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Is microdosing shrooms making me retarded or based ?
I don't care about anything...
Feels kinda okay meh
What do you think of corruption and injustice?
You can be both retarded and based. It is not a competition.
Sounds like something a based retard would say, but I think he meant cringe not retarded
>newb took the shroombait
If thats what youre asking, youre probably not micro dosing.

Take less or take them less often.
Just megadose, you'll be able to recall the mental patterns via flashbacks whenever you want.
Those that seem cringe on Earth are based in Heaven.
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mushrooms and 4chan produced this

Go full on DMT and let the fractals suck your dick while you soar high in the sky
So are shrooms good or bad ?
neither and both
its making you incredibly based
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I'm feeling it wagmi
Somehow someway wagmi
Kicking and screaming wagmi
this is the ultimate truth
Micro base.
it's making you infertile
good for most people, on a very infrequent basis
microdosing doesn’t do anythinh
So, you've tried it, right?
What about those who are based in Earth?
Yes, and to no surprise, it turns out that sub-threshold doses have no effects, almost as if that’s how we defined doses in the first place or something
Also there have been clinical trials now that also found no effect whatsoever from microdosing
take more
megadose every weekend like did

my eyesight become better
my penis grows daily
i have many psychic abilities
to add to this
it lead me to do yoga and meditation regularly
that was the real breakthrough
you must be consistent

also certain foods i began to abstain from
i dont want to introduce toxins to my body so i end up eating mostly fruit and vegetable
Holy shit a Tapper reference.

Does anyone on this board even vidi this frood?

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