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Hemisync thread

>DOWNLOAD: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jPv9wiKbf9SREBAHOHfaXU7i7S-IsJsP
>MY PAST HEMISYNC EXPERIENCES: https://pastebin.com/vmYHvMVs
>MY ENCOUNTER WITH A GREY ALIEN THANKS TO HEMISYNC: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/37778140/#q37778140
>ANOTHER PERSON WHO ENCOUNTERED A GREY ALIEN THANKS TO HEMISYNC: https://www.reddit.com/r/MantisEncounters/comments/1cvmhdm/my_encounter_on_a_mushroomrepostrewrite/
Bump, this may be a legit CE5 technique. Specifically, the track Five Questions.
I'll try it out. Is there any recommended faq or whatever on how to use these tapes? i.e. should you just plow through them, do one stage until you are better at it then move on, etc.?
I'd do one a day before bedtime. They give me some crazy dreams.
i have had great success with the manifestation part of gateway. they call "pattering." like, scary good success, my life did almost a 180.
Looks like it finally has a fix on The Five Questions. All other versions i've hear were corrupted.

Thanks OP
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here is another link with more text files. you should read them for sure.

also some important information from the gateway leddit to get started:

What is Focus 10 and why is it Important
It is an initial altered state of consciousness in which you are able to essentially turn off, in whole or in part, the logical side of your brain. This allows you to deepen your meditation. Think of it as the first step into the gate. It's referred to by many names, and in this program, it is called Focus 10 (simple and clear).

It's crucial to spend most of your time mastering this state fully and becoming very comfortable with it before you move on. I would say spend 60% on learning Focus 10, 10% on Focus 12, and 30% on the rest of the program.
>Gateway Process (Complete)

>Psychotronic Universe

>Gateway Process Documentary

>Gateway Process Overview

>The Why Files
>The Gateway Process: the CIA's Classified Space & Time Travel System
Wind blowing over a log
Fire from a tree
will o the wisp
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>Focus 34/35 – The area of the Gathering. Beings from many other locations within the physical universe are gathered here to witness the upcoming Earth Changes. First mentioned in Bob Monroe’s second book, Far Journeys.
>Focus 42 – I-There cluster consciousness.
>Focus 49 – Sea of I-There clusters.
i'm still wondering what they actually do on focus 34/35, 42, 49
i think i'll start reading 3 of Robert Monroe's books
Use this one:
And get the "Gateway Experience from 1989" files, those are the ones that work.
Are the tracks for higher foci out there? The ones linked here only go up to 27.
So what are the arguments AGAINST this being glowie psyop?
It's hypnosis, which is self hypnosis. Which is a door once opened can't be closed. You're MK Ultra'ing yourself by way of listening to this.
>Everything is some form of hypnosis
Yeah, fuck you. Doing it to yourself is worse.
...isn't doing it to yourself better? You can control the circumstances, intent, and outcome if you're doing it yourself, no? Being hypnotized by other shit seems so obviously more dangerous I'm actually surprised you wrote your post without thinking "man what a stupid fucking thing to say, I think I'll keep it to myself", no you just went and sent it anyways, holy shit. Actually fucking shocked.
>...isn't doing it to yourself better? You can control the circumstances, intent, and outcome if you're doing it yourself, no?
NTA but that would only be true if you had created the tapes yourself and did so with full understanding of all the science behind them with very specific intention.
Doing it to yourself with someone else's hypnosis mechanisms in no way allows you to control the intent and outcome.
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thread post
Opening the door itself is stupid, you degenerate fuck.
>Are the tracks for higher foci out there? The ones linked here only go up to 27
up to 27 only, the higher focus needs you to be in person with them
maybe it costs alot equal to it's potential worth so alot of gatekeeping is done due to this
The volume of larping about these largely ineffective 50 year old tapes being dangerous is classic /x/ bullshit,
forget scratch that gatekeeping theory... here's focus 34/35, 42, 49

Focus 34/35:
($2,495.00) https://www.monroeinstitute.org/products/starlines-i
($1,065.00) https://www.monroeinstitute.org/products/starlines-i-virtual-retreat

Focus 42, 49:
($2,495.00) https://www.monroeinstitute.org/products/starlines-ii
($1,065.00) https://www.monroeinstitute.org/products/starlines-ii-virtual-retreat

main goal of these is just retrieving and integrating your past lives and also interacting with other beings from very far away
I already interact with strange beings from far away on this board. Some of them might as well be ayyyyy lmaos given the posts.
Why would this be worth the cost?
If you think they're ineffectual then why do you care if the thread gets shitted up with conspiracy posts?
Do you guys think it can work even if I’m currently addicted to weed? Considering weeds dream inhibiting qualities, I was wondering if it’s even worthwhile to try before I quit? Any stoners had succes?
Hemisync was developed independently from the CIA I believe. The CIA contacted Hemisync foundation regarding the tapes, so I doubt their involvment in its creation. It could be tho, who the fuck knows.
The lies don’t help anyone. Especially when these larpers haven’t even listened to them and make up shit. That’s why. It just lowers quality. There’s no need to make up total bullshit.
>There’s no need to make up total bullshit.
I mean it's psychic soundwaves that have a muddled historical association with the CIA, I can't really fault the conspiracy theorists for thinking it's potentially dangerous. On the surface it sounds suspicious as fuck.
The issue there is muddled. Which means nothing really. What it would come down to in reality is whether one of two things can somehow cause GREAT EVIL (spooky) as that’s all this thing is.
One of them is some old guy telling you some words. I’m not seeing anything deeply psychologically dangerous there.
The other is whether two different tones played together can somehow warp your mind. Again I’m not personally seeing it. I think at best they might help you relax and enter a trance state but I expect that’s unrealistic in most cases. Doesn’t work for me but I think that’s all there likely is to this.
So either investigate the actual tapes (I actually did put them through a sonic visualiser to see if the binaural was there) or work on rumour and hard larping.
Is it too much to ask for a paranormal board to actually investigate the paranormal now and again?
I posted this in the LOA thread but I need some guidance.

Anons, how the fuck do I get over my breathing issues during Focus 10? I get nice and deep but then my body forgets to breathe and then I have to manually breathe which takes me out of my concentration. As a result I have not moved on from Focus 10 as my physical body keeps taking me out of it.

I usually do Focus 10 on my couch, head up and it allows me to stay present as I go through the motions while I sleep facedown.
Holy fuck kill yourself
Glowies hate it, they claim ownership of it.
Sadly their efforts are quite successful, simply having a doubt while listening removes much of the positive effects.
What's the difference?
Converting to the wrong formats fucks up hemisync. You can't just upload that shit to youtube.
My experience with these was cool.
Started them very unreligiously like last year. Maybe did them a few times over the course of 2023. Then in November started doing them again a little more often (speaking 2x a week maybe) for Focus 10.

Alwyas clicked out (if you don't know what this is, google "clicking out monroe institute) during it.
Had a bit of a phase where I started just lying down and relaxing and somehow managed to achieve regular focus 10 without them. We're talking like April this year by now.
Eventually in May I started playing around with Focus 12 quite a bit more, had 1 or 2 weeks in June where I used this state quite often. Pretty cool, but never made much of it.

I tried entering Focus 15 a whole bunch of times, always failed. Haven't touched the tapes in like a month now, minus one "problem solving" tape I think.

Keep in mind I entirely skipped like 90% of this and only did the first tape, Intro to Focus 10, the REBAL one (like once). Then Focus 12, Advanced Focus 12, and problem solving.
In short, absolutely ZERO structure in it lmao really sporadic, but they helped a lot with my development when it comes to meditating and shit. Might be the only reason I can now enter actual SATS (still have to do them at night because I'm a lazy piece of shit who isn't home before midnight anyways)
I'm >>38383465. I had the same exact issue you had, if not with my breath with my eyelids doing stupid shit and sometimes opening, or my heartbeat.

What you resist persists, so, really, all you can do is acknowledge it and then shift your attention back to the focus 12 tape or saying words continuously into your head.
You can also place your breathing (alongside your entire physical matter) into your energy conversion box. Yes, they'll still be there (if you believe them to be!) but you probably won't be bothered by them as much.

You can also imagine that when your breathing pops back up, each inhale is filling you up with energy for the next task.

Also, practice. The more I did this shit the less breathing bothers me. Before it took me unreal amounts of time to enter the most shallow levels of Focus 10, now in like 15 minutes I automatically get into some pretty deep Focus 12. My breathing doesn't bother me at all.

I suggest you read the gateway tapes guidebook (or whatever it's called, it's a pdf that should be included in the drive folder here I think)
You can download the FLAC from Google Drive so they retain their full quality. Yes, the streaming links are lower quality, but you can download those FLACs from the folder. Includes a fixed version of Five Questions.
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Been doing hemi sync on and off since about 2019.

I always just fall asleep. Any tips?
Stop. You tried.
5 years it is a sleeping aid.
That’s time to stop. You aren’t getting anything else
I had one experience wherein I was able to go OEB.

Honestly though.. Just been really busy, I have had 2 kids in the last 3 years...
Some nigga just told my genitals to relax, let go and sleep.
Seems kinda gay desu
>trying to shortcut the real work in meditation
hemisync is for tards
I used to use it as a sleeping aid until it stopped working and I'd lie there wide awake. Got into actually listening to it and paying attention. What I got was intense dreams and insane body vibrations to the extent that my bed would move more than a foot every night. As I got more serious I started falling asleep again. Haven't done it in a few months.
Hemispheric Synchronization sounds like a shonen anime technique
Tried the Problem Solving tape for 10 days or so, didn't do shit...
Then what is the real work? Can recommend something?
I did the first one and felt like a tickling feeling in my brain and kinda like I could fly around. My wife called me at the end it felt like I was ripped out of the void.
Is this shit safe to do?
Look to your left.
Look to your right.
No, you.
Doesn't hemi sync have some dudes subliminal/affirmations? Do you guys use the actual tapes or make your own?
>I trust CIA documents
lmao based retards
But Anon, ThEy'Re ToTaLlY fRoM tHe MoNrOe InStItUtE aNd NoT iN AnY wAy AlTeReD bEfOrE bEiNg UpLoAdEd tO tHaT rAnDoM's GoOgLe DrIvE.
What was wrong with the Five Questions?

Also I really need to get discipline to keep doing this stuff. I always end up asleep and then give up... But once I did feel like I was leaving my body, like it was falling away, and it freaked me out and I snapped out of the experience.
Have you even read the doc you reference?
Yes anon, Ive seen this shit posted so many fcking times
Then what is the problem with it? It is not exactly terrifying or useful.
Assuming it’s the one I think of it’s simply one guy’s trip report and just regurgitates the advertising literature. It’s not really anything interesting.
But this had nothing to do with the CIA. The Gateway tapes are sold by the Monroe Institute. The Army studied them. The CIA simply declassified the Army's study.
What a bunch of fucking ignoramuses.
Basically this.
That document is such garbage.

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