethic and its consequences have been a disaster
Yes, it's called American Secular Protestantism, 'buddy'. You are a Satanist.
Oh you were all already talking about secular Protestant faggotry in this thread already. Cool.
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