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>ask AI to generate just an image of the Twin Towers
>it adds a bunch of Statues of Liberty doing satanic poses
What does the AI know that we don't It definitely feels paranormal. Ghost in the machine?

AI is really lame desu. It's just not dependable. How is this going to replace artists? It's like playing a slot machine, with a ton more parameters. Not contracting an artwork.
How are they satanic poses you paranoid boomer
came in here to say this, people like op are so fucking dumb it's unreal
I was about to call OP stupid when I realized that ironically they're probably just a bot. I'm beginning to suspect most AI art threads are made by bots.
Sage and report my friends.
>anything other than standing with hands by the side is satanic
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Wait, what prompt? What model? Here's Epsilon Naught (never indexed by Google), notice the complete absence of statues.
If it was Bing Image Generator or Ideogram, it is known that your prompt never gets seen by the AI, they tamper with it until it's irrecognizable before sending it to the AI, and in that process they can add devils dancing or whatever they want.
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Looks like the next great vaporwave album. Give it a late 90s vibe and I’ll be happy.
Semi Ramis lowkey swole
Oh and for those who don't know, the Satue eof Liberty is Semiramis.
>9/11 conspiracy schizo vaporwave
Make it happen please. I'm tired of all the good conspiracy music being rap and metal, I want something chill to listen to while I theorize.
Hislop was a retard
>listening to music while theorizing
It doesn’t know anything dumbass

Maybe the male and female avatars of the deity suggest it knows that the two towers symbolised male and female opposites destined to be alchemically reformed into one?

But of course everyone knows that.
holy shit the statue of liberty is fuckin ballin
>demoralization meme
Not even trying to make it.
ai is only as smart as you. Its profound, but it knows who is worthy.
>good conspiracy music
what you're looking for is Dark Whisper
Interesting, thanks.
Yeah, liberty was a dude and is satan. Been proven. French trap.
lowkey underrated fr fr nocap
The "Ai" takes all informations available of the event. Its just whatall people talk online. It knows nothing. Just a random pic of a random majority of random people. Therefore every time a different pic with a different meaning to interpret whatever you want.
You are to lowIQ to get what this "ai" does but have enough iq to do the same if somebody would explain it to you. The term algorithm is like a myst for normies but nothing special. It's a class, an object, a template of many, not more. Not even a procedure or loop. All that sounds like magic for idiots. But if people think apps (short for applications) are the same as programs it's over.
You all talking about "Ai" just showing that you are the cheapest phone zombies without any idea how it uses to work.
>satanic poses
never going to make it confirmed
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I know nothing of computer science beyond basic java, what is the difference between an application and a program? Is a program like a singular executable thing while an application is a group of programs accessible through an interface or something?
That anon is just a Capricorn trying to teach people "an app is not a program!"
They like picking out two synonyms and explaining to you how they mean different things.
I don't know why but this post makes me want to have intense spiritual sex with you.

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