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I don't go on /x/ often so I'm not sure if you guys do threads like this but can we have a thread where we share the creepiest/scariest images and videos we can find? Natural or supernatural, normal or paranormal, real or fake.
This first one is one of my favourites and there's pretty much no backstory or explanation on it except for this short bit: https://imgur.com/gallery/seriously-creepy-pic-of-ghost-scary-fucker-with-axe-must-read-AEPTUof
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Is this AI? never knew there was a video of this picture.
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My favourite Goya painting
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I've played around with making my own creepy images using bing's AI image generator and personally I think they're pretty good.
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it is that shitty AI gimmick where you animate a picture.
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Even made one based on >>38377398
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We need one based on Rippen
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Hope you guys don't mind that I'm spamming these, just a few more
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I think some of them are pretty cool.
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Thanks, it took a while to figure out how to make the AI create what I was picturing in my head because if you just type "creepy monster" you'll get a literal cartoon image of a bedsheet ghost so you have to get very very descriptive. The prompts for each of these images basically takes up the entire input limit.
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This one is probably my favourite.
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Last one
Yeah AI prompting seems like super easy when you first get into it BUT if you wanna do exactly what you wanna do then you must do a whole lot more.
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From the short horror film Portrait of God on youtube, it's bretty good.
Semi-related but I want to bump the thread with something.
This is a playlist of YouTube creepy vids i've found over the years. Some straight up break YT content rules but have so few views they haven't been detected yet. I'm talking about things like nudity and showing footage of corpses.
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mr skeletal looking fly as hell
I shouldn't put my dick in there.
This got me kek
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unironically, this is one of THE most amazing AI vids i've ever seen. i've watched it on loop like probably 100s times by now, each single time i spot something new. this one never gets old. there's megatons to unpack here.

have a pic of some brazilian green thing.
meanwhile i'm just gonna watch this basement mickey 100 times more and find new details. it never gets old.
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(death music)
the fuck is that
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whenever i got the spooks real bad, i'd hide in the dark where the spooksters can't hide me. especially if i remain absolutely silent. this one time i was on hella sativa, and i was like "man i don't feel anything, everything's normal". then i watched a face reveal vid of a youtuber who typically uses stock animations, one i really really enjoy. (that bad writing advice guy). the face reveal vid had weird red lighting, and i was like AAAAUUUUGHHH IT'S A DEMON!!!!111
so i turned off my computer and all the lights and hid because i had hella major spooks man.
sometimes i still ponder that. it was so odd. i aint never gotten the spooks quite like that. well. maybe a couple times.
1. when i saw a demographics vid abt muslims in germany and i was so upset i didnt eat for over a week. probably couldn't sleep either, was just in horror shock.
2. i saw a legit actual demonic "person" through a window once and flipped out and was like AAAAUUUUUGGGHHH IT'S THE ACTUAL REAL DEVIL. this is someone i'm familiar with, too. i jumped & screamed.

anyway, Farside sure has a lot of intentional caption mixups.
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i heard of sea cucumbers "spitting up their guts" but i never ever seen it IRL. and i went to sea critter petting zoos as a child, where you'd reach into the tasty delicious saltwater tank and touch the echinoderms.
btw i always thought it was funny that sea cucumbers which were always squishy and sometimes had fake spikes (soft), were called the same thing as prickly hard starfish, brittle stars (they break themselves), urchins, etc. guess they're the odd ones out.
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>scary image threads are just gonna get flooded with ai shit from now on
i aint hovering over anything that ends in .gif
no fucking way
AI is one of the newest worst things to have ever happened to the internet
>AI sucks
>nico is a snakeoid
>snakeoids are AI irl
>although there are many, many, MANY more irl AI "people".
>it never ends.
I hate ai
He ate my FUCKING FLASHLIGHT while it was ON AGAIN
your mom's vagina
that one just feels like i got caught by the security guard while roaming inside the disused industrial facilities at night
one motherfucker did this at the fair in town. He leaned back too far and rippen through that canvas ceiling above him. I guess it fling him about a block away before he landed in somebody's yard.
They still use the same machine, but there's a huge duct tapped patch over one of those triangles in the ceiling.
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Finally a thread to lurk before falling asleep, why the fuck do I do this.
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I remember my first trip on shrooms I didn't really have a plan so I just ended up on twitch and listening to some random streamer talk (I'm retarded if you can't read between the lines) and as I'm dozing in and out of reality like a fucking vegetable trying to obtain enlighten I get glimpses of this goofball talking to his chat in the most vapid ways that gets my blood boiling, fuck you Hera, you're a obnoxious, boring, post-ironic materialistic cattlenigger, and your monotone background babble almost made me break my laptop.
This doesn't work anymore I think, but some years back it used to redirect you to a cursed video akin to user 666.
It was not an easter egg, it was actually an exploit by a channel that got fixed.

The 1st 666 got reinstated though.
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That is terrifying
is this reel?

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