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>gives you instant magic powers
seriously, how though?
how can a plant make your brain do things like that if it's not magic somehow?

>but... but... alcohol
it's way different to alcohol

Drugs don't give you powers, they occasionally give you knowledge. The idea that this knowledge grants literal power is an illusion cause by your ego compensating for the damage said knowledge causes.
If you fall for the delusions it will distract you and make most of the knowledge you gain useless.
they've been socially conditioned since birth to think alcohol is "good" or something lmao
what a fucking meme
If you think that's how normies think about alcohol then you understand them even less than they understand you.
Normies aren't brainwashed retards who assume that goyslop is good for them like you people think, they're extremely resigned to the shitty nature of their reality and just want to avoid thinking about it.
The reason they get mad when you bring it up isn't because they disagree with you, it's because they're in too deep and don't think there's an escape. So to them you telling them unpleasant truths serves no purpose other than reminding them that they're fucked and killing the mood.
or...hear me out...they enjoy getting drunk with friends lol
I hate all my friends therefore anyone claiming to enjoy them is lying to themselves and coping.
By 'my friends' I mean every other poster on 4chan obviously.
>there's no escape
literally stop drinking lmao
It helps you come up with unique ideas, but thats only useful if you have any motivation to do anything during that time at all. It is extremely easy to abuse and leads to laziness over time. Honestly wish I'd never tried it.
You know just how cigarettes are not allowed to advertise that they are "cool" anymore. lmao
drinking wasn't really either you are all just addicted
>check prohibition
collectively sick
>literally stop drinking lmao
That doesn't help you escape the reality of modern society.
doesn't help you adapt to it either
Its a band-aid that doesn't heal the wound. Causing yourself to go numb in response to a problem like modern society (which we all have to deal with as well) doesn't help you at all and only stagnates your mental growth, but theres a person in my family I've been trying to tell the same thing to but its really all up to him. Alcohol and drug use leads to sort of a possession-like state of mind. It takes over part of your daily routine and you find yourself planning your days around it. Life is short and our young-adult years are even shorter. Why numb ourselves now when theres a potentially better life to be built?
I'm not arguing that booze is good, my point is the person posting about how normies are retards who think booze is good is misrepresenting the mindset.
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normies are always retarded so you are just wrong
They aren't really, you've just given up on understanding them, which is exactly what (((they))) want.
They want chuds to hate normies and vice versa, don't fall for it.
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I'm going to keep telling you that you are wrong because it's a meme. You may continue to waste your time articulating yourself to me if you would like. I assure you I understand what you are saying.
Did you just generate that image or do you just have a massive repository of images for every buzzword people use on here?
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I made it like a week ago or something because I wanted to :)
It forces you to step out of self by its effects. It's easy to see in it, not out of it, if you are always in it, you are out of life. I am a smoker, and it revealed in me something of a magician archetype, but it does help me live, only I can do that.
does not* funny freudian slip maybe
>I'm going to keep telling you that you are wrong because it's a meme.
My opinion is a meme or telling me I'm wrong is a meme?
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>normies are retarded
I understand now. Thank you for helping me.
There are powers to be had, by those that learn to seize them.

I wish I could tell you the details, but I am unable to convey that level of information at this time.
An ancient alien sowed the seeds throughout our galaxy as a gift, the plant adapts to life wherever it grows and is always medicinal.
While it is unscientific or at least not typically accepted to describe plants by their medicinal effects as though they were intended to be that way, many plants and other life is intentionally good for animals to consume. The biosphere is a cooperative effort, mycelia for example cooperate with forests, and the same is true for life that transits between star systems. Marijuana just happens to be an engineered medicinal plant, life in general evolves to be symbiotic.
The opposite of this is when intelligent life decides to take and give nothing in return, aka "I got mine so why should you", this attitude is unbalanced and anytime life goes in this direction the system falls apart. Everything is symbiotic in nature, it is unnatural and destructive to be greedy.
Rastafarians say something like this too more or less.
It’s just escapism as many other durgs we have at hand like phones, pcs, movies, games, alcohol, whatever. Escapism isnt bad in moderation.. I should prolly do some chores lmao
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>Drugs that give you knowledge doesn't power!
Uhhh yeah it is
>smoke weed make rap music
>make millions of dollars
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Releases etheric connections made in your brain so you:
>Forget things
>See new perspectives
>Release held onto negative emotions

This may inadvertently make you feel more magical because you're not burdened by social conditioning when high.
Do what, make you retarded? Make you gay and boring? Give you anxiety?
They don't give you knowledge, at best they give you a different perspective because you think differently. Literally just go outside and explore cause it's the same thing. Lazy faggots that can't meditate use drugs.

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