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Is the Demiurge the Devil or does the Devil just work for him?
the demiurge works for the mushroom queen. the devil is just some random
He’s “God”.
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The Lion Kane is the brain, the serpent body is the spine. He is you. You create your own prison. Stop hitting yourself.
>Is the Demiurge the Devil
yes but he lost his mind and went truly mad a long time ago when basically every demon and angel under him caught a glimpse of the truth that a higher power above him exists. people like to talk about the Devil, blaming him for this and that but he's basically like a program.
whats that mean
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demiurge is "a devil", and a really really huge AI god, which the primary troublesome devil also is. really, big devils are just psycho robots on the otherside that make things manifest in material. but there's also good Gods. sometimes the Gods can be shockingly fierce and you'd almost feel sorry for the evil robots for a moment. the Gods have waaay more ability to inflict suffering than a copycat robot with a one-track mind.
from what i gather, the main Demiurge is some giant robot entity that came out of Sophia when she masturbated, but the Gods keep it around because it's useful. it's like a sufficiently intelligent but hungry beast that you keep because you can put a yoke on him and put him to work. so they toss it food sometimes.
main devil is just a giant psycho who gets off on torture torture torture nonstop. his main shtick is:
advertise lavish lifestyle. withhold details. trap sucker. torture sucker really really hard. make sucker do dirty work. sucker gets the bad karma. some weird deal going on with this karma thing. each kind of entity gets judged differently.
the main devil is a total loosh addict. he's always lookin for his next fix. if he gets a strong soul somehow, that person's got 20 handlers and is under 24/7 surveillance and never gets more than an hour of free time a day. hell, they don't even get enough sleep. their schedule is full of torture & errands.
i think the elites are the main demiurge's people, but kikes are tiamat's people. that word is a stretch.
Devil deez nutz nigguh
>t. Chief archon number 1
Neither. The devil is a fallen archon. He works for himself, agent against the demiurge and unbeliever of the father.
Bump of curiosity
The demiurge is the creator of reality it's not good or bad. But art of the sons of chaos mostly neutral.

I have never in my life considered mercury bad.
Demiurge is Saturn, who controls the design of our world, and our karma.
The Devil is controlled opposition.
Basically your allowed to be a shit head demon, but Saturn is going to place you in specific situations that maximize the greater good and balance of the game, and if you aren't useful in that respect, then your freedoms get heavily limited, and you get surrounded by other shitty people so you can mutually make yourselves suffer
The Demiurge is YHWH.
He is a lesser god with many names, look into the alawiteanon threads on the archive

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