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I keep hearing that the God of this world, no matter what religion is right, is a God full of love beyond imagination. Without quoting a religious text, where is the proof of that? This world feels very cold and absent of a God to me when you try to find God without a religious text.
>I keep hearing that the God of this world, no matter what religion is right, is a God full of love beyond imagination.
You mean the opposite?
you don't actually expect anyone to be able to counter you here, do you?
When I will close my eyes and go to sleep I will have a belief that I will wake up safe and sound . That trust is what god is.
I know that when you don't get what you truly believe is right life feels godless but if you examine then most of it will be because of humans and not something natural.
The storm Gods were praised for breaking the clouds because hoarding isn't natural.
But nature is always fair . It almost alwyas follows patterns you follow and it grows guiding you through life.
That faith in life is god in life without any texts
The fact I'm still alive is all the evidence I personally need
existence is a net positive experience
Anon, there are plenty of texts out there that aren't "religious" that encompass what you're seeking. There are also plenty of examples right before you in the everyday world, perhaps they've just always eluded you.

Clearly plenty of us can see, but many of us are not "seeing". And the word "Love" that most people throw around today has lost its meaning, in that it's a Love centered on oneself; how objects and people of the world make them "feel".

" We make a grave mistake in believing we give to those we "love". The truth is, we "love" those to whom we give. That, is true love. " - A.J. Twerski.

None of us are perfect anon. As one sits here and ponders your question, the realization sets in that perhaps one isn't practicing what they themselves suggest, or maybe one just yearns to do better.

I hope you find the love that underlines this existance of ours. It's quite the journey anon, and far from over. True Love is giving. Give, and you will receive.

Blessed day to you!
In my experience, God outside of a religious text or doctrine is the God that’s within all of us. Inside myself (and I would hope inside most people, too), I have a desire to do good. I know what I ought to do, and the turmoil I face when I compromise these morals—when I turn away from beauty and truth and goodness—is evidence of that desire to do good.

I think most people would find themselves in a similar position, regardless of if you would consider their actions good or just. I think most people want to do good; I think most people try to do good. Obviously no action can do good to everybody, so people can hurt others even when they are attempting to be good, but this seemingly inherent facet of our free will could be evidence of a benevolence within us. And I’m not sure there are many sources of benevolent free will outside of God.
Think for yourself and keep doing that until you find the answer, it’s inside of you.
Well I love God so
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The God of Earth is satan.
God is so merciful He let anyone who wants to be godless, be
Most people do want to be godless degenerates. Try telling them about God and see how their degeneracy reacts to attack you
Dont cast pearls before swine... i forget the wording of what Christ says next but He talks about the dogs coming to rend you
Yeah, people get really angry if you tell them God does not want the degeneracy of this world and that it is our fault if we make this world a degenerate wasteland
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Dammit, forgot pic
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Yee but this world is supposed to be temporarily ruled by satan and this life full of sorrows but the Lord has promised us an eternal life of joy if we trust in him.

So short term suffering leading to infinite bliss, I think that's a good deal from a good Lord if you ask me.

If the Lord was all evil why do we find pieces of good? To make a truly evil world would be so easy, but it really does appear to me that we're a good creation fallen to a rotten state, I thnk most people understand the duality of man and life to be pointing towards this kinda stuff.

Praise the Son of Man, praise the Father, praise the Holy Spirit, ad infinitum AY MEN
you have to understand first what love actually is. we shouldn't conflate love with caring or benevolence. love is a kind of searching; it is a seeking for something that is beautiful.

the God is a searching God. It would not have made existence if it was content in itself. the God is all loving because it is searching for the beautiful within everything. but that doesn't mean that the God actually cares for us per se; or wants to make life good or enjoyable for us.
He's given me unprecedented access to my souls ability to create through love, and a wonderful twin flame whose with me over tens of thousands of years of my time on earth and is still in love with me. He's given me angelic abilities and supported the development of my soul and consciousness for hundreds of millions of years, and also given me access to the libraries of genetic information my soul accumulated over all that time. I basically orgasmically shapeshift and teleport in my dreams at will, and can manipulate the pranic formation of my energy body into whatever form I wish at the time. He shows me the higher dimensional beauty of the galaxy and cosmos, and I see the sky projected over the earth in my dreams, as if I see the world illuminated by starlight at night in my dreams, while I live by day in the world revealed by sunlight. He showed me how to perform yoga to project my consciousness into eternity and immortality. I keep coming back because its such a blast to live and exist, discovering the mysteries of nature and the spirit.
He told me that to his disciples he would reveal all his secrets.
there is basically three possibilities:
1. there is no good
2. there is a loving god but it doesn't have enough power to reduce our suffering.
3. there is a god but it doesn't care for us.
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The god of this world, as in the ruler but not creator of it is Satan, or the Demiurge. God, the Father and Creator exists in literally everything. He became as we are so that we may be as He is. The All wearing a garment of flesh, dying, and resurrecting fundamentally changed reality for His most beloved creation, and changed our relationship to Him. Churchianity never delves deep into this matter.
God is love but his conception of love is different and more evolved than the human conception of love, so from a human perspective he is very cruel.
>why am I so ignorant, and why can't I be enlightened
>prove to me something I haven't experienced
maybe it's not for u to know rn.
The God of all gorgeous love also might not be great at empathizing with pain. Pain may be novel to that God
there is heaven, but hell is something that will feel inescapable. That's what makes it hell.

A being that wishes for 3000 orgasms in 20 minutes might also wish for an escape for a while, and conjure up this realm
Oh no no no, the opposite is true.
The only counter is a true divine manifestation within a noble initiate.
God is omniscient. This means any time you ask "Does God know _____" the answer must be yes or he's not omniscient as long as the _______ is knowable.
You know what it is to be you better than anyone else with the exception of God. Does God know what it is to be you? Yes. Therefore God can empathize with you and everyone else completely on a level that effectively makes him you. Your wants are his wants, he cares about you as much as you care about yourself.
Now God is also an individual, in fact he's 99.99999% different from you because he's also everyone else. But there is a small part of God that is precisely you, for this cause, God loves his children aka his creations.
There are a lot of Bible quotes supporting this position but you don't want to read them and you don't need them to understand it. In fact it's my belief God doesn't intend for 100% of his creations to follow the Bible, it's just a convenient way of understanding the psychology of an omniscient omnipresent alien God thing.
always amusing how the kikestian needs to apologise for his shit destructive communist religion in same breath as his immense cope
What then is the lunar path?

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