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If you still think physiognamy is bullshit then why are all blacks that look like this always intelligent? The inner reflects the outer.
intelligent AND gay
Point still stands, physiognomy matters
That's 2 dudes, and they're also of very similar backgrounds in addition to just looking similar.
That said wtf is McGruder up to these days? Black Jesus and the seasons of Boondocks he actually worked on were great.
Yeah we need him back now more than ever is what I said
I think he stood down as the heat rose so to speak.
The face is a material reflection of the soul. This is the soft black male activist phenotype. I've become aware of a woman who looks just like a female twin of me (different parents and country of origin) but unfortunately women are slaves to social cohesion so the Demiurgy has her locked down hard away from the collective soul mission. I genuinely worry what trauma our higher self might find necessary to wake her up, bitch slap us both but I hope to avoid collateral damage (they ruined my house to break me through the barriers though).
Yeah I could see him getting cancelled if he had been making shit the past 5 years or so, and unlike a lot of people I doubt he'd be willing to profit off of it by going on Rogan or Jones to be controlled opposition.
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Women aren't supposed to fit a man's role so it's only normal for her to get brainwashed, men are the ones who stand right and take the lead. But yea physiognomy being "debunked" is only to keep people from judging people who are obviously evil l, such as politicians and elite juice.
There's always gonna be black sheep in every race, obviously with some races it's more rare, you shouldn't have a precedent on people over color, physiognomy should be the only thing u take into consideration. There's a reason why certain races look different from the norm, the evolved souls genetics follow you no matter what race you fall in
Are there any good books that get right into different types of faces and their correlations kind of like palmistry or astrology
you made this thread just to imply there's such a thing as an intelligent black
>black sheep Whites are retarded
>black sheep blacks are smart
what did the creator mean by this?
So about below average for a dog?
This. Its a shame, but its the fate of any truly subversive person, no matter if they're left or right leaning, any possible religious denomination, any ethnicity, in the US. Or anywhere in the west desu.
you craniometry is weak, gay = face wider then tall
could you describe and contrast the outputs of high fidelity analytic intelligence and synthetic intelligence?
Gambino said in an interview that he would shoot hoops everyday as a kid in order to get better and believed this revelation set him apart from the average man. He literally thought he invented practicing and peered beyond the veil. He's a fucking retard.
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physiognamy is forbidden because it would expose all the dangerous maniacs in ruling positions
Thinking that understanding discipline sets you apart from a normal child isn't the same as thinking you invented the concept of practice.
It's definitely egotistical as fuck(as is pretty much any intelligent person who grows up surrounded by dipshits i.e. every intelligent black person), but it's not entirely wrong.
The average child in this day and age may have been taught practice makes perfect but very few actually realize it's truth while they're children, and most that do realize it do so because someone drilled it into them not because they simply observed it.

Glover buys into his own bullshit way too much and he's not some generational genius but he's definitely of above average intelligence.
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Physiognomy matters more than race. Physiognomy is shaped by genetics, diet, and lifestyle across generations. The aryan (noble) physiognomy was developed when humans adopted an agricultural lifestyle instead of the prevalent hunting and herding ones.
These are different people?
They put 2 pics of Donald Glover which is kind of confusing, but the 3rd pic is Aaron McGruder who made the Boondocks comic strip/first 2 seasons and Black Jesus. He probably made other shit too but I only know his stuff from Adult Swim.
You only need to be intelligent and intuitive not to be brainwashed
Blacks intelligent? HAAHAHAHAHA
Not necessarily true, being intuitive can sometimes make it easier to be brainwashed.
this nigga doesn't know what an epiphany is and is calling other people retarded kwab
Why did you put an image with the same guy in it twice?
Who thinks physiognomy is bullshit? It's a basic scientific fact, and nothing to do with /x/.
>he's definitely of above average intelligence.
He's of average intelligence or below it, but compared to other blacks that still puts him at least one standard deviation above. The difference between being retarded and not being retarded is enormous, but don't mistake it for intelligence.
He's observably smarter than most of the white people in his industry(talking about writing and comedy not rap, I don't actually listen to his music).
If you wanna argue that the average white writer/comedian is also retarded then you might have a point, but his intelligence doesn't just stand out among black people.
>This successful and rich nigger is stupid as a dog
>Some random retard that posts on 4chan from his basement

> puts donald glover twice instead of Q-tip

shame on you
explain the irony
The irony they're referring to is the higher success of the accused retard vs the success of the person accusing them of being a retard. I think technically it's not actual irony but no one cares about the actual definition of irony these days.
so gay AND cuck?
will smith
They are not as smart as the average white man.
A person's lineage is more than their skin.
Fuck off, I don't believe in that made up bullshit
omg! so true!

Anyway, trust your gut. Your unconscious mind recognizes patterns that le science could never.
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>all blacks
I dunno, perhaps because these aren't ALL BLACK?
McGruder is more intelligent than the average white man. His only real downside is mild racial bias(far less than most black people) and being kind of a weaboo.
intelligent blacks ?? lol
Ugly dudes are the ones who've been shaping this world since it's dawn though. The people who make it in sports, sciences and arts are most of the time either ugly or mid. Physiognomy doesn't indicate that much beyond the scope of what we call the pygmalion effect. Physiognomy is where evo science proves its limits.
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What's up with Neil Degrease Tyson's facial features?
How does the idea that the timing and order of gene activation in any way support or enable the idea that you can tell someone's fate and mind from the shape of their body?
He looks more Indian than black

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