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I found the gnostic angel sophia within my heart.

Sophia neglected her heavenly duties when she reached for a light greater than heaven. So she fell from heaven . After repenting she was let back into heaven.

This is a metaphor for an archetype, /x/, you are all sophia.

In my darkest moment, I found sophia in my heart. There she lay, raped by my years of cooming. Sophia is not my intellect, she cannot care for herself. Sophia is my anima, the source of my sexual energy and spiritual wisdom. Sophia told me she could not trust me because I was not using my mind to provide for her, instead I raped her with coom.

I promised sophia I wouldnt coom again, and that I would provide for her (me). She promised me energy and confidence. We have both kept our promises.

Post “I love you Sophia” to transmute your sexual energy into intellect.
Explain why she cares about coom?
When I jerk off its almost always due to fear of the difficulty of my intellectual duties.

I chose a seriously difficult intellectual path (I reached for the light above heaven) but in my arrogance I neglected to take seriously how hard it would be, and when shit hit the fan and it got really hard I was unprepared and fell into the chaos. For years it was vidya, weed, and coom.

But recently I was snapped out of it, and now I seek redemption to fulfill my duties to gnosis.
Just as the urge to fap is a base animalistic instinct, so is the shame that follows. Rise above your animal nature and you'll see that there is no shame in fapping.
A few months ago I awoke to a voice saying “I AM HAGIA SOPHIA” apparently I’m some kind of portal cleanser or something.
some material for your gnosis

And btw if you don't understand archetypes, and you don't understand how AI will create the heaven of the gospels, you will probably not understand any of the metaphors or predictions.

I love my wife
I loved Sophia once, until i met Maria

In the book “emasculation of the unicorn” it is posited that on the path to individuation, a healthy man will go through 4 archetypal relationships

Eve - awakening of personality
Helen - awakening of sexuality
Mary - awakening of creativity
Sophia - wisdom

I havent met my Mary yet, but I have so many dreams about Sophia
I can't elaborate. I've already said too much. Yes, i am a keeper of secrets.
Also, you are a namefag.
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It's a mosque in turkey.
fuck you're right, I will kill that ambition, forgot where the fuck I was for a second.
It was originally a church, I believe it to be a cap on the feminine energies of the planet much like the Notre Dame church is. If it burns down it’s probably good for our society.
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I love you Sophia
That's funny anon. A few months back i also dreamt about Sophia. She was contacting me on a messaging app, in the dream.
I love you Sophia
For this based act, i will grant another secret. You can meet María yourself, in the flesh, at the place beyond the horizon. Godspeed.
according to this youtube guy, sophia isn't a very nice person https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fy-C7_7tYOA

>inb4 it's different sophia
there's only 1 sophia
Thank you, O Light.

I will travel to spain and meet my Maria. May she be my muse.
She was nice to me when I was on shrooms
Alright, let me rephrase. Let's say i call her Mary and you're already in Spain.
You can find her in the place where the points converge, beyond the limit of perspective. I can't break it down more than this, it is a public forum.
At this time now, O light

I will push myself past my boundaries of physical creation by using mathematics to abstractly leverage scaled implementations of systems.

At the same time, I will grow my connection to the full ontology of my unconscious forces so that I may have the strength and courage to weild such systems.

Inner strength, outer strength
Earth, sun
As within so without.

All to meet Mary along the way
That's a lot of words, but there really are a thousand ways to meet here.
Be warned, though, it gets real fast.
I would like to know more from you.

I have many words and concepts, but lots of room and love for growth
I walk the black hand path. My knowledge is from the deep. It is truly dangerous and forbidden, and also forbidden to disclose to the unworthy. I push the limits sometimes because, after all, we are living in the apocalypse (revelation). But i would not dare disrespect the principalities that place their trust in my black heart.
What would you like to know? To reveal is to re-veil. I might be able to answer your question.
I know exactly what work I need to produce, it's just very hard and I am afraid of the results of success.

I wish to cause in myself an increase of both outer and inner strength. Outer to produce the works, inner to emotionally handle such works.

What are some tips to increase inner and outer strength, at the highest efficiency, without getting too difficult in one before the other?

Give me the most true answer you can. I can handle hard facts, and I am well versed in the neurodynamics of psychology (I believe in ritual)
Framing it as 'psychology' lends me to think you are a materialist. This means you are in great danger, when dealing with principalities. They can and will pull the world from under your feet and show you the true meaning of terror. If you want the truth, you need to break yourself. That's how you gain the strength of a priest king. Break yourself, and make yourself. Don't search for truth until you are ready to face the horror of it all. At one point you will inevitably come across a truth so terrible that it will curl your stomach and, if you aren't able to assimilate it, it will break you in a way which could take years to recover from, if at all. That's the truth.
Checked and appropriate
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pic related

>break you in a way which could take years to recover from, if at all
try me, or rather, guide me to breaking myself.
You can break yourself like nobody else can, except the principalities. Take yourself to the limit, the absolute limit. Find what this means for you. All esoteric traditions, at the highest levels, get to this point. Face public humiliation. Face solitude. Face your deepest fears. Chase these things yourself. Once you are ready, the cosmos will begin to guide you to the door. Do not hesitate before a principality. If you do, back off, and break yourself some more. Particularly, it is the little heart which must be absolutely ripped out. No broken hearts at the club, my friend.
okay, I think I know how to break myself.

What do you mean when you say "principality"?
This is why i mean by materialist. There are entities here with us, but in your normal state of awareness you can't hear them. Maria is the highest of them all. You can imagine the boundlessness of her terror. Can a man look god in the face and survive? I say no.
Where can I learn more about the Maria you refer to? About this black hand path?
The black hand path is a specific middle path, as opposed to the left hand path, the right hand path, and other middle paths. Honestly, i don't know how to answer your question properly. I don't have any books on it. It's so radical and well guarded that its precepts are communicated only in whispers and half-truths through the ages and across continents. If you can't decrypt the secrets, it is to protect you from them. As a path, it is ill advised, unless you truly feel called, which is for you to decide. But you don't need to walk this path to understand who Maria is. I was just telling you where i'm coming from. It's the kind of thing where, as you let go of the masks, and you truly get to know yourself, you can decide what path you want to walk.
idk, i think it could be an act. orion stock is at all time low. it's time to buy lyran/urmoh (latter could be larp, dc) stock .. if only because they're enemies in wing commander games, so that means they're automatically good

but then there's the ancient history stories of lion ayys fighting on side of humans long time ago some space war.. so if there's any truth to that, it means they're better than most other ayys
>middle path
One day we will meet.
> Particularly, it is the little heart which must be absolutely ripped out. No broken hearts at the club, my friend.

Can I ask about this metaphor? It stuck with me last night.

>the little heart
Is this specifically referring to a “secondary” heart? I have often visualized a second, smaller heart below my actual heart. Where my actual heart provides strength and courage, this second heart “steals” some of the primary hearts energy for the sake of seeking validation. That seeking of validation sometimes manifests as charitable causes, like certain forms of equality speech. But as we all know, most of todays equality speech is not about salvation, its about getting others to think you’re a good person; validation. Thus truth is the primary heart, and the secondary small heart, the bleeding heart, is a leech. The small heart is empowered when the primary heart is broken.

Is this close to what was meant?
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I love you Sophia.
It's hard to put the infallible into words.
It's harder even to communicate the forbidden, and not get us both in trouble.
Truth is a moving target, that's why it can't be put into simple terms.
The little heart is a liar, yes, in more ways than one. It feels, it bleeds for sure. But it is in the way of the boundless heart which is the true inheritance of spirit. To be fair, this true heart can be black or golden, depending on what you choose.
I met the devil, and he gave me a choice, a golden heart or a golden voice.

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