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Computers are a psy-op. Young men are doing nothing with their lives. They spend their lives staring at a rectangular slab of plastic which hallucinates things that don't exist. Meanwhile they have another piece of plastic in their hand which has buttons on it to keep their brains satiated for tactile sensation. It is mass hypnosis.

Computers should be restricted only for professional use inside professional institutions. They hold so much power that only intelligent people should be allowed to operate them. It is such a no-brainer that it can't be anything else than a psy-op, remember that internet was given to you by DARPA.
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It's women who ruined the internet and its men who are suffering the consequences. Before social networks like Facebook and online shopping existed, the internet was awesome. Sure, there was some porn and other stupid stuff here and there, but mostly it was nerds and hobbiests communicating and sharing.

It's not really necessary to ban or even restrict access, all we need to do is return to the days when the shit wasn't so user friendly. Ditch GPUs for command line interfaces and replace the world wide web with a simpler protocol like Gemini and even Gopher which simply wouldn't be able to accomodate scripting languages like java, thus making the shiternet as we know it -- with its social networks, online vending, and 24 HD porn streaming -- impossible.
>Computers should be restricted only for professional use inside professional institutions. They hold so much power that only intelligent people should be allowed to operate them. It is such a no-brainer that it can't be anything else than a psy-op
you need to do more research into computer history. this was the vision of computers, for them to be central mainframes owned by IBM with consoles used by people to communicate with the central mainframe and get all your information. and that these consoles would be for generally more important people, like executives, government officials, rich people, etc, and trickle down to the average person. this was the vision of computing steve jobs was attempting to shatter in 1984 with the macintosh. however bill gates and microsoft stopped that dream from coming true, at least for the next 15 years. once the early internet was catching on in the late 90s, steve jobs returned to apple and released the iMac and later the iPod for music. the rest is history, apple became the most successful computer company in history (until recently, microsoft found there way back). anyway, with the creation of the mobile phone this led to a completely different paradigm of the internet. usability, accessibility, and interface design became very important. the internet was going through a UX makeover to onboard billions of people who could benefit from it. and in this process, the big internet companies built centralized servers and cloud computing products to support this online infrastructure. they became the very thing apple was trying to fight against back in the 70s/80s, centralized silos of data that everyone gets their information from. we are on the cusp of a new cyber revolution, the y2k era is coming back in the form of web3. but the pattern has to be stopped, or else the same forces will rise up and build the same oppressive systems
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Computers are a psyop, but so is money, race mixing, society, taxes. All of these things make life meaningless, because they are the artificial extrapolations of actual meaning.
how did you post this then?
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>Computers are a psy-op
a cy op?
well yeah
meds NOW
No op you kike and/or boomer women just don't like ugly men and that is the only reason I cannot get a girlfriend, not because I am glued to my pc and fuck you for promoting censorship over it. Not sure if you did it intentionally or you're just a bootstrap faggot but throw yourself in an oven anyway.
Lol relax. Technology is like a knife. You can cut your steak with it, or JAB yourself to death.

Computers are fucking awesome. Stop being a pussy.
Are you saying women ruined the internet via Facebook and online shopping? Both are made by and managed by men. I think you mean to say the internet became commercialized, so the wild west/clubhouse internet days can no longer exist as they did before. Know your enemies and pick your battles wisely.
Severely Based. Normies ruined the internet.
Yup, but i think if the chip cant be made from locally sourced materials in the average persons basement it shouldnt exist

They war machines though, plain and simple, if not guiding rockets, or calculating debts, their dealing digital opium and spewing propaganda
I am only grateful they allowed a nobody like me a chance, to knowledge. But if i could reverse it and keep the internet terminal interface only i 100% would, even if it meant losing the chance of information.
that's a lie and you know it
Contributing to this society is worse than doing nothing. I envy those that didnt get trapped into obligations by their loved ones. You have to effectively avoid it from the start to achieve that. If you don't, one thing leads to another and your love for the souls of your misguided family and friends, and your competence to make them happy and support them, is used against you to trap you into slavery. Doing nothing is a perfect state of being, you never do the wrong thing. Surviving alone is enough of an accomplishment, many people worldwide and throughout history struggle with that, and if you have a computer you are likely achieving it comfortably every day; taking advantage of the excessive abundance of this rotten society and it's exploits, without doing much at all to contribute to it. Peak comfy and neutral-good.
My only conclusion from all this heavily sanitized datasets is that my grandparents were fools for leaving the farm, and theirs even greater from leaving the woods.
I guess that's why I get so many stalkers because a lot of them reveal themselves to be living miserable lives in fake relationships where they have to work 10 hours a day to barely scrape by. Meanwhile I'm based and I don't give a fuck living a life of perpetual leisure.
>He said on the Internet.
So apple caused horrific warping of society and culture for profit, the same way they've continued to do since.
Good to know.
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