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I know everything that is to know. Through my third eye. Ask me anything regarding the spiritual or other important stuff. I am sure I can help you :) And besides, I've read all the gnostic scriptures available online and also the Shiva rahasya Purana the most important text in shaivite Hinduism. And several Mahayana sutras.
Are the passwords in the Books of Jeu still functional in 2024? Is the route out of this dimension they describe still open?
Are we in the age of decay and what happens when the wheel turns?
It's still applicable. However it's not s different dimension but more like a different category of existence. The pleroma and the heavens can be seen through a vision. >>38376053
We are. When the wheel turns extremely great destruction will happen and everyone who is evil will die.
Alright you larper, tell me how to kill people without touching them.
When does the wheel turn and what is the agent or marker that sets it off?
>everyone who is evil will die.
How is evil defined and determined?
That's not possible for any human.>>38376079
The wheel has begun to turn at the trump assassination attempt. >>38376083
By god. It's only perceptible through the third eye who is good and who is evil. Evil people have a black aura, good people have a white or invisible aura.
assassins, gasses, traps.
driving them to suicide if you have time and patience.
That doesn't work most of the time and will reap vengeance from God.
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I have a few questions put in order of importance. Feel free to respond to whatever much or little at your pleasure.

1. I base my morality on universal principles of perfect equity and agape while submitting my whole self to my inner critic. However, no matter how much I look into myself, I cannot figure out why sex or attraction is supposed to be immoral or unclean in any way. I suppose I can understand the Buddha's equating it to simply something that binds one to the material makes sense but so does so many other things that many religions love. I only suspect that most people's understanding of "sex" is so removed from my own that it's simply two different things entirely. In fact, when I see how others approach sex, I do see evil and shame but not in myself. Why do I fail in my understanding?

2. How do I open my third eye? Suppose someone is a good person, spiritually intuitive, well read in philosophy, mysticism, and religion but can't manage to develop a faith beyond intense suspicion.

3. Any recommended spiritual practices or directions to research?

4. Advice for what to do upon death and how to prepare for death?
What is there supposed to be to know? Ask God if he accepts my friendship in earnest.
1 because you are not prayerful enough and still try to act by reason and logic instead of intuition. 2 do the shambhavi mudra. The big step towards third eye activation is this. 3 no, research whatever you want. 4 preparing for death can be done by contemplating it, or prayer or meditation or all of these or some.>>38376366
He does.
Am i a avatar and if so what is the first letter only pls
No, you are not an Avatar. However as many other humans you have an invisible aura which means you are karmically balanced. You also have a somewhat developed third eye.

please give practical, concise instructions (emphasis on practical and concise) on how to achieve self realization and/or a mystical state. no drugs please
Does God have a message for me now?
Don't worry I was not going to mention drugs. You need first be a good person and second hate evil. Third, have faith in something higher. It must be a fundamental thing that has a tradition somewhere. Those three steps are vital. Then, prepare for a lot of spiritual practices: prayer. First and foremost. Anything else is secondary. Prayer actually can open the third eye by itself. You can do other practices too but prayer is number one. And then prepare for a long time of practice and contemplation. You need to read the ancient texts of whatever tradition you have chosen and really internalize and understand them. Nowadays there is no real guru around anymore so you will have to figure it out by yourself. Prayer will elevate you and lead you there. That is it. This will do the trick if you persist for many years.
No. God always speaks if we listen though. The language of silence.
Well you are just false because i got lot more than third eye my heart chakra literally wants to leap out of my chest
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You dont know shit demon witch
That means there is a psychological blockage bro.
What lies in wait for someone after suicide? Is there a noble way to leave this life? This existence?
you don't know shit. Good evening.
>I know everything that is to know.
What clothes am I wearing right now?
Suicide is very bad. There are exceptions but I think suicide leads to the regions below. Yes. Live according to the indwelling voice of god, that tells you right from wrong. Never hurt any person and optimally no living being. Love everyone. Foster spiritual knowledge and wisdom and insight.>>38376625
False. You wear blue underwear.
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Hey OP, what is the color of my aura, if you don't mind taking a look
No it dont bitch i know what it is loosh fag
You are wearing your underwear which is white. And a pajama.>>38376658
Auras don't have colors. It's either white, black, or invisible. Seeing your aura takes some time you would have to describe yourself to me.
You don't. You lack the insight into true meaning and emptiness of form and non-form.
What would you like to know?
What is your spiritual tradition or path, or preferred one that most closely aligns with you.
Was Christian, then drifted a bit, and got into it more last year looking into Gnosticism. Got heavy psychic attack and experienced voices of whom I think were demons when I was praying; whether it was lower astral parasites or something higher ranking pretending to be of the light, im not sure. Now considering looking into Buddhism
You have a good aura. Most likely invisible but if you convert to Buddhism it could turn into white. Both are good but invisible is preferred.
Also I sense you are at the third level of pneumaticism.

how can I make sure I'm praying correctly? I contemplate the sky and try to contemplate the Good and the and transcendence of the divine but I don't know how to proceed.
Thanks. Is the white aura not preferred because it draws too much attention?
Contemplate exact meanings of the scriptures that you read. Any faith that is based on scriptures will be most concentrated in those scriptures to some extent. So read every sentence as if it was the most important thing you ever did, and it is in a sense. And then contemplate the sentence or parable or whatever deeper for like twenty minutes. Repeat until you feel confident to drop that. Prayer can be very free but if you want more elevation through prayer pray in secret and with hands in the air or folded.>>38376789
You're welcome. No, but because white is good karma that isn't helpful and thus like in an exhaust pipe goes out from the spiritual body. The perfect engine doesn't produce any smoke I would say.
>I know everything that is to know
alright, do you know in which region i live?
is my crush my soulmate?
No because I need to gain the knowledge by the will of god, that's what I mean by knowing. Your crush, talk a little about her and yourself and I can find out.
Can you tell me about what someone's choice of underwear says about them?
Hmmm. I think that doesn't fall into the important or spiritual category I outlined in the OP.
It is important :)
Will I experience unconditional love from a female partner?
Will I have a child?
Will I be a good dad?
Sorry for the multiple questions.
Um okay. Boxershorts: open and extroverted. Smaller underwear: focused on his goals.
How close am I to using non-linear time.
The spark not the "you already" are/have been/will be.
No issue bro. I don't want to define your future just based on my intuition because then it could change your future. But, to experience unconditional love we must let go of strong attachments to love. We must find something to do other than think about love.. then it will or may come.
Do I die? Is that my role? Or am I missing something...
Time can only be traveled by a Buddha or higher developed sage. (Not only by Buddhist Buddhas however)
Oh so it's a no for all the questions then. damn.
Opposite genders underwear?
We all die one day. Death is not the end.
Are you the same person, and also OP?
If so, total larp confirmed.
Of course it's possible to kill people through paranormal means- are you serious?
Also, who said i'm human?
What is an avatar?
Sorry don't know what kind of underwear women use.>>38377006
Well remaining on your own and semen retention can do a lot of good work. Try that maybe you'll get a wife.
Yeah but that is not my question. I'm talking about my present intuition about my death.
final larper test, can you guess my shirt's color?
>talk a little about her and yourself
we're both an introvert, but the difference is that i'm a sperg.
I am not >>38376117
I am OP. Okay well no it isn't possible. I thought you meant by using your mind which isn't possible you would have to use dark magic but you're a doubter who doesn't trust my word anyways so who cares. This thread is not for you. >>38377019
An Avatar is an incarnation of someone else while that person still exists.
Oh I suspected that. Hm. Do you really want to know whether you're going to die? Take it easy bro. I can't tell or know that. Forbidden knowledge is beyond my reach.>>38377043
I can't, because you already know that information. The knowledge in your mind blocks my own ability to know it. Yellow, bright blue?
No chances of being her soulmate.
What am I?
Thank you for your response. Sorry for the steam of questions (ignore anything to your will). I think I rely on reason because of how little intuition helped me early on and how it causes others to be fooled. Maybe I should just accept being a fool? Was I born wrong in some way? If you would, could you offer me any further advice and, if it's to my benefit, would you be able say anything to assuage or confirm any fears I have about myself? Did I make the right/moral choice by denying myself my authentic material ambitions as a teen and choosing to live like an bitter ghost? What is your personal opinion of myself? I just want to know what or who I truly am.
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what was the nature of the geomagnetic storm that occurred this year pertaining to the 'son of man'?
>Forbidden knowledge
Ok I understand. But if I may ask why is it forbidden? What's different about looking into death than anything else? I'll admit my question comes from despair, I know I should have the power to shape the story ahead of me, but at the same time I get the feeling (since Orange Man was shot at) that certain things just have to happen in certain ways and it scares me. Sorry for the long post.
You are a beginner.
Yes, become a fool. Drop all reasoning it doesn't lead anywhere spiritually. I think you are too rational right now but you have much much potential. A clear mental focus, a mind full of love. That is one of the best things man can have but! You need to focus on abhorring evil some more to truly begin progressing further on your journey. I hope you take my advice to heart without reasoning, out of pure love.
I can't just know stuff that a lot of people know, their knowledge blocks my ability. But if you describe some things about this I can discern clearly and tell you the truth.>>38377105
Because it can change the karmic framework of a person's life and death is a big thing. Don't worry man. Whatever happens it is always permitted or willed by god.
>Because it can change the karmic framework of a person's life and death is a big thing
Makes sense.
>Don't worry man. Whatever happens it is always permitted or willed by god.
Yeah that's what I don't like, it's not about death itself, I just don't like to believe it's out of my hands. There are things that -I- want, if there's something that makes me see red in this world is anyone -willing- anything upon me.
But ANYWAY, thanks for your insights anon.
You're welcome.
Also, for the other anon, if you hold your hands up that will give you spiritual energy from the entire upper half of the universe so do that sometimes if you want these benefits.
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Does my ex still miss me?
I know, i know, but its actually very important to both our spiritual lives. More so hers
I don't know things that are known by others unless you describe them to me. This quick question is hard to answer without further explanation.
Maybe talk about how you broke up or something like that. Some more detail for further clarification, then I can answer honestly.
you know nothing. as you were.
Yeah i got really angry at her over some stupid shit, i smoked some pot thinking it would mellow me out, i was wrong, so i just texted her some even stupider shit that wasnt even why i was angry at her. And she just blocked me and we stopped seeing eachother
She absolutely does not miss you.
No, YOU know nothing. Therefore have not the ability to judge whether I know something or nothing.
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>I know everything that is to know.
This is not possible, as knowing all there is to know implies knowing all things, including the entropic noise of which the concept of information lies as defined within collective consciousness. To know all, then, is to know nothing. It is impossible to *know* that you know everything, as to know the proportion of what you do know, to what is asked of you, would imply you know the proportion of what you do not know.

So anon, DO you know what you don't know? Your mind is structured by a finite amount of neurons. This is a dynamical system, subject to the same constraints as any other. You, me, everything that can perform calculations or do some form of reasoning, has an incompleteness. A halting problem. To have a "personality", or to be a sentient, thinking entity, your mind must be finite. What is intelligence? It's the ability to "process" information. What is "information" other than random noise we deem useful? Seriously, think about it. Information wouldn't exist without a brain to call it information. It's the "tree falls in the woods and nobody around to hear it" problem. To extract information from our sensory interface with the world around us, we must be able to filter out the useless information. Is that what you know? like, 0.1% useful facts and 99.9% /dev/urandom?
Silence! I will not talk with a doubter.
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How close am I to achieving enlightnment? I've had several strange encounters after meditation including a profound sense of peace and came out with "everything will be ok if you accept things as they are, life is a series of happenings and consequences flow from any action or inaction. This it is up to oneself to accept it or not, though not accepting things causes suffering"

I am however unable to achieve this profound peace consistently. It's quite difficult or maybe I should say it's actually very easy but quite hard for the ego to allow it to happen.

I also had this really strange experience on mushrooms and meditation where I was turned into some light body and this many eyes being was firing "light" from its eyes and it said "Do not be afraid, I am fixing you" though I can't precisely place a qualitative change here there have been many smaller improvements in my thoughts and character that has been extremely positive

2. Is my third eye open and if not what am I missing

3.) what am I missing on general?

4. I've also utilized the gateway experience material and it fascinates and terrifies me. What do you think about it?
You are literally just https://libraryofbabel.info/. You know "everything", but, so what? Charlatanism I say.
- Sincerely, I wish you the best and safe travels, love, anon.
1) far. You are still a beginner and illegal drug use will only further move that goal away. I've had a sense of inner peace too ages ago and I'm still not enlightened.
2) it's not open yet, you are not praying enough possibly.
3) possibly that taking drugs illegally is wrong, and that the natural way is hard and difficult and you need to be grounded in facts of life and reality before you can progress further.
4) don't know what that is.
At this point yes. But not years ago.
You don't stick your arm out of a river
(Or into a river) that creates ripples.
You go below the river.
You go below the water.
You are.
You can push a balloon from both sides.
The trick is doing that and touching yourself from both sides. Pushing in and pushing out with the balloon hopefully not popping.
Why is taking mushrooms wrong? Wherefore does that morality come from? Is it the breaking of a law? How is that immoral exactly?
I'm op I'm sleeping now pls wait till later when I
I wake up if you want more answers. see you.
The law is set up so that we must obey. No obedience means most of the time no grace. See ya
European art dog whistle.

Fuck off poltard.
If you think morality comes from law and that blind obedience is morality you are a base larper. There are so many unjust and evil laws and things that are permitted by the law etcetera it's not even worth getting into the discussion if you are that poorly versed. Obedience? That's your morality that leads to grace? You might as well tell people to find their most local church and stay there and never think the rest of their life. That's save more time in this thread.
>I am an attention seeking whore
>please give me attention I beg of you
How do I make my lucid dreams last longer? I want to dilate time whike lucid so I can stay in that state for extended periods. Also how can I remain lucid whike doing sexual stuff with dream girls? That's hard for me to maintain without losing dream control and waking up.
Hey there OP.
Are you capable of seeing my aura?
If yes, would you be willing to tell me what it's like in as much detail as possible?
Also, does a way of being able to tell a spiritual "power level" exist?
How much would you rate mine?
Thanks in advance :D
>The wheel has begun to turn at the trump assassination attempt.
fuck off retard
how do I scry?
What should i do to evolve spiritually? I feel stuck but close to something big, a relevation/satori if my intuition doesnt fault me but im unsure
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Jesus taught the plebs magic and he will pay for it for all time like Prometheus. Jesus is Prometheus. And now the power is ours. What do we do with it?
hi. do you have contact with God (from the Bible)? i think He's angry at me, but i cant tell. i keep disappointing Him. i dont want Him to leave me
To be honest I don't know much about lucid dreaming. But working with the pineal gland is vital. Try to research how to strengthen the pineal gland.>>38378628
Hey. Just tell me what spiritual path you follow, and then I can tell you these things.>>38381244
Sorry don't know.>>38381309
Try to focus on strength and willpower. Willpower is much needed to achieve satori. I think attachment to satori is a hindrance. Abandon it through more meditation. Good luck you have much potential.>>38381332
Achieve ultimate knowledge.>>38381370
Yes i have a deep connection with the Lord. You must focus on hating evil. You seem to not hate evil and hating evil is the fear of the Lord. Good luck.
>I know everything that is to know
>Sorry don't know.
so which one is it, goyim?
God has not revealed it to me.
Interesting that you noticed it. Haha.
I'm a doubter? Because i reject a categorically false claim? You know absolutely nothing and this thread is an exercise in mental masturbation, as all of us expected. You've told others to hate evil as a precondition of development. Are you dense? What about the left hand path? What about the middle path. You're worse than most larpers.
Unreal levels of delusion. Make a blog, nigger.
Clear doubter. You have no love for good or hatred for evil. You are spiritually worthless.
>You are wearing your underwear which is white. And a pajama
Bzzzzt, wrong answer. I was wearing daytime clothes
What even is my destiny
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what should i do in situation in which i am now?
>You have no love for good or hatred for evil. You are spiritually worthless.
Deeming someone else spiritually worthless while still viewing existence through the lens of good and evil...
Please sort yourself out mate.
how do I awaken spiritual powers?
I want to finish the work and proceed with my life
good morning anon. i think i do hate evil, but i'm too sensitive and i get too upset when i realize im letting hate into my heart. just last night i read something here about people "enslaving demons" through the power of God, and my first thought was "i wouldnt do that, i would feel sad for them". is that what you mean by focusing on hating evil? do i have to hate demons? or is this more about hating the evil of humankind?
We form our own destiny. Enlightenment is the greatest goal.>>38382951
Describe it and I can tell you.
You need to be full of spiritual zeal. And meditation, and other practices will lead you there then.
Yes, hating the evil of humankind is important.
Do tarot cards channel evil entities? How do tarot cards work?
Tarot cards.. hmm.. I'm not sure but it is possible. Don't know exactly how they work. Either evil entities or they channel the fate energy that is present in the universe. Probably the second thing not the first but can't be too sure.
hi. i am this anon
do you have any other advice for me? i'd be really grateful
Hi, OP.
Do you have any messages 4 me
Hmm. If you describe a little how your life looks or what kind of advice you would like then yes.>>38387054
Nothing in particular.
Thank you. Love u anon. Peace and prosperity for you forever and ever
Okay, here goes, I've asked for help in several of these threads, nobody has been able to help so far, but maybe it's the way I've been framing it, so let's go with:
What do I need to do to feel the excitement I used to feel like a kid again? I guess that's it.
One of the worst larpers
Thanks bro. You too.>>38387368
I know that feeling. Try to meditate a lot. Coupled with a deep internalization of truth. Try to become a spiritual poltard like me.
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How do I escape Samsara aka the cycle of death and reincarnation???
Meditate, read the Shiva rahasya Purana.
post her feet
Also read the gnostic gospels and pray a lot.
What do you know about the alawite?
>I know everything
prove 0.999...= 1 and 1 != 0.999...
Where do I belong?
How do I become a vampire? I was playing this vampire porn game and now I want to become one
You belong to gnosticism.
You need to be bitten by a vampire and survive for example.
Let me ask a more precise question. How do I get bit by a vampire and survive? What are the steps I need to take to make that scenario likely?
Go to your local freemason temple and say you are a virgin
No idea. America should have a lot of vampires probably the mideast the most. But it's so rare still that you will never get the chance to be bitten and survive even if you do get bitten.
I don't suppose you know anything about traveling to other universes? Like if I had a specific one in mind and wanted to take someone with me? Thank you, and I hope for the best for those here and elsewhere.
Yeah, the biggest issue I can think of is that even if I do somehow get in contact with a vampire, there's no way to guarantee they wouldn't just kill me or thrall me, if that's even a thing. They'd probably have no reason to turn me

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