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File: old romanian gray.png (143 KB, 949x536)
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There is a new video of what appears to be an old gray alien with skinny arms and a fat body hobbling along the streets of Romania.

He is so weak that he grabs the car when he's walking.

>old gray in romania
File: reeeeeee.png (52 KB, 373x210)
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>get ouuuuttttaaa myyyy waaaaayyyyy!
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2.11 MB WEBM
Oh shet
do 3rd worlders not understand the one dude can just send the other guy the video
>must get back to base...
>before sunrise...
This is Romania we are talking about. Their president shares videos the same way, it can't be helped.
What the fuck is that? The reactions are not fake , because i understand everything they are saying. They think it's a strigoi
Bruh this is an alien or a skinwalker?
it’s a monkey you morons
Thats à réal vampire or strigoy
The only monkey here is you banana boy.
lmao it's a hoax, alien is cgi superimposed
that's just a drunk gypsy
there's like a million of them in that part of the world
>recording a phone with a phone
>keep moving it
>keep putting their fingers in the way
>wont shut up
cmon now dawg
looks creepy though
Looks more like a Kappa than a Grey.
he's looking for his gray walking stick
where's the original video? why a video of a video?
This looks real not fake
I fucking hate Romanians so much it's fucking unreal.
That's a barn jew, migrating

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