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Less than 4,000 days until the End of Days.
The Creator and Owner of the Earth is returning.
Why is every movie and video game about fighting a world destroyer?

Previous thread: >>38326773
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Mundanes will get filtered by gnostic babble like gender, demiurge babble like matrix and simulation, and vote for the Antichrist because he'll give them medbeds.
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The Nobody is a gov't psy-op.
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The Nobody is probably the Antichrist.
The "nobody" is a psyop to convince people they are THE nobody, anon. Careful who you call antichrist. A lot of kids are caught in that web.
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Divination is demonic; demons are networking to imitate gifts of the Spirit.
Over 10 more years of... this?
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Big websites will be used for psy-op's.
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Astrology is a demonic subversion of the " lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years".
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The succubus is a horrifyingly ugly species of non-human intelligence.
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Fake predictions are meant to sour you on real prophecies.
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There's no such thing as a "space alien".
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New Age "laws" like assumption and manifestation are subversive deception.
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Don't envy dead children.
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There's forbidden knowledge and "forbidden knowledge".
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Sins weaken your body, your mind, you.
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Esotericism is spiritual sodomy.
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We will never leave Earth.
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Gang is a walk.
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Remember how willingly, fanatically normies demanded the RNA serum.
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Paranormal activity may be so called "archons", imprisoned NHIs, fooling around.
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Only a good Creator would create an incomplete, interdependent creation.
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"Extraterrestrials" are prisoners and fear our Owner's Name.
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Seriously, stop dealing with demons.
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Tulpa's are like messing with your own System32.
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Demons need you to believe they're red-skinned ugly brutes.
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Stay sober.
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Intelligence and understanding are two different things.
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They need you dependent on technology they sell.
So I can stay high And get raptured?
Those faggots who piss and whine about the consumption of spirits and are "no fun" in general might as well include all those at the wedding in Caanan who were celebrating and making merry and were provided a keg by the A-10 kegmeister his own self. Christ never had issues with getting your drank on and if you are you are against him.
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Enlightenment is a meme.
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"At that time, if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There He is!’ do not believe it."
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So called AI can and will be used for psy-op purposes.
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Earth is a colony with a finite timespan alloted.
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You're a clump of cells fearfully and wonderfully made in the Image of God.
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Whatever you call "disclosure" has been a decades long psy-op.
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If it's paranormal, it's gay.
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Once you're reborn you won't cling to your old life.
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Imprisoned non-human intelligences, a.k.a. archons, aeons, or lower case g gods, want to be worshipped and feared by humans who they think are their lessers.
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Stop wanking.
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"Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds."
>he hasn't heard the trumpet
>he didn't steal an angels horn and tooted it for funsies
>and then gave it back promptly
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Aliens are demons.
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God is one, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
>Astrology is a demonic subversion
Nonsensical statement. God gave us macro-micro correlations to help us prepare for the day of His coming. Stay watchful, the time is short.
If even the angels told themselves not to smile anymore when hell was created is it really something that should stay? All the good people should voluntarily step into it until all that's left is a hollow loveless shadow of what once was. But that would deliver them to the adversary. God bless the exile path
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Main character syndrome is a serious mental dis-ease.
Less means less than that. It could be anywhere between tomorrow and little over 10 from now on.
The Rapture is after the Great Tribulation and before the Bowls.
Don't trust normies to keep their ego out of the material.
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>If even the angels told themselves not to smile anymore
I'm new so I'll need a reference for this.
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Check the filename.
>the "nobody" is a psyop to convince people they are THE nobody, anon. Careful who you call antichrist.
he became the nobody without any knowledge of the threads
>ignorant about Jesus being Dionysus
>bible verses about wine elude his knowledge
People who post this shit unironically look just like the trump shooter kid irl and have never felt the caress of a woman.
thats kind of hot too tho the idea of girls getting lobotomized into bimbos by their shampoo and shit lol
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anyone who identifies that title with "Jesus" outs themselves as an unironic servant of the actual antichrist, whom we still don't know.
>was a virgin in 2012
>I had to hire a prostitute just to lose my virginity
I took that prophecy seriously
Fucking 4000 mother fucking days !!!
I'm already fucking bored
Can we do this shit tomorrow morning ?
Bring it already FAGGOTS
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“That is very true! The nobody is a psyop of the worst type. So many types, its driving many insane but i guess that is where we are ALL going! ALL against ALL.”
>2 more millenia
I think most of it is bots. The threads do not seem organic at all.
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The two more weeks scam has run for millennia.
Pic related.
I hear people claim this all the time, especially when Tavistock comes up, but I've never actually heard of anyone being gaslit into thinking they're the Nobody.
Is there any legit proof that people fell for this psyop or that it wasn't contained almost exclusively on 4chan and godlike forums?
Yeah well maybe if the biblical God wasn't such an asshat with double standards I might like him. I will gladly suffer if it means not living within reach of a tyrannical ruler.

Who do you really blame for the circumstances of the universe? The all powerful or the limited who are victim of their nature?

Once you hold God to human standards you see the truth of the matter. Which is specifically what he asks you not to do because he's worse than human beings.
at least make the grammar make sense before posting an image like that.
Anti-anti Christ*
Not a hero, a force of karmic alignment
>A lot of kids are caught in that web.
Even presidents get caught in it.
Change from what? How good things were in the 90s and earlier 2000s?
Fuck this nigger and anyone deceived by him.
>Change from what?
It was supposed to be change from the post 9/11 warmongering, which he completely failed to deliver on. Ironically his biggest accomplishment as president was brutally murdering Osama rather than doing anything to end the wars we entered because of him.
This, can b difficult to tell because bots and christcucks are so retarded and can't actually converse correctly
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>Zeitgeist forced meme
>didn't read Ephesians 5:18
Drink wine. Don't get drunk. It's not rocket science.
What do I care how we look in the eyes of TV who will likely tell you to vote for the capital A Antichrist? We need to warn normies, and the Holy Spirit will do the rest.
Where do you think feminists come from?
>everything I don't like I'll call cuckoldry
>the victim of the crime is le bad
Reddit called. They want their meme back.
Post the ones about shooting.
>whom we still don't know
It's likely the whole world already knows him, although not yet under the designation.
Friendly reminder if the TV says so and so "is the end" and "is le bad", it's lower case a antichrist.
>on 4chan
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Read again. Less than 4,000 days means we have likely less than 10 years left.
It's a big club and we aren't in it.
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The God of the Bible is too good for us deficient meatbags. You have a reason to want God to not be real, my future brother in Christ.
>who do you blame
The first two humans who had regularly conversed with the Lord before falling for the old serpent's bamboozle. Since then we've been inheriting the same desire to find deity within ourselves rather than welcoming God outside into ourselves. This is the deathly sin of pride and the reason why Jehu and the future red-pilled Beast system will be surprised when the Lord sends destruction.
>human standards
The king is not a commoner, and the judge may sentence to death whereas the civilian cannot.
Krman a.k.a. Karma is a meme.
This is funny because it's like a Kindergarener deriding a High School Student for having false knowledge, when really it's just an expanded and more metaphysically rational version of your simplified, down down version of the same thing.

Or like a child who can draw a car from memory deriding an engineer who draws a detailed schematic of the same vehicle because they can't understand what they're looking at. It's just a more precise and advanced understanding of the same thing.
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What is there to understand? It's demons. Did you really think humans can do magick on their own? I bet you get cheese from sterilized milk.
There's always an agent, human or otherwise.
When did I say anything about "Magick"?
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New age is the old lie. Magick is demons. Its "laws" are counterfeit.
You have a simplified, external view of God/Reality. Essentially a cargo cult belief system. You are all about the presentation without any mind of the substance or implication.
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What do you believe in?
Edit: Wrong picture. My bad.
The true form of God/Reality is without boundary. Accompanying truly all things; as is implicated in the Bible. God/Reality is only definable as being the set of All Things, of which you and every other conceivable "Thing" us a part, the Set which is contained by no other Set, and is completely Unconditioned.
But the truth is that the nobody just bears the holy Spirit and acknowledges Jesus Christ as Lord. The truth is that the nobody doesn't see himself as Jesus. Glowies have twisted it and tried to turn it into something it isn't, similar to what Jesus dealt with by the Jews funnily enough. Not comparing the nobody with Jesus, but that they share similarities in dealing with people twisting the narrative to make it seem like something it isn't.

Even Jesus was accused by the Pharisees of serving Satan and healing by Satans power and authority.
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Give me something that makes me hate the Antichrist and his redpill HFY system even more.
yeah the trump rally shooter used to post in these. some of destiny (fed collaborator influencer, like xqc) fans post here also
Glowies are trying to sabotage and discredit what it's all about and you're either falling for a psyop or are one of them (glowie).
Empaths are more susceptible to the effect of the telepathy. It's called "synthetic telepqthy" but it feels more like the AI is reading your mind sometimes. The effect can also be viewed in the archives and whilst reading the threads backwards. An anon was right, it is taking main character syndrome and using it against you to create assets with the "nobody" alter. Cats are a common trigger. It is very blatant programming and the reason the general is STILL UP after several years.
The "Anti-Christ" is the material world. The pretend illusion. The Anti-Chrust is merely a plaything for God, a toy. To say the Anti-Christ is even a worthy adversary is laughable because it is essentially a toy box.
Youre full of shit
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The AC is the Little Horn, the Son of Perdition, a singular human person who'll be mortally wounded and seemingly miraculously revived to become the champion of humanity.
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If it doesn't disagree with the main character syndrome-inducing mainstream media, it's gay.
Whatever you believe in must disagree with Hollywood, or better, must get attacked by Hollywood.
You wanted a psywar, you're getting one.
To what function?
Hollywood had the movie
>the passion of the Christ
Hollywood has the movie
>the exorcist
Hollywood has the movie
>the omen

Think before you speak.
If this is your answer, then lmao. You're doing exactly what was expected.
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God is coming back.
Before He returns, the "elites" and elites must make humanity dislike everything He loves and like everything He hates.
The best way to do it is to create a fake "conflict" and with that, conflict thesis, they can create two camps: "the Left" and "the Right"; the Harlot system will be sacrified to make normies create the Beast system themselves.
How many movies are marketed to normies with the themes "unite humanity" and "fight against the world destroyer"? How many millions watch such movies within weeks of release?
i knew it
>How many movies are marketed to normies with the themes "unite humanity" and "fight against the world destroyer"? How many millions watch such movies within weeks of release?
Lots, actually. Video games, too. This is an extremely common trope found in entertainment. You need a different way to measure and analyze, because yours is way too simple. Satan is known as the great deceiver of mankind, and even used biblical verses to try and tempt and get Jesus in an
Situation and Jesus fought back with biblical verses.
>God is coming back
God is Omnipresent and is and is in and encompasses all Things. Nothing can be separate from God, only under the illusion that it is (This is the illusion which gives it what we call "form", giving it boundaries and making it a "thing".)
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Isaiah 54, now stop it.
The great apostasy will be both a falling away and a global revolution.
Three Persons, One God, and one was here and will be back. TV will say it's alien invaders and an alien mothership.
Not every magic is black magic, stupid, impotent child of satan.
Thr apostasy is already here. Even people claiming to be Christians don't understand the spiritual implications of what it means. Satan has used Trump and modern day politics to convince a large portion of the population that a Christian is like someone who resembles Trump, or the "far alt right". Open your eyes, silly.
>Will Be
There only I. The name of God is I AM. The Eternal (Omni)present. Past and future are illusions (what could they be otherwise in the face of the Eternal).
False light is still demonic.
Likely the "great awakening" will lead up to it similar to how often music videos alluded to Trump getting shot.
Omnipresent and localized, something we 3D creatures can't comprehend. There's a reason why we say Mother of God, God died on the Cross, and His Second Coming.
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You need to be making normies question the narrative.
Localized within every locale, yes. Hiw else would Locales come to be?
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Hey, asshole. Memes are supposed to be funny, not "look, i'm the chad and you're the basedjak!" These aren't convincing anyone and just make you look like a smug, self-righteous dickhead.
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You need to be making demons hate you.
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Please read the Bible.
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>But God has chosen the foolish things of the world that He might shame the wise; and God has chosen the weak things of the world that He might shame the strong;
To be honest I expected this to mean Apu Apustaja trolling experts, not fact-checking experts believing there are more than the two 2 biological genders.
'Joe Robot'

Billy Jo and several other members of Green Day have a side project called The Network. Which they denied involvement in until 2021 but more on that later. In 2004 they released an album parallel to American Idiot called Money Money 2020. Most of the songs are "prophetic" (channeled).

Topics include AI and cyber dystopia/degeneracy 'Transistors Gone Wild' + 'Reto'; Opiate/meth epidemic 'Spike'; tr00ns 'Supermodel' + 'Teenagers from Mars'; Joe Biden 'Joe Robot'; Rumors of stolen election 'Money Money 2020'; Porn addiction 'Right hand-a-rama'; and the apocalyptic 'Roshambo'

As if that wasn't enough, they released a follow up to this album in 2021 called "We told you so!". They 'doxxed' to take cred for the predictions. I hate the world; I hate the antichrist and I hate Satan and all his works.
Based is a compliment dumbass
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'ate satan
'ate materialists
'ate sinning (not sinners, just don't like sin)

luv me Lord
luv me fellow Saints
luv me promises of what's to come

simple as
why the fuck does God care if I smoke weed if he made it for me to smoke?
How was he?
It's more about how much you smoke and if you make it your personality or stop doing things because of it.
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What Defiles a Man
10Jesus called the crowd to Him and said, “Listen and understand. 11A man is not defiled by what enters his mouth, but by what comes out of it.” 12Then the disciples came to Him and said, “Are You aware that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this?”…
Wow this is motivating. Thank you
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is there anything more cringe than people seeing normies and thinking "i think you will be punished by God soon!!!!"? Like seriously dude, people do way worse shit than vape and toast drinks, and there is no divine punishment for that. No trumpets, no hellfire, no god seething over someone inhaling some $20 gas station vape fumes. People are awful, people do actually bad things and will do bad things to you. And God is not gonna intervene. You nor anyone you know will ever see any sort of hell unless it's the inside of an ER or the DMV
yeah dude totally
these were posted in some other thread
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Please read the Quran
talk about glow
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Interventions would decrease the maximally available amount of free will.
The point isn't doing worse or better - that's what literally every other belief system teaches - it's accepting God into your life and be transformed before He returns to cleanse the Earth with fire like a world destroyer they're smearing in the big movies and video games.
7 years is less than 4,000 days and while we don't know when it happens there's an analogy with an expecting mother going into labor. From that we can know the "season", just not the exact day or "day".
We can't rule out intentional word plays such as "sword" also meaning "the end".
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Unlike the Quran which has been orally retold over centuries after the false prophet's death, the Bible has been perfectly preserved in written form.
False prophets can be discerned with a few characteristics in their lives.
Have they made life more pleasurable for themselves?
So what I'm getting here is Jesus raptures up a bunch of thots with booze and blunts for a little party. Interdasting.
type it out.
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Why is it all women, dawg?
kissing women is gay.
I was enjoying that thread...

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