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/x/ methods to become more attractive to /x/ girls?
go to conventions and join clubs that are /x/ related and just causualy talk to girls there. It should be easy since both of yall are of the understanding that the other person is gonna be weird so you can be more yourself :)
Bathe regularly.
In piss
>go to conventions and join clubs that are /x/ related
Any examples? I actually never heard of any /x/ conventions but I'm definitely interested
>applies copious makeup
>sprays three different kinds of perfumes
>spends two hours making hair floofy
>dons 3 inch heels
Seconding this
and skinwalk the kind of man female /x/ schizos are into
If cons and clubs are unavailable:
Go to stores that sell crystals and dream catchers, incense etc. girls who work there or frequent there will have at least some minor /x/ tendencies.
but be prepared to put up with talk of astrology and wicca. Show interest even if you think it's stupid, or they won't listen to you when you start showing your power level.
>dream catchers
This is basic bitch normie shit.
read ra material
Depends on your age group.
It is, but it's also a shows a bear minimum interest. girls who actively hang around such places are usually at least into demonology, wicca and such. it's a starting point.
Get in shape through diet and exercise. Improve your hygiene and learn how to take care of your appearance. Develop social skills. Become financially successful. Take up hobbies that involve meeting people.
Opie said /x/ girls, not normies.
Shower. Lift weights. Work out. Once you are physically fit like the man of her dreams, come across a /x/ schizo girl by chance at the local supermarket. When you exchange numbers, pay attention to her phone charms and the wallpaper. They are all into some random ass gacha character for some reason.
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>This is basic bitch normie shit
Just because they (and by extension, you) are, doesnt mean im as basic or ignorant as yourselves
How can you find your will to live?
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huh, you know what, this checks out. I learned something today. Saved
This is interesting, but probably 70% bullshit.
Written by Satan. Blessed are the poor in spirit and the meek.
Beautiful. Where's this from? Id love to read some more not that this is insufficient
Not bad.
Hweybwrwo cwanywou fwhpschizcks mwy cock bwoigh agwain?
Seriously though dgrps aint vinyled every.
join your local Freemasons Lodge
This is so true it hurts. I was doing nofap (still do) and at day 6 I was so horny I could break universe in two. So I was going around town looking for fuck, alot of girls were checking me out but I simply couldn't bring myself to talk to them so I went home and jacked off, next day not even a single woman was looking at me. It was biggest redpilled and it caused me severe depressions
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based and true
>poor karma that has resulted in them being born male
Stopped reading here. This roastie wants to pretend like most women today don't bedrot in smelly underwear, smoking weed and shlicking to Netflix or whatever
OP, stop being such a faggot and shitting up the board, these sloots are some of the easiest around
Karma doesn't exists but the roastoid is right. Even if she wasn't its still good motivation for young fags to get their shit together
No, she isn't you stupid faggot. Firstly because karma is real if not in the "do a good and good thing happen" bastardized New Age form this bitch believes. Second, all the mountains of social science data that being bald, short, poor, ugly, etc. actually are the problems for men trying to date, and not that they aren't being high-energy enough jesters for random sluts. Her anecdote about how she knows a fat ugly retard with a gf is meaningless. You yourself also don't know what you're talking about and you are a lost normgroid. GTFO my board immediately.
They're partially right. Energy is a large point in attracting women, that said it's only the main factor when it comes to younger women.
They're wrong in thinking the lack of energy men have is a result of inherent karmic circumstance rather than contextual factors, and they're wrong in thinking the phenomenon is exclusive to men(it's more common but only like 1.5-2x).
Buddy if you think karma is real in any shape or form you are pretty much retarded.
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Don't shower, have long hair, be autistic, keep a balance of disrespecting them and relying on them like a mother figure.

The type of girls attracted to the "x/ scene" tend to be a specific breed of pick me. I've been in many x communities and i've seen it all too many times.
>omggg karma is totally really that's why I'm born as legless cripple because my past life was shit
>what do you mean Im not allowed to remember my past life? How will I learn from mistakes?

Kek fag
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>only a man could conceive of something as horrifying as the gooncave
woman actually wrote something funny
Hylic argument and you're still believing boomer "i do a bad then bad happen" bastard version of it. Also, thanks for outing yourself with literal reddit spacing jfl, get out of here before you embarrass yourself more faggot
This sounds legit. Are the women all milfs or childless looking for surrogate sons or something?
I'm pretty sure your explanation of karma is absolute truth right faglord? Bet it's some energy shit and atoms. Get the fuck out of there ranjeet before I call exterminatus on whole india
That's not really reddit spacing and they're almost definitely a troll.
>zero argument
>better to call someone troll
Here's your (you), I'm not gonna argue with you.
Thanks now fuck off
No, they all tend to be in their 20s or early 30s, they find autistic behavior hot and they must conflate it with some myspace fantasy bullshit they drag around or something. It's not that weird, it's a slight twist on the "i can fix you" fetish, except it's more like "i'll pretend like i'm fixing you but i'll just enable you because if i change you you'll stop being a hot mess and i won't like you anymore".
>countless texts available about the nature of karma in Indian religion as well as how it's viewed in occult traditions of the West
>n-no you made it up
The nobody thread is missing its retard, someone better come retrieve him
Okay explain me karma in your own understanding
Check my trips first.
Oh no did karma did that?
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I have no further questions
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Great post. Rings true

>keto enthusiasts
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No gf because no will to live. No will to live because no gf.
The one thing that roastie (unintentionally) gets right is that you need to have will to live independent of any gf. Find something you think is worthwhile and throw yourself into it.
Is it possible to regain the will to live when you are completely dead inside?
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>Muh energy
This is one factor, yes, but but the foid who wrote it is still short of the mark and you can tell she's regurgitating manosphere shit she read online. She's also conflating energy with the sources of energy themselves, that being health, happiness, being stress-free, and most important of all, being confident.
>RULE #1:
Take advice on how to pickup girls from MEN who are good at picking up girls, not girls themselves.

Thankfully this is /x/ and this topic is already at hand, so the best piece of advice you can get if you're an incel is to ingest substances that deactivate fear. Psilocybin (shrooms) and Phenibut HCL will turn you into a Chad, at least for the 12 hours or so that they're in your system, although psilocybin has recorded longevity to it's positive confidence boosting effects.

Fuck all the other bullshit pickup books, dating coaches, redpillers, or other grifters you find in plethora online. It all boils down to having a lack of fear and anxiety, as women smell this shit a mile away and it's as repugnant to them as smelling a rotting corpse. You can also deliberately get rejected a few times to cauterize your fears, but if you're a basket case that literally cannot stand in front of a woman and mumble out a few words, then these substances will be your training wheels
Drugs, alc, doing emo, talking about x and angels, demons, call aliens like 15 year olds: aaaayyyy. You will get your emo girl
Ain't that a men's club...
Get to NYC

Many such occult book stores, clubs, and organizations, meetups, etc...

Calling all /x/ bros and titty girls, the revolution is in New York city, get yourself there soon.
Being fearless is only part of the equation, especially if you're looking for more than a one night stand at a club.
That said your advice seems helpful.
Phenibut HCL
Just makes me tired and if I do too much I feel kind of dizzy and lightheaded. I've seen several people on here say it makes you feel "chad" and I just don't get it.
Steroids and jelquing my dude. Steroids and jelquing.
You're ODing if it makes you fatigued or too relaxed. There's a very specific therapeutic range that all drugs have as the sweet spot. If in doubt, microdose and work your way up. The goal is to have a fear reduction without getting KO'd like benzos tend to do.
Porn star McGee
>It all boils down to having a lack of fear and anxiety,
This is true when you have anxiety, but when you finally learn to remove the anxiety, you will learn that there are more blockages.
Like lack of charisma for example.
Also a lot of manwhores are actually just sociopaths. They ruin woman and they don't feel bad about it.
Fear and anxiety prevent you from making progress or experimenting with what works to begin with. It won't give anyone a personality by itself, but removing anxiety allows you to reveal your true personality to the world and lets you express the positive traits you do have. We also tend to view confidence and a lack of anxiety as a hugely charismatic trait anyway, even if there isn't a whole lot going on under the hood.

It's been my experience with a lot of friends and meeting new people that a lot of bros out there are actually very charming dudes, but are just frozen with fear and anxiety when they leave the house or go to venues with lots of people.
There's a spectrum of cynicism when it comes to attracting /x/ girls. In the centre of the spectrum (neutral) it's all the usual stuff: be involved in the kinds of irl scenes these girls gravitate towards, look like what she would expect a cool guy in that scene to look like, have cool guy friends who are also in that scene, be able to talk confidently to her about whatever particular branches of /x/ shit she's into, make a move when the moment's right so she doesn't just put you in some kind of asexual brother role. /x/ girls is a pretty broad spectrum - some are going to be yoga, others will be ravers, going to ambient music events, meditation classes, channeling groups etc.

At the cynical end of the spectrum the answer is of course "have access to a wide assortment of drugs"

At the optimistic end of the spectrum, there's a certain kind of /x/ girl who will fall madly in love with you if she genuinely believes you have The Energy. Again, this could be a variety of things depending on what she's into - maybe she thinks you're a genuine channel, or you're a satanic high priest, or you're going to take her out to the new mexico desert to find aliens, or you're a yogi, or whatever. Basically you feel like the real deal, like your life is some kind of magical journey and maybe you'll take her along for the ride. But this can't be faked. Also it will only work on girls who really truly believe in this stuff, who aren't just in it for the aesthetics or the parties. But in the rare case that you can make this happen you can get away with being more of an autistic weirdo, because your particular energy will be more attractive to her than what a mainstream attractive guy can offer
The regular Phenibut I bought came with a little scoop that's supposed to be 1 dose, so I use that. But the HLC is stronger, so I'm probably taking too much. Even with the regular it seems too much though,
This is actually extremely accurate and well said. As a woman, I can assure you that this is not bullshit and probably the best post this thread is going to get. Learn from this.
>This is basic bitch normie shit.
so do you have an actual argument beyond that, or is "popular thing BAD" just an axiomatic truth to you?
Do /x/ girls exist in the first place?
For me they were always larping to get into male circles and give sex to chad, while causing intrigue among the betas.
All groups that invite women end up in internal strife, and sometimes in criminal activity as well.
The key is to look for groups that start with primarily women rather than inviting women. There are women who start their own social circles rather than joining those of others.
Where does one GET energy?

Outside of doing coke.

I want to be happy and free, but I always find myself tired and uninterested. Where do I get that pick me up to have energy?
Any woman who refers to men as golden retriever is Satan's plaything. Do better anons, find better women that aren't energy vampires.
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>that image
for faggots maybe? Here's the real juice
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I reccomend starting with light cardio and diet, or a hobby that isn't inherently unhealthy.

Back when I was full inertia I just focused on my thoughts of dissatisfaction until the misery gave me some sort of anguish based energy, which I channeled into basic exercises. After just a week my body started feeling like it had a small amount actual energy of its own without such methods, and that was just with like 10-20 pushups a day.
The longer I did this and the more I increased my excercises the more energy I felt like I had on a daily basis until it plateaued at a moderate amount I was able to channel into social stuff.
Where you plateau probably depends on your age, and it's important to note that your gains will not be proportional to or plateau at the same time as your energy does especially if you focus on non-cardio exercises.
>dogs will telepathically sense when master leaves work
Interesting, this dude is legitimately /x/-pilled without being in-your-face about it. What board is this from?
Love potion
honestly i don't remember i saved it years back.
>woman lying
lol. If this were true the most attractive men would be STEM autists.
No because STEM autists often have intense education and jobs that can leave them emotionally drained for large portions of the week. Literal criminals rarely have that problem, I'd suspect 'golden retriever bf' types probably don't do anything important or difficult enough to cause that problem either.
Her theory isn't entirely accurate, but it is mostly internally consistent.
This reeks of bitter housewife. It's never about where the energy comes from or where it goes, it's about

>the energy has to be here right now to satiate my needs or you don't love me
>even though all the energy was spent trying to provide for my needs and happiness
>I'd rather cheat with someone that isn't exhausted from providing for me all the time
>because then they have more energy to spend on me directly, and not my unending list of demands and ultimatums
>I claim i don't appreciate anything, but eagerly snatch everything up at the earliest opportunity.

take take take, give them an inch, a foot, or a mile, no accountability, just impulse and take and when the well dries up time for another mark to feed upon.
The post WW2 model of the nuclear family created a domesticated infantilized idea of a wife who had no point of reference for work aside from cooking two meals and cleaning the same shit every day as opposed to the farmwork, clothing manufacturing/repair and general contribution to income that existed in the wives of the previous century.

When the feminist movement came in and called the role out as being superficial bullshit(which to be fair it kind of was) they failed to replace it with a realistic model of female employment and instead supplanted it with bullshit fantasies of female CEOs and presidents despite that being unfeasible for the majority of the population regardless of gender.
Now we have the economy shitting itself and any woman who isn't legitimately exceptional is too infantilized to do anything besides retail, finding a man to leech off of or sexwork.

So it's partially women's fault but also largely the 2nd industrial revolutions fault.
shoot yourself in the head
Become a ghost
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Bathing, deodorant and cologne (but not too much), a well-groomed appearance. If you can, grow a beard and keep it well-maintained. If it's patchy, maybe stick with clean-shaven, or just leave a little stubble. Don't get weird with it. A sense of humor also goes a long way. Save the dirty jokes, try for some observational humor. Stay away from politics.

You could also try some glamour magic. Hell, if you're trying to pick up an /x/ girl, definitely get into magic and the paranormal. Talk about it with her. Shared interests are always a way to get a foot in the door. Plus, it's a cool subject.
To attract girls you gotta be attractive to a majority of girls, then you can pick
>but also largely the 2nd industrial revolutions fault.
brilliant. I'm reading on this now.
Even if there was any truth to this, the line
>women don't like assholes and sociopaths, they like energy
Reveals how it's all BS and women are actually hybristophilic fiends.
Man ive got to stop fucking fapping
Eh, reducing it to once or twice a week is better than going cold Turkey from the start imo. Handling a weeks worth of unspent jizz energy for the first time in years is kind of a mindfuck.
Comic conventions, Star Trek conventions, etc. all kinds of nerdy weird chicks there, and some actual babes that like to dress up as sailor moon.
Holy fucking too long didnt read

Forget that fags advice and listen to this, women need emotions, if your stable and always showering them with attention and affection, theyll get bored of you

Pick fights with them, then kiss them, make them cry, then make them laugh

Be a rollercoaster ride of emotions and theyll worship you
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holy fuck this legitimately blew my mind now, how do I get energypilled bros?
>still caring about women or what women think
Boring Earth sign/hylic cope and infinitely more Satanic
Material conditions are not one's essence. Cry moar just because we do it with sovl while you've been disowned by the Creatrix

Based contribution
Niggerbrains will forever misinterpret religious and mystical literature without consuming it from a trauma-informed perspective.
Boys like you BEG for toxic women to come fuck their shit up and victimize pure women to try to groom them into fulfilling their fantasies. This post isn't even trolling anymore, take a reckless dance around a large bonfire
"Nature takes delight in Nature, Nature wins over Nature, Nature dominates Nature" -Zosimus of Panopolis, egyptian alchemist
There are two ways you can follow: the way of YES, and the way of NO. The first is about giving energy out, exuding energy. The second is about taking energy in and keeping it inside. Both ways will augment your energy, in the first way the more energy you spend the more will be given to you, in the second it will grow exponentially by itself. The first is vitalism at its finest, it's about embracing the immanence of what it is, the second is antivitalism and it's about embracing the transcendence of what you are. Both have their own pros and cons, and both are a representation of Nature giving a middle finger to herself. However, both ways when followed to their own extreme conclusion will open up to a conjunction of opposites for which those who follow the first way will find transcendence in immanence and those who follow the second will find immanence in transcendence.
No, you're projecting the infectious pus of being wronged by a damaged woman on to the writings of one who may or may not be. Which is irrelevant, because she's articulating the kernel of truth she holds fairly well.
You aren't wrong. She isn't either. Cope (sincere) & integrate. Maybe get a better radar for worthless ungrateful dead-end whores, champ
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>poor karma resulted in being born male
How are they supposed to be more inspired and energetic if this is the kind of visceral hatred and resentment that they have to deal with from their supposed other half?
/x/ girl here, be fucking normal, I mean it. Man into the paranormal are often fucking unstable and unemployed. Just be emotionally intelligent, don't use your thirst for esoteric knowledge to not live as the highest version of yourself. You fucking gooners. Anyway, I know some pissrats will try to act like as if this hard to grasp.
We know you've never touch a woman
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>yes.... human males..... feed us.... your.... life energy.....
Anon, you have never spoken to a woman
femanon gave me STDs. hope you like STDs.
It's not hard to grasp it's just boring and seems more specific to you than general advice for girls into /x/ shit.
Nyc is a literal shithole and pathetically low frequency "people", get fucked retard
NYC is a shithole but it's paranormal as fuck. Mostly in extremely bad and spiritually detrimental way, but still.
Christranny kys
Reeks of glow
Dude wtf is this
What the roastie who wrote there said is correct, for both genders, and is more easily summed up as "vitality according to Nietzsche"
>go to gym
>lift weights
>work on form
>feel sensation in muscles
>go home
>manifest big muscles
I'd love beat you to death.
What's the deal with 11:11, i see those numbers more often than not.
Men have extremely hard time to date. You are retarded whore and I agree you need to be beat to death you fucking retard
become a serial killer, bitches love serial killers
Stop watching porn and stop masturbating for the rest of your life (doesnt mean no sex, you can always call hookers if you feel the need).
Start working out heavy, REALLY HEAVY.
No tren though, that will shrink your balls and test levels will crash if you stop using it.
By itself that will give you the proper foundation to be a man from which you will be able to create a good life. Women will come on their own. They are attracted to a strong fire and fire is passion. You dont have passion when you sit on a chair all day and jerk off to tranny porn do you ?
If you define your will to live around a woman you are already lost.
You are funny.
Not spending your energy into a sock will literally increase your confidence and remove your anxiety.
These things are connected.
That does not make any sense because being unstable is the realm of the feminine.
True masculinity if it can be summarized in one symbol - the mountain.
Always stable, always there, unmovable, unshakeable.
If a woman seeks what you have described in a partner then that means she herself is fucked up inside.
some men are stable some women are stable
some men are chaotic some women are chaotic
approaching life with this kind of binary sense of "the feminine realm" (which you learnt from a man) is very third-world/ESL pilled, keep your caste system nonsense in your own country thanks
Have a strong suthra dhatu that is fertile, that's all it takes.
imagine beign a such a beta cuck you live to please 18yo roasties and put them on pedestal

If this were true at all then they wouldn't try to take this from them

Sounds like bullcrap

Also Christ is King of kings
If this is true, I am utterly horrified.

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