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What is the Great Solar Flash?
i crapped my diapy
The next patch update.
Only for the vaxxed sorry bud
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where dose this idea that a nova is light come from? its a wave of charged hydrogen heralded by a burst of light. hot material cools as it expands, this wave of charged hydrogen cools (to exactly body temperature, how strange) as it expands out from the sun to meet the earths atmosphere. ideally when the charged hydrogen meets the O3 in the earths upper atmosphere it mingles and forms cosmic rain, hence the nova, (means new) the earth gets washed clean, renewed.... unless of course gofourthandsettheworldonfire tier occultists spend decades removing the ozone layer, then filling the middle atmosphere with incendiaries and accelerants every day risk of flare is high. see a reign of fire cleanses the surface only, where as a rain of water washes clean all the depths below the face.
So. It's cute that you can use search engines and kind of read books. Try using that brain of yours a little more will ya?
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Within the next 2 weeks a New World awaits for the vaccinated who will begin their 5G ascension journey to a new giga consciousness and leave the rest of humanity behind.

Within 96 hours of the announcement the ascended masters will broadcast the emergency alert message system to all living souls declared and undeclared to declare the TOTAL CABAL DEFEAT of the Satanic Deep State.

Within 216 hours of the revelations the Galactic Federation will announce the Full Disclosure™ of humanity's past hidden history and new future including newly discovered technology®

protip: for the unvaccinated swine another harsh summer awaits

I've noticed vaxxies getting even more retarded lately, in addition to getting more sick. i know this is copypasta but whatever it is hurry up, i'm waiting.
Sorry, meant to say 2 years so this might take a while.
this is the new vax cope?
critique pending... ?
Yes either a seething vaxxie or some troll has been spamming this forever now.
It's the next big psyop we're manifesting.
I'm taking cash in exchange for my silence.
: Sorry I'm EARLY.

The sun will slowly take off its outer lair to reveal a giant fiery cock erected full of love that its going to fuck the earth with while the cucked demiurge only gets to sit and watch while it copes and seethes.

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