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yo i get why flat earthers believe in this shit, this shit is kinda cool
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Is not about believing, is about logic and science.
Flat Earth has its holes, but the Globe theory is more hole than anything.
Then why do you have to lie about observable fact?
Are holes real, or are they simply the lack of something in a space where you are expecting it to be?
Because the dude who spams infographics here isn't a real flat earther he's either a LARPer or paid disinfo.
I would like to talk to an actual flat earther sometime but this faggot butts in on every discussion of the topic so I never can.
wags going on in atlanta dawg
Are there like 4 suns in this world? How does this work?
If the Earth rotates at 1000 m/h speed on its axis;
110.700 km/h around the Sun; and the Sun moves around the Galaxy in a circle at 486.000 m/h.
How the structure of the stars in the sky was almost the same for the last 6000 years? Almost the same constelations moving with the hour, but that's it.
If the Earth is pointing very different directions, and I mean very different, all tthe time, Shouldn't it be a new star structure all the time? A new star system not seen the day before, and every day like this?
How does an atmosphere stay on a spinning ball
>Shouldn't it be a new star structure all the time? A new star system not seen the day before, and every day like this?
The Earth is moving 100s of thousands of miles an hour, but even the nearest stars are Quadrillions of miles away(nearest is like 5 light years), so to significantly change our position relative to them still takes millennia. They have changed though, astrologists argue over it because the systems established 2,000 years ago don't line up with the modern positions of constellations.
This is where we say gravity and then you say gravity is fake. Here's your (you).
>How the structure of the stars in the sky was almost the same for the last 6000 years?
1 - Because they are very very far away, so what seem to be even very large movements from us do not make their apparent position change. Just like a mountain on the horizon does not seem to change position even to someone going 100mph.
2 - A lot of the stars we see are moving in the same general direction and speed as our own star. Again, like cars on a highway, they seem relatively stable in their positions to each other even as they move at great speed.
3 - They DO move, some of them seem to move a lot faster than other stars.
>If the Earth is pointing very different directions, and I mean very different, all tthe time,
It isnt. Especially when you pull back very very far, at most it is wobbling a bit in place, and the poles are pointing perpendicular to most of the movement.
>Shouldn't it be a new star structure all the time?
No. It should take a very very long time. Thousands of years, in fact.
And please stop looking at that horrible corkscrew graphic. It is wrong on just about every aspect.
the planets are being sucked along in some vortex.
It is more accurate to consider the orbital plane as like the edge of a spinning top, and the top is slowly moving along the table.
Sometimes the edge is in front of the center, sometimes behind it, and the whole system is moving along a path.
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>the planets are NOT* being sucked
Bad time for a typo.
Here's some fast moving stars for ya.
It's honestly fascinating reading the theories. Wait until you get to swiss cheese theory where there are multiple earth size domed realms in one super huge planet. Some real The Island shit. So yes what we call earth is flat just because that's how circles work but it's on a huge planetary body with many other "pockets" of earth-like contained (maybe) systems. Fascinating stuff.
Polaris moves ever so slightly every year, theres data going back over a hundred years. Theres also strong evidence that the constellations have changed slightly over the past couple thousand years judged from ancient charts.

But of course its all a matter of scale. if you were to use accurate figures for distances to stars and how far the earth moves over time you'd be able to calculate the expected angle change and it would naturally fit right into the model you're attempting to debunk
okay why don't you drill a hole to the other side of the firmament
what's below flat earth
it's not a minecraft seed
the atmosphere is literally the result of natural processes on our planet involving various gasses and oxygen like what do you mean it's why we do can have an affect on atmospheric conditions
>It's honestly fascinating reading the theories.
This. Once you get past the shit flinging flat earth lore is pretty cool.
My favorites are the HxH Dark continent style maps where there's like 20 other continents outside the ice wall.
by it being heavier than the opposing outward force imparted by the spin.
This map is false simply because there is no way that we wouldn't be getting sold that land right now
People who believe in this stuff are just coping with the reality that we already explored the entirety of Earth and that your average joe will never experience exploring an unknown world like the conquistadors did 500 years ago.
just go to remote places without maps and its basically the same. the real problem is these people never leave their parents basement anyway
Our perception of Earth is the cross section of something else moving in higher dimensions. Everything you see has it's genesis in higher dimensions. So in ancient depictions you see Earth as a plane sandwiched between other realms, but that's just for an easier way of understanding it in out 3d way of thinking. Mathematically a hypersphere intersecting into 3d would be what we call a sphere. So this hypersphere would have multiple cross sections across realities, so that would mean alternate Earths, different sizes, properties. Some awfully similar others not so much and vastly different.
flat earthers are actual faggots who got psyopped into making people who know the trvth look like retards
I’m setting up an expedition to the canadian boreal forest with only 19th century equipment, everyone is invited.
Fuck it I haven't been raped or beaten in a few years sign me up.
Let's start an exploration company and go find out for ourselves
The UN has automated weapons that kill you if you try to pass through the gate.
That sounds like a proper adventure, lad
so shoot the weapons first. sounds like pussy
What do you think goes on in the spotlight sea?
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Hang on a minute
That one's always funny.
They're pretty low energy today, usually they post more images and try to start as much shit as possible.
Nice map, did you build that in minecraft?
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I always imagined it like this, there's this tiling going on and if you go around the "globe" you don't reach the place from where you came from, but a very similar but distinct earth, and the people that lived in the copy of your house also traveled to the world that is next to theirs.
An infinite amount of earths one besides the other, and people would never know they arrived to an identical place.
This is cgi. Flerfs will fall for anything.
The Pyramids of Egypt still line up with Orion's belt after 3-4000 years, you're a fucking moron. Polaris has been the North Star since recorded human history.
Love this braindead take because if it were true, we wouldn't actually be able to prove it until 2000 years have passed and supposedly Polaris won't be the North Star anymore, this of course is completely unverifiable as any changes in Polaris' position would be so minute that we have no instruments capable of actually recording any.
And to add onto this specifically, it's not just Earth and the Sun that are moving, all the stars are moving as well. This gets compounded upon by the idea of returning comets that supposedly could be affected by any number of objects in our solar system as well as by things that "fly through" our solar system like that whole "planet X" thing from like 15 years ago.
And yet, somehow, it's all perfectly balanced at a level that seems entirely unreasonable. We could be taken out at any moment by a "rogue asteroid" but it's never happened and the best they can do is pretend the dinosaurs were wiped out by one.

It's a lot simpler and more realistic that Earth is stationary, the heavens revolve above and things like comets are actually celestial beings that routinely visit earth to check up on us, peering through the firmament or in some cases like "meteors" actually coming here to make a direct change to the world.
I love how you retards wait hours hoping that the people you respond too are gone, fucking intellectual coward
He'd have to believe what he was posting to be an intellectual coward. I do love how he went after my low effort response rather than the super detailed one with pictures immediately below it, makes me feel special.
>He'd have to believe what he was posting to be an intellectual coward
I too pretend retards are just pretending to save what's left of my sanity anon.
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>still line up with Orion's belt
Only if your margin of error is larger than the calculated amount of movement of the stars.
This post isn't worth arguing with because it's evidence based on records and astronomers and you'll claim all evidence we have are false(such as Orion's Belt not fully aligning with the pyramids, or astrological records from ancient Greece indicating that Polaris has in fact moved several degrees since then) because the basis of your theory is that all of our evidence is fake.

So it's an intellectual impasse for both sides.

We could observe Proxima Centauri or another close range star over the course of a decade if you want to but you don't seem like you wanna hang out like that.
>all those words and supposition
>not a single attempt to use easily available data to calculate degrees of change
You people disgust me
>The Pyramids of Egypt still line up with Orion's belt after 3-4000 years
but apparently the more precisely aimed shafts which run through the pyramids do not.

>Polaris has been the North Star since recorded human history.
also addressed in the above article, not to mention with the fact that navigational almanacs contain measurable changes for Polaris' exact location for each year.
Agree. There should be a metric shit-tonne of movies about this just because it's that awesome. Same with the moon landing hoax, space is fake, birds aren't real, and shit like that - not that that retarded comedy or whatever the fuck it was.

Like there are episodes of Star Trek and Twilight Zone where people realise they're living in fake environments and they're cool. Shit like 'The Truman Show' and 'The Island' where the population is being lied to and it's well-received. Why not just go full flat Earth with rockets hitting domes, getting through the ice wall, etc. Would be kino shit and very cinematic.

Lends credence to the idea there is a conspiracy that there isn't more Flat Earth in entertainment.
theres only so much suspension of disbelief that possible. The idea that only a plucky band of basement dwellers armed only with laser pointers and a complete inability to understand photography are the ones to discover the earth is flat goes way beyond that.

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