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I can help you with any spiritual, mental, emotional or chakra problems you might have. I can also help train you for free in alchemy, occultism, magick or meditation.

The basis for success in all of these areas in my own personal experience and opinion is helping others at all costs.

If you need help- out what you need help with down below. Make sure to be as specific as possible and provide as many details as possible so I can help you the best. Do not comment under 2 or 3 sentences as it will only hinder you and me both.

If you want free 1 on 1 coaching on Discord, add me. Please don't add me if you aren't going to message me right away after sending the friend request. I have too many people to help and I don't have time to waste on those that don't need help right away. My discord is: quiet777333
I had a dream of women with black cat like eyes in planes explain it

Probably some negative entity but it share to say there is a lot of different beings out there. Who knows what it could be. Chances are that entity doesn't even know what "it" technically is on a deeper level.

But like I said don't ask questions this short as they are low quality and don't help either you or me.
Is Alawite among trustworthy?
I want to try his astral projection method but I'm suspicious of it. Do you know if it's spiritually dangerous somehow?
Not sure if this falls under the same category but I’ve started experiencing problems with magic rituals as of lately. I have the feeling that I can’t get into the state of mind needed and nothing seems to go right. I’m not able to manifest anything, especially when it comes to romantic targets. This never used to be an issue, but for a few months it just doesn’t seem to work anymore for me. I’m also not able to get into a good headspace for manifesting lately but I just fall asleep instantly. Any tips for that?
You can't help me Anon, I'm very aware that at this point I am the only one left who has any chance of helping me.

I am sorry. I have never spent time or energy on astral projection as I personally feel it is a waste of time. Best of luck however.


To be honest the simplest way I can put it is this. The fuel for your magic needs to either come from "blessed" energy or "cursed" energy. It would seem that you either need to triple down on being super evil or commit to helping others way more. Whatever path you take should give you fuel for more magic either way.

I suggest becoming skillful and dedicating yourself to helping others.


If you feel that way than you are probably right and you can only help yourself. What I'm wondering is why comment at all, however?
Thank you so much for the fast answer. I would say that I haven’t changed my behavior at all, still living very an altruistic lifestyle, it increased especially since June. Do you think I need to increase my help and dedication even more?
Hello, i'd like to know if you can provide me with detailed instructions on how to sell my soul to a crossroads demon or any entity who can grant me my wishes, please i don't want to be lectured about the implications or ethicall concernments of dealing with demons, just straight on how to make bussiness with them, hope you can help me out, and don't skimp over procedures or resources, i'm devoted to close this deal, just don't know where to start.
Hi, anon!
I stumbled across an energy-healing art, and I like the style and possible effects. However, I completely dislike its practitioners, possible originator of the art and their philosophical background. Do you think that learning such an art with current attitude will bring any benefit?
When I was a child I decided to memorise the Quran and god damm in those couple of weeks I was more charismatic and popular and even smarter I lead improving fast then I stopped and became the stupid loser that I am now

Do you have an idea what the spiritual reason for this?
Physical health issues, mainly wrist tendonitis (3 years) and muscle tension dysphonia (over one year) have been ruining my life. I also have back problems, pain in my left ankle and knee, chronic dizziness issues, and problems with my eyes (blurring, redness). This all started after the COVID vax and a bad mushroom trip in which I seemed to encounter a malevolent entity, both happening about the same time. I can't make a living due to my problems and my family and government won't really help me. I've been trying every exoteric solution I can think of along with repeating affirmations and although it seems to be working slowly I really need to get better by September so I can return to school.
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I am horribly addicted to benzodiazepines. I have been for over 15 years. I am addicted to Valium, specifically. I have over four diagnosed anxiety disorders. I am also addicted to Suboxone. I have horrible anxiety along with occasional serious depression. Please remove my anxiety and other mental illnesses. Also, please break my addictive personality. I can't stop myself from taking pills. It's a compulsion. I desperately need help, so if you can do it, here's your chance. Thanks.
-Benzo Anon

I think if you are dedicated to helping others and continue to try to help others daily as much as you can to the maximum that you are able to do so. I believe helping others gets you further than anything.

That being said helping others is also a skill that you have to constantly work at. If you look at helping others as a skill then you can analyze and critique your abilities in regards to helping others . You never know if you are helping as many people as you can unless you are constantly evaluating yourself on your ability to help others. Helping others should also be a skill that you are adapting and evolving with. Meaning that you can be trying out 10s of thousand of different ways how to help others and fail thousands of different ways. That is the progress and improvement of basically any skill. The difference is that many don't look at helping others as a skill that you get good at. Try to help more people and stretch the limit of who you are able to help but don't get discouraged if you fail. It also takes skill in order to identify who, when and where you will be able to help at the best of your ability. Push yourself to help others in the highest quality way possible but just realize that you need to evolve with helping others as if it is a skill.

When you die. Do you want to see the fact that you have helped tens of thousands of people or just a few? Which would you be more proud of?

Sorry I'm not a cuck and I have personally spent over 50,000-60,000 hours training to cultivate power on my own. I would never stoop so low. When I have tried to use demonic entities for my own selfish reasons I have only gotten severely punished for it. My suggestion is stop being a cuck and start training hard instead of submitting to some other being. Disgusting.

Healing is something that anyone who teaches it will not be able to probably teach to a sufficiently high level.

My suggestion is starting from scratch and strap in for the long run if you are to learn how to be a master healer. Try everything and every practice. Learn tens of thousands of techniques. Invent, experiment and adapt how to become s great healer by your own hand. Do not be afraid to fail. Keep trying, failing and experimenting with thousands of different techniques to become a god tier healer. No one technique or teacher is enough in my opinion and if you follow only one way it will be very narrow in scope and practice
But i'm not submitting or asking for power, is a really specific transaction i'm asking for, and in that regard, do you posses the information needed to contact and set of a deal?
Okay friend here we go. My younger brother has some learning disabilities, but he is fairly high functioning. When he was 18 and went to community college he met these friends that realized they can manipulate this kid. Theyd get him to drive them everywhere and do whatever they wanted, but he had friends for the first time in his life. They (one in particular named Evan) convinced him that his family was holding him back, and telling Mike all the things he deserved. Evan was a spoiled rich kid, we were middle class but my mom was devastated by the 08 crash so of course she couldnt buy him a new car or send him to some out of state school to be a computer engineer when he couldnt even pass pre-algebra. Its insane how much damage this Evan kid has been able to do to my family. I think he is a demon, or at least under demonic influence because he really fucked my brother up.

Now he is 33 and he has not been able to move forward and put his life together. He lies constantly and yells at and manipulates my mom with threats to hurt himself. He wont talk to me or our step dad (who is a real fucking awesome man that I call dad). But we really want to help him have a good life. He has limitations but he could make a good life for himself working a blue collar job. He just cant move past some of the things he has built up about his past, many of which are not true. It breaks my heart knowing how much he hurts. I want to help him, but at least I want to get him to realize that we need to repair our relationship because when our parents die he really is going to have no one else in his life to support him. Thank you friend sorry for rambling I dont talk about my brother much but its really emotional.

Probably something to do with you being a midwit and reading something you percieved as spiritual made you feel smarter and more confident. It may have even opened up your awareness. Who knows.

Get good and start learning more in general. If your intelligence, charisma and confidence was amplified by reading the Quran- you more than likely have much deeper problems going on. You need to train more, learn more, evolve more and in general work on getting yourself to a higher level in general.
>If you want free 1 on 1 coaching on Discord
>coaching on Discord
>on Discord
Fuck off, glownigger.

I think you should stop eating meat, dairy, butter, milk, cheese, eggs, wheat, bread, pasta, rice, grains and oil. Only drink distilled water. Distilled hydrogen water will heal you. I recommend the Lourdes Hydrofix. But be warned it is expensive.

Raw vegan is the ultimate truth to ascending your chakra system. It is also extremely anti aging. Watch these videos to see for yourself.


You have to actually study and research the raw vegan diet
Detoxification period of eating this clean takes two years to regenerate your entire body
You mainly have to eat dark leafy greens with home made dressing
If you take this path you won't age anymore, have more energy, concentration and heal yourself
It is hard and a big challenge. It is not for the weak or undisciplined.

If you truly want to heal yourself. This is the way. Do your own research.

Add in a 120 green juice fast, 16-40 day water fast, dry fasting and sungazing. You will be healed within two years if you are dedicated.

But considering you took the COVID vax. I doubt you will do any of this. Best of luck and I truly hope you heal yourself.

I used to be addicted to pills when I was much younger. I believe the best course of action would be to go somewhere to undergo Ibogaine therapy then travel somewhere else to do Ayahuasca therapy.

As for Ayahuasca I recommend the green dragon of the jungle in Peru.
There is no antidote for the vax. There is also no refunds. You're only beginning to realize how properly fucked you are.

No. Make up a contract on your own and good luck. If you do research you can actually find where the crossroads is. I'm not going to spoonfeed a degenerate like you that doesn't even help themselves out at all in any good way that is helpful.

Good luck cuck.


Sounds like your brother is a piece of shit who is not going to change and you can't help him. He had chosen his path.


You are on 4chan, which is one of the most glow nigger sites of all time.


If anon has taken the vax. It's too late and it's all over probability wise, unfortunately. There is a slim chance of bouncing back and recovering from being a vax taker.. however slim of a possibility that may be.
Thanks love :)
Okay, I'm not an entitled self pitty degenerate, and I appreciate you take your time to tell me that's the impression wanting to sell my soul gives off, it also happens I am a complete normie devoted to logic who happens to have had some encounters with higher beings in the past, and actually saw with my own eyes unexplainable things, I do want to set up a deal for my own gain, true, not in a submissive way tho, I'd really like to know if you can help me out on where to start, I'm an avid philosophy and history enthusiast, so I don't mind 5-7 years of deep studying, and I do have the discipline to study whatever you're teaching, I don't even know what it is, just another question, is selling my soul actually possible, and if so, is it worth it? having asked the real question, I'd like to request a library where I can start my studies on these practices, or a path to follow, be said that I want to help others and myself, and I humbly recognize I'm not a good person by any means

If you have studied history and philosophy. You are probably too much of a midwit to get anywhere. Sorry.
Just give the book names mate

Idk but that is fascinating
He is, and it works. I managed to AMS and I saw a vast spiderweb with nodes very similar to what he described as nexus.
I always see that kinda thing in my minds eye a lot when i meditate lately. I think about connections like spider webs and sometimes i get a spider web feeling that warns me of things. I like spiders 2
I am stuck in the center of a circle and I can't get out. I try to move away but I find myself stuck in where I am. My attention is bouncing around the diameter of the circle. When I try to move away, nothing changes except the pictures along the diameter. How do I become one with the space that spans everything?

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>go drink ayahuasca
>become a raw vegan
>your brother is a piece of of shit
>you're a midwit
>you're a degenerate
>learn thousands of ways to be a healer
>you need to train more, learn more, evolve more and in general work on getting yourself to a higher level in general.
solid golden advice in this thread. thanks OP for sharing your wisdom
>I have personally spent over 50,000-60,000 hours training to cultivate power on my own
can i see your timesheets?
I need some help my believe in my magickal practice has been disturbed (i do Golden dawn stuff) by some christian friends who say that all the angels and spirits i work with are just demons
I need some advice on shaking off this doubt since believe is key
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but can you tell me why kids love Cinnamin toast crunch?
I know you.
>He lies constantly and yells at and manipulates my mom with threats to hurt himself.
These are the type of demons I try to avoid. Like addicts, you cannot change him. He has to want to change. It is much harder to deal with this in family because you still see the good in them, the potential. Your brother is 33 now, he has had 15 or so years to figure things out - it is not all on his family, no matter how crappy they are. At some point, one has to take responsibility for the things that are happening in their life.
If you are still around, I need advice on an impulse to wear certain clothing styles that don't currently fit my image.
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Hello, I'm a psychic and used to do things in the astral realm since I was a child, but now I want to use "the force" in the material world too. How can I use it to fly? I try since a while but it doesn't work so far.
I need help with acquiring 3 or 4 very sexy women in all colors. By sexy I mean slim with medium sized breasts and posterior. Ideally some 60s hairstyles or that afro soul hairstyle for the black one. Shaven below, prefer to walk around naked and always up for a quickie. I also want a lot of money, ideally a few billion but I won't complain about hundreds of millions either. A big white mansion, 5 race cars (you can pick the kind). I also want a copy of everything I listed in an underground fallout shelter.
so occulttism
much magick
very help
I wish to have a loving gf.


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shit thread. op is a self absorbed shithead. very rude. too much of an ego. you can read it in the way he writes. I dont trust him. tread carefully.
I don't want advice I need spiritual intervention
you will not receive a spiritual intervention on your computer
Ok, I'll leave, thx

Oh goyim!
pointing out your ego and shitty behaviour is the least jewish thing. you shouldnt be helping anybody. people who are dirty spiritually shouldnt be doing any kind of 'healing' work.

Why is alawiteanon so fucking nice?
I've been doing chakra work.
I imagine a ball of energy and I'm able to move it from my root to my throat, but I'm finding it difficult to move it above my throat. I know the feeling of having my third eye and crown activated but I haven't been able to do it recently. I get so much energy built in my throat i think it's giving me heartburn. Do you have any advice on getting over this block?

I'm glad I'm not dirty spiritually.

Being stuck in the throat chakra represents for the most part being caught in some indecision about reality as a whole. This could be basically you are unwilling to accept some greater truth. It often also means you are caught up in a logic, emotion or perception of reality that is not true. It represents indecisiveness between your throat and your head. Meaning that you are caught between your heart (love) and your head (truth, all seeing, all knowing). In general I would say that the throat chakra means you are lying to yourself about reality as a whole. You don't want to be a real deep or loving person. Plus you also don't want to accept the truth about reality on a deeper level. Those stuck in the throat chakra are not being smart and not being loving enough at the same time. Accept the harsh truths of reality and be more loving at the same time.

Being caught in the throat chakra in my experience means you are being neither loving nor smart.
how do you like them apples? this guy you've never met and knows nothing about your life has unequivocally and confidently deduced from your short message that you're a dumb shallow person refusing of reality who is not loving enough.
was this helpful for you?

It doesn't mean he is a dumb shallow person. He asked about throat chakra problems. In general throat chakra problems are a symbol of indecisiveness. Like I said before- being caught in the throat chakra usually means quite literally that you are caught in between the heart and the mind. Caught between thinking and feeling. Neither thinking correctly or feeling correctly. It doesn't make them dumb or shallow. But maybe a bit confused energetically and stuck
I'm looking for answers from multiple sources, I don't treat OP as God but as a potential pathways to the truth. Thats the nature of offering advice and asking for advice. Maybe this will be the answer, maybe some other technique is the answer.

Thanks for replying op >>38383219 you know, when I took the myers brings test I was 51% feeling, 49% thinking, maybe there's an ounce of truth in that. When it comes to conflict, when I was younger I'd feel my throat burning and I'd say nothing as a trauma response. I' am better at handling conflict as an adult but a large part of my life was that anxious burning feeling in my throat.
I think I'm looking for more tangible techniques to help me, like step by steps, as I'm in my head allot and that stops me from physically doing and actualizing.

How often do you help others? Hourly? Daily? Weekly? Monthly? Yearly?

Can you tell me the last 5 times you helped someone?

As far as what you have said. It seems to me that you have trouble speaking from your heart, a place of knowing from your mind or your logic

Hi OP, I'm a 28-year-old artist. Lately, I've been experiencing strange and unsettling occurrences in my home. It started about three months ago, shortly after I moved into a new apartment. At first, it was just small things - doors creaking open by themselves, faint whispers in the night, and the occasional cold breeze on a hot summer evening. I brushed it off as the usual creaky old building stuff. But over time, the occurrences have become more frequent and more intense. I've started to feel like I'm being watched all the time, even when I'm alone in my apartment. Sometimes, I'll catch glimpses of shadowy figures out of the corner of my eye, but whenever I turn to look, no one's there.

I've tried to rationalize it as paranoia or fatigue, but deep down, I know that's not it. There's something wrong. The worst part is that these events seem to be affecting my creativity and overall well-being. My art has suffered, and I've become withdrawn and anxious.

I've done some research on the occult and spiritual realms, but I'm no expert. That's why I'm reaching out to you since you are an expert in those matters. I'd be forever grateful if you could help me get my life back on track. Thank you!
Hi OP, will try my luck.
1) How can I learn to properly meditate? I feel like I'm being anxious/paranoic all the time and I want to be more at peace, relaxed.

2) How can I learn to see/talk to spirits/ghosts? I have always been interested in communicating with the other side. Like a friendly talk or something

Take care and have a nice day

Every thought, every word, every feeling has an entity that summons it to your being. That is the truth of how powerful every part of your being is. That is why you must take the time to carefully observe the true nature and reality of your thoughts, feelings and words. Because if you do you will realize just how powerful these things are to your entire being.

Not to mention when you do high level energy work on Earth, you have to defend yourself from the elites technology. For example- when you start to do high level energy work the elites have an automatic system in place where they will beam your being and head with technology to cause you fear, give you headaches/migraines and to keep you from evolving or doing high level energy work. They will also even use technology to shoot messages in your head to make you feel schizophrenic about doing high level energy work. They will then start gangstalking you also. That's why you have to build up your courage as essentially a psychic spiritual warrior. The more energy work you do you can surpass even the technologies the elites shoot at you, gangstalking or any kind of physical harm they can ever do. They do this because they do not want people to evolve and ascend . They do not want people to realize their true power. BUT GOOD NEWS! If you and only IF you do energy work through all these challenges- you will become stronger than ever, you will gain insurmountable courage and strength that no being- physical or non physical can ever touch.

You have to take in the energy from multiple dimensions. Use the energy of your soul and being to attack/defend yourself and carefully observe the thoughts, feelings and words of your being. Ask yourself- is this thought/feeling/word coming from me or is it something else? Ask yourself- what is the true observational reality of my thoughts/words/feelings?
Please point me in the direction of this Alawite Among person, i cant find him any any search results

You have to essentially become a psychic warrior that attacks and defends yourself with various techniques in other dimensions.

Essentially what this translates to is you have to use your creativity and imagination to come up with energetic attacks that defend yourself from being that are around you in other dimensions.

For example, let's start at a simple and basic level. You said you are feeling "drained". Well what if I told you that in other dimensions beyond the visible wavelength spectrum of what you can see with your physical eyes their is beings that essentially are extremely simple but are very toxic and harmful to us as complex being made of many parts. This particular form and type of beings I am talking about essentially looks like a jellyfish parasite in other dimensions. These jellyfish beings basically put thoughts into your head to keep thought form loops going so they can keep feeding on your negative energy. So if you don't develop your own psychic arsenal of attacks and defenses- essentially a being as simple as a jellyfish in other dimensions will feast upon the energies of your being and keep putting thoughtform loops into your head in order to keep feasting on the energy of your being and thoughts.

That is just in the simplest case too. In fact the average person such as yourself for example can have 100's to even tens of thousands of these beings surrounding their being and feasting off of them energetically in multiple dimensions. This is why doing advance energy work and evolving yourself can be very "draining". You need to become your own psychic warrior and your own exorcist essentially that fights battles in other dimensions. You need to become aware of thought form loops and your thoughts in general because a lot of times- you may (((think))) your thoughts are coming from you but they are actually coming from outside sources and outside entities that put thoughts or energies into your head/being in order to farm you and continue to feast upon your energies.
That's just the simplest being. You could have hundreds of simple parasitic "jellyfish" like beings putting thought forms into your head to put you into energetic loops to continue feasting on you. Really though there is even more complex organisms in other dimensions feasting on your energy in every shape and form. As you do more energy work you will interact with more entities and you will have to be inventive and come up with your own attacks/defenses against these various entities in order to progress in high level energy work.
Every thought, every word, every feeling has an entity that summons it to your being. That is the truth of how powerful every part of your being is. That is why you must take the time to carefully observe the true nature and reality of your thoughts, feelings and words. Because if you do you will realize just how powerful these things are to your entire being.

Not to mention when you do high level energy work on Earth, you have to defend yourself from the elites technology. For example- when you start to do high level energy work the elites have an automatic system in place where they will beam your being and head with technology to cause you fear, give you headaches/migraines and to keep you from evolving or doing high level energy work. They will also even use technology to shoot messages in your head to make you feel schizophrenic about doing high level energy work. They will then start gangstalking you also. That's why you have to build up your courage as essentially a psychic spiritual warrior. The more energy work you do you can surpass even the technologies the elites shoot at you, gangstalking or any kind of physical harm they can ever do. They do this because they do not want people to evolve and ascend . They do not want people to realize their true power. BUT GOOD NEWS! If you and only IF you do energy work through all these challenges- you will become stronger than ever, you will gain insurmountable courage and strength that no being- physical or non physical can ever touch.

You have to take in the energy from multiple dimensions. Use the energy of your soul and being to attack/defend yourself and carefully observe the thoughts, feelings and words of your being. Ask yourself- is this thought/feeling/word coming from me or is it something else? Ask yourself- what is the true observational reality of my thoughts/words/feelings?
Instead of fighting the energies around you- take in the energies of those in multiple dimensions. Absorb them into your being and let them help you evolve.
Absorb energies

Absorb energies

Fight/defend yourself from energies all around you in various dimensions physical and non-physical

Carefully observe your thoughts, feelings and words. What is the true nature of your thoughts/feelings/words? Pick apart every single word, every single thought and every single feeling you have. Experiment with every single thought, every feeling and every word and see how they effect reality around you. Test, retest, hypothesize and experiment in reality with your thoughts, feelings and words. See how they influence and control reality around you.


You need to start engaging in high level energy work, start observing reality and experimenting with reality. Start researching about reality. Testing reality and experimenting with it in different ways. New innovative and adaptive ways. You need to program and put yourself into a waking state of observational meditation in which you can constantly be meditating 24/7. The meditation I teach is not conventional meditation. Most meditators get nowhere fast and have very little results.
If you meditate everyday for a few months, more than likely nothing will happen. Simple basic meditation is extremely beginner and does not do anything for the majority of people.

That isn't to say there is not some benefit, truth, higher realizations or ascension that you can have through meditating everyday. But chances are that you will not be able to get much out of standard conventional meditation practices.

The meditation practices that get you the furthest are practical meditations you do throughout your day while living your daily life. Meditation practices that you cannot do throughout your day practically are not great. An advanced meditation practice is one that you can perform while at work, school, in front of family, friends, while driving, playing games, working out, eating etc.

My advice is to put yourself into a state of waking practical meditation through self-programming, self-hypnosis, discipline, conscious awareness, mind training and thoughtfulness. The goal is to put yourself into an observational state where you can observe reality, others and yourself without any subjective interference.
This however is just the tip of the iceberg as you also want to be doing chakra work, reality experimentation, torus field work, compassion training, negative energy training. All these things synergize and go into one another if you do it correctly with the right intentions.

Then of course all of these also directly are related to what you put inside of your body. Food, water and sungazing. Water fasting, dry fasting and juice fasting.

It is essentially being your own scientist of reality. Your own alchemist. You experiment with different sounds, different words, sentences, thoughts, feelings, social interactions, mental interactions, perceptions of reality, concepts, theories and much more. The more you experiment with reality from an observational point of view while testing various combinations of energy forms. The more you will evolve the more you continue to experiment with reality from and observational point of view. The more you will eventually start to have huge breakthroughs and eventually you will gain more abilities.

You need to pick apart every sound, word, sentence, concept, theory, positive/negative energy and fear in your head. Go and reexamine everything that can or will ever exist. Like I said, do so observationally and objective as possible. Try to see yourself from an outside point of view. It is hard to be objective and to observe reality non-subjectively. But if you do it enough with a lot of willpower and effort. Your powers and abilities to observe reality objectively will evolve.

The short answer is that you need to rewire your brain, your mind, your thoughts, your words, your sentences and even make vows with yourself inside of your heart in order to put yourself into a constant state of meditation. You basically have to reprogram your entire being to put yourself into an observational, objective and non-subjective state of being. Your goal should be to still live practically in reality and be able to put yourself into a state in which you can observe reality objectively with no outside interference from yourself or others.

The basics of doing this involves using your willpower to make "contracts" with yourself in order to always observe reality observationally. On top of that, it also includes experimenting with reality observationally in many different ways of sounds, words, thoughts, energies, positivity, negativity and actions.

This ultimately means you are crossing the line between meditation and alchemy. If you do this right it essentially means you are putting yourself into a constant state of observational awareness that has no inside or outside influences while you test and experiment with reality.
I was expecting some sort of guidance, advice, or even a practical solution to my problem, but instead, I get a lecture about jellyfish parasites and thought form loops? I have to say, I'm underwhelmed. Where is the concrete help? Where is the practical advice?

Let me get this straight - you're telling me that the reason I'm experiencing strange occurrences in my apartment is because of these... jellyfish beings that are feeding on my negative energy? And the solution is for me to become my own psychic warrior and exorcist?

I don't know what kind of game you're playing here, but I'm not buying it. You're using big words like "parasitic entities" and "thought form loops" to sound impressive, but at the end of the day, it's just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo.

Look, I appreciate your time and all, but I think I'll have to pass on your "help". I need something concrete, not some vague warnings about jellyfish parasites and thought form loops. If you can't offer me something more substantial than this, then maybe you're not as qualified as you think you are.

If you don't see that you have to become a psychic warrior of sorts to deal with entities outside of what is visible to you. I don't know what to tell you.

Develop your own tools, techniques and inventions energetically, psychically, emotionally and mentally to combat these entities.

What is your first intuition and gut feeling saying that you should do to combat or protect yourself against the being(s) in your home?

What is your first instinct telling you to do? Come up with ways yourself to protect and or fight against these being(s) bothering you? Or to find someone else to protect or fight against them for you instead?

Either you are the type of person that will defend, protect and fight against any entity you may encounter by yourself.

Or you are the type that will get someone else to do it for you.

What is your gut saying you should do against these things bothering you? What type of person are you?
I wake up with dreams of the life I could've lived. I'm happy, surrounded by friends, with girls, working hard at a project or career, laughing and enjoying life.
Then I wake up, and realize how fucked I am. I'm surrounded by trash, nobody likes me, I am a burden to everyone around me, I can't work due to my crippling anxiety and depression that makes me not able to think or process anything correctly.
I have constant thoughts about suicide, and I won't do it because I want to think my parents would be sad, but actually it would just be a relief for them. No more shameful, loser, loner son.
I didn't always used to be this way. Just before 2020 I was living away from home, I weighed 180 lbs and was running a business, partying with friends from around the world, traveling and meeting new people every day.
In my dreams, I'm where a 30 year old man should be. I'm successful, able to cope with the stresses of life, I'm not mean to anyone and people like me. It's like I'm getting a glimpse of an alternate universe I could've been in. It's like God is trying to show me the errors of my ways. Then the stark contrast to waking up in the hell of my waking life, it's jarring every single time.
I don't know what to do. I can't even bring myself to eat anymore. I haven't played a video game or practiced music in years. I don't watch tv or movies, I just sit inside on my phone doomscrolling from wake to sleep.
I have suspicions that this situation I am in are of a spiritual nature. I messed around with demons once when I was younger being edgy, and my family has never been religious at all. In fact, just saying God or Jesus is enough to make ny parent's eyes roll or even get mad at for mentioning. I suspect a demon is preying on my family, but I have no idea if that's just my despair talking or if it could be the truth.
>Any tips for that?
the mage with no internal power is impotent


Go to discord and add

And here is the list of alawiteanon threads

1. https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/36931222
2. https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/36976168
3. https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/37023268
4. https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/37093515
5. https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/37134196
6. https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/37237392
7. https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/37333243

Probably the best thing I saw on /x/ in almost a year
I love this guy
File: nausicaä.gif (1.35 MB, 498x268)
1.35 MB
1.35 MB GIF
When people see some things as beautiful,
other things become ugly.
When people see some things as good,
other things become bad.
Being and nonbeing create each other.
Difficult and easy support each other.
Long and short define each other.
High and low depend on each other.
Before and after follow each other.
Therefore the Master
acts without doing anything
and teaches without saying anything.
Things arise and she lets them come;

things disappear and she lets them go.
She has but doesn't possess,
acts but doesn't expect.
When her work is done, she forgets it.
That is why it lasts forever.

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