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There’s a satanic murder cult in Midwest that kills healthy young white males
No that‘s a goat
I'm not very healthy, do you think they'll make an exception for me?

I’m going to guess the cultists are jews.
Thank fuck I vape like a chimney. Can't eat me either unless you like aluminum flavored steak.
So, Jews?
I'm the GOAT itself. I don't approve. Can you give me enough details to send my spirit team to end their actions. I don't care about edgelords, only victimizers

No. ‘jews’.

Remember: They’re not human, so it doesn’t get capitalized.
i'm in the midwest and idk about other places but this place is satanic af
Lemme guess. Northern Nebraska and southern South Dakota.
Tell them to get in line
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>There are jews in the Midwest
No shit
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>healthy young white males
Not us
all i know about the midwest is midwest emo
>ruin the ancient pure bloodline of an aryan child
These quotes never make much effort to affect a voice at all resembling the person the quote is supposed to be from. Ethno-nationalist Jews wouldn't and don't talk exactly like the white nationalists who hate them.
You would be surprised
Do you have any quotes supporting that with actual sources or are they all shit you found on here and eightchan?
Because most of these are fake quotes probably made by Jews trying to manipulate anti semites.
They must really be struggling to find victims.
do they tie them up first?
> These quotes never make much effort to affect a voice at all resembling the person the quote is supposed to be from.
correct and a valid point
>Ethno-nationalist Jews wouldn't and don't talk exactly like the white nationalists who hate them.
I see you’ve never spoken to a zionist
there's been a rash of natives where i live that "vanished". at least 1/2 native blood or more. any age or gender, any condition. some group has been abducting them, probably to take their blood & guts for some nefarious purpose. who knows what they're trying to do.
there's satanic cults that the cops know about, and park rangers, but they always claim it was "a bear attack innawoods".
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That right there is such wonderful jewish gratitude! Makes one wonder if history as its entrained to everyone is in fact true or literally all lies. Just wait til you find out that the smoke stacks were made after ww2 all over Germany by the red terror jews of russia(the murdered 60million white russian christians), and that there have been no mass graves found with gpr anywhere around or near the internment camps, or that the population of semitic peoples went up after ww2 after staying the same through the entire fake war to extend usury slavery all over the world. It gets better as you get to contemporary times! Enjoy the show “goyim”!
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There’s a satanic murder cult in DC that throws young white men into meat grinders to serve their pedophilic lizard overlords.
>I see you’ve never spoken to a zionist
I have. They wouldn't refer to aryans as an 'ancient pure bloodline' and they likely wouldn't refer to them as aryans at all. They don't distinguish between the types of gentiles that specifically(it's mostly just white, black and filthy brown to them), the closest they'd come to this is referencing Germans but they usually wouldn't call them aryans.
There's already a paranormal midwest thread. This one isn't even paranormal, though. Yes, otherwise healthy young white males are dying. No, it's not satanic murder cults. It's called meth and it will fuck.you.up.
autist-kun please, it’s a joke about how zionists use repurposed nazi rhetoric
Sauce? This isn't Illinois is it?
Apologies, my tism is strong today.
>those trips
With those numbers tell us a little more about yourself
>in Midwest that
giving third worlders internet access was a mistake
Probably created by deep state agents like most cults.
There is a bomb strapped to my chest There is a bomb strapped to my chest There is a bomb strapped to my chest
funny i would have suspected the opposite
Do you have any evidence?
>cope pic
You quite simply cannot separate the jewishness from your jewish religion, golem.
The opposite?

>There’s not a satanic murder cult in Midwest that kills healthy young white males

>There’s a satanic murder cult in Midwest that kills sickly young white males

>There’s a satanic murder cult in Midwest that kills healthy old white males

>There’s a satanic murder cult in Midwest that kills healthy young black males

>There’s a satanic murder cult in Midwest that kills healthy young white females

>There’s a satanic birth cult in Midwest that kills healthy young white males

>There’s an angelic murder cult in Midwest that kills healthy young white males

>There’s a divine rescue group in the Northeast that saves sick old black females.
>Cope post
You quite literally cannot separate your head from your ass, browncel
>There’s a divine rescue group in the Northeast that saves sick old black females.
Sensible chuckle.gif
must not have many to choose from in this day and age

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