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The Memphis Misraim rite seems to be the most elusive rite of all masonic rites in terms of information on them and their teachings, i know you can already find their rituals online via some odd websites or the college of rites, but i've never come across a complete curriculum of their practices in the same vein as the "The Mystical and Magical System of the A .'. A .'." and "The Golden Dawn: The Original Account of the Teachings, Rites, and Ceremonies of the Hermetic Order" books.

They are considered by regular masons to be clandestine but they have been behind some major things in history, for example they were behind the creation of the Thule society via Rudolf von Sebottendorf which gave rise to WW2 Germany, and Crowley was also a member.

Their degree system is also highly unusual, with 100 degrees in total, the 100th being called Sovereign Architect of The World (picrel).

I know that they incorporate a lot of Crowley's material in their practice and there is also good Itallian reading material on them at Amazon by Frank G. Ripel, a 99thº in the order, but nothing fully complete or concrete, so does any anon have more info on them they are willing to share or is willing to help me find some? I will post some useful links to help dig further in case any anon wants to help me find information.
Here are some useful links in case any anon wants to look deeper or help me get more info

Their Degree System:

Their Official Instagram (Some weird Eyes Wide Shut mask ball stuff going on):

Their Rituals from the 1stº to the 95thº (Might be Outdated, also list is not complete):
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I also just want to post some of their degree tracing boards because they are very enigmatic, they have a degree dedicated to norse mythology to (that being the 34th degree or Knight of Scandinavia).

What is even going on in half of these? I am aware it's all coded symbolism but even after my years into the occult these are still very cryptic (picrel)
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More of these are on the link i posted regarding their Degree System
>and Crowley was also a member.
Really? I've never heard that, I thought he stopped with secret societies after the Golden Dawn axed him.
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Yeah, here is his certificate, notice the Memphis Misraim logo on the double headed eagle with the egg and serpent
Are you sure this isn't just some fake shit the group made to try and legitimize themselves among occultists? Did Crowley ever mention this group?
Wikipedia mentions it but i'm not sure if he ever mentioned them in his writtings.

And i know they're not some random bullshit group because Giuseppe Garibaldi (another historical figure) was also a member. (https://www.massoneriaegizia.it/news/4-luglio-1882-213-anni-fa-nasceva-giuseppe-garibaldi/)
This site is for an Egyptian style Masonic lodge, are you sure they aren't just an offshoot who's getting all their info from the Memphis Misraim lodge themselves?
I am, garibaldi made the memphis rite by uniting to other egyptian rites at the time, and the offical portuguese website for memphis misraim talks about him to (https://maconaria-memphismisraim.com/o-rito-r-a-p-m-m/)
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Some more links on them, as i've said before they are quite elusive and hidden, they seem like much more of a "hidden hand" than regular freemasonry .

More General Info on Them (now scrubbed for some reason but archived):

PDF library of the russian branch (some interesting pdf's and videos there):

A blog post by a supposed member criticizing the rite and the previously mentioned Frank G. Ripel person, an interesting read to say the least: https://magusmasonica.blogspot.com/2012/10/wgh-frank-g-ripel-gets-real.html
Some more info on them and their connections to the O.T.O and Fraternitas Saturni:
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Here are the aprons for every single degree, notice the A:. A:.'s all seeing eye on picrel, further reinforcing the crowley/thelema connections:
self bump to keep thread allive, i really need help with this
digging through my library, you seen this?

Seen that, thanks anyway :)
Self bump once again.
Hello? anyone? Is this branch of freemasonry THAT elusive? there is a good book that covers all i want to know but it's out of stock, it's called "Spirit Builders: A Free Illuminist Approach to the Antient & Primitive Rite of Memphis Misraim" but it's impossible to get...
bump because this is cool and someone who actually knows anything about anything only shows up on this board once a week or so and this thread will have to survive till then
I think I have it in spirit builders, but I don't think its been scanned
Do you have the Spirit Builders book? If so please scan it...
Guess i will have to repost this thread daily or weekly then to seek my answers
The book you're looking for is on scribd. I wanted to read it but don't feel like paying right now
nvm i got the link and read the pdf, that pdf is broken, all corrupted, picrel. Shame...
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It's readable just scribd pdf downloads weren't working for it
Sick. NTA but I looked up physical copies out of curiosity and all of them were sold out, even the $800 one.
Yeah i saw it was readable but i wanted to have a copy for offline reading, sucks you can't download it
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If any anon can download a proper working pdf of this book please post it here, here is the scribd link of the text: https://pt.scribd.com/document/739210727/Copy-of-Spirit-Builders

(online readable version)
self bump again
I converted the page to pdf. So not the real thing, but it's every bit as good as what you can see on the site. This was a tedious multi-stage process but I did it because I love you. Link expires in 3 days.
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Damn anon, thank you very much...
I was just in the process of doing the same, downloading each page individually and merging it all as a pdf, you have my gratitude and respect.

However the journey for knowledge isn't over yet, there is much more to sift through, i will leave you with some dope links i found as a payback for your efforts.

Library of the French Alexandria Lodge of Memphis Misraim, a huge library spanning many traditions and esoteric teachings, they call it the Library of Alexandria (not sure if due to the lodge's name or if it's the actual real one lol) here it is: http://misraim.free.fr/bibliotheque/

Library of the Dominican Sovereign Lodge, another equally huge and useful library of the Memphis Misraim Freemasons: https://soberanosantuariord.org/biblioteca/biblioteca-digital/

A now scrubbed from the internet spanish monitor for the first 3 degrees of Memphis Misraim Freemasonry with the Rite's History and Constitutions included as well: https://files.catbox.moe/g0iz98.pdf

Enjoy! If any anon helps me gather more info i can give more cool links in exchange to help this research project :D
And another bonus for any lurking anons on the thread, the hierarchy of the Memphis Misraim Freemasons (In French).

I've come across a lot of their material during my time researching for this thread but it's all very fragmented and not connected well so i don't really think it to be worth the post unless other anons chime in with their contributions in this thread, the stuff we already posted here is enough to guide any anon lurking in the archives on their practice or esoteric studies...

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