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Let that sink in
ive seen these here before and im pretty sure they got deboonked :(
Why are aliens always naked? If they can travel across space they can dress themselves, no?
>1+1 does not equal 2 ,it was debunked on /x/

you can't debunk reality
Maybe these photos were made in a very cold region, have you seen dead bodies on Mt Everest? after 20-30 years the clothes kinda go away ,the body stays
no i mean like, debunked with actual proof. maybe i'm mistaking this for another one, but i remember the aliens were just props from a tv show. please correct me if i'm wrong!
With how tiny they are I wonder if our elites just started sex trafficking them inter galactically in exchange for some rare earth minerals
>always naked
what are the paranormal implications of retards being so wrong all the time?

>never has any modicum of proof that it was ever debunked, let alone whether the debunking was legitimate and not conducted by redditors
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Every other thread I post this supposed leaked image in the thread gets banned.
my bad i guess. im trying to look up the thread where these pics appeared, i have some saved in my pc
Humans would definitely be the Mexicans of the Galactic Federation.
>gib lyran pusi ppppppppllllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
>hola little grey dudes, want some crack?
>guten morgen herr mantid, please shit on my face and devour me alive ja?
Oh right, the one with the little army toys. That one was fun, shame people rumbled it so fast.
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At least they were proud aryan figurines.
You'd think that a species thats more intelligent than us wouldn't look like a humanoid yet every ayy lmao footage shows these retarded ass fucking cumskin big head midgets
I have no reason to believe they’re more intelligent than us. Whatever degree of intelligence they have should be regarded in terms of difference or similarity relative to us, not quantity or magnitude.
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>thousands of years ago humans lived normally
>at some point interdimensional beings dream of us
>channeling into our dimension
>humans get smarter by interacting and being "possessed" by those beings
>very talented IB channel completely into our dimension, taking over some humans fully
>they rise as kings and emperors of ancient times
>over time, they construct a facility printing artificial beings of our dimension so they can channel easier to here, their machines projecting their thought field
>the artificial beings are essentially antenna children and without the craft to be under the influence of the IB, they revert back to a childlike cattle state
and somehow we found out doppler radar and positron emission interferes with that connection
alien backshots... need

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