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Well Xbros I'm tired of being a damn dwarf I'm 1.68 and it's terrible girls will never look at you if you're a damn gremlin, you can be handsome, with a gym body, a good cut but they only look for someone tall, give me everything (spells, brews, alchemy, prayers) to grow.
Bro, 1.68ft is really short. Did you need to custom order a smaller keyboard to write this? I bet if you get into 3d printing you could design some of the tools you'd need yourself. Anyway, aren't there groups or maybe even dating groups for little people?
If there were a single thing that worked, they'd bottle and sell it. Sorry bro.
You either gotta find girls who don’t care (list on dating apps your height), shit even put it in your bio and own it) or find short girls that are like 5”2. A lot of girls that height don’t give a shit if a guy is 5”6 or 6”. Also if they’re Asian then they’re used to guys your height. It’s not even close to over for you. And you can always just wear shoes that bump you up to 5”7 or 5”8 or lifts in your shoes if you really give a crap. There are girls that don’t care about height, filter out the ones that do by clearly stating your height on your dating profiles.
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Hello brother.

Amazing new medical technology is coming. It's much closer than people realize. I believe you truly can build confidence and competence up and attract a mate at any size or shape, but if you seek another path then one will soon open for you. Imagine being able to alter your appearance in seconds. Larger muscles? Longer and stronger bones? Reduced body fat? All that and more. It will no longer be a question of 'if' we can change our bodies, but how much we desire to change.

Anon, I've seen incredible things that are coming to us. I know that all too frequently we tell people to wait and stay grounded, but we are on the cusp of something grand. What's in store is worth the wait. I swear it.

desu im not sure those apps work if youre under 180
LoA or subliminal audios are the answer
There is that risky limb lengthening surgery, but you'll have to seriously monemaxx for it and accept not doing anything strenuous for the rest of your life (which will hamper your physique)
as a dwarf myself ive tried loa shit but it just doesnt work. realitys material and once those growth plates are closed theres little you can do
might as well meditate on flaws and do more general mindfulness meditation to let go of your notions of what your life should be and learn to detach
Sounds good...
I've never seen anyone at 18ft let alone 180ft. Where are these giants anyway?
Very funny. 180cm. the op used metric
>Well Xbros I'm tired of being a damn dwarf I'm 1.68 and it's terrible girls will never look at you if you're a damn gremlin, you can be handsome, with a gym body, a good cut but they only look for someone tall, give me everything (spells, brews, alchemy, prayers) to grow.
I'm literally 1.8m tall and girls might look at me but not really be with me. I have a friend that's no taller than you and he has had many girls ask him out . Don't lose your heart bro. Keep doing what you think might help.
Your height isn't the problem. I promise.
Yeah I thought it was just my height before too but then I realized I was also shockingly ugly
I have some remarks to say to you, it can really help you out

Your height isnt the problem man. I have a man on my Uni that is the blackpill archnemesis, he is (i am not kidding) around 150 - 155cm, black, not ugly but clearly he is not in the top most beautiful guys in my uni, not very smart, and he gets chicks like crazy, its like on a party he gets 1 different lady each hour(it is said by several people seeing him at the party, so its very difficult to be fake or his friends trying)
In my uni there are taller, more handsome and smarter man than him, but how does he is the one who gets all

He is a very Charismatic guy, he tries to get along with everyone, and simply put people likes him. He is like average to slighly below average looking i would say.

I would say for you to be more brave, open, show some masculine traits,try to be charismatic.

Some tips

1 - I noticed that women don't exactly like you, not in the way males like woman, they like whats around you, what you have (not exacllty only material things, if you want a long relationship), so focus on getting a circle of male friends aka mannerbund, make things you actually enjoy or try some new things, exercise, etc. Just improve Your life for your sake, and you will get more attraction

2- listen to subliminals and do SR

Some subliminals really work, I have tested out and i really have gotten taller listening to them, i feel some tickles everytime i hear them. Its like 1 or 2 cm in a week, there are videos and evidences of the efficacy of subliminals

Semen Retention will make girls gravitate towards you and its no kidding, no matter your looks, height, or anything they will be looking at you and desiring you, from my personal experience and of many others
maybe the black guy is gay? just because girls are around him doesn't mean there's anything romantic happening
There’s a midget hooker here (europe where it’s legal) that’s 150cm that I really want to fuck just for the weird experience. She has the weird short legs and deformed body that midgets have. But then there’s also two other hookers just walking distance from me that are also 150cm but don’t have the deformities - they just look like miniature women.

Should I fuck the magic creature or the normies?
you get demons attached to you if you fuck wrong person, so you should maybe fuck only normal people.. and ideally not many hookers/casual sex in general is bad

people say he carries them grabbing them by the hips like a couple, and on at a uni party. People made jokes about him trying to become a dad
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>you can be handsome, with a gym body, a good cut but they only look for someone tall
Have you tried having a personality?
what age did you begin and finish puberty?
i’m 1m74 i’m rich, fit and even good looking in my face i can’t get a woman to go out with me to save my life (real one i mena not ugly). it’s life. internet porn and sadness on the menu.

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