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Look for the bull
Look for the owl

I do not ever post on this board but you all are the only ones with the competency to understand this. I am getting scared that the more I look into this the more I am at risk of being killed.

The cult of Baal is hard at work and is in the highest levels of power within the US & Israeli governments. It is undeniable with what I have been researching this past week. Here are some key notes of my research.

1. The Hebrew word for "king," melekh. Molech is obtained from melekh by the substitution of the vowel points of Hebrew bosheth, signifying "shame."

Baal is hiding behind multiple names as a way to disguise himself.
-Most people stop here without understanding due to feeble minds and self-praised intelligence. They are fools and do not deserve to read into the occult.

2. Construction of a shrine within the Roman Coliseum. Only the Vatican has the authority to approve exhibits such as this. This statue was a show of power over the catholic religion and a mockery of god.

3. Owls and bulls are his depiction of earth, look for the symbols. In the image example used, you can clearly see what was occurring in this temple. They dispose of all child remains.

4. The Bohemian Grove displays an owl as the main figure during celebrations.

5. Epstein was only a glimpse of what is occurring in our world. They have never stopped worshipping Baal. They have been hiding themselves since the days of the Roman empire.

6. It is statistically impossible all of these Jewish men and people of power share the same pedophilic fetish. They are used as fodder in order to blackmail them within the act only as a way of control. Jews have been communing with the occult for a very very long time and in reference to Leviticus in the bible regarding the Cainites.

The ones above them are communing with Baal through true worship.

Praise our lord Jesus Christ the king of all kings.
I made a thread about my strange owl sighting here https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/37802856/#q37802856
I was hoping it was the owl of Minerva and not something else. What do we do once we’ve seen the owl?
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>they dispose of child remains
and feed their friends
If you keep finding owls in your presence and have been looking into something similar may be a sign of awareness from Baal. If you are Christian it is a warning
Welcome to the party anon, watching us watching them 'and all the things are in the past.'

To add to 3. and 4. the owl is most fitting for them. It swallows prey whole in one bite. Not unlike another animal famed in occult mystery schools. Nor unlike the statue of Moloch swallowing the sacrifice.
Baal is a simp compared to the demon i worship. Thats why jews dont fuck with me. They know who pulls rank in hell. Sucks to be a doo-gooder serf, i guess
>They have never stopped worshipping Baal. They have been hiding themselves since the days of the Roman empire.
who are they? are the reptilian in origins? I mean, I get (((whom))) you are referring, but does it rabbit hole go all the way to reptoids?
if you're such a tough evil guy, murder your mom. or are you not badass enough? come on man, all the cool kids are being evil, you wanna be cool don't you? don't be a pussy
>Look for the bull
>Look for the owl
Those are parrots on top of that building.
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I love it when Fedoras say they don't care or believe in any of this. It doesn't even matter. There are far more wicked and powerful people that do believe it.
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Bulls and owls are common pagan themes. These people worship the material world and believe might is right. There are two distinct ideologies present in the world, one is “Do as thou wilt” and the other is “Do unto others” or the golden rule. You either covet power and control which is exist in the lower chakras or you covet love and enlightenment. Can also be described as chaos vs order.
Lots of poor souls on this site too who covet the material and got memed that anything else is for "slaves". Instead of healing, they decided to embrace the worst of the world.. and it's only going to make things worse for them in the end.
The symbols used is just gang marking to make cults easier to recognize eachother across cultural and language barriers. No matter what language you speak, a picture of an owl is a picture of an owl.
Dont get too hung up on the names and visual representations of the entities they approach, it is enough to know that they are evil and destructive. The owl represents wisdom, the bull fertility and strength. They are not depictions of the actual entities associated with the names. These are traits you could buy for them at a cost, usually servitude or blood sacrifice.
Most of these Jewish people are Jewish in the same way that satanists are Christian, yeah its based on the religion but they worship and serve the entity Abaddon. These are your soros', rockefellers, Rothschild. Calling them satanists larping as Jews wouldnt land you far from the truth
Regular Jewish people are as innocent as you and me.
Yeah (((they))) are just reptilian hybrids, the scalie representation here on Earth. Through them they work their schemes, enact their webs of control and power. I await the day their divine retribution comes.
what is this pic from?
Commonwealth games a couple years ago that Prince (now King) Charles presided over.
I had owls appear to me twice a while back while getting into ceremonial magick.
Not sure which case it is.
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>Regular Jewish people are as innocent as you and me.
Then why are they teaching all those horrors of talmud to regular jewish people, and why on discord do some jews defend stuff from talmud?
God is a lot bigger than baal and moloch.
Are you kidding me, nigger?
I won't do it physically, because that's a trap by the adversary to land me in a rape pen. But i'm on it.
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all the gods
all the heavens
all the hells
are within you
don´t forget that those pots in elden ring, are the same antique clay pots that after they sacrifice a child to ball/moloch they place the remains into a clay pot and burry it.
elden ring pot boy is mockery against it.
they even put crucified people in elden ring as christians crucified.
if you start researching you will know that i am correct.
in modern cities, they very often you will see big trucks near masonic shirines or near schools, they do the sacrificies with homeless people and children that are kidnapped, also they in modern cities burn the bodies to ash to hide evidence, and to do rituals they ALWAYS use gentile blood, this is why they always ask for blood donations from "goys/gentiles". if you donate blood is like cursing yourself, because your blood will be used in rituals or to make elixirs for revitalizing their health and longevity.
Most Jews don't teach that shit. It's not some ridiculously small minority, probably like 12% of Jews outside Israel teach it, but it's not the masses.

Just like how most Christians haven't read 90% of the bible. The violent nature of sand nigger religions only expresses itself when the practitioners are from 3rd world countries or warzones.
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That's nice, but the Ba'als (Peor, Hammon, etc) aren't Bulls and they're not Owls! Owls are Minerva's totem. The Young and Strong Bull is Apis. Ba'al was blended into Iupiter creating an Aspect called "Iupiter Ba'al" after the Romans took over (conquered) the Phoenicians and the Canaanites. He needs no disguise! The Romans built a Temple for him at Palmyra, and that was the one that the ISIL terrorist savages desecrated and destroyed. But its gate was reproduced, and it toured Europe and the US. The Hero god Ba'al is a humanoid figure who isn't associated with a Bull or an Owl. He no longer accepts human sacrifice, as a sacrifice is giving up something important and special to you, and it isn't the worthless trash (except for the DNA and the chemicals) of aborted fetuses that the Elite allegedly use. You've only read about Ba'al through the eyes of your perverted religion. To get their side of the story, read (what's left) of "The Ba'al Cycle".
>in KJV Christ is "King of the Jews"

fuck you nazis
>Look for the bull
>Look for the owl
interesting thing to say
Exactly, the god Ba'al appears as a skinny guy with a beard and a tall headdress, the goetic demon of the same name as a man-cat-frog-spider... No owls involved.
No evidence of anyone ever being sacrificed to Ba'al. No evidence of anyone in antiquity even worshipping "Moloch" (an invention of the rabbis who wrote the Bible). The Bible does include human sacrifices to Yahweh however, including mass slaughter of Ba'al priests.
Thank you. Passages of the Ba'al Cycle were reappropriated by Jews in the Psalms btw, simply replacing one god's name for the other.
I'm not an antisemite but it's a proven fact that canaanites sacrificed children to their gods, such as MLK. We've found the corpses.
Notice how people have labeled “lower” and “higher” arbitrarily, and the most important chakra, the heart center, is not the highest point, furthest away from power food and Sex, but instead sits in the middle, uniting the “higher” and the “lower”
The truth is the “ruled” class is an equal and opposite imbalance as compared to their “ruling” class. They may be imbalanced towards the lower laws, but the plebeian class is biased towards the higher laws, deifying them, and demonizing the lower, an equally imbalanced people. The “evil” elites are literally your mirror image, they can only be as “evil” as you are, it’s a precise equation, we are one body, if we you deny and demonize the physical world, and it’s lower laws, thinking the higher are literally “higher” then they have to pick up the slack to the exact degree to which you yourselves ignore it. Love unites the two, the spiritual and the physical, it does not dispel the carnal like modern spirituality tends to preach, get your fucking heads out of your asses, return to might is right as well as Christ, the two laws blend, not one over the other
>I'm not an antisemite but it's a proven fact that canaanites sacrificed children to their gods, such as MLK
>we've found the corpses
lol no, they were burnt.

And unpopular opinion but human sacrifice is based. We used to kill the durrhurr babies, now we let them live and they just sit on their dopey asses playing Minecraft and living off our tax dollars qq
Enlil is the enemy!
Praise the lord Baal
Praise Allah!!!
Praise Quetzalcoatl!


Batman is the enemy!
Praise Bruce Wayne!

Epstein did nothing wrong, he was just controlled, he was a fine man deep beneath
Whatever, nigger. Dead babies in jars.
They killed the firstborns to keep the elite in power. Firstborns are top dogs.
>they were burnt
so the Holocaust DID happen!
Can you clarify what you mean by lower and higher laws? Which ones are the elites beholden to that we aren't?
>Head canon and also here's why Christianity is bad!
fuck off glowie
Luciferian ceremony
>human sacrifice is based.
There's nothing based in killing your species just to secure favorable position from aliens
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Praise Jesus, brother. THE TRUE KING.

Pic is the Pope’s audience hall in Rome.
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You worship demons. Lol. You take the easy path. What a pussy.

Strength through discipline. Find God and be a man.
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So Muhammad murdering women and children at the park in broad daylight is really my mirror self?? OK
>Look for the bull
That's what you tell a cuck like destiny
that's cool but where's the 10 auto mp5
You think worshipping demons is easy?
Try again, kid. The easy path is the broad path, such as you are taking. To be a friend of the void is only for the elect.
Delusional. Practically everyone follows demons because they are slaves to the flesh. The first tool of the demonic. And they have nothing to do with the "void". They're afraid of that themselves. And they're even more afraid of God because he waves it away like a gnat.
>Praise our lord Jesus Christ the king of all kings.
Fuck you kike
You're dense as fuck. Being a braindead slave to powerful black magicians is not the same as being a powerful black magician yourself. Besides, i walk the middle path. That's power. You're just projecting your shadow onto me and i'm totally willing to be the 'bad guy' to your delusions of 'goodness'. Hate me, serf. Yeah, i go to hell whenever i'm called. I jumo down head-first. Can you say the same for your slave god? Are you willing to put your neck on the chopping block for your faith?
>Practically everyone follows demons because they are slaves to the flesh.
This. Some are just more conscious about it than others.
Ok? So what? What are you gonna do about it? Do you expect the whole world to rise up with pitchforks and shotguns and take em all down?
What's even the point of knowing any of this stuff, unless you also have an operation plan for stopping this evil once and for all? Should we put them all in camps and hook em up to masturbation machines and gas them with pesticides?
You have no power. You can't do anything to me. Go ahead and call on whoever you want. Ask them who you're really talking to. They know not to bother me. You're not the bad guy either. You're a misinformed twirp.
Why would i want to hurt you? For being a retard? Such is your divine right.
it takes time.. but little by little, not only are the people waking up, but the heavens are also turning to our side
Didn't read LOL
Nope, its real and I'm tired of the bullshit
Do you understand symbology, anon? Or other gods? Can you help?
Satan uses controlled opposition so be careful anon. Do not be scared, for if you truely believe that Christ is King then you know there is nothing to fear. Occupy yourself with love and see that those who seemingly do bad are simply trapped in a web of their own fear, desperately grasping in the wrong places for what they can sense they have lost (God). Forgive them by giving them what they desperately need (Love) and God will return the favour 100 fold.
Eternal Love and Goodness cannot be destroyed by evil… it is simply impossible. Here lies the peace of the God.
What is the purpose of this balance? If everyone balances then what happens?
Do you really feel shit, blood and sweat of the physical are not lower? Why embrace them? Understand them, yes, but move on. I think the main problem is people are ignorant and do not understand the lower.
Masonic 33's nice. There's nothing wrong with owls, they are a symbol of wisdom that's it.

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