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Literally everything she has predicted has come true.
She foretold the attempted assassination event this year - and it happened
How is she not gaining more traction? It's wild
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>everything he predicted has come true
>still ignored by most "truth seekers"
who? Why make this thread without telling us what you're talking about?
so whats next, grandma?
Whats her name? i literally forgoted she existed, i cant even remember her name...
alien invasion
baba vanga
Betting on Trump being attacked at some point this year seems like a pretty safe bet. Baba Vanga died in the 90's didn't she?
Isn't that the blind woman who lived in the mountains and said strange beings would visit her house and tell her future shit or something like that?
Where's her prediction about the assassination attempt? For years all i've seen about her is the same list of short predictions from 2010 to the years 5000 or so, and her predictions for 2010 are WW3 and nuclear and chemical warfare, so it starts by being wrong already.
so if we kill this old lady, bad stuff will stop happening?
Baba vanga, a famous bulgarian psychic who allegedly lost her vision but that made her predict the future and what not
She has been dead since 1996
Hmmmm >baba yaga
popped into me head a lil bit ago
>literally anything of smallest importance happens
Shut the fuck up with his slaving cunt,she didn't predict fuck all,stop posting her ugly mug.Its like that one screenshot of that one faggot post "two rods will strike" or whatever,fuck off
>According to Baba Vanga’s predictions, Trump would face a mysterious illness that would leave him deaf and suffering from a brain tumor. While Trump has not experienced these specific health issues, the recent assassination attempt adds a chilling layer to her prophecy about his life being in peril.

So she predicted something that has not happened, and does not ressemble AT ALL what has happened? Fuck, I can do that, if that's all it takes to wow you. I predict OP will not be a fag.
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She has an 85% accuracy rate...so I've read (could be BS)
>bring the country down

She said the golden haired one after the dark skinned one will be the last true American president of the Republic and be the vanguard of a ultra religious American Empire that will one day liberate Europe from Islam.
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What about Vance the hilly Billy
I just googled Baba Vanga 2024 and went to a few sites from the return. It's all out there, her predictions.
Here's one that I saved:
>she predicted a solar storm would hit us in 2023
>solar storm happens in 2024
yeah she's not 100% but close enough to be spooky
She predicted most of Europe will be Muslim by like 2045. Ahead of schedule.
>steel birds
Nobody told this blind retard that there were no planes and thermite bombs and direct energy weapons took down the towers.
Where are the actual predictions? The Ladbible link just links to itself.

It was an attempt on Putin, not Trump.
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> mfw 3000 years too early for alien kino war

Stop making things up.
So, just make sure what she said would happen, doesnt happen. Ezpz
No one ever lists her predictions they just post her pic every couple of years and say she got another one right
no need to be so rude buddy
According to reports, her top four predictions for 2024 are as follows:

1. Putin’s assassination

2. Increase in terrorist attacks in Europe

3. Biological attacks

4. Huge economic crisis
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>jew plan thing
>jew say it to goyim
>its a predictiun
>No one ever lists her predictions they just post her pic every couple of years and say she got another one right

She predicted that would happen.
Actual bulgarian that did some research on the topic here. You can read from Krasimira Stoyanova's (Vanga's niece) book "Vanga: the whole truth", ISBN-13 : 979-8701451153. You can get it free on breakthebook. In that book Vanga says that she sees past, present and future as a single moment. It's an amazing story with so much detail about the 4th dimension, very unfortunate that the translation of the original bulgarian book is of horrible condition. She speaks about seeing different entities even dead relatives. These are Vanga's words from the book:
"Melnik - Here, every blade of grass, every rock, every inch of land is shrine. I come here with pleasure and rest to the fullest. I energize myself with power, energy and inspiration. I sit on a rock and want to remain silent there. Nobody to disturb me. Everything, that surrounds me, speaks to me - event rocks, the ruins, the landslides.. The town explains its story from long forgotten times; I see long dead people, destroyed shrines and homes from thousands of years ago."
Her name comes from the greek Evangelos, which means messenger.

But yeah, no years. If you see a picture of this woman and a year, its fake.
Any questions you may have about her - I wanna answer with the knowledge I've gathered on the topic. Due to the iron curtain lots of 'esoteric' material is locked behind the unfortunate language barrier.
She predicted some stuff but it was distorted and changed by adsense bullshit sites long before you zoomers got your first PC. Googling ANY results of her predictions is pointless now, the sites peddling the "predictions" are of the "banks hate this guy because of this one TRICK" type.

Don't bother with the books either because it's the same type of grift just in print form https://www.goodreads.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&query=baba+vanga

Kek nigger, that's Polish vodka, not a prophet
>How is she not gaining more traction? It's wild
People don't like their worldview to be challenged (except flat earthers, who are addicted to it and delusional).
Couldn't find anything by that name, but it's 3 dollars on kindle
He said he was Jesus
Next time call her BABA VERGA, it carries double meaning and it's hilarious for those that know.
>Would rather pay $3 than investigating how to download a free book.
>Don't bother with the books either
Just that one by Krasimira Stoyanova is needed, cannot vouch for others.

People would go to her with problems such as a sick child, troublesome person or whatever as a last resort. Vanga said that each morning there is a woman, as if on duty, standing next to her in white and blue in all nuances. The person that Vanga is meeting invokes different pictures from their life and the woman next to Vanga says what to relay. When a person goes to Vanga, their passed relatives gather around them, ask questions and answer questions. She uses their voices and shares the information that they have to share with the person.

Vanga healed people with random as fuck medicine like get some grass from the local river and with the water from that river wash the sick a couple of times and whatever sickness would be healed. Another situation - a festering foot - doctors say we have to amputate, Vanga said 'get a frog from where the person got their injuries, skin it and tape the frog skin to the leg." A kid was losing his sight and his parents went to Vanga. She wanted the following, baked from dough 2 eye-lookalikes and 1L of water from home. She recommended the eyes stay 1 night in water and then leave them in branches of a tree that gives no fruit- poplar, willow, etc, and with the water - cleanse the kid's eyes. Kid slowly turned out fine. Her niece says that even random stuff that should not be medicinal after being held or recommended by Vanga, as if they magically acquire some healing properties.

She says she "sees everything there is inside a man, even outside". She's as OP as they come - had wall hacks, could read minds and sees 'possible' futures of people. Possible is in quotes since Vanga belives that life's all predetermined, but she has helped multiple people evade fatal incidents, so I'm not really sure what's going on there, but I support the CTMU which states that life's not predetermined.
Why Eastern Orthodoxy has such scarily accurate clairvoyants?
TLDR she saw God as a beam of light and advises people to love each other and treat the Sun as a God. Past, present and future are all one. Take care of your health, since it's important for your soul. There's difference between your Soul and Consciousness(mind). However, consciousness has priority because the soul communicates with the body through it. Consciousness has a greater "command" relationship: it "informs" the soul, but cannot change it
Baba Yaga is an actual myth from Russia if my memory is correct, if it's a Polish vodka that's where its name comes from
From the information I've gathered, such skills are unlocked mostly from extreme grief, discomfort, pain, etc. During soviet times the eastern block wasn't really in great condition so hunger and financially poor people were a common sight, however the faith in God has remained.

My theory is that the universe is an outlook on your beliefs. Since Vanga lived in the most Soviet time in a country that was more Soviet than the Soviet Union itself at the time, money and status played a huge role in her unconscious, which shaped not only her visions but the 'vibrations' of the people living at that time.

The phenomenon of Vanga is super interesting since you have higher ups, who at the time had more privileges and more resources than the regular folk - still say that they have absolutely no idea what the hell is going on with that woman and the stuff she says could not be explained with 90s science.

In the book a bunch of times electricity is mentioned, as if a current is flowing through her. I believe when engineers and spirituality meet while trying to reverse engineer such clairvoyants, a new category of physics will emerge
People like Irlmaier and Rensburg were more accurate, Rensburg straight up worked with soldiers during battle and led them to victories
Are there ways around the 'rusted curtain'? Its been so many years, brother in the east, and this seems like valuable information when it isnt pedalled for money.

Whats the most interesting thing you'd want to share about her that the english/western cold war world probably doesnt know?
Why do Mediums or whatever that old hag was just predict negative things?
Why is it always old hags from bum fuck nowhere who predict the future? Does all the backwardness and stagnation make them make up fake stories out of thin air?
>Are there ways around the 'rusted curtain'?
I think the only solution is to find locals interested in the topic, since due to the curtain, a lot of folk born before 1990-1995 don't really know english, so most knowledge is 'locked' behind the language barrier. Bulgarian is pretty hard to learn :(

>Whats the most interesting thing you'd want to share about her that the english/western cold war world probably doesnt know?
The whole story is interesting :D a blind woman that during the second world war did not sleep, was 'possessed' by John Chrysostom and spoke the names of people returning from the war.
You have potential medicinal benefits, she explained that the cure for cancer would be 'trapped in iron chains' - she mentions that the iron element in the human organism was decaying. Also another medicinal breakthrough would be found from the hormones of horse, dog and turtle, giving reasons that the horse is strong, dog is durable/resilent and the turtle lives for long years.
She spoke with spirits, those spirits need to 'be' in some realm that we're yet to explore/discover.

This is the common western belief that I'd like changed, she's not some random schizo hag, the broken clock is right some times of the day does not apply here. This person was totally blind and could see and tell people stuff that she had absolutely no way of knowing.
France will probably be the first country to fall to the mohammedan wretches.
Baba means Granny, her name is Vangelija Pandeva Dimitrova
>Biological attacks
Sounds like the bird flu thing that the jewish occultists are rebranding covid into, but seems like they might be using more than just self assembling graphene nanoparticles and military grade scalar radiation weaponry branded as 5G towers and modern wifi devices.

And the shills comes crawling out of the woodwork every single time.

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