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I don't know how to start this conversation so I may as well just dive in and ask.

Does anyone else feel like there's a distinct aura of decay present everywhere lately?
Don't get me wrong, I know it sounds pretty crazy, however, the last couple years I've noticed things breaking (appliances, etc.), plants struggling, people struggling, etc. I've never been one super deep into strange shit, but I've always kept an open-mind. The only way to truly gain knowledge and grow as a person is to make a true effort to be open-minded and consider anything as a possibility, you know?
Anyway, trusting my intuition, there's this strong gut feeling that there's something smothering present -- like an "aura of decay" -- that feels almost omnipresent. I really don't know how else to explain it, but I've seen many others who have seemed to pick up on this, too.
Maybe they'll explain it like a "calm before the storm" or like something is approaching or some event is coming?

Anyone have any insights on this? Any way to create a local space/environment that promotes growth and life?
What exactly is this weird feeling and how is it effecting so many different things, both organic, mechanical, and technological?

Maybe it's just me and I'm noticing things I didn't previously. I dunno... But my intuition says otherwise and it's always been something I can rely on.
There is a secret cabal that tries to do exactly this decay in the world and that's what you're noticing.
Psychic war. End times wake up
Yeah it's the fact we're living in the end times.
So what can be done to promote life and a more healthy/positive environment around ourselves?
How would we go about protecting ourselves and creating an aura of growth/life?
We need to morally be aware of the evil in the world and strongly distance ourselves from it. That is the first step, arguably on the same level as being a good person.
You mean how people are becoming strongly nihilistic and materialistic, and how their ego conquest on this world overshadows peace and wisdom? I'm not talking about the absolute authorities, it's the common folk out there who's getting obsessed with dampening their lives with material shit, and even when they're studied and smart, still constantly confuse knowledge with wisdom, while also not admitting when it's their ego and opinion talking. As others have pointed out, it's the end of times. Whether in a Biblical sense or not, no one knows, but it's factual that the world we live in is going to change. Perhaps people will realize that this materialism has killed us on the inside for far too long, and the institutions are rotten and unable to conciliate knowledge and intelligence with wisdom. (1/2)
(2/2) To add on what I and others said, if you want to fight this aura, you have to find balance between feeding your spiritual life, and not obsessing over it. What I mean with the latter is that most oftenly, people who study spirituality treat it as an academic subject (which is a possibility, but it shouldn't be the sole method). As such, I've met materialistic, atheist people who still study spirituality, something I had a hard time grasping until realizing it was more about knowledge and ego than admitting our limits, and being open to the larger picture. As such, many who study spirituality are more worried with being right, winning arguments, having more knowledge than you, than incorporating part of the wisdom into their own philosophy. I don't know much about Asteca religion for example, and I have to respect the knowledge some scholars have on that subject, but it doesn't mean I don't have wisdom to be gained from what little I can learn from Astecas. I don't necessarily agree with it all, but what I can gather to increase myself, I will. So, at least in your personal life, my tip would be: learn about spirituality, but do it respectfully and not as an ego meal. Control your ego by admitting you don't know it all, there is more to what you logically accept, and there is wisdom to be gained, even from those you underestimate. Finally, it won't be an easy ride, but more than ever, that same wisdom holds true and essential for you to persevere.
Scholars? Fuck the scholars. You don't realize the established western order is built on tikkun olam, destruction of everything that is good, satanism. Fuck the scholars.
I know what you mean, I think in my case it's just depression though
Not that anon, but it's good insightful advice, thank you.
>what is orgonite for over 9000
I did notice something off. I had a reading where it was said I give off energy that destroys man-made things. I wholly believe it. I don't know what to do.
>breaking (appliances, etc.)
You could include sink holes just opening up everywhere, an increase in dog attacks, and amusement park rides breaking.
I don't disagree but for many subjects I legit don't know jack shit. Even if nowadays knowledge can be perverse, I still have to start somewhere. Although it is true the ancient people didn't write their wisdom for someone to publish a paper on it hundreds of years later; nor did they do it so some atheist read it as a hobby just to feel smarter. They wrote it down wanting you too to believe it. In a sense, you and the author may disagree, but the common ground is that shared wisdom. Regardless, most usually while I do study based on what scholars write (depending on what you're talking about, sources are reeeaaaally scarce and convoluted), the actual wisdom I gain comes from my own reflection than citing papers.
Lots of bad shit has been happening to family and friends. Cancer, seizures, car accidents, suicides, etc. its really fucking weird. I've always thought I was really lucky bad shit didn't really happen like that to me before but it just started happening a lot recently and its weird. Also since the trump shooting ive been feeling even weirder
Eschatological malaise.
Personally, i feel that heavy vibe that you describe since 2019 and you see how many things have happened until today, what these days is directly the approach to the end of the cycle of the pisces era, something like the agony before death.
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I thought it was just me but reading this thread its sort of surprising how many others are getting the same vibe.
people seem more depressed uptight and angry than they used to. people's driving has become especially bad.
Do you live in the United Kingdom, OP? Because everything has been falling apart rapidly since Brexit. It all smells like SHIT as well.
ive noticed some pretty drastic personality changes in some friends lately, kind of just betraying who i knew them as, maybe its just getting older in this fucked up world? still, it feels different than that. some friends have seemingly been unaffected by this, i cherish them more and more each day
texas here, and it feels like at least one day a week out here, the air quality is noticeably abhorrent
There is an aura of decay. It's been growing especially lately. As for your local space or environment that you can create? You can be your own environment. By acknowledging that this decay is infecting our world, you put yourself in a good position. Ironically, the best way to promote growth and life for yourself and things that are influenced by your energy is to let it go. We're all being fucked over, but we can choose to either be the misery that the elite would like or a bastion of soul in the soulless.
Rejoice, for entropy touches all things, and she loves you.

Yew rite gud
Things are diminished and depleted. There isn’t a glow to people anymore minus the highly enlightened end Christlike. Food is not as good as it used to be. The quality has completely plummeted particularly from restaurants and fast food. Appliances and electronics are no longer built to last. There is no pride put into anything handmade any longer. Everything we use is mass produced. Of course this will siphon the soul and thus the quality from the object no matter its function.
I think all our energy has been redirected toward each other to the detriment of everything else. There is indeed a decay and it starts with us cleaning house spiritually as to not be divided and conquered from within.
I think people need to put more effort in simply being good people and spreading good with good intent. I know that sounds simplistic and obvious but most people who "do good" do it purely for selfish reasons. Mainly they do it for their own ego or for praise. Energy around us can be changed if people just did good because its the right thing to do. Because good in itself is a reward. Thats how I see it.
Entropy is the default. There has to be a will to nurture a beautiful world. Everyone is distracted or tired and overall indifferent. If you don't tend the garden it will fall to weeds.
Not to mention that the person you're responding to doesn't seem to consider scale.
The size of our planet or whatever local measurement you'd prefer, is so ridiculously small compared to the overall that it's almost inconceivable.
While mentioning entropy may sound like some surprising insight, to use it in this regard almost seems like movie or anime logic. It makes little sense since Earth itself isn't necessarily a closed system but one that's part of a near infinitely large whole.

I'll also add that I don't necessarily believe the Second Law of Thermal Dynamics is correct.
In fact, I'd say it's very likely wrong, since when it was thought of it never accounted for the quantum. There's a huge amount of evidence to support this, too. Of course, the mainstream treat it like gospel so they've become so close-minded that they won't even participate in such discussions because the very idea of being wrong scares those braindead sheep nerds. But I digress..
>Anyone have any insights on this? Any way to create a local space/environment that promotes growth and life?
Love in your heart radiates out on the plants and helps them grow. I have seen acorns sprout when I sent my love into the ground earlier this spring.
The modern world is anti life in many ways. Poisoning plants. Killing bugs.
Stop participating in that cycle of death.
Shamans channel the life energy into the earth and through them heaven and earth are united, and the planet is healed.
Many of the indigenous people are dead, but it is still a spiritual land, and we can connect with it.
If you do your spiritual work, you will be 'paid', in the forms of beauty that nature has given to life.
whats some work people can do alone?
I don't understand people like you. Why would you brag about sounding dumb? Why is that your aspiration and goal? The fact you see someone writing properly incites you into wanting to shame or insult them is shockingly retarded. I can't tell if it's from an inferiority complex or from being brainwashed into thinking being lazy and dumb is somehow 'cool.'
It's called fall of the empire, it's cylical, Google the term, there are books about it since it's literally happening for 2000 years and signs are all there
>hydra Tiamat spawn DNA injected into everyone
>normalfags start rotting from the inside as their flesh gets replaced by the hydra
>normalfaggots stanlymaxxing and proteinmaxxing, shit getting pushed like never before. hmm wonder who could be behind that?
>you still not getting it
anon you really need to lvl up ur game if ur going to make it
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Yeah I've noticed it but there's nothing I can do, normies just wanna keep their heads in the sand.
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checked and the fact that >>38378563 doesn't get it is pretty funny
Stop samefagging. It's retarded. Your schizo gibberish isn't insightful or meaningful. It's retard fantasies by an intellectually stunted potato. Nothing more.
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I also think you're on to something. There has been plenty of death and disease in my family recently, along with mechanical failures and things breaking. On a wider scale, a lot of infrastructure has been falling apart in recent years.
Perhaps it's all some form of acceleration or rapid aging? Or it really is a sign of the end times, the horsemen of the apocalypse.
I'm not samefagging, what he said is really straightforward if you're not a tourist normalfaggot and you not getting after he expressly stated that (you) still don't get it is comedy gold. you posting a Norm reaction image is the real reason I replied. The comedy within the synchronicity is far too thick to ignore.
On a global scale of
>not happening
We're currently at happening. Shits falling apart everywhere in Western countries, theres no more victims to extract value from to keep the lavishness or much less the infrastructure of places like the US alive anymore. Billionaires waging war with each other through the market and playing with the lives of average people. Everyone is sick, everyone is tired, everything is collapsing.

Thats the materialist analysis at least, theres shit going down spiritually too, but I'm not adept enough to speak on that.
Yeah, totally not samefagging. Just typing nearly identically and obsessing over gaining approval of strangers in the same manner to appease your plainly obvious insecurity.
Desperately attempting to appear as if you've stumbled upon some secret information that's granted you enlightenment over others.
You know nothing of value and contribute the same.
Stick to samefagging, goof. There's healthier ways to get attention and to sooth your fragile ego.
Late stage capitalism and it's going to kill us all because the Right, the media and the corporations don't care about Life, the worship Death
lemme guess, the TV and your favorite celebrities said so? commies and weirdo screaming about 'duh right!' have to be the most oblivious sheep on this planet. fuckin crazy how disconnected some people are. never even gaining the awareness to recognize that their views are from their consumer habits.
>Aura of Decay
I know exactly what you're talking about OP.
It's caused by the TRUTH of this world being seen by your soul.

A soul in ignorance will look at the world and feel delighted by it. Just like a fool can jump out of an airplane with no parachute and feel joy at the wind rushing by... But it's only joyous because they're ignorant of the full situation.

When seen as a whole this reality IS ugly. And you are beginning to awaken to that truth.
>Jesus said, "Whoever has come to know the world has discovered a carcass, and whoever has discovered a carcass, of that person the world is not worthy."
>Jesus said, "Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will reign over the all.
When you see the truth undistorted your soul can navigate higher reality, and will eventually find your way out of here.
It's like a sickeningly sweet odor that some people have on them, or some places will smell like that
I'm glad I'm not the only feeling like shit is falling apart. We are not imagining the decay. I think part of it is the baby boomer generation getting ready to die. They are desperately holding onto the reigns of power, it's almost like they think they can take their wealth with them.
Bruh. You basically admit to samefagging in this response by mixing up your own shit.
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>Just typing nearly identically
Oh sweet we've got a writing analyst itt. Hopefully you haven't quit your dayjob yet because you're not good at your hobby.
>obsessing over gaining approval of strangers
In what way? I just think you're funny in an unintentional way. Sorry you got bullied when you were young but I'm still gonna point and laugh when a tourist can't into board culture and cry "schizo" instead. Let me translate what he said for you.
>>"vaccines are causing the masses to rot from the inside out which includes their minds, bodies and souls, and this rot is spreading to all things."
>You know nothing of value and contribute the same
You talk like a lonely child and contribute as much as one would expect from a poorly socialized sperg.
now who's samefagging
>those who accuse others of wrongdoings often do so because they themselves are guilty of similar acts
Stick to samefagging, dude. You words will mean more when you don't type like a middle school dropout.
My post stands.
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That's not me, dork.
Kek. Samefag is big mad. Nice deflection bro.
>coming into a thread and derailing it with MUH SAMEFAGGING because someone made fun of you
I'm OP and you should actually kill yourself in a violent and public way
it's feds or useful idiots op just ignore them.
i noticed the rot as well i think its why you see so much materialistic shit everywhere. its like corpse makeup. the world knows its rotting and its doing whatever it can to cover up the brusing.
>Still samefagging.
What a loser.
Big. Mad.
>OP asks about the world rotting
>the rot shows up
OP is a wizard
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try posting more than a minute apart if you want to blend in better samefag-sama
Move on bruh. don't need to sperg out cause you got caught. You both need to stop taking shit so serious
I have no idea who you think I am but I'm not that person. I hate to say "meds" but it seems fitting if you're I quoted
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*who I
but you get it
bout a year ago, i had one of those special hard dreams that are short, dense, hyper-real. i was with another person, exploring an overgrown, returned-to-wild ruin sort of area that had crumbly concrete & brick structures that were abandoned for decades, but then suddenly rehabilitated by a bunch of people recently.
while exploring a bldg w friend, we come across DANNY DEVITO of all people. seems like a genuine astral encounter. he excitedly tells us abt the Fungal Grid or smth (icr), and first we were happily oblivious, but when Danny D mentions it, suddenly a red grid appears in the 3D space around us. we can taste the shrooms. we gag. that grid is degrading, eating everything. Danny laughs, finds our reactions amusing. is Danny Devito with the gnomes? he's a curious one.
mushrooms are some self-forming faction that appeared one day, they do make soul-sell deals w ppl sometimes, they can be hardass, they're anti-repto, and bomb explosions look like them...
they're odd for sure.
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actually on that note, something been on my mind for a few years. some people are just a bane to tech, some ppl just make electronics go haywire or things break when they touch them.
there's a red snowthrower i have that had a rash of terrible luck. like this one specific individual ICE snow removal device had a personal curse for a while. rocks would get stuck in it, parts would fall off, it would just have bad things happen to it for a while. eventually the curse ran out and it's fine.
but it made me scratch my head for a while. i hear about people being hexed, but this is a machine... might be some unlucky servitor ghost within, here.
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nice dubs.
>family and friends
>"""family""" and """friends"""
>keep your friends close, and your enemies closer
>the agents of the devil are everywhere
>it's always the one you least suspect.
IYKYK. sorry if this sounds shocking to you at first, but just... well. allow the rabbit hole to swallow you and see what you learn. shocking revelations. things that make you go "oh huh, i always thought that was weird". but it can be pretty heartbreaking at times. i know firsthand. won't get into it, but.
well. God knows best. and He's far, far more terrifying than the worst thing the devil can come up with. because God can invent new things, devil can only steal ideas, and devil's a cheapass who doesn't always put in the necessary amount of effort.
be wary of those around you. question everything in your life.
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dis nigga can't take a compliment.
on a general note, to those who aren't In The Know but would like to kickstart a Journey of Learning at anytime, picrel is the basics. the project could be "i wish there was a comprehensive documentary or PDF or website or whatever about (subject)", or "i wish to experience (thing)". the sky's the limit, you can do anything you put your mind to. the point of a Journey is you face trials, failures, hardships - but gain invaluable knowledge and personal experience.

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more dubs! blessed thread.
>Jesus said, "Whoever has come to know the world has discovered a carcass, and whoever has discovered a carcass, of that person the world is not worthy."
>Jesus said, "Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will reign over the all.
Real Jesus is the ULTIMATE KNOWER. He knows. bashers & haters dun geddit. they're blind. they're too busy taking the vidya gaem too seriously. it's a game. A VIDEO GAME. made out of binary beep boops. the goal is to learn all the cool leet haxors & glitches. look for easter eggs. find neat little hidden details.
we're at a troublesome but equally interesting time in world history where things are at the absolute worst of the worst. things have NEVER been as bad as they are right now - but that's also why clown world is amazing. enjoy the ride. yeah there's pain, agony, suffering - but that's the price. all things come with a price. nothing is free.
That means they've got bodies in their basement
>people's driving has been especially bad
Fr! The amount of times I've been driving and someone just stops driving right in front of me for a few seconds has been way higher than usual. It reminds me of the red reindeer thing on /pol/

I notice people seem so much more hopeless and angry than ever before. The 2010s people thought we were going to have some progressive candidate that was going to fix the oppressive hypercapitalist state of America and Obama seemed enough like that candidate to make it happen. Then trump got elected but people still thought some progressivism was going to come as a reaction against him, but all we got was a blabbering retard people some shadowy cabal decided it needed to be done. Now we have high prices and still no universal healthcare, people have given up hope that things are ever going to get better unless they 10,000x on some random shicoin with their $100 weekly disposable income. Not to mention outside of the USA the economy is even worse.
>facebook mom thread
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Accept the gift and you will never feel pain again.
thats just cum, or too much vitamin b6. smells like 5 hour energy
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The spirit of the Antichrist has been unleashed unto the world. You can feel it everywhere now and it will get more and more intense soon.
that’s true i agree.
Ahriman. He kills through heat. Heat, like fire is not the light, but the dying of it. Despite all his theatrics Ahriman is still a horror show of a magus to deal with. He can wither things. Typical big bad evil guy stuff. Wherever his influence grows, things start to decay and die. A castle surrounded by ruins. Obsidian towers, dangerous life forms. The works.
Well, you see kids…

Weird how you people have been programmed to say facebook whenever you see something that scares you.
“weeds” are good, “neglect” is nature healing, novel ecosystems still develop towards successional climax
My will and the will of nature can not conflict. They are one and the same. The tide ebbs and flows. We are the aspect of nature that admires beauty in structure and the aspect of it that can choose to cultivate it.
why do you care so much about image? you should really think about that.
I noticed when I was doing my meditations I was bombarded by evil faces violently attacking me. Black orbs would zip around me and stuff would break randomly. I also had terribly violent outbursts coupled with ruminating about some of the most negative thoughts imaginable. I cancelled all of that now but damn was that an experience dealing with whatever negative force was occupying this house. It makes me believe that demons are an actual thing that can wreak havoc on those who don't know how to banish them.
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I was too busy to return to the thread yesterday, so I'm super happy that there were so many well thought responses in the interim.
Thanks, everyone!

So many responses to get to throughout the day/evening!

Thanks for the well articulated reply, man. It's nice to see.

I believe that a healthy life involves a fine balance. Many people may see it balancing mind and body, however, my personal belief is that it isn't just those two, it's a trinity.
- Body
- Mind
- Spirit
Most people only practice one or two; however, I believe all three work in unison to maintain balance.
I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm still learning, even after so many years. I've tried to live my life by keeping in mind the famous words of Socrates when he spoke to the Oracle of Delphi: "I know that I know nothing" — because it's the truth.

I'll be honest and say I'm not even sure if that feeling of decay is new or if I can only now notice it, but I do want to have some insightful discussions about it.

You're not me. I would never wish violence or harm on another person. Not my thing. Too edgy for me. Plus, I don't believe such things should be said or taken for granted.
Thanks for trying to get the thread back on track, though. Hope your day is pleasant.
you did gateway huh?
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No. I moved into a haunted house and had to banish the negative energy through the use of he Tibetan Rites, much to the relief of my fellow occupants.
how does that work? chanting and incense?
Charging my heart chakra so that love overpowers the hatred imposed by demons. They can't stand the love filled atmosphere and are forced to leave.
>chanting and incense
I prefer silence and fasting.
just curious. i have no idea how that stuff works ya know? kek
it all comes tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down
Those are some cool quotes. Do you know what part of the Bible they were from?
Write down your dreams, follow the guidance of spirit, treat all the creatures with love, be a friend to creation.
They're not in the bible. These come from the Gospel of Thomas, which is possibly the oldest known text containing the words of Jesus. It was left out of the bible because they didn't like the true word of Jesus, and preferred a false version of it that still taught people to look outside themselves (usually to the church) for salvation, instead of within themselves.
Thanks, man. Now I have another fantastic rabbit hole that I can delve into. I appreciate it.
>people's driving has become especially bad
As an individual who's been suffering so much living in a corporate hell group home setting, and having to take a van to go anywhere, I can confirm. I quit walking to stores and places because of these drivers never respecting the crosswalk lights, and in a constant state of not wanting to be around people in general.
The moon is cursed, we need to purify the moon.
Our corporate hell group home house put up a tiny garden because they want to offset the amount of money spent on organic groceries. I tested the staff and other individuals to see if they have a soul and truly care about nature... Nope, those plants were starting to wither and not one individual lifted a finger to do anything. I felt awful within me and went out to water them to show some mercy for nature. This world feels broken.
My family started to fall after the evils of this world killed my father with chemotherapy. Then strange things started happening where my mother and brother seemingly turned against me for no reason, like they wanted me out of the picture. It wasn't until 2017 where I started to put all the puzzle pieces together and found out why my family was dying, there are 2 bankers connected to our family trust fund who wanted the money for themselves: Blackrock and Vanguard. When I saw those on my trust fund statement, I knew that anons here were right all along and that there is a genocide happening against all of us. It turns out that my mom and brother were controlled by the shadow entities these bankers work with, I saw them during my time on the farm, they attacked me relentlessly, causing me insomnia and making my family attack me in order to seperate me from them so the bankers could attempt to program my creativity and soul out of me in these hellish facilities where children are sent to grow old and die, without ever seeing the outside world again. Picrel is one of these facilities. I survived it, but the ever looming presence of OPWDD (formerly OMRDD) still exists and is still causing so much suffering, these corporate nighmares need to end.
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And if anyone doubts my post, here's a pic I took within one of the units, I think it was labeled 1E (codenamed 1 Edward). Cameras were banned in there, but my mom was able to etch over the lens of my nintendo 2ds to get it approved so I can play 3ds games in there. I popped the lens out and snapped what might be the only surviving pics from within a restricted zone. This was my bedroom.
I don't think there is anything we can do about it unfortunately. Maybe we can do something to help our own personal life less bleak but globally, it's all going down and we just have to accept it.
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And this was my pet betta fish named "Buddy".
I couldn't take him with me on the final day, so I had to leave him behind. I miss him so much.

OPWDD works with the WHO and also takes funding from big bankers since I see so much pandering to diversity and rainbows. They even treat both the staff and individuals like shit, everyone is suffering in here.
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Here's the tiny garden that will never sustain a single house, let alone a corporate hell group home run by OPWDD.
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The second one which is withering a little.

These were withering badly before I took these pics, but one other individual took up interest in maintaining this tiny garden which will never sustain this house nor will it be organic due to the corporates planting modified plants versus the heritage or heirloom seeds I told them to get instead, but they never listen to me because I'm just an expendable lab rat to them, just like all other individuals.
You might be interested in a person on X who goes by the name Naughty Beaver. He knows the Nostradamus prophecies and connected many of the dots, he also reads the Gospel of Thomas and has a vast amount of knowledge about these things. He's also a starseed, a very powerful one, I was guided to him and Gosia from Cosmic Agency youtube channel between 2017 and 2018, they opened my eyes to the darkness that plagues this world but also opened my eyes to the things beyond this planet. Also, Alba Weinman on youtube is really good, she does past life regression hypnosis to let a person see their past lives. She also does channeling very professionally, this one really stuck out to me since you can see him trembling before the presence of this entity:
Not sure, but you can look up schuman resonance. people often react to it differently, some positive, other not so like it. I myself feel it most of the time feel like calm before the storm. In the internet there are graphs of it, you can check if the spikes in it align with your "mood swing" or how you wanna call it.
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fascinating tale. ever heard of an autobiographical nonfiction webcomic called
i haven't checked in for a while, but it's called Joe N vs Elan. highly recommended read. great read.
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1_Bretton woods gold standar fell august 1971

2_China and the usa made a pact china would export industrial goods and use usd to import food thus exporting deflation worldwide

3_In 2008 the monetary system collapsed and this happened


4_China is also getting old so it can't export deflation anymore

5_USA can't really escape the previous system neither china without both experiencing massive inflation.

6_As inflation rises you will see shrinkflation in everything from goods, services even family relations as everyone has to work more and more for less and less

7_Resistance to the collapse directly via revolution is impossible because most spending is going to boomer healthcare and pensions and these boomers already own most real estate so they are drying capital from circulating in younger generations but nobody would rise to murder their fathers or grandfathers and steal their inheritance.

8_Since that inheritance is now rented the youth capital moves to boomers through rent while these boomers also get capital from the governmens.

9_Youth is experiencing inflation , shrinkflation and the little capital remaining is redirecting to older generations.

There is a spiritual part in this related to entropy but most people here are too brainlet for this to even discuss, simply put it is related to proof of work and proof of stake both the consensus systems used in human civilization forever and how they are actually very spiritual and related to the concept of the maxwell demon.
Just looked it up, it's about child abuse, but my parents are not at fault for the archon's attacks against us that the bankers sent after us to cause chaos in our family. The second reason the bankers attacked us is because when I was around 4-5 years old, I unknowingly connected my conscious to my subconscious and cracked a password in a game called Extreme G2 that unlocked everything, computers back then would take several years to crack that, but doing it by connecting with the subconscious takes seconds. That seemed to send the archons in a red alert mode and they also targeted me much harder than my mom and brother, because that sort of thing indicated that I am a starseed child that contained a great power within that would pose a threat to the bankers later on.

And let it be known, the cabal will pay for what they have done to my family line and all of those whom I loved. The death of our family shall put an irrevocable curse upon the entirety of the cabal, including the non human ones. This curse will let the cabal continue to live, but upon their deaths, their body and evil spirit will be dissolved and sent back to source as the full karmic punishment for what they did. They wanted The Great Reset, they will get it, just not the way they expected it.
Speaking of the schuman resonance, remember that one time it had a freakishly weird pattern? I guess someone converted it into audio and this is what it sounded like:
And if you anons still have doubts, picrel is the nintendo 2ds I used back then with its lens popped out. Those 2ds pics are from I believe 2014-2015.

This place was like a prison. It was ultra strict, and had strong staff sitting in soft recliners strategically placed in hallways that had domed mirrors so they could see around the corners since they can't use cameras. The staff back then were quite strong, and if one or more individuals posed a threat, all staff carry a gray colored keychain fob they would press and the security station by the walk-through metal detector would be alerted and they would broadcast to all other units in the building and it would sound like:
>*DOOT-DOOT-DOOT-DOOT-DOOT* "Fob alarm, on unit 2 Baker, please respond."
And they would also alert if multiple fobs were pressed. The individual(s) would get quickly overwhelmed and taken down, and yes, they get injected with a sedative. In the early days, they got turned over to inject them on the behind, but in the final days before BDC shut down, they switched to pulling down the individual's pants a little from the front to inject it into the side of the leg, this was for humiliation to further traumatize the individual as much as they could before BDC shut down.

I was considered a genius in that place due to me learning so much about the inner workings of windows os, other individuals envied my abilities and one of the female individuals even dumped the other person for me because I simply optimized her pc to run smoothly. I even managed to trick the administrative staff by playing dumb and telling them to disable the camera on the laptop I wanted so they would approve it. I reenabled the camera in the driver manager, then I had the genius idea to "record" movies on the tv in my bedroom using the camera and an auxillary audio cord. I watched TCM and waited for movies like Barbarella to come on so I can record it and have my own bootleg porn even though porn was not allowed.
And this is the laptop I had (Also picrel):

Few staff were kinda chill, I met one who likes things like cute kawaii fox t-shirts and obscure bands like Devin Townsend and just straight up bizarre movies like Rubber, he also wore those weird ninja shoes to work, the ones with the toes! He snuck in some software for me like SFXR, the original Spelunky, VLC, Winamp, a cracked version of Bejeweled 2 and Audacity. I used VLC for easy recording of uncut and commercial free movies from Turner Classic Movies on tv. I waited until TCM Underground specifically for those really explicit movies to come on so I can record them.

When you wanted to buy anything in that place, you had to write it down on an approval form and wait until they either allow it or deny it. They also had a points shop for those who obey the rules in the place, exactly like good goy points. I was extremely rebellious because my subconscious knew that shit was very wrong in that hellish prison, so no good goy points for me. I had almost died in that place, I collapsed and saw the chaotic fractals of light before something kinda shocked me back to life, it wasn't one of those cardiac devices, I think I was being protected by Source and other beings who were watching over me.

One female staff was a bitch, she antagonized me constantly and I punched her, then she pressed charges on me and landed me on probation. This is where it got so fucked up: The staff write down everything about you in these binders, and they use that as evidence when they take you to your probation officer. If you refuse to be a good goy and be controlled by them, they add extra shit in there to violate your probation. They did that with me and got me put in jail for I believe 27 days. They did the same thing after I got out, but due to the perfect alignment of events, I ended up getting out and probation was instantly dropped.
>appliances breaking
Cheap products that break easily so you gotta buy more. Just corporations being assholes to make more money
>plants struggling
Climate change, granted there are always some kind of weed thriving.
>people struggling
Internet, tv and game devices giving everyone adhd symptoms. Also economy is in the shitter from us not policing politicians (corrupt as hell) and corporations (bailouts and no laws about not making fragile items). Even the planets fish are dwindling and the few left have so much metals and plastic in them that they ruin our bodies and brains. Fish is a staple for human civilization.

We're too docile and weak so our leaders can abuse us however they want. We're living out the end of a great civilization. This sadly happens to all grand civilizations.

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