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Recently, my little sister has been seeing a blonde woman outside of our home or she'll say "I saw her in the windows". At first, I thought she was just being a kid, ya know, imagination and all that jazz. But a few nights ago she ran away screaming that she saw her again in our front door.

>Be me
>Grab baseball bat beside front door
>Go outside and look for this blonde woman

At this point, I'm freaked out because my Mom is trying to console her and my Dad had his gun in hand ready to kill a motherfucker, however, I told him there was nothing at all. He doesn't buy it so he checks for himself and once again: crickets. We live in a rural/suburban area and people keep to themselves, so this freaked my family and I the fuck out. My Mom is starting to believe my sister is schizophrenic but my Dad says otherwise. He's been trying to figure this shit out asking her if there are certain things she's sensitive too and if there are feelings and things she lingers on. My sister has always been an empathetic person, very kind, and stubborn as fuck, but I love her.

She hasn't said anything about this blonde woman, however, whenever she wants to go into a room she closes the blinds or curtains and ensures the windows are locked at all times. I don't know what to do you guys. What the fuck is going on with my sister? How can I help her?
how old is your sister? if she's young enough, you could offer a special figurine or stuffed toy and explain that it's her "guardian" and will protect her at night. it needs to be something unique that really stands out from her other toys/possessions. or you could give her a protective totem; literally any trinket, could be a button or a cool rock or something like that - something small enough that she can put in her pocket and feel safer for it. there are also fairy dust kits you can buy where you mix colored sand and glitter in a vial and it can be worn as a necklace, she might take comfort in that and it would also be a fun craft.

one more idea: there are prismatic films you can buy to cover windows; they're colorful and look cool and would block out anything your sister might see outside while still letting light in during the day. just search "window film" on amazon, they're cheap.

finally, if you feel this is a legitimate haunting, it can't hurt to draw a cross over your doors with oil.
Has she ever described the woman outside of saying she has blonde hair? Has she ever said anything about the woman approaching her or doing anything?
Shoot her up with testosterone. I have been seeking conflict ever since working out and that includes demons.
Well kidnappers are often in suburban areas so I wouldn't completely cut that out of the question. Children have been snatched out of their bedrooms before, especially in remote areas. If it is her imagination is unknown, but for safety I'd not let her sleep alone.
>how old is your sister?
My sister is eight and she has a cinnamoroll stuffed animal she loves to death. Brings it with her wherever she goes. I told her that cinnamoroll will protect you, but she just looked at me and said: "Thank you." She does have a St. Blaise medallion, but she doesn't keep it in her pocket. I'll suggest she starts doing that.

>one more idea: there are prismatic films you can buy to cover windows
Thank you for letting me know that! I'll check it out and I'll have my sister choose which cover she wants.

>if you feel this is a legitimate haunting, it can't hurt to draw a cross over your doors with oil
We'll see what the future holds, anon.
>Has she ever described the woman outside of saying she has blonde hair? Has she ever said anything about the woman approaching her or doing anything?
She has. When my Mom tried to console her, she kept screaming: "She stares at me" over and over and through that chaos my Mom tried to get an idea of what she looked like. This is what my Mom told me personally and she hasn't slept properly since then:
>Anon, I need to talk to you
>What's up? Is sister ok?
She looks at me without blinking and she starts to get shaky.
>No, she says she's been seeing a naked woman with blonde hair on our property at random times of the day walking around, looking at her, and crying saying that she's mad at your sister. You didn't tell her anything or show her something to get her like this did you?

Keep in mind, we have all known about this woman for a few months now, but it's never gotten to this point and I reminded her of that. She knows that my sister has been seeing a blonde woman but like me she blew it off as her imagination.

>No, Mom, I haven't done anything like that.
She doesn't say anything to me. All she did was hug me and she went upstairs to check on my sister.
She hasn't slept alone because of that possibility. None of us have slept properly since that night.
Get a camera anon, nothing more definitive than video evidence
(The home security kind)
Stay in your sister's room for a night or two with the blinds off, and see if the woman appears.
We do have a Ring camera and some game cams. We checked the footage and we caught nothing except for the occasional deer or racoon. We told my sister this and she insists that the blonde woman is real, and for some reason I believe her.
Will do. She's been sleeping in my parents room since that night. I'll keep you all in the loop. If I do feel or see anything any advice?
>how old is your sister? if she's young enough, you could offer a special figurine or stuffed toy and explain that it's her "guardian" and will protect her at night. it needs to be something unique that really stands out from her other toys/possessions.
Get your sister actual help anon, because odds are that blonde woman isn’t actually real
She has the gift. Introduce her to meditation and positive spiritual practices.
That's what scares me the most. I fucking love this girl and if my parents die then all custody would pass to me. I hate to think that my sister could possibly be schizophrenic, but I'm with her until the very end. I'll sleep in her room tonight and we'll see what happens.

There isn't a familial history of schizophrenia at all and that is one of the largest concerns my family has at the moment.
>She has the gift.
That's what my Dad is leaning towards, however, my Mom is trying to rationalize the whole situation the best she can but there's a part of me believing she's in denial.

Some context: My Dad is a firm believer in the paranormal while my Mom is for lack of a better word, indifferent. She's always looked for a rational explanation for things related to the paranormal. My Dad believes in the paranormal, however, he respects it. He's told me about friends he cut out of his life because they mocked practices such as Santeria, Vodou, and Palo. These religions are often misunderstood and my Dad has made the effort to understand them. He also has a book on witchcraft that I read in the past when I was curious about it.
I'm not going to lie, anon. If you're not full of shit, the fact that the woman tells your sister that she's mad at her is bad fucking news. You need to exhaust every chance that this blonde woman could be a real person. You have cameras around the property, but is there a place your sister tends to see her, like from a certain window? Set up a game camera there. >>38382736 This is good advice. I also think having someone by her as much as possible to be around when she spots that woman again is wise.

If there is definitely no woman, there are three possibilities to consider: your sister is experiencing some sort of psychological event, your sister is experiencing some sort of medical event, or your sister is experiencing some sort of (possibly malicious) paranormal event.
The fact that she is seeing a naked woman and the woman is supposedly mad at her, I don't like saying or even considering this, but, look into the possibility of sexual abuse. School, friend's house, family visiting, babysitter, anywhere. Trauma/shame/guilt can cause hallucinations and children as particularly susceptable to this. It's not comfortable, but I implore you to look into this. You may think that she hasn't acted out of the ordinary, but girls are much more keen on social situations than guys are. They can hide this sort of thing remarkably well, unfortunately.

Some medical conditions, notably ones that affect the brain, can cause hallucinations. Before you look into the possibility of the paranornal or even psychological, always exhaust any other explanation. Get her to a doctor to make sure she's not dealing with some sort of tumor or something. She's young. If this is a medical issue, it can escalate like a light switch and sometimes there is only a matter of minutes between life and death. Make sure this isn't a possibility for your family.

Take comfort in knowing that she's pretty young to develop schizophrenia, especially if it doesn't run in the family.
If she is experiencing something psychological, it could be mere hallucinations due to stress, consuming frightening media, a number of things. Kids also process events differently than adults, so it could've arised from something you wouldn't expect. If there's a diagnosis for her, I would assume a psychosis diagnosis, which isn't necessarily permanent and can be caused by all kinds of things, some of which I told you to exhaust the possibility of already.

If it is truly paranormal in nature, I don't like the sound of it. The fact that the woman keeps her distance is a relief, but anger in a spirit is bad. Think of it like a kitchen oil spill: the negativity from the negative spirit spreads rapidly to surrounding areas, seeping into every corner and clean up is a pain in the ass. There are ways to clean it, sure, but you're going to need more than your bare hands. This is assuming the woman isn't tricking your sister. I don't know how likely this is based on the information you've provided, but malicious entities usually disguise themselves as something less threatening and target weaker individuals, often children. If there is the potential for this spirit to be a more malicious entity, you need to seek outside assistance. A priest is a fine choice. I would be wary of trying to handle the spirit alone, because if it turns out to be something more serious, you'll just get it riled up. You don't know how powerful it is or what it's capable of, so I'd say err on the side of caution and contact someone more experienced to help you in person.
It’s not schizophrenia anon, get yourself out of that mindset, and get your sister help
UPDATE: We ended up taking my sister to the ER. She saw the woman again while we were all watching a movie. No one except for her saw the woman.

This is what happened:
>Be me
>atmosphere is tense but we're watching a movie and Mom is popping more popcorn laser-focused on my sister who is sitting beside me cuddling with my Dad
>the new patch of popcorn is ready
>Mom starts to pour popcorn into one large bowl
>the oven turns on
>We all look at my Mom before she turns around and stares at the oven >she's fucking baffled
>Dad asks why she turned the oven on
>Mom raises her voice: "I didn't turn the oven on."
>Dad gets up and I start to smell what I can only describe to be a mixture of charred wood and rotten eggs
>Sister smells it too and covers her nose; then my Dad smells it as well and asks my Mom if she left something in the oven
>My sister pressed herself into the couch and was fixated on one corner of the living room
>I ask if she's ok
>she starts to wail and my parents rush over to her and my sister begins to vomit
>My Mom says we need to take my sister to the ER and Dad tells me haul ass and get the car ready so I do
>We all get in the car and she's just crying and the majority of the ride to the hospital, she repeated what she had told my mom, however, she wasn't mad at her anymore, she was mad at all of us.

We got to the ER and my parents explained what was going on. The hospital put her in the psych ward and we all wanted to stay with her but the hospital only allowed one of us to. My sister wanted my Dad to stay with her. We said our goodbyes and I drove my Mom and I back to the house. Once we got home and opened the door, that smell from the living room hit us hard. It covered the entire house. We opened all of the windows in the house but the smell is still there. I told my Dad about it and he said it could be our septic tank and that he'd check it out once he and sister got back.

I don't think it's our septic tank, guys.
>the fact that the woman tells your sister that she's mad at her is bad fucking news.
But why would she be angry at my little sister? What the fuck could an eight year old girl do to make a possible spirit or whatever the fuck the woman is so angry?
>I don't like saying or even considering this, but, look into the possibility of sexual abuse.
Shit, I never considered that at all. How the fuck am I supposed to ask my baby sister about something like that? That terrifies me more than the possibility of a haunting or her developing schizophrenia.

Once my sister gets back from the ER we will see what happens, but right now I'm just trying to process everything that's happened.
Anon from 38386331 here, I just wanted to say that i got it wrong, your house is goddamn haunted anon
I'm sleeping in her room tonight, so we will see what happens.
give updates
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>my little sister
Does she have Scottish ancestry?
Maybe it’s her reflection

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