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I know Esoteric Kekism is mostly a meme but i do find it interesting as a practice, i know Kek as a deity has it's bases on egyptian practice and mythology and i wondered if a more practical aproach to Esoteric Kekism is similar to your standard Egyptian Pantheon practices with altars and such.

I am also aware that the promotion of Kek as a deity here might be a psyop by Freemasons to get you to worship an egyptian frog deity, not only is the frog god a card in the illuminati card game, frogs are also the unclean spirits of revelation, and the demon Baal also has the form of a frog, so it may be hidden Baal worship...

I also know about the meme book series by Saint Obamas Momjeans (yes i know, pretty funny) on Esoteric Kekism, i've checked his books and they are very informative but very badly put together, with fonts and images all over the place, i wonder if anyone has a more coherent grimoire/book on this current of magic.

Considering how Kek is the god of darkness (and chaos possibly?) is Esoteric Kekism ultimately just Chaos Magick? Discuss...
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You should listen to this mate:


He is an esoteric memetic magician and basically reveals the secrets of the universe for all to hear.
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Checked Trips, as for that info, i've skimmed through the video and the channel and a lot of his info seems to be mixed with wrong info, still interesting nonetheless
Just evoke Kek and talk to him yourself.

If you're incapable of doing that then you need to spend more time meditating before you start seriously engaging in spirituality.
Can one use drugs to cheat their way into evoking him or is that bullshit?
Well, technically yes. But each drug has its own elemental spirits attached to it which will influence your experience and may throw you unto a completely unrelated wormhole depending on the circumstance. And it's just not feasible to use drugs as your main avenue of communication if you actually want to form some sort of lasting connection to this deity.

Drugs can be useful for one-time major workings that require a huge shift in perspective but if you're just using them as a crutch to avoid meditating you're probably just going to become a junkie.
>Drugs can be useful for one-time major workings that require a huge shift in perspective but if you're just using them as a crutch to avoid meditating you're probably just going to become a junkie.
Sounds legit, thanks.
What kind of meditation is best for evoking deities? Does it vary from deity to deity?
Start with the meditations from Initiation Into Hermetics to develop basic reliable visualization skills, then move onto active imagination type scrying meditations for interacting with spirit beings. IIH has a 'mind reading' perspective-shifting meditation exercise that should help.
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How does one evoke Kek? Any specific ritual? As for visualization i'm already aware of it.
Would evoking Kek be similar to the offering rituals of Heqet as performed by Seti I at Abydos with the Book Of The Dead chapter formulas and specific amulets?
I am kek
Digits say otherwise

How valid? It got Donald Trump elected, despite MSM full force pushing back against it. I refuse to elaborate further, I remember. This is what happens when ancient fags don't drop past info and save it for the end or some bullshit. I've been dropping everything I can after I stopped lurking. Maybe others remember too, KEK was unstoppable. I will stop talking now.
>It got Donald Trump elected, despite MSM full force pushing back against it.
I was there and I always had a suspicion that the meme wars were astroturfed, but maybe I'm biased.
Pepe getting turned from a symbol for feels and other gay shit into some smug political thing was surreal and felt like the kind of decision an outsider with secondhand knowledge of the site would've come up with.
>ancient fag
Nigga what? Moot had been gone for years before the meme wars, they don't count as ancient.
at least I discovered this place on my own. NWO

Kek is probably the most powerful force I've worked with. I have a very special relationship with Kek. People are forgetting and a new generation of 4Chaners is replacing the 2012-2016 generation of EightChaners and 4Chaners. But I and a few of us remember the power of Kek.

Even in 2012-2016 a lot of people didn't really believe in the power of Kek, but those he chose or those who chose him are few but can be quite dedicated even now.

I have had success just praying to Kek.
Isn't that just digital chaos magick? 4chan didn't invent that btw.
Checked, also i'm aware of the meme magick lore, i was there when it happened to.
But heed what i said on my OP about it being possible Baal worship created by masons as a PsyOp. This type of mitigation of egyptian gods and magic is their exact type of thing.

Kek is a deity. Chaos magick is a technique/magical philosophy. They are different but they can mix.

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