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Somenthing good and big will happen in the world in the next 24 hours.
I can feel it in my bones.
Keep this thread alive until then so we can notice it together.
The countdown starts... NOW!
ok, i trust you, i'm gonna sell all my stuffs
I believe as well fren, coming out of a digital haze that nearly swallowed me whole. Feels like I can breathe again.
Big if true
I hope so friend
I'm praying you're right.
Good or bad nothing ever happens. It's just the same shit moving forward under the power of its own inertia.
That is the general idea at least, it's hard to say for sure if the timing will be right but regardless good plans are indeed in the works on a spiritual level. I am very pleased to see such positivity and hope, humanity deserves to feel better after all that has happened in recent history.

I hope to be able to say that you are wrong, but only time will tell ultimately. Your sentiment is one borne of experience, which is a wise attitude to have under the circumstances.
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nothing will happen and nothing shall happen

these threads are garbage and should be deleted
Yes you're absolutely right,but i haven't make my mind yet
Since I'm the GOD of this world I'm yet to decide what happens next,so you guys better pray for something good to happen in the next 48 hours, otherwise i might curse this world and you and me we don't want this ...
You do sound exactly like Yahweh, petty until the bitter end as always. What is your favorite color?
They are going to make the announcement that the sun is going to kill us all and we are doomed. World reset YAY!
Watch people with stuffs ascend to the galactic table and then there's you that decided to sell your stuffs. Don't sell your stuffs man.
But you check them because you want something to happen and you want to be a part of a group of people that have something to belong to. Go volunteer. Be a part of something. Whether it happens now or when something big happens you'll still be doing what youre doing. So make it a good one
nothing ever happens, come back in 2 weeks.
don't compare me to that kike demiurge please anon
Two more weeks
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Let's go bros we are all gonna make it, literally
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hopefully rolling
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Based fellow purple chad, well met!

>don't compare me to that kike demiurge please anon
My apologies, I overstepped with that comparison. Regardless, well met, though try to remember there's always a bigger fish.


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MOASS tomorrow. I’ve conjured the idea into existence
I can't stand politics but seeing Trump go from watery eyed and somber to pic-related made my heart melt. maybe there is a Positive aura today
Oh a man of culture as well,also nice song, that style of music makes me want to have a nocturnal car trip ,comfy
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bippity skibidi boo bop

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>noticed I'm gay just from reading my posts
bs, I've never seen anyone do this before
Very curious fact about the auras, I had a spirit message ~1 year ago that basically the shadow war taking place right now are between two factions called "Indigos" and "Scarlets".
Thank you friend. I think it is an underrated song, I enjoy the hopeful optimism it brings and the meaning within it. There is great wisdom to be had in hope for a better future, and that hope starts with those of us with the most power. The burden of great responsibility is heavy, but it is worthwhile to have the strength and willpower necessary to carry it.
I just want a reliable job with good health care :(
nothing ever happens though
One day you are going to say that out loud and realize what it really means.
True if big
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You got this OP
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Nobody in this thread will ever make it, just stop larping guys.
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>if you only knew how good things were

EDIT: verification was p00p lol
Nothing (good) ever happens, it is written
You're right.
see you on the other side
I'm unironically already making it, and I'm sure all the good frens in this thread will be able to jump on the right timeline as well. Nature doesn't like stillness. Things change
You're right, change is inevitable.
can confirm, I am also in the process of making it rn
>what it really means
"The Nothing Noths"?
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Are you seeing it yet?
It's about to happen. Timelines converge.
Great things on an individual level are already here and manifesting, even if you are not seeing it yet.
And on top of that a BIG positive event will happen TODAY.
Sending the comment into the universe, hoping anyone ITT and lurking ITT good luck, life may be tough but we're all in this collective misery heap together.
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OOOO I can feel it too. I trust you OP
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I feel it too. Something very good is happening TODAY.
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I'm excited! So much positive energy here! Yuh!
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Let's go
The dam built on the well of change is old, overused and underfunded in the name of false progress. In our arrogance we exploited the waters to form a dream that we thought was proper and prosperous, but now the cracks are forming and the great dam must give way to the rains collected from the heavens. May its flood wash away our sins, so we may build anew along the now freed river, and worship God and the gods as we were always intended to. Do not weep for the falling idols, pray for their forgiveness the same as we pray for our own. Even your enemies and their puppets can be forgiven, as long as they too grasp the hand of mercy to pull them from the waters. May we all learn from our lessons, and instead of building a more secure dam to let the waters from heaven pour to refresh us all.
reporting in.
>fully naked with flowers in my hair.
Thanks fire cat, this was nice
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Jokes on you ive been seeing lot of 1010, which is good news.
So how many hours left for the great event?
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Sorry bro the event is already over. I farded really hard.
Btw this thread is making me really happy :)
All that’s happened so far was 6 dead in Bangkok shooting and four dead in Oman shooting. When do we get to the good part Anon?
Bro no offense, but I come here to relax, wait for something good and big to happen, and chill with my buds and you're kinda ruining the vibe right now. Who hurt you?
Check these out
Woah nice 8!
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something good just flew over my house
None of this is real none of this is real none of this is real
21 hours later
nothing happened
OP is dumb
>discusses the material
You'll never truly understand the phrase NGMI. This is a universal dice roll and we're not leaving this position until the universe rerolls.
OP here!
It happened! Have you seen it?
I got great personal and a global news to you.

In personal life, there is something I really really wanted to do for months, and today I finally finished my preparations and found out I will be better and easier than I expected.
I'm not trying to hide what it is, but you guys wouldn't really understand how important and cool that is to me.

For Global News, Microsoft closed it's DEI department. It's really big as it's a sign for Big Tech in general getting less woke. It was already surprising to me that they and some other Big Tech companies didn't changed their logo to rainbows for this year's gay month.

Anyway, what great things happened to YOU?

Thank you for helping me with this thread, anons.
Congrats anon
Nothing eventful really happened to me all day
Then again nothing ever really does
Make it happen. I believe in you.
The biggest lesson I learned today is that you should never give up on having great things on your life because you you think they are too hard or require too much work or too much luck.
A LOT of things are actually a LOT more reachable than you think. Just keep acting towards the direction of your gols, and every single obstacle will reveal itself to you as an illusion when you get closer. One step at a time, every obstacle vanishes. You just gotta keep taking steps until you get there. The path is easier and shorter than you think.
>Nothin happened
lmao fucking retard
And nothing have happened, AS USUAL.
What happened?
What do you mean?
Read this: >>38387123

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