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faggot bitch ganstalker sending me face signals onthe train today.
Stepped on his little faggot shoe when I was walking out.
He didn' react to it
Real gang stalkers caught by this Japanese youtuber:

And were going to keep giving you face signals, the next time you do this we'll have you legally arrested.
Gangastalkers unironically stealing my boxershorts.
A gangstalker just flew over my house. Getting sick of this shit.
that comments section is disappointing. after all the obvious stalkers and the not so obvious remote neural manipulation most claim he is mentally ill. the reason he was calm with the masked stalker at his door is because his mind was tuned by a supercomputer so the stalker is safe while causing even more psychological torture. when he got upset with the people that closed the electrical box was all planned, it was planned by the computer or controllers to make him look crazy to discredit him. its easier to see this stuff when ive been through it as a targeted individual for over a decade.
so whats the canon?
The mind control is working
You guys are a bunch of pussies. Just own it.
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>Sick of all these college cunts
>I hate their fucking guts
>Sick of all these college cunts
>I hate their fucking guts
>He didn' react to it
stfu bitch. next time you do it we're coming for your ass
Stop smoking meth guys
Not meth weed but I won't anyways
I hate videos like this because they make everyone who is legitimately being gangstalked look crazy.

This guy is obviously mentally ill.
>they make everyone who is legitimately being gangstalked look crazy.
>legitimately being gangstalked
I hope that one day it happens to you so you can see what it really like.
>I hope that one day it happens to you
The US Postal Services delivers my mail 6 times a week.
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None of you are gonna make it.
Good for (you)

You have no idea what it is like to be gangstalked. The amount of shit I have been through is ridiculous, most people would crack. You have no idea how hard it is to try to put up with years of constant psychological abuse.
Keep doing anon, they won't do shit. What they gonna do? Arrest you for stepping in someone's shoe?

>what are the charges officer
I>you stepped on a man's shoe
Fucking glowtards have taken my shoes and I have a job interview today. If I can't find them then I can't go.
This thread was made by a glowie
See >>38382018
good album
>you make me feel like i am worthless
>no purpose
>when you up and left me, deserted
>cursing out your name I don't deserve this
>i doooont waaaant youuu aaanyyymoooore

So I emailed the place I had the interview at to rearrange and they haven't emailed me back. More proof of glowie scams and their fake job interviews.
thread theme
I think most people I know would either kys or get aggresive if they were gang stalked like I am for years.
I guarantee all of these guys smoke weed.
There's a certain percentage of people (myself included) that weed induces psychosis in and it gets progressively worse. Alcohol can do it too.
You can't tell these guys that though, they choose to be lazy and crazy.
This is what the glowies want you to believe
stop smoking weed you lazy fuck
I only smoked weed 5 times in my life and last one was in 2021. I didn't like it, I didn't feel high but others told mecI was and laughed at me, I was drinking at the same time also, I was not gangstalked back then nore did i feel paranoid. Your theory is deboonked.
>your theory is deboonked
No, that just means you're genuinely schizophrenic. (you won't take a single step to improve your situation btw)
Please if you think you are being gangstalked see a psychotherapist. I'm saying this to help you.
They're the biggest narcissists on the planet, they cannot comprehend that they might be wrong about their condition and that they aren't nearly important enough to be considered a target.
I used to try to convince them that they can help themselves but they refuse to accept their situation and choose to live a fantasy that they can blame all their failures and problems on. All you can do is watch them devour themselves, it's horrifyingly sad but morbidly fascinating.
I've been observing them too. It is sad that they won't let themselves be helped.
>I've been observing them
I go out of my way to make street people think I'm stalking them. I'll drive around the block a few times and stare at them. or I'll park somewhere far enough back so they don't see me, yell out my window and watch as they look around trying to find where I came from. Tweakers are fucking free entertainment
we're outside your windows jeff.
When you go to sleep we'll come in and suck on your toes, there's nothing you can do about it.
>take steps to improve my situation
>everything I do is just a glowie game where they mess with me
Hello glowies
At least suck my dick
Nobody is glowing, you need help. There are drugs available which will stop you paranoid.
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OK glowie.
Riiiiight take some drug that chemically lobotomizes you will be fixed then! Nah man people see patterns in things, but people like you tell others to stop noticing. There's a spiritual/supernatural/trans-dimensional element to it.
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It's me again Canadian "schizo"

I have more proof that Im being monitored and attacked with DEW.

This time I've been attacked for 2 days straight and I have a really bad headache.... they are trying to kill me at 180 uT. Not kidding,
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This is the last attack when I was in the woods as I told you, far from any electro magnetic disturbances
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My bad, this is the one in the woods, as you can see the signal is off for LTE
have you had any extreme mood shifts or odd personality changes? any voices? i know they do regular country wide EMF pulses but hit us targeted individuals with different waves.
Ok well bro you need to take a live recording of yourself, with the emf sensor reading and all the relevant data as proof, and upload it to the Internet, send it to some news companies to ask for help. If you have actual solid proof maybe you can break this thing open and help other people who are in your position and make the public aware of this problem. People won't believe it until there's proper evidence
Are these apps even accurate?
Just carry a knife or gun everywhere you go. They can read minds and spy with all your electronics. They know you’re armed and they will leave you alone.(picrel. I haven’t posted in day but they always try to stop me from posting. Too bad I don’t care about them, their opinions, their gods and their awful generals.)
>not important enough
when u research spycops, zersetzung etc it becomes clear that unimportant people are targeted, even just for showing up to one or a few meetings of radical political groups etc.
So I have another interview booked for 10am on Friday. Let's see how bright the glowies shine.
the government often lacks either the resources or the motive to single out and target individuals in the general population, they are too busy with their own shit. the alienz (or trickster spirits more accurately) do have both the means and the motive to bully random people for whatever reason, they are known to utilize kidnapped and/or fake humans to approach people and they relish in distress of humans. i propose that any TI would keep their eye in the sky and also be vigilant of any other paranormal activity in their lives.

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