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Why do people assume God is a male when it is way more likely for it to be female? It's always females that give birth to life in nature, so the creator should also be female
Should be, but he is not, unless he is a MTF.
Take your meds now, boy pussy.
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>bro it's this
>nah bro it's that
>BRO it's this AND it's that
>nah bro it's neither this nor is it that
>bros, it both this and that AND it's neither this nor that
>bro it's neither both this and that NOR IS IT neither this nor that
God is genderless, both patriarchy and matriarchy are retarded
in the after life it just u and hot binch
Giving birth and creating life aren't necessarily the same thing, and God having any gender makes no sense in any monotheistic system.
Why the hell would the Abrahamic God be Male or female? Just to have some pointless genitals they never use, despite not even really having a physical body?

Even if they did 'give birth' if they did it by themselves then they're asexual or hermaphroditic and not female.
I think OP is saynig that God is a feminine entity rather than having the literal genitals of a woman
so he's gay?
God is fully male with no female.
And God is fully female with no male.
And God is both male and female 100%.
And God has no sex or gender.
All of these are completely true at the same time.
No? Being gay imply that you're a male who display feminine traits, OP is just saying that God is a female entity
a male can be a feminine entity tho
Almost close
Truth is that God is every sex, every gender at once
He/She/They are omnisexual
I agree that the idea of limiting God to being male is retarded thanks to the patriarchy that dominate religious culture
My point is that concept doesn't really work with proper monotheism. What is the meaning of being a feminine entity outside of literally being female? Sounds like some gnostic archetype shit that doesn't mesh with a monotheistic system.
>Truth is that God is every sex, every gender at once
That's the third one. You can add as many categories as you want.
Males have superior strength, superior intelligence and more creativity than females
God is a male, if the creator of the universe was female then she would be extremely petty and we'd all be burning in hell without freewill
How do you create life without a seed?
Why don't you just make your own Universe, girl?
Your ass is already an universe for my dick to explore
I'm not gay.
Doesn't matter, I can easily rape a weakling like you who hide behind a screen.
Quit being a weirdo, gawd.
Quit being on 4chan, kiddo.
Get your gay ass out of here. Fucking wierdo.
This site isn't made for weak turds like you, champ.
It's not made for slow ass niggas like you who can't take someone believing in something you don't believe in. Fuck you and fuck your God.
Weak tantrum kiddo, try better next time.
Shut your gay ass up.
Is what she delt with...
It was painfull at first...
Then challenging...
After awhile entertaining...
Now maybe she is bored with it...
Man up, kid, you can do better.
Dude, get a fucking grip on yourself. You think talking about man rape is not gay. Just come out the closet already.
It's okay, kid, I can understand your insecurity-filled insults, everyone has gone through it at some point.
You talking about man rape is all of the sudden being insecure for me? Dude, get help.
God is GOD, every and all
Every and all?
Many Creator deities copulate with themselves with the split between man and women only representing two aspects of creation
And the big bang was the big queef. Humans weren't the first species created either, there were others but She smothered them in their sleep shortly after being created because they had depression or some shit.
You say God is a woman.

I say God is a man.

This has been an exercise in free will. Nobody has gained anything. Nobody has learned anything.

well thats explains a lot
On the Theocosmic "food chain" the human male is both the lowest form but also the favored "meal" of every other negative entity and being.

Human women are often higher on the chain but not through their own action. Everytime you masturbate to a woman or have sex with her, she consumes a bit of your soul. That is the importance of marriage, as ideally you give your soul to some who cares about you, rather than some random stranger or jilted ex.

The Demiurge is a Woman, as are most demons.

God (The real God) is whatever he wants to be but seems to choose to be male for the most part.
>Nobody has gained anything. Nobody has learned anything.

Sums up the /x/ browsing experience
>muh soul
Cope schizo
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I mean, if god has a sex, there must be another god with the opposite sex too, or it doesn't make sense.
Before a woman can create a child, a man must create the structure and plant the seeds. God encompasses both energies.
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Same person.
No god has to be a man. The second god is rhe woman. Hello
>we'd all be burning in hell without freewill
like we are doing right now?

it's not that god is male but the male gender is used as the general undifferentiated gender. that's why you hear things like "the world of men" and "axeman"
God is a like a female dog/whale dragon with crocodile teeth, which laid the cosmic world egg.
Man is supposed to be a silverback polar lion, cause primates are small in population, and only kewl ones are gibbons, and some monkeys. Like Orangtans rape, Chimps rape, Gorrillas rape and make rape harems, and Lions and polar bears engage in cannibalism
Also in some species of fish, animals have to scurry away from the mother so it doesn't eat them. Very saturn.
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Falcor is also considered a dragon
These are like shape-shifting yokai that are akin to centaurs.

Man as a god creature, would probably be like a winged lion with horse hooves and clawed hands and a snake tail..
You seem to be on a very early developmental state. GOD is both, and everything in between.
>It's always females that give birth to life in nature, so the creator should also be female
If I go to a vending machine and drop 5 dollars for a soda whose soda is it mine or the vending machine?
>World is imperfect, moody, and shit w/ some nice stuff sprinkled on and in it. The creator expects you to worship it for no reason and then degrades you for 80+ years.
Yeah. Makes sense to me.
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Can I fuck God?
I think you just convinced me that god actually might be a woman, if it exists at all.
>It's always females that give birth to life in nature
OP, there's a creature called a seahorse I'd like to introduce you to
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she is fundamentally hermaphroditic and at once walks the perfect line between a vision of imminent horror in its sublime carnage and absolute, nourishing, eternal beauty itself

>Verification not required.
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This board is as dumb as a pile of shit.

There is no place for any gender debates when it comes to God of the Old Testament. It's literally fucking confirmed there that he's a male. 90% of the posts here are literally marvel-tier garbage wewuzzing. Stick to the facts you low IQ niggers.
Hé is male/female/hermaphrdite and genderles all at the same time
Catch yahh
Considering how fucked up clown world things are you have a great point.
People assume god has a name, when they don't. There is no "true name" as in words we speak. If there was one, it very well could be a series if tones or sound like dial up.
It should go without saying but apparently it needs to be said.
God made Adam in HIS own image.
He then made Eve from part of Adam.
Women are a necessary aberration from the perfection of the male human form for things like child birth.
God is not a woman, women have no authority and are to remain in silence.
Gender is dualistic. Dualism is an illusion. God is non-dualistic. Neither female or male. Not gendered and not genderless.
"God" isn't a woman or a man, you retards. God isn't hot or cold or naughty or nice or bitter or sweet either. This bullshit where we push everything to one side if we like it or not is stupid.
>the patriarchy that dominate religious culture
Go back.
Who said that this is about the OT God?
Christcuck Ignoramus...
To be female is to receive and bear. To be male is to penetrate and give. God is "male" in relation to creation as creation only exists by virtue of his energies penetrating it.

There is an esoteric sort of femininity in God's being "pierced" for His emanation to enter creation. Christ shows this dramatically. The point is that male/female is fundamentally a distinction of relation - the ultimate relation (for us) being that of God/creation. In the Godhead itself where there is infinite giving and infinite receiving between the three persons, there is no real male/female distinction. You can speculate as to whether that means no sex in the eschaton, idk.
Wounds of Christ
Faggots, trannies, and simps.
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Shiva lingam/yoni
Tzimtzum kabbalastic "self penetrating" God.
>Assuming a being of omnipotent energy has a gender at all.
Depends what kind of "creator" you envision. Do you see a creator in the most biological sense? Then most likely she is female. If you see "creator" as crafting or sculpting then he is male.
For most of human history, we believed God was a woman.
Aboriginal tribes had no idea that sex created babies. They did not make the connection. They believed women were the sole creator, and worshipped women. Look up venus figurines. Obese women were worshipped around the world, from fertility cults to rain goddesses and everything in between.
You know why most are unaware? Partly because of feminist brainwashing (feminism is an ancient, primal force, nothing new) but also because humanity was miserable in this period. There was no concept of recording, because it was a barbaric time. humanity defaults to this miserable type of evil, akin to cannibalism, under rule of the feminine.
Then the male Gods came, men believed in conquest, in building skyscrapers that touched the sky, the male god wanted us to be BETTER, like all fathers do, unlike the devouring mother.
So, there's your answer.
In reality, God is neither man nor woman. There is much value in appreciating the feminine aspect and essence of God, and this is something desperately needed as we overconsume and destroy mother earth, showing 0 regard for our surroundings. We will be punished for that collectively. But the father god, he showed us to look to the sky, and not the ground, like animals.
>Who said that this is about the OT God?
When you refer to "The God" then you're speaking about God of the Abraham.
>Aboriginal tribes had no idea that sex created babies. They did not make the connection.
Where did you learn that?
god is a mushroom. simple as.

Your post sounds like some American feminist bullshit.

"God" is existence itself. God is not male or female. Don't apply organic terms to a cosmic force beyond the limitations of the third dimension. God has no gender, or form for that matter.

God would never be a man - or a woman - to begin with. That's all very small-minded of you. Gotta think way, way bigger than humans
False. None of that matters. We are energy experiencing itself - hallucinating separation. Whatever the hell you're talking about is bogus nonsense.
And yet he is a male in the Bible.
Logic will tell you that God being infinite cannot be limited to male or female. God is all of it
>the schizo fanfic that romans tacked onto my scripture says so
Identity politics are for faggots and focusing on minute details is for atheists.
>women create life
>not until dude cooms in her
Been male since Genesis.
Genesis predates the Romans.
Your version of Genesis does not predate the Romans. The only people who maybe have a version of Genesis that does are the Jews. And most Jews consider God genderless afaik.
It's super specific that he's male.
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."
Jews believe in a shekinah female God spirit because they are a matriarchy and ignore the Bible.
That quote was from the King James Bible right? That doesn't predate the Romans. And that's my point.
Unless you can prove the original hebrew said something else on that passage you don't have a leg to stand on.
A) Give me the specific verse number and I'll try to look up the equivalent portion in a Torah somewhere.
B) Unless my research in such proves me wrong I still have a leg to stand on, as the only people practicing from a pre-Roman version reject your interpretation regardless on your speculation as to why.
Genesis 1:27.
You shouldn't put much stock into what Jews say about the Old Testament/Torah they don't believe it.
If they believed it, they'd be Christians.
>If they believed it, they'd be Christians.
Christians can't even agree on how Christianity is supposed to work, a bunch of schizo desert people not agreeing on it doesn't mean they're disingenuous in their beliefs of the Torah.
It's not like Christian branches don't have their own equivalents of the Talmud.

But I'll look up the verse later today thank you.
Yeah wide is the path to destruction.
Most Christians are also retarded regarding God.
You can’t rape anyone, you’re on 4chan. Probably gooning rn
>Most Christians are also retarded
>The only people who maybe have a version of Genesis that does are the Jews
There is no "Ancient Hebrew". You can't extrapolate 5,000 or so "Ancient Hebrew" words into 400,000 or more Ancient Greek words. That's simply not how this process works. It's impossible.
Can you expand on that? Because I don't know what you're referencing with those numbers.
Makes sense why that pussy always sneak attacks on me and never reveals herself.

Huh really? Then jesus mightve been a tranny and the holy spirit like some godly cum
It's triple times HE, pretty amusing how every one of them clearly does not wanna be called her
I just gave you characteristics regarding the languages featured in ancient documents. The characteristics of these languages reveals to us how one was transmitted to the other and said characteristics, to be more specific, do not, by any means, indicate that it was "Ancient Hebrew" first and then the Greek sources next, but the opposite. In fact, it's so blatantly obvious that you and everyone else that suggested anything like this should feel stupid for ever believing it. It's like convincing everyone that the sky was orange this whole time.
Anon, that particular emperor is very naked. I hate to break it to you.
God is omnisexual and embody every gender in creation.
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you will have to see on your own why it is so. its a process. look to abstract symbolism. the great father, the righteous king, the provider of all. these are the qualities of the holy father. our bodies lie in the womb of a female entity, not our mother but the mother, the matrix, the gaian mind. and her creation, the one who seeks to deceive to be seen as the only god. the knight who slays the dragon, the 7 headed beast of the apocalypse ridden by the great whore of babylon. there is osiris, the father king, and set, the shadow brother who steals the throne, and isis, the queen of the underworld. it is through the son, christ horus, who saves his father. look to the patterns of being, not the politics of man.
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The way it was revealed to me is that Frejya/Gaia/Europa/Sofia/Matrix or whatever you want to call it, was like the womb of creation experiencing itself. This entity is experiencing itself through us and we don't realize it. It is having billions of experiences at the same time, possibly even more as the flora and fauna may be connected to it as well.
It does not give a fuck about any of it since she is immortal and will experience itself infinitely though it's creations, be it humans, angels or other beings.

She basically let me know that she was in complete control of this creation and that there is nothing I could do but to submit to the laws of her creation. It's fucking over.
because if he was female the universe would have broken down a long time ago.
>and said characteristics, to be more specific, do not, by any means, indicate that it was "Ancient Hebrew" first and then the Greek sources next, but the opposite.
What is the characteristic? The number of characters in the overall languages or the number of characters used in the expression of the specific work itself in both languages?
Because that doesn't sound like a conclusive means of determining origin either way. It would maybe conclusively prove that whatever direction the translation took it was not a direct translation.
It would imply that if it did go from Greek to Hebrew that it was heavily simplified by the translator, or that if it was translated from Hebrew to Greek that it was heavily expanded upon by said translator.
Both things that happen depending on the source of translation.
Saying that it's literally impossible to extrapolate something more linguistically complex from a simple source isn't entirely true and your overall manner of speaking is very hyperbolic.
Let God say what gender he or she. Don't assume his/her gender. Rude. :p
Take it up with David HIllman, a Classicist.
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Whatever dawg
Agreed. Feels like this universe makes more sense to women as well even though they suffer more.
because there is no such thing as a gender neutral pronoun in hebrew so the default is the male pronouns since woman is a derivative of man
I feel like a basic understanding of the masculine and feminine suggests the creator is male and reality or whatever creation takes place in is female.
I feel open to the idea of a God until I see people who believe in one try and articulate the idea, argue between themselves on the basis of literally nothing about gods nature etc.
it just seems like people arguing about power scales of anime characters or something, lthere's no way any of this is real
it's just fairytales written by human beings to justify the consolidation of power to favour certain in-groups
>Obsessed with anal
>autist sperg about anime vidya
>soft skin, tiddies

why are we supposed to hate troons again?
Yeah i notice women authors have a much colder and more clinical view of reality than their male contemporaries, at least the modernists. comparing the work of say Sylvia Plath, Flannery O'Connor, Shirley Jackson or Anna Kavan to their male contemporaries the difference is fairly stark in my opinion. the female writers prose is more sharp and clinical, a vibe of 'depressive realism' whereas male authors seem a bit more fanciful in their ventures, maybe more egotistical in ways that blinds them to a core suffering at the heart of things
If you look to 4chan for your opinions and attitudes you are truly lost
I think it's less about how they see the world and more about which aspects more amuse them to focus on. Male authors like to indulge in the the hypothetical realization of ideals while female authors like to indulge in the melancholy endurance of harsh reality.
yeah i think it's also there's a depressive realism that comes with the stricter social roles/expectation, at least/especially at that time
because the story in genesis god makes adam a man, male in their own image.
The Sol Invictus is a mtf. As in, the God channels its consciousness, light and creation directly through this tranny, and is the only life form in the universe that has God directly looks through. This is the Absolute Truth.

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