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They made me do it
No you're not.
Would you like to talk about it, if you can?
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They made you do this, but still can’t figure out how to get you take your meds.
They made you remove the wildcard numero uno thread?
so why are we giving this dumbass this much credibility?
This one has really got me thinking. It's a really clear one. Notice how it morphs? OP, any insight into what this is? You seem like someone who could provide some very useful insight. We can talk about what you did whenever the desire pops up.

I truly want aliens to come and fuck every kind of shit up, but that is so clearly a balloon.
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Ain't nothin to it gangsta rap made ya do it?
We couldn't let you succeed.

Now bow down to the MAGA King,

and SNEED.
Are you the fucker who gives me a headache almost every time I use this board?
If not show yourself faggot
you have free will and you did it because you are weak willed
Will they make you try again on the 18th?
I knew who you were as soon as I came across the threads on /pol/ talking about you. Our humble little nobody general wasn't so humble in the first place? This world is left, nigga.
that nobody general is evil. Its clearly grooming a bunch of people into being shooters and giving them massiah complexes
All is well.
I'm glad that you're alive and well.
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Whore of Babylon says what?
12 thread?
Grooming shooters is saying a lot about the schizo containment general, but a group with that objective isn't out of the realm of possibility. Giving people messiah complexes though, that's a feature not a bug. It's literally built to lure weirdos into thinking that they specifically are the nobody so that they fuck themselves over in some way or form. The egregore is mischievous. If someone is jacked up enough to believe they're the guy themselves I would think that the nobody wants nothing to do with those people, even going so far as to set them up for failure so they end up farther from the nobodies position than they started. It's not even eliminating the competition if you think about it, more like creating a paradox trap to fuck over big egos for the lulz.
It's okay, you need to let go. I forgive you.
I don't believe you.

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