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What’s the /x/ status of France?
France is full is paradoxes, and they seem to me like a point of convergence for all materialistic currents of thought in Europe, while Germany is a point of convergence of the spiritual currents from East and West.
They have catacombs which sound cool for urban exploration.
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Oy vey!
Why are the beasts so evenly distributed? Who assigned the territories?
Such a lame, weird, vapid, irrelevant, obstructive question. You guys really hate everything to do with Europe and Europeans, don’t you?
The singing spider of the catacombs and the Paris Time Gap are two of my favorite France /x/ events.
assburgers detected
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>home of western alchemy
>alchemist castles
>ancient druids
>ghosts of revolution
>dead kings
>vampires not from there but heavily connected to their culture
>escargot is lowkey /x/ food
They killed every other beasts and forged their own territory, now they wage border skirmishes until the next great cataclysm allows for true attacks of conquest
Isn't the Brittany area the location of the greentext with the homeless qt3.14 that lived off the grid? Someone post it
Shit.... should I just go there in person?
Yes. Report back to us.
Why should I go?
>vampires not from there but heavily connected to their culture
Really? Because aristocracy?
non-existent, possible psyop
Im garfield onager.
And you think id fuck yourself?
a bunch of French beasts got together and agreed on boundary lines at a round table meeting
Imediqtwly the cuck crwq again
Youangon order his mother fucking bal?
Goy lankan boata.
sounds like place where demons with longer than human lifespans would hide/live
Merovingian and the vamps like the French aristocratic ideals that they should have everything and humans will be poor, stupid, own nothing and be content with that bullshit. Vampires are most controlling in spiritual matters and try to keep humans from unlocking our inner powers.

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