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My best friend has paranormal gifts and spiritual talent and ability and I dont and feel jealous. How do I stop being jealous of my best friend. I hate that I feel envy and the way it affects my behavior even though it is very subtle I want to be a better friend and this is not something a friend should feel. How do I remove it
Grow up.
Understand and realize that if what you're saying is true, that these things come with their own set of complications and hardships. You say you want them, too but it's a bit more complicated than you realize.
Violating people and thinking you can justify it by calling your victim "jealous" means you're a disgusting retarded delusional sadist
>I want to be a better friend and this is not something a friend should feel.
That's not how it works. You be a better friend by controlling your feelings, not by magically changing how you feel.
You might have to just accept that you'll always feel that way, or confront what it is about yourself that makes you feel inferior without spiritual powers.

Also this isn't/adv/, you saying some vague /x/ related bullshit in the OP doesn't change the fact that the actual discussion of your social problems has nothing to do with /x/.
Just think about something else when you feel envy (also works for feelings of arrogance).

The best remedy is to think about someone has done great things, maybe a historical figure, someone who doesn't prompt you to compare yourself to them. Do it immediatly when you feel envy, and try to make it to a habit.
The way I got rid of jealousy in a relationship is picturing that the emotion is a spirit, "Spirit of Jealousy". Like, imagine it as some dude, who's job it is to posess people and make them jealous. (before you read on realize this is real schizo take ok, I cannot guarantee your safety when battling spirits) Like, you need to realize that the negative emotion is not part of you, it is external, literally some spirit dude who is messing with you. Detach yourself entirely from that emotion and then fight him, throw him off you. Physically wrestle him if you have to, Laying down in bed & completely relaxing your corporeal body may help, while doing this. When you succeed at casting off the spirit, it's going to go and invade someone else, probably someone you know, which sucks, but I can't help with that, I don't know how to protect others from spirit posession, only yourself.

My strong emphasis rests on picturing the emotion as external to yourself, very important: You are not jealous, you're being controlled by a Spirit of Jealousy, because you let your guard down and he/she posessed you. The spirit can be fought against & evicted. If you don't believe this, it will keep its power over you. Good luck.
Tell him to claim the Australian skeptics' prize
Do not consider yourself unlucky, but perhaps consider yourself lucky you know someone with such gifts. See what you can do to help them, and see what they can do to help you. Observe your friend. Ask them questions. You will learn.

It’s okay to feel jealousy, and you should vent about it when you can. But don’t let it win.
God doesn't give powers to people who use it for earthly gain
First, you need to know the difference between jealous and envy.

They are 2 different emotions.
no, he only gives them to people to get into pissing contests on the internet
get real
Projection, I've never exposed my true power level to anyone, certainly not to randoms on the internet
what are you doing now
it should be randomly distributed thru the population regardless of moral value. karma/divine justice is not real lol just look at the world and who has it best
What's the difference?
you don't know a percent of what is going on in the world, much less what's going on in heaven. You and I have very limited mortal perspectives. Best to stay humble and trust in the Lord
yeah im sorry im sure that epstein was blessed by god for his moral virtues
p.s. take your antipsychotics
Really try to get in touch with the fact that whoever you are and whatever you think you're good at, there is somebody out there who is better. It's harder to be jealous of the person ahead of you when you realize she, just like you, is behind someone else.
>My best friend has paranormal gifts and spiritual talent and ability
Really? Have you seen anything paranormal around your friend?
can you explain more what this difference in spiritual talent and ability is like between you two?
Realize that "he" is an extension of "you" and you are lucky to have such a functional organ in such close proximity to your own instance of existence.

In another sense, it is said that if a sense is missing the others become stronger. Perhaps you are missing his sense, but are ignoring your own strengths in it's absence. These sorts of things are incredibly subtle. Expanded awareness will show you all sorts of gifts you have as an organ in the infinite body of energetic exchange. Some people need to be grounded so others can fly.
absolutely this again op. its complicated and hardship, you dont want that

difference is jealousy is to be afraid to lose something you already have and envy is the aggression to have what others have.
Cmon man dont encourage him to be a solipsist
Jealousy in itself is neither good or bad feeling. It may act badly if you just broil in it and start wishing bad things to your friend. However, it can also act benefitially if you perceive jealousy as a "compass arrow" which shkws you whatever your herat deskres and where you should apply yourself.
Sit down and write down what skills specifically cause jealousy in you and later find books to help you develop them. Plus, your friend may act as a teacher to you, although it will be difficult if has no innate teaching skill. Anyway, it may become a very interesting and joyful experience for both of you.
You may not develop the skills like your friend, but you have to understand that such skills are as individual as our senses of perception or any other skill that we possess.
there's no such thing as spiritual welfare, you either put in the work or you get nothing
put in enough work this lifetime and some measure of it will carry forth into the next
based and parapilled

Being jelous is the worst thing you can fathom. It will consume you.
OP here

Im nothing and he is a legitimate Bodhisattva. I saw it on drugs many times everytime I used it and I used all drugs in the world and in private I asked him about it and he confided to me he was and I was the only one that saw that and knew.
I hoped at one point to be one to but Im not cut out for it but he is thats why it hurts.

Also special thanks to the advices here that came from a good heart they are legitimately useful.

For all the anger Im just trying to be a better friend so all your hate at me having feelings that I hate I even have and Im trying to get rid off honestly fuck you
stop getting advice from 4chan degenerates to start lel

I’m in the music business and very successful and I see this every single day. In the music business, so many people see someone else being successful and just SEETHE. It is the sign of someone with a very shitty character. I have friends who are very successful and I always celebrate their success. Some of my friends are even more successful than me in some ways, but guess what? It’s not a competition. There’s room for everyone. Use this as an opportunity to celebrate your friend’s success and also count yourself lucky to know someone who can probably give you great pointers on your own spiritual journey.

As a musician, I really don’t believe in gifts or “talent”. Which might be surprising coming from someone who is well know for being exceptionally gifted and talented musically. But I think it’s just a matter of how many hours you’ve put in. The reason I’m better at music than 99% of people on the planet is because I’ve put in more hours than 99% of people (I’m OLD!). Similarly, you should ask your friend what books and methodologies he has studied and start to apply yourself in the same way. Most humans are pretty similar from a physiological standpoint so as you as you aren’t somehow deformed or something you should be able to achieve the same level of mastery if you put in the same amount of effort at the same things.
>As a musician, I really don’t believe in gifts or “talent”.
That's kind of dumb. Just because skill exists and is more common doesn't mean talent doesn't also exist.
Hell, even having the work ethic to apply yourself and develop skill is a form of talent.
>karma/divine justice is not real
You don't understand karma


Learn to be happy for others.
You could reasonably expect that many people would react similar to OP. Atleast OP is aware of it, so many people are unaware of their lower ego's dominion . but this adds to intentionality for OP. Not all self aware /high agency types subscribe to the same canonical interpretation or consequential system of ethics. There are other paths

>>38382935 just be yourself. It's important to know there are others and that they can exceed you in skill. It's an opportunity and a crisis.

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