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File: averi sonnenrad.png (70 KB, 1024x1024)
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My friends and I like to night swim at Okanagan lake (famous lake for the Ogopogo) anyways at around 3 at night my friends have been hearing splashing like theres somone else with them, and when they go back to their cars to go home the splashing begins to sound like rusting in the bushes yet they havent seen whatever is stalking them, any ideas? I plan on going with them because i usually dont night swim that late but i wanna see whatever this is for myself, i will post again if i see anything
Probably just an animal
That’s the demiurge, he’s why I always carry a sawed off shotgun
Why would the keeper of our reality be swimming in a random fucking lake?
He always finds the time to make your life more confusing. Anything to keep you away from the truth.
He hates you
He hates you
He hates you
He hates you
He hates you
I am so sick of seeing Delcatty on every board
Can you just Kys?
How does fucking a fox with literal brown hands help the white race?
Why would you?
She's cute and sexy.
To bathe inawoods I guess? It would have to be a clear lake thoughbeit.
Post more hyperborea furries.
When you go back bring a gun, night vision, faraday cage and an EMF scanner to see if those sounds are being artificially induced in your mind. Happy Glowie hunting
File: GSidxIxaIAEPlHi.jpg (591 KB, 2048x2048)
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didn't expect to see you here
because shes gonna father my mixed race children
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUVDmVM9RtA sawed off shotgun lol
i just realized the error i made typing this, i think im retarded, meant to say "becauses shes gonna be the mother of my halfbreed children"
I want to kill you for defiling the Sonnenrad like that
Steak out outside the house at various angles for several months and seize the life of the offender with your male man claws your Malons. Steak Malons.

Punch him in the dick. Uppercunt.

Seize the initiative. Stab the creature with a full tang halberd.

DeManstrate overwhelming force to control the situation.

Fingerbang orangutang.
wtf averi is a nazi ??

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