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humanity will be unified, Asia with the exception of Mongolia, India and North Korea will be totally destroyed, Europe with the exception of Italy, Portugal and Spain will be totally destroyed, a great cataclysm is approaching, also North America South America and Australia and New Zealand are safe
whats the timeframe? do you predict a financial problem in north america?
Betwen 2025 and 2032 and with Luck 2046
God. Will India atleast cool down? It's getting hotter and hotter. I don't wear a shirt almost 70% of time.
The ice age begin in 2026
Full sampot. I'll pray to varuna and indra to not fight vritra so much . Make india colder again
>india will inherit the earth
Truly the living will envy the dead
Earth's temperatures will gradually fall from 2026 to 2064
>Almost all whites will die lol
Not the humanity I'm fighting for. Fuck off.
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Dunno but the whore(america) of babylon(israel) has to go
The dead were never alive. The living shall never truly die.

Israel yes but America is the new Atlantis and this time it will not fall
Do you know how low the temperature on the planet will fall?
We will enter in a ice age, it is expected to happen sometime between 2025 and 2064, there will be three extremely cold years.
Do you have any geographic map that shows where on the planet the temperature will be so high? How will high-quality parts of the planet like the Caribbean and North Africa be affected?
I think Mexico will sink gradually. Here we go waterword!
India is a fucking shithole it has basically destroyed itself. Just go back to British rule and see how much cleaner it was.
Western Europe and North America get cold very hard, Eastern Europe Asia Africa and South America has a spring climate half of the year and the other half is a frozen Thundra
Nothings going to changeā€¦ a competitive atmosphere and culture are very important!
I love India posting. India posters win.
Damn. No more Thailand. And there's still India. Damn.
This is about the pole shift isnt it
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The magnetic radiation that is entering the Earth from the sidereal universe is a lot and will create drastic changes in the geography of the planet.
It is too much energy and the planet must give it a physical form to be able to assume it. Perhaps many icebergs will appear in places where there were none, without mentioning the appearance of mammoths

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