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Spotted in Southern California.

It materialized, remained stationary, glimmered, and rotated for a short while, then disappeared into nothing.

It was fairly high up.

>Pink Pentagon UFO II
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Thread closed.
>do CE5
>get a good camera
>it's a strange geometric object
here are the old ones

>Pink Pentagon UFO

>Intense Shape-Shifting Anomaly (Motion Tracked)
>August 2016
>Pink Pentagon UFO
>I summoned and captured this one in front of my house back in August of this year. Decided to motion track and zoom this a little for a better close up.
>Jay C. Aerial Anomalies
looks like an f-16, maybe exploding?
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Told you that they're coming ...
this one appears silver
Yeah normally I'm against the whole "it's just a ballooooon bra" thing but this literally just looks like a pink party balloon.
You gullible shithawk.
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saw this pink orb in the sky
i couldn't tell what it was with my eyes
i thought it was a white light or white object
it was fairly small
it appeared out of nowhere
i took a picture
it disappeared quickly
why was the webm thread deleted does anybody know
This is way more interesting than ops pink star balloon
it's like this pink orb with a green aura around it

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there is another object up and to the left
Okay now this is actually some weird shit. Though it would've been a good idea to record it.
it disappeared the second i turned on the video mode
i saw three objects this evening, and all three of them disappeared the second i turned on the video mode, this object was photographed by accident

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