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Why does contemplating him bring immediate peace to the soul?
He's just a little dude who loves butter and playing the flute.
We inherently exist to love Him.
I dont know about that, "his" face kinda pisses me off. Aggressively smug
is that michael jackson?
above thinks hes jichael lol
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I agree that Krishna has some warming aspects to him, but I just can’t get past the fact that he never actually appeared on earth. I don’t take the Bhagavad Gita as anything but myth, while Jesus 100% checks out.

It is essentially considered historical fact that Jesus existed, and that the Biblical accounts are highly accurate, albeit requiring faith in Jesus’ miracles. Even just the example of Saint Paul, literally a chief pharisee, extremely zealous Jew prosecuting Christians who converted miraculously and spread the gospel to the world. Inb4 he spread likely around, the dude literally eschews like half or more of ceremonial law (including circumcising, Paul would find the American practice by Christian’s to be a joke) contained in the Torah by the fact that it is Christ and Christ alone who redeems us. Mosaic law literally proved this point, which is why Hebrews described Christ as transcendent from “Judaism” as delineated at Sinai, back from the time of Abraham and Melchizedek Shem, the first priest of redeemed humanity after Noah. The idea that Christ’s sacrifice is not only real and temporal to defeat death itself, but eternal and before time, as the lamb slain to create the universe (purusha in Hindu terminology). Basically Jesus as a real life human being, similtaneously stands for God’s boundless self denying love for humans, his perfect ethics seeing all as images of God to serve (whatever you do for the least of us, you do for Christ), and his inherent energy of effulgent emanation to share the experience existence and being with creation. Creation itself was a self limitation by God, and I only see this theologically in the Logos, Christ Jesus.

Also side note, why have people never pointed out that יהוה, YHWH, the name invoked by Jesus, is the only name of God related to being itself? “the existing one, I am that I am, I cause to become”

Krșna means black btw
Allah just means God
Jupiter means sky father

All mundane worldly things.
>I just can’t get past the fact that he never actually appeared on earth. I don’t take the Bhagavad Gita as anything but myth, while Jesus 100% checks out.
Jesus is an avatar of Krishna, and the last time Krishna was on Earth directly was about 500 years ago in the form of Lord Chaitanya.

>Also side note, why have people never pointed out that יהוה, YHWH, the name invoked by Jesus, is the only name of God related to being itself?
Because it isnt. Krishna is known as Karana Karanam - the cause of all causes, or as you put it - the cause to become.
OM itself is the very word of existence, and it is an impersonal representation of the Supreme Lord.
It isnt so much that is the only name, but rather that is the only name you ever bothered to learn about.
>Krșna means black btw
Yes and no. The word has many meanings, one of which is black. Another is All-Attractive.
As in all things and all people are attracted to Krishna - even Jesus in His love for The Father.
ātmārāmāś ca munayo
nirgranthā apy urukrame
kurvanty ahaitukīṁ bhaktim
ittham-bhūta-guṇo hariḥ
>Srimad Bhagavatam 1.7.10: All different varieties of ātmārāmas [those who take pleasure in the ātmā, or spirit self], especially those established on the path of self-realization, though freed from all kinds of material bondage, desire to render unalloyed devotional service unto the Personality of Godhead. This means that the Lord possesses transcendental qualities and therefore can attract everyone, including liberated souls.
Impossible. Jesus came back from the dead and is still alive. He never took a different form afterwards according to scripture.
I didnt say Jesus came back. He is a sakti-avesh avatar. Lord Chaitanya is Krishna directly. Jesus is an expansion of God, He does not expand into the other avatars.
Food for thought: All religions agree that Jesus is one of the ways, but Jesus says that he’s the only way.
Yes, Krishna and Lord Chaitanya said the same thing.
sarva-dharmān parityajya
mām ekaṁ śaraṇaṁ vraja
ahaṁ tvāṁ sarva-pāpebhyo
mokṣayiṣyāmi mā śucaḥ
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>he never actually appeared on earth. I don’t take the Bhagavad Gita as anything but myth
Then you and your opinions are worthless, even about bible or Christ
Why, yes, I do feel at peace whenever I think about an androgynous "god" made up by subhumans who literally eat feces.
They are Aryans.
>Jesus 100% checks out
He never existed, he is just a fictional character to keep the cloned sheeple in hope for a habbening.
Krishna is more real than him, exactly because he is honestly fictional.
There is nothing worse than fiction that poses as historical fact.
Are you enjoying Clif High's habbening?
Christianity is a meta religion

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