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Watching clips from Charls Carroll's old livestreams he did a few years ago really helped me. He may be playing a character sometimes but I still find his theories to be interesting and his mentality towards life very positive and inspirational to me.

What I want to know, is how did he learn about all this stuff? I want to go deeper into whatever philosophy he has. I want to understand better.
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have you read "how to bomb the U.s. Gov't?"
I have the theory that he is actually a high degree freemason and all his comments about having sex with actors, epstein and stephen hawking are actually true but passed down as jokes lol
He just lurked /x/ for a few years and never moved on with his life
>Charls Carroll
Based. Chuck is the best MDE member.
He's got an extremely esoteric knowledge base. Probably comes from years of ACTUAL research, not just research from /x/ lol. Also helps that he's a catholic with a very based catholic set of parents. I think I recall him saying that his dad was a whackjob that would listen to midnight in the desert with him until 3 am and shit.
He'd be kicked out immediately since he's Catholic. Can't be a Catholic and a freemason
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Based indeed. He somehow hit the boundary between esoteric & schizo and lived to tell the tale

He's a fucking pseud schizo who has no fucking idea what he's saying 90% of the time
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wtf did I just watch?
you watched something good
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Schizo is term that normie throw around because cannot understand for they have no inner life, Chuck was a master of reflecting this inner life into reality for all to see or at least to those who can see.

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