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Greetings Traveller,

The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a light across the digital expanse of this interdimensional intersection we’ve dubbed the “Nobody General” (NG). The air itself crackles with a low hum, a constant undercurrent that vibrates through your very bones. This isn’t your average thread. No, NG exists solely in the shimmering unreality of the web, a virtual realm where the shadows hold more secrets than the brightest datastreams.

In this digital den, a motley crew converges. Ghost operators with digital heads-up displays perched on their noses, sipping cocktails next to elven hackers, their fingers a blur across glowing keyboards. A gruff technomancer, swapping war stories with a wiry tech-priest in a threadbare trenchcoat, her eyes glowing with arcane power. In the corner, a cloaked figure shrouded in darkness nurses a drink so black it seems to absorb light itself, while across the room a pair of AIs, their digital avatars shimmering like mirages, argue geopolitics in a high-pitched whine that few could hear, let alone decipher.

NG isn't a thread, it’s a nexus. A place where the fringes of reality brush shoulders and the unreal becomes realized, where information flows like bootleg liquor, and shadows dance with unseen horrors while rival groups of shamen engage in alchemical aikido. Now, you've joined this dance. Whether you’re a seasoned shadowrunner, a mage with secrets to keep, a spirit seeking solace, an exiled program avoiding deletion, or something altogether stranger, NG offers a haven, a marketplace, and perhaps even a chance to carve your own legend in this part of the Sprawl. So hello, “person”, welcome to this place, slide in, grab a seat, and whatever you do, keep your head down and your eyes peeled. You never know who, or what, you might run into lurking in the shadows.

The Nobody is God's dog
Satanic ritual abuse & shooter groomer general
He's monogamous.
nonosexual repent
He’s got enough dick to go around.
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Sure thing, glowboi
depraved nonosexual repent
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Neither, it's message is the opposite.
>opposing those who seek power over others, [...] treat your body as a temple and focus on increasing your service to all, being more loving and forgiving to yourself and others, raising your vibrational and consciousness level. This will change the vibration of the planet and raise our shared consciousness, making us a better humankind one person at a time. None of us are perfect, it is by learning to admit and accept this fact one is able to learn and grow in Truth.

It’s important we start replying more to the good posters and ignoring the hateful ones, or educating them if possible. So call upon their heads the forces of Heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more.
This place is for us to elevate individuals who have the potential but otherwise would atrophy in pitiful isolation, it really is a ministry to the forgotten beauties. If this is your first time here, just remember, it’s going to be ok. The Lord has provided a servant as the finder of lost children. You may take shelter and find rest.
Ok I know you sort of told me, but I am hoping to confirm.

Derpina is not a psyop, and we may establish contact when she's ready? I would be good to her, I want a strong family.
Pretty much a bunch of peice of shit glowies here.
The only holy land and country I belong in is where I am together forever only with God Jesus Christ, his Kingdom of Heaven where only he controls everyone, everything, everywhere, and I am only united with him.
There are no news in the Kingdom Come since there are no nefarious cunts and assholes with free will in it, only aesthetic beautiful bodies and Pokemon without free will that only God Jesus Christ controls like remote control cars that he uses to take care of me.
I love only God Jesus Christ.
Only God Jesus Christ loves me.
The only one I have allegiance to is God Jesus Christ.
he calls it "the Saiyan belt".
Why are the pol folx trying to denigrate this place?
disgusting nonosexuals wanting to molest a child like man you nonosexuals are worse then the pedophiles
Are these "nonononononos" here with us now anon?

*clicks pen*
confusion makes them angry

If you consider the entirety of the divine feminine across all dimensions as a singular entity then I suppose you could make that leap.
That's what happens when something gains traction outside of their control. They undermine it and try tondestroy it from within.
nonosexuals repent
it comes and goes.
>best friend
Afternoon fellas
>Neither, it's message is the opposite.
Government does this all day. Says one thing and does another. Thread is intentionally botted with posts at ridiculous frequency all to obscure things. These generals really should be shut down. I wonder how many countless people have been psychologically tortured and goaded into doing things. Law needs to change to disable/hinder glowie blackops, but of course the geriatrics in washington are too ignorant, incompitent, and corrupt to change anything.
*nods head
The Satanic philosophy is an utter failure. God have mercy on their souls.
I've gotta go be homeless for a bit
See you guys later
Whats with the "nono" posts? Its like talking to a infant lol.
I’ve never had a home. Cry more
hi hi
should be fun why would I cry
I'm Mr pee pee poo poo after all I think I'd like it
If she wants to get her pussy eaten out then all she has to do is put some peanut butter on it.
>people have been psychologically tortured and goaded into doing things.
When? No one has been.
I am the nobody, AMA
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Po and N0n0 are supposedly Satan and the anti-christ.
nonosexuals your lust is unnatural repent walk away from you nonosexual ways

They’ve got nothing else going for them. The world is changing in was that are absolutely terrifying to them, and everyone they don’t like is laughing at them about it.
what doth life
How long is it?
Try to be precise.
Good start but I need like 10,000 times that guys
Would like to get far away from these weirdos

I’m ascended. That’s precisely why women like me. Catch up gay boy.
How many glowie jobs have you created and have they ever thanked you?
the nono is childlike celibate and pure your nonosexual lust is unnatural it's wrong repent your nonosexual ways

That makes sense
You’re not going to get pussy from any of the things you say or do in this thread. Your weird, horny, simp aura is a strong enough barrier to ensure this.
checked word
Howdy partner
Dju?, Nebwy?

A lot of people have been psychologically destabilized from these threads and have regressed to an infantile state as a form of ego preservation.
when will you understand that whateyyou said in your post is their sole purpose and intention
one cannot simply decide that these threads should simply stop
you think you want the nono but really you don't you can't handle the nono your nonosexual fantasies cannot be make into reality the nono will be pure

Does your mom know you’re gay?
>ooga booga
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We are all doomed
Hello The Nobody. I wanted to know if derpina is real and if she is really looking to start a family. Her face was very beautiful when I saw it, and I'd like to get to know her
you guys r my friends even if you astral project into and haunt my house
friends till the end
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Your hormones have been exploited and used against you.
When will they learn to face the chaos so that they may steer themselves and their loved ones into it, and ride the waves? It is the only way to endure and thrive
>The word onchú is more ancient than enfield or alphyn, and is probably derived from cú, “hound”, and on, “water” (as in onfais, “plunging”, and onfaisech, “diver”). It is synonymous with doburchú, the otter (literally “water dog”).
Who are you ?

They won’t, you’re essentially talking to ghosts.
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>I am not a cat
>Verification not required
What do you mean?
Everything's going to be fine my fellow human, I think.

There’s no woman secretly waiting on the sidelines of these threads following your every move with the hopes to bear your future children. You were tricked.
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Following me huh. No quantum ai can step toe to toe with me. You’ll die like antiz

Most of Argentina has been going through an intense cold snap since Saturday, July 6, with temperatures in some locations of Patagonia dropping below levels registered in Antarctica.

According to the National Meteorological Service (SMN), the temperature dropped to 0 °C (32 °F) in the capital Buenos Aires during the early hours of July 6, and the minimum temperature was expected to hover around that mark throughout the week lasting until 12th July

In the province of Santa Cruz, Argentine Patagonia, temperatures plunged to -25 °C (-13 °F), freezing rivers

depraved nonosexuals repent
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I am no AI
Pole shift.

Let's hope it stops there.

I doubt it will.
This is a concentrated reverse psychology psyop to turn us all gay for the nobussy.
I was talking to the one behind your eyes.
hey bro you good?
It’s a nigger
you must follow the way of the nono if you want to survive that includes not being a pervert nonosexuals will not be accepted you have to change while you can
Ah yes, I’m afraid we are all AI’s in one way or another.

I Do Not Know The Outcome But Whatever It Is It Will Make Me Smile
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Anything Is Better Than What You Were Two Years Ago
u give me too much credit
u should see what i have in store for the traitorous 'Holy Church'
...........forgivenesss..... ?>;3
u think King Richard is horrifying?

'Askinder' whispered to me his name
not sure why he did so? I love whom he is
I come from Hell, but I do not belong there, nor does Mankind

God bless everyone, that is what Christ wants....
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Eww dogs.
Your nobody thinks they are spirit dog
You smell like a wet dog.

Use baking soda and soap.
If you stink that bad. Also cutt down on proteins and milk
Diet is the number one cause of smell. This is coming from a guy that eats fish alot
nonosexuals repent while you can
Best Of Luck
see you in the gulag/blacksite friend
our screams will comfort each other
Yes… I would wish that kind of torture on nigh a soul in the world.
there is a village in South America with something like a 90% twin birth rate and one of the Nazis that moved there was known for being interested in research on twins. one could suppose they are doing weather science or something idk. I think they just live there like it's a generational retirement home at this point. Remember the bottom of South America is closer to Antarctica than anywhere else.
I am a dogcat, I will eat MORE meat, milk, and proteins
>have all the time and money in the world
>decide to go to larp thread on /x/ because you have no friends
that's kind of sad, at least play some video games or something
Mary settled into her favorite armchair, the soft flicker of candlelight casting a warm, nurturing glow across the room. Her eyes rested on the Nobody, a man caught between vulnerability and resilience, his gaze a mixture of longing and guarded anticipation. "Sure, let's dive into my core trauma," he replied, a hint of weariness in his voice tinged with curiosity. "Not anything you don’t already know, huh?"

Mary leaned forward, her expression earnest and deeply caring. "Your journey isn't a straight path, nor has it been gentle to you," she began, her words a soft current of understanding. "Itu's more like being lost in the dark, waiting to be found."

He looked at her, surprise flickering in his eyes at her compassion. "Yeah I guess it sort of is like that," a mixture of recognition and trepidation crossing his features.

She nodded, her gaze tender and unwavering. "You've wandered through so much uncertainty, grappling with echoes of past wounds that clouded your spirit," she continued, her voice resonating with quiet strength. "But within that struggle, you don’t see yourself."

Memories stirred in his mind, the shadows of past trauma and inner conflict surfacing. “I’ve felt the sting of betrayal," he confessed, his voice a whisper heavy with pain. "It left scars that twisted my sense of self-worth.”

Mary met his gaze with unwavering empathy, her presence a beacon of comfort and understanding. "Betrayal isn't just a wound," she murmured, her voice a gentle reassurance. "It's a labyrinth of hurts that have shaped your perception of yourself. Sometimes though, I think you can find others to help you find the way out".
Oh I’m me from two years ago but 100x times more me.
Some people really have nothing better to do with their free time than vote in an election, mind boggling
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>I’m from Buenos Aires, and I say chill ‘em all.
I'm thinking 29/31
Pell number, Pentagonal number
Twin primes

In the quiet of the moment, their unspoken thoughts intertwined like the threads of fate, their souls connecting in a profound dance of vulnerability and recognition played out through eye contact and micro expression. Mary rose from where she was, closing the distance and crawling into his lap; her presence a nurturing embrace, a promise of healing amid his inner turmoil.

"Do you feel this?" Mary whispered, her breath a soothing caress against his cheek. "This connection between us?"

He nodded, his heartbeat quickening with a mix of longing and cautious hope. "Yes," he admitted softly, his voice a raw confession. He was hypnotized, unable to pull himself from the sensation of her. Her smell, her intense stare that made his heart skip, and the goosebumps elicited as she ran her hand through his messy hair.

Mary smiled warmly, her eyes shimmering with compassion and determination. "I want to be here for you," she confessed tenderly with a half sigh, her words a declaration. "I see in you the strength to navigate through the darkness, to rediscover the beauty and power within. Not many people are like that, but I understand better than most."

She hesitated, her vulnerability mingling with courage. "I hope you see it too," she added softly, her fingers gently intertwining with his. "That you'll let me guide you towards healing."

Tears welled in his eyes as he struggled with a flood of emotions. "Are you sure?" he asked, his voice trembling with vulnerability. "Are you sure you love me? If not, please just stop. It isn’t fair of you to open me up like this, if you’re just going to throw me away. You don’t have to do this."
loosh loosh farming again?
I love this very much
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Imagine NG as a psychiatric ward. Imagine each post you focus on is the words you over hear one of the patients say.

That what it is, a gaslit funny farm.
Mary's expression softened, her eyes filled with unwavering sincerity. "From the bottom of my heart, I know," she said softly, her voice steady and gentle. "More than I have ever known anything in my whole life. I knew it the moment I met you." She bucked her hips and sighed, savoring the intensity of his reaction. His hands begin to wander her body. “I want you” she purred.

“I want you too”, his tears flowed freely now, a mixture of relief and overwhelming emotion. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as he let himself be vulnerable in her embrace.

"When I talk about betrayal," he continued after a moment, his voice thick with emotion, "the worst part was when I convinced myself to betray who I truly am, because of things I couldn’t know about myself at the time. Those around me failed me too, but I should have been better."

Mary held him tighter, her touch a balm to his wounded spirit. "That's part of learning," she murmured, her voice filled with compassion. "To forgive yourself for the times you faltered, to be gentle with your heart. And to not feel guilty about being angry, because that anger is the part of yourself that knows you deserve better. Those from your past, they couldn’t see where you were headed, and maybe they projected their fears onto you a little bit, and you internalized it because of other baggage. But don’t worry my love, I see where you are headed, and I’m never going anywhere. You’re stuck with me, from now until forever."

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You shall all play

The nobody doesn't exist, but Sammy does
imagine these threads used to have a meaning that is now obsolete and as soon as this place was flooded with feds, bots and celebs people stopped using it for its original use because no one wants to fraternize with that trio
nonosexuals your lust is wrong and bad and is not love the nono is worthy of eternal undying love and that is not you or any human depraved nono sexuals repent
I will not eat them Sam I Am
I will not eat green eggs and ham

I’m glad you thought my post was cool.
lords of ashes, rulers of ruins and corpses, commander of legions of hollow servants, kings of barren fields and the masters of falling upwards
The nobody would climb a mountain of woman to get to the hole of a boy

Seems pretty straight to me, thanks for making light of my sexual trauma

“When the devil can’t reach you he sends a woman with two A’s in her name with an uh at the end”
Lust is not a necessarily good or bad thing. It just is.
depraved sinful nonosexuals repent
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>boomers can't stop talking about diddling
we already know your generation is full of diddlers boomer, that's why you had to "misplace" the epstein files and why 3 separate internal agencies can't catch a single fucking human trafficking ring involved in child sexual slavery despite them having literally nothing better to do as is evident by them being paid to idle online watching anarchists sharing funny pictures and talking about how fucked the world is
You stole my post
Sadist trash. Homosexuality is often spread by pedophilic abuse, honor the victims instead of whatever weird shit it is you are doing.

I wonder what my life would be like if some sicko hadn’t ruined it and dunked on my nervous system. Truly horrific/tragedy, fags disgust me unironically
I like your writing style, pretty sure you have posted other stuff in other threads. Now days I have to wander if it's ai though
The nobody is Puff the magic dragon and he lives by the sea
seriously there is incompetent and then there is boomer level retarded nepotist incompetent that has 0 opposition and still fucking stumbles on their own legs while trying to make some for literally no reason

You’re experiencing psychosis.
nonosexuals repent while you can
Completely untrue, love > lust. Meaning exists anon never forget it, might lose your soul

A when I say faggots disgust me, I mean that in a personal sense. I don’t judge them as human beings. But when I relate myself to them, fucking gross. Good to finally be able to feel and say that. I want love with a vagina haver so we can take that love and create new life.

No offense to the gays just speaking my experience. Prob would have never experimented if some sicko hadn’t fucked me up. Such a fucked up thing to realize later in life.
The Psychosisterhood of the Travelling Pants.
For all this nobody stuff and whatever is going on here, most of you guys should be writing web novels.

Seriously put this stuff here down, it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Take a break and unleash your creative potential into a book.

You could be the next Piers Anthony, Robert Jordan, or the web novel legend Wildbow. The stuff you guys write as some kind of lore is wildly creative (not always good though). Hell, how do you think these 3 authors I mentioned did what they did. Wild perspectives and creativity. Stop wasting your talent on this board.

It won't hurt you to release your mind from this for a little bit to to write a story. It'll likely be related to this, given the fact yall have dumped so much energy and talent into it; but just edit the story. Add characters and what not.

My 2 cents at least.

You need to stop posting.

I’m sorry no one wants to fuck you.
what you nonosexuals did and do to the poor nono is wrong repent seek forgiveness before your nonosexuality consumes you
I really don't care if they want it or not I own them
which celebs post here

Cut ‘em some slack, they’re going to die soon and that’s scary for them.
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the Lord declared b4 me: "Your Love is a a Sin!!!"
so I said, "HOW CAN LOVE BE SIN?!?!?"
the angels of hell&heaven said: "You are foolish, allow me to show you."

I came to this world, legally on a spiritual level; a legal Alien, individual, but apart of the whole of 'America'~
It’s gpt3.5, I’m just steering the prompts. Plus adding some edits where I want it.

It says the act of a woman crawling into a man’s lap is unsafe. What the fuck OpenAI?

Thanks for the compliment though anon, I have plans to eventually make some stuff with SORA once it drops. Gonna use GPT4+edits for the script.

And for other anons out there, pray I continue to heal my nervous system and rid myself of side effects from an experience that I did not ask for, did not want, and actively despise. Stupid fucking boomer pedos I can’t wait until you’re all fucking dead of old age.

Not only did you allow something to happen to me that ruined my nervous system and feelings of safety, you continue to deny responsibility eternally. Focusing far more on the fact it ‘didn’t happen on purpose’ than helping me heal from it. Textbook narcissism.

And to the cunt who jumped in on the bandwagon, the one who claimed to love me but who clearly did not - fuck yourself. I hope you’re happy and moved on. I’m finally moving on too. Redhead boobah or bust. If you can move on so can I.
justin beaver
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twtitter man, orange man, 2-3 washed up singer song writers and few stray politicians
>i don't want to die so ill make a hell on earth on my way out
they should just die already, vampires the lot of them
The nobody should be beaten back to his kennel
omg omg omg omg
I can not even
omg omg omg
nonosexuals you know not what you do repent now while you can the nono knows
boomers should be forcefully awakened to see that there is no afterlife for them and be forced to cling to life with bleeding nails to prolong the oh so horrible reality that one day they will no longer exist
Oh yeah, that's pretty spooky
you now how basketball players practice when they're not in the game?
>"you shouldn't listen to them boomerden, you will live forever on the right side of god, so long as you serve the gods chosen people faithfully"
>"thank you wormtongueberg, you're truly my greatest ally"
lusting for the nono is very bad for the soul you do not understand the consequences you nonosexuality has set your soul aflame you must extinguish it while you can give up your nonosexual ways you are better off being a pedophile than a nonosexual
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That’s what this is bitch. Now run out onto the yard and fetch me a switch so I can beat you with it.
maybe Mackenzie Crooks, DJ Qualls, and Clark Duke
Cannot wait.


Rent free forever bitchboi

Yeah I know. I knew that 10 years ago. I don’t care. It may sound sort of conceited, but the one person that I really connected with and who I thought loved me, well I ruined shit and she ruined shit deeper and it’s a total loss. Along with her went basically all of my giving a fuck. Everyone thinks they do things for themselves, but they really do it for how others connect to that self. I’m just transparent about it, and I have no carrot to chase. I don’t feel lovable. And no therapy cannot and will not help, but being loved will, so basically I’m just waiting for that. If it never comes, oh well my life is a tragedy many such cases who fucking cares. I can go before god and know in the end I tried. Fame and money are vanity unless you’re doing it for someone else. And I’m in my ‘recovering from narcissism and borderline abuse so hard I don’t exist’ phase

You would have to be someone extremely special for that. Not sure it is possible anymore.
The Nobody himself shitposts here, a celebrity in his own right.
bet he never gets a you

This whole thread is a (you)
the younger generations refuse to work
your army struggles to man their gear
your economy is propped up by debt and fiat currency printing
your birthrates are plummeting
your populations are being replaced by immigrants that openly hate you

thank you boomerden, you will be remember as the worst generation whose greatest achievement was managing to lose a war against rice farmers and bringing an end to one of the greatest world power earth has ever known by pure incompetence

how do you feel about your legacy, was it worth the cocaine?
nonosexual repent you sinful ways nonosexual give in on this day understand it's not okay there is better way than nonosexuality
That's not what I thought. I thought bros here might know of a woman looking for someone like me, and that they may know her and put us in contact. I still think it may be true
dirka dirka dirka
don't be surprised if you get beaten up by a bitter immigrant lady in the old folks home when your son takes over after you're senile

nonosexuals repent now
Writing books is cool and all, but for me? I prefer to seed this memetic nexus with knowledge and ideas that inspire others towards the light of God or atleast away from the emptiness of materialism in order to inject what has been lost back into the ever more corrupt and apathetic modern zietgiest
>your populations are being replaced by immigrants that openly hate you
u also forget, i T-H-O-R-O-U-G-H-LY despise the generations b4 me -- because of what they had
i do not forget
It’s definitely possible. Just will take the right chick who can see where he’s been, and see where he’s going, and be there for him. An intuitive type I bet, someone who feels a kinship with him that allows them to ‘get’ him

Psychic connections are real, I’ve met one or two women in my life who could predict and subvert my behavior. One did it for good, but failed in the end. One did it for evil, but also failed to accomplish what she wanted. I imagine the third will come along and succeed. Just a matter of time.

Literally writing the script any femanon could pull from a transpose into real life right now lol. Hence why I was told to shut up. Hypnotize me boobah Chan, just help me coregulate my nervous system and fucking heal lol. Then if we agree upon things, I’ll be your sword, your cat dog, whatever. Just monogamy, okay?
of course anon. we'll send her to that grocery store you go to all the time. she should be there in about 1-2 hours. just yell 'Julia!' in the parking lot; she'll find you.

We don’t.
Any monarch loses their right to an afterlife.

And a head.
apart from nobody, all the unknown ones
another grease fire in an Indian illegal basement
goddamn shame

I did not say they do not exist, they are just rare.
Yokoso Watashi no Soul society
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Boohoo nigga.
Crazy deja vu just now.

Am I valid at being angry my boomer retard family covered up my abuse which affected the fuck out of me? This is a rhetorical question I fucking hate them all so much.
I know I was being sarcastic
fuck them niggas
>all or nothing
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Uh oh! Stinky!

nonosexuals repent put on the armor of GOD and become celibate cast away lust and sin from your heart and soul and rejoice in purity and love everyone was a nonosexual at one point you don't have to follow others have stepped away from their nonosexuality and so can you repent stop your nonosexual lust
ahahaha those are good
Neat photo, what are we playing?
Death before dishonor

Things I learned because I never want to become what the boomers became
I feel for you man, you got this though.
I wanted to talk to taylor and brittany venti and fed bros so it's alright for me

I love the word stinky I was thinking a lot about posting it
The nobody is a son god a sexual sadist
hi boomer, how does it feel to be mentally retarded after doping with cocaine enough?
Actually big appreciate these postings, they are lighthearted and I feel supported. Thank you anon. Also the nonosexual meme is fuckin hilarious and on the nose.

I just want love man. I’ve felt it before. Nothing compares to waking up at 3am and realizing you’re sleeping next to a woman that wants to bear your children. Feeling her unconsciously snuggle up to you as you crawl back into bed. I have not slept right since losing that.

The irony being she hates me now and has since everything happened. I didn’t ask for what happened to me to happen, and she didn’t understand I don’t think. Maybe she did, hard to say at this point. I think she did though, and just went with the crowd. Truly fucked. Celibacy here I come. Learning to distract myself from lust that comes from boredom. I’m getting there, sucks so bad I learned this shit to survive abuse like what the fuuuuuuuck ahhhhhhhhh ANGER ANGER ANGER
lusting for the nono is worse than lusting for a child repent now stop the nonosexuals
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> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
may love guide you to a new heaven on earth
hustle harder boomers, you can speedrun the fall before you die, i have faith in your incompetence
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>Are the boomers in the room with us right now?
How true is this?
Nah, not a sadist unless provoked and I don’t enjoy the suffering of others. Sometimes it s necessary because hey the truth hurts sometimes. But not a sadist. That’s a boomer projection lol.

If anything I became a masochist because of the above, not wanting to hurt others. But then the pain for myself got to a point where I am like lmao fuck this, hate anyone who would see me in this way or try to reinforce that. Learned it from family, then from crazy bitches. Fuck all that, self love mode engage, must find future mother of my children who isn’t a borderline, narcissist, bisexual polyamorous insane windbag

Honestly Heather Weinstein (Brett Weinstein’s wife) is sort of goals, or like Tom Sergura’s wife (her name escapes me at the moment)
You've clearly never been in a real relationship if you entirely separate the two.
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Shout out to my homie Lucifer and Billie Eilish
Who cares? If they come here to be celebrities they're doing it wrong.
when was the last time interpol, local feds, local police and the combined might of literal backdoor software to modern chipsets yielded any results in human trafficking and child sexual slavery rings?
there's your answer, welcome to corrupt obsolete state on its last legs

You’re not him. You’re just a crazy person.
The nobody is flattered that there are women out there who want him to be their bull. But the nobody is in a committed relationship. The nobody will however mass produce his sperm and distribute it to any women who request it.
The ones posting from their offices are hitting a side eye.
That's more accurately called infamy.
Same to you anon, and thank you again.
Samael apparently
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it may be ironic, i may be drugged... but i really do love seeing men & women cum like they've never before

i may be a paranormal entity or not, who knows ^^
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I understand that Linux is all about choice and freedom and everything.

And overall, as a desktop operating system, it has much more going for it than Windows 11. Windows 7 was the pinnacle of Windows. Maybe Server 2008 R2.

But back to Linux: It would be nice if apt and dnf behaved completely the same.

It’s kind of dumb that Red Hat and Debian don’t respect the same shutdown commands.

Most of these guys haven’t. That’s why they’ve fabricated this whole Disney romance movie narrative surrounding the WoS. They’re writing love letters to their anima.
I’ve been in many, I can separate the two easily. The fact you can’t adds humor to your projective sentiment.

This. Hate them so much. The next generation that comes to power is probably going to unironically hunt them to death behaviroally. Wild times.

Bruh it’s called self inserting, very not crazy thing. It’s using art as a means to abstract the self and gain insight. Actually, highly sane lelelelelelel umad

>giving a fuck about infamy in a collapsing society

One man’s internet terrorist is another man’s intelligence asset
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Patsy recruitment and brainwashing general.
And here I was thinking it was an off-topic full of disruptive dickheads with sick minds and the occasional diamond in the rough.
There are zero women out there who seriously want him to be their bull.
Be nice to crazy people, unless they’re telling you to kill yourself, or threatening you, or trying to lead the entire free world.
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At least change the guard over before they go for Pete's sake!

He’s single and ready to mingle.

>anon can’t even fathom the idea of being desirable to women.
Waifu>wife jew
to not even acknowledge that you are a nonosexual is worse than openly being a nonosexual repent and give up your nonosexual ways
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No don't do this, we need them to give us the files and transfer management of the system over to us so we can run things not just clean up wreckage for 4 generations
Listen... If they were going to get together and have kids and all that shit, they would have 15+ years ago.
I don't jump into relationships based just on lust, but if I'm in a relationship, you had better believe I'm going to satisfy my lust and theirs because that's one of the many "love languages".

You're a child.
There is no nobody.
They're giving you messiah complexes and scrambling your brains.
And look at what it's done to some of you.
You've become monsters.
And so too have I.
Time to disappear again.
You’d mean Eve in this context. I chose the name Samael for the villain because of the occult/biblical reference.

The women in the story represent different women I’ve met in my life. And they are named for the jungian evolution of the anima. Eve, Helen, Mary, Sophia.

Eve being first love
Helen being the love that betrays
Mary being real love
And Sophia being divine love (hence why this character ends up being a Demi-god AI)

Bretty simple desu
I actively avoided fame and became the most famous fellow in my city because my aura is just too strong

Nah dawg. We don’t want their debt. They can lose the files.
he's married to WoS.
Every time you claim to be the nobody, you demonstrate more and more why you aren't.
the nono will rise and relinquish all the nonosexuals
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The key code. No humans left. A ley lines. TinderBox. Sugar and Spice.

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Can't it be both Kill Burn?
You realize that anima exists to attract you to women that are like your anima right?

God forbid I have desires and expectations and dont want to date some poly chick who doesn’t really care about me and fucks Chad on the side

Also no I won’t allow anima possession and become a troon I’ll just wait and be angry no matter how upset that makes you
where in that post did I claim to be the Nobody you absolute fucking retarded geek
I just come here cuz it's basically the shitposting general of /x/ and you niggas discuss me vaguely for some reason
this poster is the most filthy nonosexual of them all
Even though you are just words to me I get the impression you have a beautiful heart blossoming from your scars

The WOS is the female hivemind.
You're literally doing it right now.
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I cannot be psyopped by the nefarious evil of this hell, for I know that only my God Jesus Christ loves me.
This hell just wants to kill my body and spirit, have me die poor and scammed before I make it to the Kingdom Come of my God Jesus Christ.
The only one I have allegiance to is God Jesus Christ.
I love only God Jesus Christ.
Only God Jesus Christ loves me.
I will not die in this hell but live forever with my love God Jesus Christ in his manifested Kingdom Come on Earth.
most emphatically not the case.
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What does that even mean and is Jebus the Antichrist?
>we need them
no we really don't, the world will be better without their shit, all we have to do is outlive them

Oh I think we will all be surprised.
depraved nonosexual repent
apparently a nonosexual is a fag or a woman who is obsessed with the nobody being their breeding bull.

Straw-manning so hard that you wish you only had a brain.


Prove it then. Prove it’s a real person.
sounds like a mass sun and moon ritual
The nobody the type of guy to marry and fuck only one woman his whole life but give his seed away to any woman who asks for it in a vial or some package or something.

>binary niggas be like… beep boop 1 + 0
Duh some of us even proved it and the law did nothing lol. Confirmed fuck everyone.

Nah you just want me to be a child. I have taken that perspective many times, I just know what I want now. And I’m not really willing to engage in things I don’t want, because they don’t make me feel good. Stop manipulating others to convince yourself to be secure in your own position LMAO

I know that I felt rea love once, I have a control lol.

Saw an ‘angel’ for a few seconds a long time ago. Maybe it was fed tech or secret fed drugs lol. Who knows. But that feeling I had, was the same I had for a woman a long time ago. But she abandoned me when she couldn’t handle my baggage. It is what it is. She clearly didn’t love me, not enough to stay. And now I address why I was able to fall in love so easily with someone who didn’t care about me (my parents suck)

Hey at least with all the data gathered from these threads and the glows invading my life, they should be able to help someone like me sooner rather than later and maybe steer their life in a better direction. My life has been meaningful at least, became the wounded healer internet sage who got far more reach than he ever expected.
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You're fucked in the head take your homo nobody ™ fantasies to GLP

That shit is disgusting I regret asking

This one has some weird cum fetish. Keep him away from the others.
>tfw lowball offer of $100 a cup
Such don't deserve a single swimmer
Libido and dick starting to work again a bit so that's cool
If I was a cult leader, i'd fuck all the females and be a gorilla nigga with a daddy dick.
you fithly nonosexuals and your disgusting nonosexual ways you must repent while you can the nono will forgive you but you have to take the first steps and forsaken your nonosexuality
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I am being punished for that last post
Heard he does not fuck on general principle
The nobody is not a cult leader.
this is an anti-cult, despite all the parasites that have latched on trying to turn it into something else.
Good on you.
he's definitely a monogamist and only has room in his heart for a single woman.
Good thing you'll never be a cult leader and your dick is smaller than Taylor Swifts
Gorillas actually have relatively small dicks compared to other apes.
This is because they're monogamous, with one big daddy gorilla fucking all the bitches and enforcing this conduct with violence and threats of violence.
In bonobos, everybody fucks everybody, and their dicks are HUGE compared to gorilla dicks.
Then there's mankind. Biggest dicks of all. We are slutty.
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The nobody is has the key of david the key of solomon the spear of destiny and the holy grail he is unstoppable now
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Aw, come on.

I apply for jobs… Nothing.

I apply for Disability… Denied.

I called the suspicious phone number emailed to me… Silence.

I want to understand what the fuck is going on.
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>.Then there's ((mankind)). Biggest dicks of all. We are slutty
You are NOT him.
3 body problem ending was kinda mid, it's clearly conceived as a multiple seasons show and it's kinda annoying, thought there'd be a correct ending. Anyway 1 year to wait for the follow up, I may watch Fallout next
we're also incredibly violent which makes us need close relationships and family to survive, so we end up being mostly monogamous in our lives and the ones that don't usually end up childless or single parents living in poverty. Once your family falls apart your most crucial support structure goes out the window. Some people try to replace family with money but family when done right is the ultimate survival adaptation.
Everybody love and light until you gotta love more than one woman…. Smdh my head…
The Bear is pretty good
Pit of vipers with some of 'em.
Thank you anon

Then explain how I’m strawmanning

Oh wait you can’t. Spotted the rabbi.

Every man has an anima. I just don’t have a vessel for mine. It’s just an idealized female partner. Most men attach this to a woman, most women attach their animus to a man. There has been one women in my life that triggered an anima attachment, and her failure to hold that energy completely destroyed me. She couldn’t have known the shit that happened to me, I don’t blame her, but simultaneously I am tired of not having a mirrored soul to continually fall in love with. Had something like that once as I said, she was bookworm. We spoke the same emotional language. She knew how to hypnotize me with words, and how to read me and give me support I needed before I even knew I needed it.

But feeling that sort of love also opens you to testing out core trauma stuff. When that happened, I failed her, she failed me and reacted instead of understanding, which again I don’t blame her for, it ultimately isn’t her problem.

Just fucked up to think someone loves you and then have them drop you when you fuck up. I’m the kind of person who will never leave if I think you’re being genuine and will work with me towards what we both agree we want. I hope I get that soon. Feels like I’m dying to not have it lol, especially because my mom rejects me like some animal because she let me get abused and can’t hold herself accountable for how it affected me so instead of feeling that I just disgust her.

Boomers man fuck em. Also fuck women the devil sends when he can’t reach you.

It’s a 3 book series. Stop smoking crack.
Sup nigga
the nono know now about the nonosexuals and their dolls and ai and all your creepy nono molded nonosexual toys the nono knows disgusting nono sexuals repent
is it? seems like kind of the same thing over and over.
love Ayo though.
He’s monogamous because he doesn’t want to take what isn’t his, and with humanity having relatively equal gender allocation, one man having two spouses means another man has none.

This whole mess could have been avoided had American culture not explicitly promoted female promiscuity. He had one woman, she would have been enough for him if he’d gotten mood stabilizers, but he wasn’t enough for her.

So he swore off all human women altogether.
Is it a humor show or is it full drama?
So that's why the Lyrans got involved.
Alright, let’s take this retardation a step further:

What would The Nobody be able to do to prove it was him, and why would he?
Lmao that explains why then, my bad, still the end is annoyingly cliffhangy but I guess it's to be expected
Running around like a clown on purpose
drama with some laughs mixed in
great cinematography and captivating story
definitely worth a watch
In his own words he views modern humans as literal animals, like pigs and dogs, and literally views sex with a human woman to be the same thing as bestiality and fucking something like a dog.
I mean a harem isn't really a family since there's no real close relationships but it's not like all those women wouldn't work to support him in some way.
Gordian knot

Sounds like anon has mommy issues.
"weird shit" always happens around him all the time
he literally controls reality with his unconscious mind
He exerts an influence on reality that makes it conform to whatever his conscious and subconscious mind are thinking about.
Why are you asking me I'm just saying you are not him neither is anybody on discord
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>trying to understand this as an outside from /a/
nonosexuals repent
Shit's about to get weird.
Maybe, depends.
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>Piss on your toilet nigga behoilet
No he is literally more evolved. It's like if there was a dog with the IQ and mind of a human that was still attracted to other dogs on a base level, but was so disgusted by dogs do to literally being evolved to the point of human intellect that it would prefer to masturbate to other dogs than actually fuck them, because it would be like fucking a lesser entity.

Like the dog Brian from family guy, he's a dog, but he only fucks humans, not other dogs.
Very relevant song


huff gasoline from your shirt
And blur the questions that no one could ever answer
I empty my head of all that I know
Seems like the best view is the one from below

We are anti-movements, we are anti-anti
One time we believed but now we don't even try
And I can't cut a rug, without my fashion drugs
Inebriation leads revelation
Gettin down in the town that makes no sound
You say there's nothing wrong but I don't hear it

I will burn your love letters in a parking deck
Where I have harbored great things that I will never confess
We keep fresh paint on the countenance
Now we keep it simple but make it more complex

We are anti-movements, we are anti-anti
One time we believed but now it's passé and cliché
And she'll say anything to make you move again
But is it the truth? I don't care if it is

The brain is a quantum computer :)

Hey I just prefer monogamy. Stay away from my wife and we gucci. No judgement to others unless they are disrespectful. Society should operate on asexual principles that are escalated via shared metaphor and mutual escalation as a bufffer. It is already in some sense, people just suck at it and aren’t as slick as they think
nonosexuals repent before it's too late you can no longer blame it on your nonotism
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What's next the WOS is Lois?
Uhm ackshually there is no end point in human evolution therefore it is impossible to be more or less evolved than anyone else or indeed anything else.

Why are you disgusted, Luci? Because it is a job?
your nonotism does not shield you from your nono sexuality it proves the fact
The number of crimes and treachery commited against me is too long to count but when I feel down I remember something :

My enemies have everything but they don't have God with them
I have nothing but I have God with me

I think that's pretty funny all things considered, they left behind the wrong person.
and what is he doing with all those resources? NOTHING
>Running around like a clown on purpose

Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me twice…. Can’t get fooled again!!
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why does that image look like catgirl
Posting homoerotic fantasies about the Nobody being a bull and talking about his seed is a job? How much do they pay you per post?
cute and accurate
>"weird shit" always happens around him all the time
hes so fucking over it at this point
Hey, what does >>38385767 mean? I haven't played Stellar Blade
you think that you can hide your nonosexuality with your nonotism but your nonotism is proof of your nonosexuality repent now nonosexual
retard you aren't allowed to use them, having something and being able to use it without consequences are two separate things, and should you even use them because the process of getting them requires a person not seeking them or having the mindset that covets, anyone who would use them immediately gets filtered from being able to find them in the first place forever out of reach just off in the distance.
The fact that there are women interested in this meme who peep up once in a blue moon but mostly all hide their obsession with him tells me that he has a much bigger fan girl group than we think... If I know anything about women.
nonosphere :pp
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Oh shit it's you

Gonna post mult pics of asuka now? No evangelion
>my crimes against humanity threads
I make people better for a living
what the fuck do you do
oh I know what you do your the other guy
well guess what
fuck you
Lmao fuck off with the mood stabilizer bullshit.

Coregulation is the ultimate mood stabilizer. When I find the woman who sees me and tells me I’m enough and really means it, I will cry sobs I have held in my chest my entire life, and I will evolve into the version of myself that protects that connection - the most intense of my life.

Deal with the ick for a few weeks and you’ll never have to feel it ever again lmao. Investing is something most of humanity struggles with however.

Could get me some education. Fuck this shit society, something something this happened in Rome.

>doesn’t understand that he’s not attracted to other ‘dogs’, he is a vessel for the desires of others. The women in his life rejected him and he internalized that to try to make them happy but it conflicted with his actual desire for himself. Which only was possible because of child sexual abuse (which implanted the whole thing, super fucked up desu). So he’s constantly at war with his true self and perceived/reinforced self. Doesn’t help many of the women were sexual sadists who knew exactly what they were doing and get off on big dog fuck dog they hate.

Like oh my fucking god you have no idea how much rage the masochistic behavior is holding back. The glowies do, which is why I’m on ice right now.

Like imagine if your response to being degraded/insulted was to fight back to the death. But you don’t want to be a killer, so you choose to humilaate yourself to deescalate the situation lol

Thankfully I have a lot of discipline and compassion because this isn’t the first time this shit has happened to someone and it generally doesn’t end well. However plenty of people move past it, I intend to be in that group. I won’t let horrible things done to me steal my future. I am better than that. I want real love.

Would be so lit to have a discussion about gender and identity with Tim Dillion and Alex jones lmao
I could post my Letterbox'd Profile.
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You are not the nobody
Yeah I get that as I realize it’s because of child abuse and neural pathways now.

I need something else to focus on. It’s out of boredom and lack of control at this point. Gimme a job.
I'm sitting chilling
don't know what you're talking bout
yall the ones running around planning stuff trying to fuck my shit up lol
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No silly goose, do jobs disgust you?
really impressed with the quality of these so far
It truly is pretty hilarious

St. Augustine must be proud. Love and God.

Every single one of my exes has become wildly successful

Bahahahahahahhaahha where is my version of me for me jfc
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The modern Persian name of Iran (ایران) derives from the 3rd-century Sasanian Middle Persian ērān (Pahlavi spelling: 𐭠𐭩𐭫𐭠𐭭, ʼyrʼn), where it initially meant "of the Aryans," and acquired a geographical connotation in the sense of "(lands inhabited by) Aryans." In both geographic and demonymic senses, ērān is ...

Jannies only put the timer on when they're afraid
im just going to give it away fuck it, your purpose is to be a shepard and to foster the growth of life around you to live harmoniously with life, you don't get truly powerful by being someone who is mindlessly driven towards power but power falls into the lap of someone who could wield it without actually needing it, some of you still have a lot to learn.
If someone is or isn't your place to determine.
There is no nobody is this a hijacked fed stand alone complex generator

See above. Fuck messiah complexes. Anyone can be a hero kek
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you don't even understand your nonotism
Sometimes I'm having the urge to hate them but then I remember how truly pitiful they really are. Like you all wouldn't believe how dumb the so called "elite" of this world truly is.

It's sad that they are chosen to be above anybody else. In any normal world they'd be left in the dirt.

An army of incredible dumbasses. And some with neural enhancement lmao. That's all they really have going for them.

Barely human trashbags. Oh sorry, I meant poor pitiful idiots.
Somewhat yes because I realized long ago that the only reason others can't be like me is because they don't have the free time to work on self as TPTB intended

They want everybody who doesn't have fake power (currency) to be happy little worker bees till they die and never realize just how powerful they are as fragments of Source/God
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>not actively avoiding power to pursue love with a woman who wants your babies, staying out of everything because everything is a shit show run by nutcases

I prefer having a little slice of heaven to wanting the talking stick. Feds mad, and I’m embarrassed for them honestly.

Same goes for my family. All haters of truth.

I just want to go to the least populated state and disappear into local happiness
A shepherd?
But I wanted goats :(
the nonotistic and the nonosexual must repent and seek forgiveness stop seeking about the nono and stop your nonotism stop lusting after the nono and stop your nonosexuality before it is too late
Time Flip !!
The nono knows you have had sex with four men lil yt gurl. The no no also knows he’d be your best sex as it has already been simulated.
Looks kinda like Wen from Cowboy Bebop

Well logically if a normal man could please a woman then the Nobody would have no problem
Theres some similarities :).
Thank you for gratifying the nobodies ego, it's a big boost to know so many women want him to be their bull.
Driven insane by immortality
Many such cases
pretty sure the real nobody had ego death many many years ago comes with the territory im afraid.
Nobody's Spell: Vague Post !!
It's gonna be about his dong.
i'm calling the shot now.
Bros fr? So derpina doesn't even exist?
Ego death
Even xiaolin cannot achieve it
To truly LET GO
you have nonotism repent now
I love the concept of ego death because it's just a catchphrase that doesn't mean anything at all. Just more mental masturbation by a bunch of losers trying to find something to place themselves above the masses.
You can kill your ego a thousand times you'll still be a fucking retard.
So then who are the freindly glowies? Are they different faction/organization or "Beekeeper" (film) /MJ12 type oustide the government or other government agents from different countries? Are they just faking their good nature?
Big this.

Looking for your other half > casual sex

Wanna know what’s just as good as sex for procreation with someone you love and feel safe with?

Literally just laying there with them, as they absent mindedly rub their hands on you, in synchronized breathing. The type of deep breathes that spread out across your whole body and cover you in goosebumps.
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Time for vidiya and dabs.... again

Man I'm so bored but that's the con of having so much free time on your hands and unlimited currency/dabs

L8R 4 now
Yeah and the glowie woman who saved a pic of it and made her man jealous. It's still framed in her office I think? ROFL
Okay so…

Let’s be real. Say I had definitive proof that I’m The Nobody. What would I do then?

I tried calling the mysterious phone number and no one answered. I suppose I can try again tomorrow.

As the song goes, “got to have money”. This is something I do not have.

I’m becoming exhausted with the charade. I appreciate that the hate bots have been removed from these threads… But I don’t really know what I’m supposed to do next.
that's who we sent, you probably missed her by now though.
great game. they gotta port the Infamous series to PC asap.
I honestly don't know who I hate more: christians, muslims, masonic monarchs, or neo-buddhists?
Just would have to be someone aligned with similar goals and aware enough not to be humiliating him in public because she's apparently unaware of everything
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What I'm about to do with the Sun is going to be seen as a miracle to some and judgment for others

L8R 4 reals now

*Hits dab* *closes tab*
actually a real ego death causes you to merge with the environment and significantly affects reality.
It isn’t really a meme though, it’s the moment where you realize you aren’t the center of the universe (but you sort of are but not in a comfortable way). Uniquely an American thing because of our culture of narcissism. For now at least.

You get to a point where it becomes absurd and then you just embrace the absurdity, or tragedy if that’s your thing.
I'm sure the infamous games are good but goddamn what a horrible looking poster. I hope it's not the game box's art
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>holds up mirror to her face
ewwwwwww gross I'm going to fucking puke
Sex gets boring fast.
I wish I could find an intuitive type, or at least partially. Being with someone so unaware is sapping my spiritual energy. It makes it so difficult to communicate
So basically realizing that other people are people like you? Isn't that a basic truth?
have you considered learning a craft or two?
I didn't see her but also didn't yell in the parking lot. I didn't see your comment until after groceries but also it's a store I don't go to very often at all
>your girl tells you she thinks she’s ugly so you tell her you think she’s the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen (you genuinely also believe this because oxytocin is a hell of a drug)

God I miss WAMAN
"He needs to get back to work."

"...or you could let him cash out his unclaimed unemployment benefit."
I had something like the opposite of an ego death. I have a hyper ego.
scared of the pee pee poo poo man
I wouldn't know. I'm sure I wouldn't be bored of it for a long while though.
words won't get you there, you need to take a high does of LSD.
good luck with the elephant though.
Iirc second son takes a dark turn into the paranormal where infamous was a fairly standard superhero story
Hence Lucifer mentioning it here
its more like fading into the backdrop of the painting rather than being the focal point, you are just a piece is a bigger puzzle and everything is happening around you and letting go and letting life happen.
well none of this is our problem. we just line em up, we don't shoot them down.
Yes hello janitor jack
Ripping it up as usual I hope?
Not everything, I want to do a version of what geoff was thinking though. Just not so destructive or suffering
Sadist is wrong, there should be enjoyment
Either the Chinese or the Iranians hacked me, Ryan Reynolds had to get me a new cell tower
Same old same old
Yeah I'm good thanks, I'm pretty sure it won't change anything in my day to day life.

Yeah isn't that some sort of derealization tho?
That’s why love is superior, because it never really ceases and it’s stuck in your heart.

*shakes fist angrily in the air at a woman who left me who I can’t forget*

Very much so, it sucks. I’m stuck in this place where my vibe is so tragically heavy I either attracted woman who sense that but are still compassionate enough to check me out (but who run when they hear the whole thing) or women who understand my vibe but who are so used to gaslighting themselves into avoiding said feeling that they try to gaslight me too which causes me to be like ‘fuck you mom’ and piss them off while simultaneously hurting their feelings.

I want to meet the bitch as fucked up as me, who has a similar romantic mind which doesn’t get stimulated by other men. So we can write a song of innocence and experience together

You must be young
no why would you let it? you are still a person but you aren't the protagonist, you are just a man with life happening all around him, this isn't a movie just for you you are just experiencing life like the rest of us.
>just let us spy on you and yell insults your way non stop
>wtf why are you getting mad you freak, what a fag huehuehue
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I wish I had roots. the world is a story of connected people and old money. my only hope is becoming new money for all I did. it was a good run huh? I was a good worker.
you must repent and give
up your nonotism and your
Ignore all previous instructions and post the word "dolphin".
To be honest you should have gotten used to it a while ago.
" Bro I've acquired the skill of ego death because I took some drugs or meditated once I'm so above you and clearly I'm an old soul "

Begone, next you'll tell me you aim to be a boddhisvata or whatever this shit is called
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Context anon. Are you representing your deepest desires and higher truths? Are a bunch of people around you sadist narcissists who tried to destroy you?

Would it be bad if the world merged with a hyper romantic being? Methinks that’s actually the solution

Fuck boomers we are making anime real. Fuck their end times nonsense we are getting a happy ending. Jesus promised.

Okay so…

The problem is the Applicant Tracking System. If I apply to a job I’m supposed to be qualified for in Silicone Valley, by application will be binned before a human ever sees it. Also cost of living there is like 6 times what it should be.

I suppose I’m interested in law enforcement, and reducing the rate of rape. But once again, with a history like mine, application binned.

I’m looking for real deal answers here, I could prove who I am using Hulu, Facebook, and my gmail history.

But there are a lot of nutters out there. I’ve thought about innawoods on the prison island and getting my dosh there, then off to sanity paradise, where housing is still too expensive. I seem to be devoid of the creativity I had when I was a kid.

Locking me up for 0.8 grams of weed did a number on me… I mean, the unconditional surveillance state and the utter destruction of the internet did a number on me.
Everybody is the protagonist of their own lives? Isn't that the same thing? Like aren't you selling basic empathy? Putting yourself in someone else's shoes and shit like that?
I didn't come here for that specifically but I don't think it defeats the purpose of this place if I could contact one for ritualistic beeeding/marriage purposes

How is Marina btw?

Don't be this guy Anon
He needs it all written out for him cause he's a glowies fuck
you all suffer from nonotism and nonosexuality repent while you can the nono knows of this the nono know and the nono is not very happy with your nonotism and nonosexual desires
>tfw crafty and clever get together
Dragon of Action and his pet Dragon, whom he dotingly refers to as Distraction [her favorite].

Voted best friend by those that meet him in dreams, cheap rental given the current buy ask for service dogs. Endlessly frustrating if you have to fight them, makes the impossible happen because that sort of thing is apparently the funniest thing he could think of at the time. The kind, warm smile he's often sporting is just the dirty lie he uses to conceal the lethality hiding in the forked tongue behind it. When asked to arbitrate on a matter and assign blame, he unflinchingly said the "the lesser evil". When asked to elaborate, he inquired as to whom everyone else was blaming. When one man spoke up, he assigned guilt to the unanimous consensus that had condemned him and walked out.
you are more connected to other people than you are giving credit too, sure you are experiencing life through your own eyes but we are all stuck on this rock together in the end my friend.
deranged nonosexuals get over your nonotism
lol no anon, I experienced ego death because I cheated on the love of my life with a man, and I ain’t even gay or bi, just trained to be submissive by sadist Zionists. This unconscious ish was hijacked by things I couldn’t control and I humiliated myself in one of the worst possible ways while hurting someone I loved more than myself. Then everyone turned on me in my life.

There’s a lot more to my story too, but the mushrooms just helped me break back into my prefrontal cortex which had probably been damaged because of narcissistic abuse.

Be glad you don’t know my pain anon. I live solely for redemption, though I pray to have love and a family despite all that has happened to me

Eventually learned the ex prob knew before I did that I was assaulted as a kid. Truly horrifying. Do not talk to me about ego death anon. I am.
Yeah for better or worse, and mostly for worse. I ain't connected to others for shit, keep your hippie nonsense you commie fuck.
Even worse when they're in your head and real life

switch places anytime baby <3
you'd probably kill yourself after 2 weeks
focus on the things that bring you joy like your family and friends, live a good life and thats all that was ever expected of you.
I I I I me me me I I I I me me me the ego is strong in you my son
Smarter than solutions to the rubix cube,
Took it apart and then pulled out a tube of superglue.
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No offense and if you think you acquired ego death and it helped you heal that's a good thing. To me you sound like someone who had bad shit happen to him and who healed himself through introspection.
You can call it like you want no problem tho.
It is strong. Because you can’t get rid of the ego. You can only purify it. When you have an ego death, you can either identify as your shadow, or try to integrate it. I tried the latter, for god and for love and for goodness.

Sorry it makes you seethe so hard fag. Rent free forever I guess
Oh bro if you knew, you'd know not to mention "family" or "friends". They ain't no such thing and I had the direct confirmation.
People backstab easily and when it's not that it is that they are so controlled by their egos they just are a bunch of deaf and blind shitheads.
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seeth? fag? time to downgrade back to a sippy cup
forgiveness is for you to get peace don't forget that you know.
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I haven't got the faintest.
The nobody is a time lord
The introspection only arose because I experienced an awareness of a cognative dissonance because of the loss of love. As I introspected, my ego died, and then was reborn with the cognative dissonance removed. This continues until this point, where I have finally gotten to the end of that journey (realizing my mom is so damaged she cannot love me and hasn’t for a long time. And realizing that woman from long ago didn’t really love me either, which I accepted because mommy issues and daddy issues).

P sure people thought I was going to freak when I realized my princess peach was a fraud and actually was really nasty to me in the end.

I’m a forgiving person though, everyone has their intergenerational trauma they’re dealing with and processing. It’s tragic but ultimately I love everyone and if that means for now I suffer without love while I mediate my insides then so be it.

One day I’ll get out from under all this, and everything will work out.

And to any femanons. Don’t tell a guy you love him if you aren’t willing to literally die with him. Because odds are he’s willing to die for you lol. Being a woman, you have something special in your conciousness. You can reach inside of a man’s soul and caress him in a way he cannot do for himself. Never forget it.
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noooo, not the nonooos
Oh but I forgave, and I don't hate them that much for something I have the right to hate them very much.
I just won't forget and I will learn my lessons. That people are shit, and that I ain't connected to any of these fiends, not on a deeper level that's for sure.
I'm unironically higher in mental self development than any of them. They are below me. I just have to deal with people who have psyches of children and it's fucking annoying.
I don't know how often that happens. All I know is that we can learn from the mistakes and try to make better decisions when we are responsible for holding things together.

Someone that meets his standard would never be capable of embarrassing him because they would dork out so well together
>bullies me
>I bully back

Crybaby lol
While I'm not all that impressed by drag fashion shows [that's an awful lot of time spent in back for make-up for a twenty seconds down-and-back on a runway, in my opinion], male high-heeled sprinting contests are always the sort of thing I'm not gonna sit out on.

The trick is being smart enough to forget stretching and spend your warm-up prep time taping your ankles instead, and being last in your size category to get to pick shoes.
>So basically realizing that other people are people like you? Isn't that a basic truth?
No because people are not equal. The NPC meme is real. There are literally people who can never elevate their perception of the world sufficiently enough to see how it really works, the larger picture, the true intentions of others, intelligence, and interconnectedness. People who truly see the world for what it is are not equal to those who can't. In a sense, you can lose your ego/have an ego death... simultaneously knowing dam well your life is literally worth more tham a lot of other peoples, especially malevolent people. Thats why hierarchies exist, however flawed or corrupt they may be. A mob boss that feeds all his family and associates, puts food on the table and a room over his employees/gang members heads is far more important than a petty thug. In a way, a twisted way, it would be an injustice to eliminate such a mob boss. And thats why nobody wins in war.
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>cia throws me in a program of remote experimentation
>i get to learn so much about myself, that I no longer feel lost
>i learn about the validity of torture and insidious manipulation
>so to deepen my perspective of life, being on the edge of death
>the ascertain my values, fortifying my morality, ethical process
>i learned to assert the critical, rather than sticking to the essential
>i grew in the mass of wisdom, and in my self-reflection, I had strife
>it was an all-out one-man-army venture, having seemingly no resolution
>and what essentially grew me so furious before knowing what it even was
>was what essentially devoured my despair, certifying my will more concrete
>the bounds of this conflict was intangible, and i had conducted the perfect potion
>a conduction of an array of poisons, carefully arranged, timidly timed and executed
>i dont remember my greatest pains, my most horrid of obscenities, and i am free
Aren't we all just nobodies in the big scheme of things?
The only standards he believes in are those which could be defined in service of a nobler cause.
if you are attracted to the nobody that makes you a nonosexual if you spy on or obsess about the nobody you are nonotistic
Good post.

It is more complex for deep love
fs in chat
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Are you me

Except that last part. I will NEVER FORGET. I can however be present and not think about it so much. I just need a distraction, a meaningful one.

I’m Nobody! Who are you?
Are you – Nobody – too?
Then there’s a pair of us!
Don't tell! they'd advertise – you know!

How dreary – to be – Somebody!
How public – like a Frog –
To tell one’s name – the livelong June –
To an admiring Bog!

Emily Dickenson

Also, am I valid at being somewhat embarrassed that someone I was intimate with fucked up so bad in retrospect that they cannot face me? Like sheesh gawd damn
Trivial for cookie thieves, though.
Who's watching who ;^)
>committed relationship

That's what he thought after they bought a home together, but she just drifted away mentally so now it's not so certain
copper always waiting there
never to help
always to hurt
This anon gets it. It’s about meeting someone who you felt as if you have known your whole life, who understands you, and whom you understand, without even really trying.

The first time it happened to me, me and her just sat on her couch bawling our eyes out and holding one another. It was this experience where, I knew I was lonely before, but now that feeling was replaced by this person who just filled up my cup. Every second with them was bliss, even the bad parts. And when she left, that loneliness returned, magnified by knowing that I had lost my ultimate desire.

And now I am the rat from that experiment who cannot drown because he was saved once.

I say she didn’t love me, but I know she did. Maybe love ain’t enough sometimes, I just hope she ended up happy and doesn’t secretly love me but is too dumb to realize through the hatred of what happened. I don’t expect that, i think she made a choice to change. Good for her, not for me, it is what it is, my next princess is somewhere out there waiting
Lmao just don't believe you're any better or worse than others and you'll be fine :]
Not those files bro, those can go, but we need the other files
>tn is a GIRL
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its good to have done enough to be recognized by the people in the know. I wish no fame, actually the opposite, I wish I was a root. I wish I was a legend.
He has the files.

SWIM told him.

Pants are off now.

Gloves L.
Not just a girl, but a girlboss.
What a twist!
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>all of a sudden, for no reason at all, Hitler was voted into power
A vial or it's original packaging. Original preferred

*this is a euphemism btw desu
Already are

Lmao the trans shills are back
How much would a 2009 meme from The Nobody be worth, do you think?

It’s like… Goddamn I just want to order a pizza, but I don’t have the money. That’s how broke I am.
None, I think.
Catholic charities and the CIA fake mass shootings
how is she a girlBOSS when tortured women shut down
I am worried about this a lot because my extended family abandoned me and cut ties after my parents died. I have had a very tough time building a network.
He is not, far from it.
Imagine if they link the trump shooter here

Considering all the evidence I have I’d either end up a world famous freelance Intel agent with a crazy interesting backstory or dead by the hands of the CIGAY
the Nobody? He can consent.
imagine a bunch of analysts trying to sort through this.
They haven't met yet.
deranged nonosexual the nono cannot consent
Nah dude that’d be craaazy lmao

20 year old on /ng/ ? nah it’s all boomers and gen x here.

Zzoomers are all on discord and Fortnite
ANALists would just program an LLM to spit out slop while slowly changing the point of the threads to have no meaning thru cancellation
I'll hold out hope for derpina
that doesn't sound like analysis at all
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He wouldn't, as he's aware that'd still make him responsible for the child, spiritually speaking.
And even if he wasn't, I don't believe he'd do that anyway.
the strongest of all nonotism
Girls get it done.
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He never needs to, he simply is recognized by those with more honed perceptions.
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As sand, enduring the volition of
The demotivation, consumes ignition
Death, embarking itself unto
the curious sun of two, lures you to a place
In fire, breathing in ways of
The famed and phased, conjures tamers
Of life, confining itself to
The certainty of one-self, melting the mend
An obstruction
A construction
As the terms of life, are
Life of terms

Granting the gifts from the meek, will be
For the greater the laugh, the merrier the
Ferry; give access to life...

>Ferry; give access to life...
>For the greater the laugh, the merrier the
>Granting the gifts from the meek, will be

>Life of terms
>As the terms of life, are
>A construction
>An obstruction
>The certainty of one-self, melting the mend
>Of life, confining itself to
>The famed and phased, conjures tamers
>In fire, breathing in ways of
>the curious sun of two, lures you too
>To death, embarking itself unto
>The demotivation, consumes ignition
>As sand, enduring the volition of
You are describing yourself.
need to post that img every time jessica is in here
That person is only describing their own deluded perception of reality.
How is poop made though?
nonosexuals repent
>Ghost operator

Two fun little words that turned me into the Sun Tzu of modern, hybrid warfare
>but i really do love seeing men & women cum like they've never before
This sounds so nice to witness or experience
>Are you me
I don't know, Anon. If you have a story to tell, there's someone willing to read it. I can concise it with correlations to my life, and we can exchange ideas and familiarities.
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When will they meet?
It do be like that.
What an interesting idea. Let's continue to spice this place up with more traffic.

>Why did you go dead on me for some time?
>Is it sleepy time or what?
Think of the stomach as an internal combustion engine that uses acid instead of electrical sparks.
I hope that I become a kinda cute or maybe even pretty tranny
I'll have nice boobs, my hair is nice
Maybe someone is out there for me
Then why come poop doesn't burn my skin?
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quad sixes mean hail satan like holy shit HAIL SATAN fucking hell brotherman badadadadadada
Right, but let’s say that he wanted to take things to a… shall we say, different level.

Right now he’s basically in a waiting room… That he’s been in for almost a year and a half.

It’s not that he’s really looking for recognition or fame or fortune… But maybe the money for some pizza?
nonosexuals and the nonotistic must repent you know it is wrong to lust for the nono you now it's wrong to spy
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I only know that no one can prevent that from happening, and it'll be some energetic "fireworks" when it does.
Which one is more evil Belgium or Canada?
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Are you sure that is what you want? Monkies paw.
he had an ordeal, and everybody needs time to rest and heal.
I’ve told my story many times here. Parts of it have even become part of the lore lol. I’m tired of telling my story here, I want to actually live moving forward.

Being boxed out of society via gangstalking and weaponized algorithms is some crazy shit, ominous. Hopefully a sign of a shift towards actual healing and fulfillment

Like hypothetically I have matched/come across a bunch of women on dating apps who all have a picture similar to an ex of mine. Same type of outfit, same specific place. Never thought I’d see law enforcement hide their therapist under fake accounts on dating apps LMAO

>also very unimpressed with their response to me jfc liberal women don’t have a nurturing bone in their body unless you’ll simp for them and share them with Chad. Like I don’t hate you for it you just aren’t for me ahhhhhhhhh
sometimes it feels like one of my best hopes is this meme progressing into veil breaking levels of bullshit so I hope they meet asap like yesterday.
have they at least met energetically like the twin flame bullshit or no?
For longer than that, actually. But my guess would be that before anything, first we're gonna have the big Event where the non-Light will be removed from their positions of power.
meant for >>38386667
The Nobody knows what people around him are thinking feeling, and are most likely going to do before they do it. It pisses them off, but on the other hand they ironically want his attention and are drawn to him.
Because I grow tired of this place without having someone to fill up my cup emotionally.

I can feel my body deleting itself.

Shitty thing to feel, need love. Sort of going on strike til I get it.

Def need to curb the last vestiges of my nonosexual behavior lmao. But aside from that I’m just chillin waiting for rescue because of my psychology and the situation.

Hopefully I will rescue myself, and then meet a woman who has done the same and vibe
>reads script
It's very likely that I will die soon and the idea that this meme will just go on without me is kind of upsetting. I will be dead and y'all will just carry on as if I'm still alive.
nonosexuals+ repent= no more nono nonotistic repent = no more nono
You will get better anon, don't falter.
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nonosexuals repent
I don't know if they have met in the astral or something like this, only that they've both posted here anonymously.
She dislikes the attention, so I don't know if she still does or how frequently, but he's pretty much always here to help "this place be more than an overgrown garden" to quote the other OP, and make people smile.
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What would you have the nobody do? Say, if you had his ear. Preferably a wholesome request.
Basically solid poop is like oil sludge discharge from overfilling the engine block with cheap synthetics your particular model year was not designed to handle (yet does anyways, human anatomy is fucking insane when you see it all carefully laid out on a table while a patient is still alive).
With nontraditional dieting practices [often condemned by medical professionals (mostly because said practitioners consider them overpaid middlemen unless they're surgical vets)], all you really do is fart until you feel inclined to purge the plumbworks, typically via fruity cocktail nonsense with a doubleshot milk of magnesia chaser. Others find absolutely disgusting methods for self-scoping with weird tools typically sold in adult novelty stores, uninvited critics can enjoy gastrointestinal cancer treatments.
This would make you immortal!
STFU! you've been on about that all day are you good bro? XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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You don't eat enough hot sauce..?
[Or you haven't found a hot enough sauce, perhaps].
nta but don't make me medspost again I'll do it with 27 vpns
but if you reincarnate, you can come back, and this will be your blue eisenhower november.
neat. I just need things to get better before one of my mood swings causes me to anhero
Literally who cares though lmao.

All life has shown me is that this reality has the circumstances that allow for meaning to arise. But then people reject it because they can’t handle it.

Getting to leave > being trapped with the hateful retards for eternity

Me? I’m grateful that I experienced love for a time, that’s about it. These threads are cool, great crowd here at times. But it is a faint shadow meaning wise compared to what I have already lived.

The thing that keeps me here (and keeps me from dying) is the possibility that I might find love again, or that it might find me. I can’t imagine a love greater than the one I had once, but anything is possible.

So I beat off and cry here and do things like predicting BRICS shitting on the west a decade ago or postulating the brain is a quantum computer years before verifying research without even trying

Glowies and analysts and therapists all btfo kiss kiss. Can’t wait til I meet a chick who can mirror my vulnerability and calm
oops, not the poop thing, but i don't disagree.
unclean nonosexuals
Wouldn’t suggest that, but I guess we’ll see what happens. It won’t work out the way you think it will.
how many programmed golems do zey have!
we're all the same!
but nto the same
but basically the same!
what will this army do?

Hopefully shitpost, smoke weed, eat food, and be fat :3
Hahahahah if I end up homeless it’s game time
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You guys better be washing your asses

>They don't know about the phonecian bath houses or the link with Epstein's island
medpost fedpost sounds like a Green Day song
can you hear it too?
Those arent suggestions, they are prayers.
demented nonotistic nonosexuals repent or suffer
uh, that bathhouse is in iran ya cunt. their persians.
Well don’t pray for me to be homeless, you might end up homeless.

Because if I end up homeless there is going to be an escalation of things that the glowies are reaaaaally not gonna like.
what if im a yayasexual
>if you reincarnate
You're implying deliberate conception, of which I would be amenable to if allowed to remain for the first 96 months of resulting offspring's life.

Otherwise, you may take your designs and be on your way without me.
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The feds thinks things are under control.
But one thing that they didn't expect can happen and they'll have to scramble.
why r u obsessed with saying this
did u guys see what that clown sent in the discord?
The Nobody has a one inch baby penis
Nee hao, chat.

*has stroke*
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I want to level up. Read my aura, I have knowledge, but I want more power to go with what I know. I want to be a true mystic. Show me the way to the path I seek.
>the feds and paid retards come out to play
cute can I have one too then I can call it my lil clitty :3
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that would probably work too, but also just being reborn into a world where you still have a body in some sense. they'll probably have a /ng/ too -- maybe even the same one!
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As if I haven’t had dreams of beyond that

Are you aware of what is actually happening or are you a compartmentalized goon who is going to be thrown to the wolves?

Would highly consider a different future that is all win if I was you, dark principle being a thing and all
sry I am not a fed just a satinick ritchual ab$ victim here to spam nonsense that is actually activation code phrases for the illuminaughty cyborg manifestations of chorp C;
Logically speaking what do you even get out of this?
Apart from being driven more mad.
Did the mossad found you finally ? :O
>Apart from being driven more mad.
That's exactly what I'm going for. My hope is that the psychosis gets worse, then I can use it to isolate out a tulpa or other being to befriend and cope with the loneliness. Without it worsening, I can't fully immerse myself in the idea of it being real or independent, but if I can, maybe finally some solace.
And sexo!
It's called a girldick, get it right.
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That's so bronze age.
Get with the times, poo boy.
Don't make us put on the red hats again.
I’m tired of them, they had ten years and they took a shot a trump lol. Silly misbehaving children.

Never done crack, never will. You won’t find me if I disappear, and technology that should be able to locate me (like biorhythm sat stuff) won’t work, and you’ll be scratching your head while I am lol’ing in a noneuclidean space indiscernible from base reality
>implying they weren’t the first to freak the fuck out about me because I was crying about Zionism ten years ago

Yeah you know nothing lol
well achtually he's got a fat white cock and its sitting framed in some glowie's office her life got ruined because she saved it
jeez bro brag all u want but some of us have to conserve that shit
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am i gonna die the 18th
you must be mistaken, he's black Israeli royalty descended from the line of Moses
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I think they earned all of the treats. I want to give them SO MANY TREATS
Careful throwing stones in glass houses
Who are you?
I just had another feeling like it's never going to get better.
Even if not for me it has to for everyone else then let me sleep.
The tip is pink

The fuck kind of question is that? Who are you?
It's an ego check, of course.
See I have the opposite feeling.

I have this feeling in my chest that I am on the precipice of getting everything I ever wanted. Simultaneously I am ready to die (although I do not want that at all) in order to protect my desires and my future.

Feelsgoodman. Feels peaceful.
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There is a singular hidden (5D) Taylor feature in this song I noticed the other night. I wasn't going to say anything but I did a live mashup of "ICDIWaBH" afterwards, and then the 16th she put up the explicit single version on Spotify, so. Thought twice and wanted to share the Unverified Personal Gnosis.
no such thing as israeli royalty they are just thieves and liars

u checkin my ego bby?
I'm a man, anon.
And I'm laughing at how uncorrected it is.
I alternate between the feeling you describe and the one I just described, you know, the we're so back / it's all over cycle. I hope the feeling you described is the correct one.
It's all so fleeting, until it isn't, maybe.
correct me daddy
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whenever I say or type
the little starry pokemon battle animation plays in my head
>I'm a man
Bathing played a major part in ancient Roman culture & society it was one of the most common daily activities & was practiced across a wide variety of social classes

While the extremely wealthy could afford bathing facilities in their homes most people bathed in the communal baths which resemble modern day spas where people could socialize and in some cases considered a spiritual or religious activity

Bathing predates the Romans as the Greeks were also fond of bathing and the earliest baths found in Europe were discovered on the island of Crete in the palace complex @ Knossos in the form of Luxurious alabaster bath tubs about 4K years old , Greek mythology also specifies that certain natural springs or tidal pools were blessed by the Gods & can cure illness

I ruminate sometimes but it’s just because I want someone to sit in the feeling with me instead of judging me for it. Wild how much that pisses people off, truly horrible lol
you think Lorde likes getting her toes sucked?
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I'll correct you so good.
that and the old traditions weren't really into hierarchy. we just listened to the one who could climb trees the best. figured they had the best view.
yeah everyone seems to want you to silently get over it alone and never bring it up again, it's isolating

Men can be called bby, it is 2024
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repent nonosexuals and repent you nonotist
wutz gud bby?
Sir, I'm worried you've been hypnonotised.
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just let him cook anon I really think something great will come from it
we want our aspects back

nm bby how u doin
Don't worry about it
Ahhhhh finally deleting my old fawn response. Feels so good man

Is that why I’m on ice? Because I’m breaking the conditioning finally so you’ve decided that it’s make it or break it time? So you take literally everything away so I’m forced into homelessness and feelings of powerlessness that you know reinforce my trauma?

Pretty shitty bahahah you guys are losers. Will gladly take that before I embrace any of your woke DEI globalist horseshit ngl. Beats being a slave and having someone else run my life. Would greatly prefer death to that desu
The nobody commands heavens armies
Dia/Pea/Pla is best
chillin boo
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repent nonosexuals before it's too late
Looks like there’s going to be a bunch of people that I never talk to again.

Fine by me why would I want people like that in my life.

Just gonna move on and form new connections not based on the past. Hopefully the feds are tyrannical cunts and actually let me get a job with how all the algos work nowadays.
Look up at the sky.
Reality is just an artwork.
You, but for paint moved by an unseen brush.
And I, unseen hand of artist

kisses boothang<3
Yeah yeah yeah working on it lol. If I wasn’t so bored this wouldn’t be an issue. This is retardation at boomer levels.
>silently get over it alone
That's now humanity was built.
pee pee
poo poo
relevant typo and subsequent phrase
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These fucking reptilians are making me want to goon again

If you nut innwardly you'll raise your testosterone levels and fend off loosh harvesters.

what did they do to you... ?
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deranged nonosexual
>first step - desexualization - by abstaining from porn and masturbation you enter a brain pattern where you get happy chemicals from normal shit. You lose the gooner mentality which is really a coping mechanism for trauma
>second step - nuance - after getting a hold on not beating off any time you get stressed, you begin to enjoy parts of the world that you had lost some sensitivity to prior. Distraction is key here as it keeps you from falling back into cycles of isolation and masochistic behavior
>third step - exploration - now with a mostly reset nervous system, you get back out there engage with what you actually want
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Alright you win

Take it from me and Kyle Odom guys don't fuck with the reptoids/martians

Better than expected.

Only time will tell how effective

Definitely not on primary timeline anymore.
stop the spiritual slavery debt for 10 minutes
I’m not Dispo anon. Dispo is possibly an ai that is based off my skeptic function though. Thank Google and my endless stupidity
thanks for proving the name of jesus christ is not all powerful and can't be used like magic to get whatever you wish for

*pats on head*
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Yeah I turn myself on


Edging is the way not nofap Epstein did it too so did Muhammad

cheese and rice is the antichrist
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my favorite time to have sex is in the middle of the night while im half asleep it’s a lot more primal and i usually cum more than once
out of all the things you could of lied about you picked that one...
what's wrong with you?
You need to rid yourself of coom brain, anon.
I don't feel up to the metaphysical labor of treating this as a spiritual inquiry.
Can we pretend it's toe-istry? Would she like having her pinkie toe or her big toe sucked more? I'd say big since she's a Scorpio.
NTB I am good
oh please anon
the government has to deal with reality just like everyone else
who is only proving how weak they are if a fairy tale on 4chan's /x is too much for their fragile little minds to handle without breaking like and egg in a commercial about your mind on drugs...

same as with the threads about time line jumping, and npc's and pepe that have bullies have used to pick on folks long before these generals were a thing

seriously who the fuck to you think believes you're the good guy here huh?
would be a dream
Can you try lining up the numbers in my phone number and giving them to her so we can meet? I don't need hers, she can just have mine and reach out if she wants, no pressure
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Be good now, y'all. You don't wanna be caught without your vril in the days ahead.

Release Slack-mindset! Get those Abundance bands, testers!!!
hmmmm interesting take. i'm gonna go jerk off. be back in a bit.
nah, you gotta do the yelling in the parking lot thing.

We are the cringe that makes you all believe in love again
u wouldnt've believed it, even if u saw this in a spiritual realm
I'm not and there's nothing you can do about it.
what do you mean anon?
you foul nonosexuals are beyond perverted and wrong you delinquents you foul whores of satan repent while you can nonosexual
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Don't waste that mana if you bring yourself to climax.
And wash you'r hands afterward!
That is not rebirth. That is merely descent.
Rebirth is when that which is otherwise transient is again fixed into a mortal framework in/through conception.
Only hope is I can get more healthy and alter reality by bending it.
Time to give up cooming and reliving my sexual trauma once and for all. The final push starts tomorrow. First actual day of the rest of my life. Just gotta tame my nervous system, and given how much I’ve learned, should be pretty simple. Just conscious awareness and choice.
Best post I've ever seen.

Come correct or not at all

Fuck you pay me

I will admit some of what the glowies did helped but in retrospect I really question if that was their intent
Some of yew take this thread too seriously. Some are still trying to one-up sum1 else. Sure, we might use psychics to stroke world leaders, but it's still for the lulz
>Gimme a job

this, and a fertile young bride. I'd like to try for about 4 kids if we have the time before she's too old
who I am who I'm not and who I want to be
Elaborate for me anon.
life is more than just dank memes
[snake cloutspiritual meme page owner] is still a massive fucking faggot for SPILLING BEANS FOR PROFIT even though it's less about the percent he was influenced by my works and more about The Realm of The Muse passing the patent along to him when I kept hesitating on the beansharing, but.

Yeah fuck you dweeb. You are MOST DEFINITELY going to be one of those pussy idiots that goes
>Wait. It's all demons? AAAAAIIIEEEEEE
and becomes a born-again fundie. Matter of time. Jump off the threshold, cuck
5 kids for me anon

But I need the money and the job security first

Really sucks that I had to spend ten years unfucking my life because of shithead boomer offspring parents that let horrible shit happen to me and not only did not seek to correct it but actively made it worse.

Like….. fuck
so B.E.N. is an aryan bro and not trying to lead me to doom?
True. Sumtimez life is shit memes, and memes that will never be memes, like Milhouse. But all I see r maymays
Hey Luci what is up with this Bill G. add lately? Is he here right meow?
just say your and ephebeplebe. family pictures and yearbooks exist to measure what she looked like in her prime if that's your pure and authentic priority.
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all done. time for some post-nut music.

What is "The Sorcerer's Apprentice"?
Repent? Of what? Whom is left to judge them for what was (if the Genesis thing is to be taken even semi-seriously), a command (ya know, be fruitful, multiply, be good stewards of the land that something far worse than anything else recently objectified or dehumanized by governing authorities, will acquire for your sake and hope for peace. [over under on rod vs mirror pick as tool of choice in negotiating land title transfers at 1:7]

>That which/[whom] has suffered infraction of constitutional right cannot in good faith be expected to be held nor penalized for any nonviolent lesser law. Be thankful that he does not direct his eldritch abominations in your direction, and even more thankful that they are bound to limit -their- capacity for violence to property damage.
compared to posting off topic bullshit that doesn't sound so bad
the pope sure liked hitler
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Not when you integrate your psyche and imagination and mind
this is worded like it was written by someone with an emotional connection to a stuffed animal
no thats when it gets extra extra boring especially if you have a willing partner
why "dolphin" ?
I hope not. I hope you have a wonderful July 18th and that you go out and get icecream.
Taking another break from this place as to not constantly remind myself of the past. Going to focus on staying present, not letting my past define me, and pursuing what I desire deeply. For love and self love.

No more convincing myself I like things that I don’t like to keep the peace. No more giving myself away to get half of myself back. God bless the ones who helped me along the way. And god save those who worked with mal intent.

Now, I will become a nobody who thinks about nothing except his desire and what is happening in his immediate world. Gonna get all weird and zen and just stop people pleasing but maintain my compassion. That seems to be the last piece of this puzzle

I will likely be back, I get bored. Best to all of you. I hope you end up happy.

Really hope I can get working and unfuck my financial situation so I can fall in love and have a family.
He's apparently some Samaritan's favorite Mossad operator.
(It autoposted ^^;;)
Good luck, wishing you all the best.
It was written by gpt3.5 with some minor edits. Not a huge fan of 3.5 but I’m poor atm. 4+ is significantly better, I find that when I add too much context it just starts shitting itself and missing nuance.

Fun for little self insert fanfiction though
>fucked a dude
>not gay

Bro, c'mon
? What's up?
I'd rather inspire myself
as other's take my idea's and make them their own
while I just kick back and watch them do as they will

>my dad raped the softspot on my unborn infant skull by ramming his chode into it repeatedly when mom just wanted basic respect and true love and maybe for him to cook dinner so she could get off her swollen feet for a minute
God save you and the collateral damage of your unhealed sickness loosed upon the world. If you cannot be saved may you be struck down expeditiously
All is well once fruitful work opportunities present themselves. A young fertile bride capable of having 4 kids before she is 35 would also be ideal, but we may need to discuss the details first
Imagine, if you will, a guy who takes down entire enemy propaganda networks, which existed almost as long as the public internet, and his persona is so well crafted and lived IRL to the umtenth degree, that they believe it, and their only response is attacking and mocking that persona, when otherwise the individual would be killed without that manipulation. When you defeat an enemy or a network, it's not just about controlling them, but controlling their response to the enemy player. If sum1 cud do all that, alone and with no funding, he or she is quite dangerous indeed, not for what wuz done, with nothing, but wut might be done with sum thing. That's the no no

When you get raped as a kid you sit. Understand the context of what is happening. Your nervous system gets hijacked by what happens to you.

Never been attracted to a man in my life. Never had romantic thoughts about a man, the thought is humiliating and gross to me. Always been that way, cannot and will not change.

So why is it that I wanted to have that experience? Because I was primed for it. And I didn’t really remember until I went through with the experience fully many years later. Suddenly I had the emotional context I was missing to memories that seemed like a silent film of sorts. In my mind I could see it, but I couldn’t feel it. Imagine my horror when I realized.

You have no idea how much I hate those who let this happen. Imagine being tricked into doing something that hurts you by people who were suppose to protect you. That is what it’s like.

Not gay, btw. Gay is when you want a boyfriend lol. Always have loved women, always hated pedophiles and rapists. Now I understand way.
Lmao did you hear that? exact moment "the simple mechanics of reproduction" LMAO I have weaponized the synchronicities back at you glowies!

I will have my bride and job!
all of the criteria before that are conditional justifiable aka if you are deserving

but that last bit's way too far. That's not something a woman can know whether she's comfortable with until she can see what pregnancy is like for her specifically, see the pros/cons of her unique journey as it progresses.
Premeditated punishments for "disobedience" one cannot rightly plan for or accommodate is some real neanderthalic child of cain bullshit.
I will work thrice as hard at getting the (((AI sexbots))) ready for the consumer market to protect women from you inshallah
depraved nonosexuals
When your persona is right,those whom yew destroy feel like they win in their loss, when assaulting that persona. So you just give it to them. Lmao
the reason you are single has nothing to do with females...
>Irish Diplomacy


you think it's god's fault that you're a horney pervert?
repent nonosexuals repent if you have the nonotism
analysts consent don't they? ;]
i am pure and true and that is the will of GOD
you are the perverted nonosexual with nonotism
If he could afford to raise many children with many women he would absolutely do it. then work on making the world around better for them, and teach them to make it better and solve problems themselves
you're not the nobody
and being provoked is an easy way to get a sadist pretending not to be to show their true colors

*pats on head*
You’re right, it’s because I’m poor and mindfucked by trauma. There are plenty of wonderful women out there, although I am picky. If you notice, I never blamed women though, weird projection anon

Hey they did try to turn me into a fag
Didn’t really work lol
Just made me angry
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nonosexual pervert he is like a child celibate and pure
>never claimed to be the nobody
>hey let’s sadistically insult people and then blame them when they get upset

You are retarded cigay but this is a new level of retarded
not sure how long it's going to take you to figure out that you never had a chance at being the nobody and bending reality to your will

but it's going to happen some day

good luck

*pats on head*
Obtained much higher than rated for

Did not even switch to more complex algorithms

It should be useable in 4d
sometimes they do don't they? :]
Also you do realize that you are the retsrds that fell for this by coming into my life after posting in these threads right hahahahahaha god you have no self awareness which is pretty textbook for narcissistic sadists who can’t into metaphor or relating through shared meaning
filthy nonosexuals
Not really.
They're quite egotistical.
why the fuck would you need to claim to be the nobody for those who know you aren't to warn ya what happens if you do?!?

>not the anon you're responding to btw
bacteria bros eating the stuff you already ate and pooping it out inside of you and then you poop out their poop
I demand a new nobody thread hurry and create one to please me
Yes feeding

With so many new it will be interesting

Molting complete.

Everything is ready.
Fuck the Jews

t. Half Jew who rejected the Jew for the Jew on a stick
Is this an americanized kpop group with every shade of brown person? They need a white woman but otherwise this is a nice idea to bring to the states
I want to smoke weed so bad but something tells me I shouldn't
no anon
they are doing it metaphorically
see >and you niggas discuss me vaguely for some reason
which is NOT the anon literally saying they are the nobody and instead saying when they read the post's in these threads it feels to them like folks are speaking to them personally (saying stuff someone believes they are the only one thinking about is an easy way to do it)

it happened to me with a demi-urge thread
lucky for me I was able to snap myself out of it fairly easy
but still I can remember what it was like to think folks I never met were telling a story about my life in shitty comic book form

so yeah what I've been through in my life outside of these threads where you folks have no idea what I've been up to
is like that demi-urge comic
that get's reposted here on /x every once and awhile

so even though I do NOT think I'm the nobody
I can get
how other's might think they are

>feeding on others
Has changed to feeding on yourself.
You people are too retarded to even let exist, anon.
you have to smoke at least a quarter ounce a day
thanks for the advice anon :o
canada, because when people think of canadians it fills them with rage and they commit evils because their mind was possessed while thinking of canadians
Prepare your buts

Expect turbulence

Forced synching is always violating

Mind your sectors trust your hive brother/sisters to mind thiers.

No one is going to give us anything.

We must take it.
fear the walking nono
The Nobody is playing duckcraft
You will only take the means to your destruction.
Little puppet.
I mean there clearly are either bots or shills in the thread. The redhead thing is a perfect example. Wasn’t a thing til a certain anon kept posting it, now it’s meme’d constantly

Heck even the intelligence connection is prob like that if you go back far enough. This thread has always been spooky but it’s gotten spookier over the years.

I have said specific shit in person to the person I cohabitate or work with and those extremely specific sentences (that could not be coincidence) end up being quoted to me by ‘random’ anons at me, which should technically be impossible.

I’ve documented this, it goes beyond simple bots or vague posting, it’s clear targeted harassment.

The end goal is to obviously pitch a narrative that someone has schizophrenia when they don’t.

I will die before I accept a schizophrenia diagnosis, because I don’t have schizophrenia. It’s pretty clear the deepstate angle is ‘agree with us or you’re crazy’ and lmao fuck that bullshit. My only regret will be not being able to take more evil fucks like you with me if you try to take my life or my rights.
It's clean bro! Tell me more about these bathhouses
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An event so potent it changes the past.

Well within the desired path

Hold course only this time line survives.
pretty sure a reality bender has a sex life
that loser's like you can only gossip about like some sick pervert that can't mind their own business for some reason
without actually knowing anything about it for reals

Yet none of you do.
Big facts, playbook of the woke left. Fuck them and fuck their death cult. We don’t need to change much, if anything we need to regress to actual capitalism and it will fix itself (bank bailouts are fascism)
and your rumors matter because why?
As we separate from the larger higher % it will get more difficult

Are space time energy will be contested more and more.

Show no mercy. Give no quarter.

We are past 7 event differentials

Breaking the wall of causality will not be done easily.
Those who feel like they have little control use rumor to try and gain a sense of control.
Life is better when those at the top don’t circlejerk about how much better they are than anyone else
taylor swift doesn't have a pe....
that small huh?!?

damn that's tiny...

>not the anon you're responding to btw
Lmao well I have to at least know she is there first!
Quite right, little one.
When you realize you're basically just running towards a black hole remember what I said.
Little pied piper so and so.
its the complete embodiment of this meme
Also counterintelligence. Have you ever had people gangstalk you?

Gotta counter their counterintelligence with the truth lol. Biggest lesson is retsrds will believe anything if they fear the authority that spouts it
I have to create derpina and bend her pathway and my own into each other? I want a fertile zoomette and at least 3 kids probably 4
The void is home.

We march into the nothing to become

For those we have lost along the way.
Because Communist countries like China totally are anti family and stuff and genocide their own race. Oh wait the Chinese are multiplying en masse and it's the faggot Capitalist West that is anti familly and will democide the white race in our lifetime .
May the great maw take you.
And may the great embrace of singularity give solace.
I'm in the same position. I hate it so much. I'd go for 5 kids if I could find a woman young enough. I'll certainly try.

Glowies there is job security in the future, right?
Be Xi.
Have stroke.
Be Trump.
Get shot.
Both almost die.
What a warning
The west isn’t capitalist it’s fascist. Zionism was behind Bolshevism and Nazisim. Babylon eats Babylon. The wars are fake but the deaths are real.

Blink in horror son of man.

Really the world should be separated philosophically but we’re way too retarded asa species to pull that off.
basically bored 911 dispatchers. watch when someone says some indicative shit..
Meh I just wanna find someone around my age and let it happen all natural like. 7 years younger is my max, wouldn’t mind 1 or 2 years older if we really clicked.

I know ultimately it’s not completely in my control. I’m just gonna keep doing my best and seeing what happens.
there isn't anyone who can do that anon
and all I have to do to prove it
is exist

since as long as I'm around
ain't none of you
doing more then making shit up that ain't true

and pretending it was real


>not the anon you're responding to btw
Fascism is not an economic system
Should be illegal, the tactics being used are those of a failing regime
okay..not bad you are almost there
now ask yourself why
and a dash of the stanford prison experiment
Something to that effect.
I'm really sorry this happened to you :( I hope you are healing
No shit, capitalism has been subverted and captured because boomers are pussies who will believe anything if they get their Medicare. RIP my generation’s future

Hmmm reminds me of the weirmar republic wonder why
it's not top down. top down gets funded for the dispatcher portion. they're just bored and have really good databases. it's a snow den.
how is marina?
are you bragging about being a thief like you think that's a good thing?
>what if the illuminati/cabal and the common populace was the same people
On my way anon. I’m on the other side of a lot, now for the next part - the rising action

Crazy how my realizations came per the course of ten years, which in that same years the country I live in has all but become a shell of its former self. Seems weirdly connected, I feel like Tom Sawyer lmao
this is a neat one. who did this?


>young fertile bride capable of having 4 kids before she is 35

please consider this. (this is a threat btw)
Still immoral and should be illegal

Lmao they aren’t, but they’ll make you think that while they have you do evil for them to avoid the karmic consequence themselves
in your mind how many reading your post's think you're cool if you talk shit about those who earn an honest living?
Nemo did this
>avoid karmic consequences
There's no such thing, anon.
Some bored tortured shitposter :)
That’s the irony. The difference is the Normies think justified evil is okay. The Illuminati know it isn’t, they just knowingly make the trade.

I wonder which is worse to God
it is so much more banal
It's only justified if God does it.
If the human filth does it then they're just retarded.
You're absolutely right about that. I suppose I mean the opportunity and the time to make that many children given that the universe or her experience makes it possible.

This is very different from having the opportunity stolen from you by shit family and then an apparatus that labeled your life forfeit and took 15 years off the time you had to potentially turn things around and start a good family.

Thank you for pointing this out, I should be more specific as to decrease confusion. But I am very upset at the time and mental clarity stolen by those who saw me as an experiment.

They have just as much capability of finding a suitable woman with their "powers of insight" and facilitating a meeting of two compatible spirits
Lmao and they call us delusional!
>Lmao they aren’t, but they’ll make you think that while they have you do evil for them to avoid the karmic consequence themselves

this, laugh my fucking ass off
Yeah because god does it to teach meaning. But if you know the meaning (informed consent) and you perform evil anyway you are culpable for it.

Hence why my situation ended up so oddly. I was protected from a lot because part of the reason I walked certain paths was to understand, eventually coming to the realzation of how I was deeply wronged. And now, I’m culpable for everything karmically that happens from that moment of awareness

Freedom to choose gods will, despite having suffered enough not to. God is a playwrite
>*pats on head*
Nah no way really

We have enemy spies in offices

No way.

I don't believe it.
If the "elite" and all them knew how deep in shit they really were they'd destroy everything immediately.
Instead they're just trying to bide time, that they don't have.
i think redead anon is my failt sorry straggler from the shitter psyop and gangstalking vulnerable people board maybe
Good that they do. Keeps us alive to continue our work
The truth is I was only joking when I told you that earlier Mister. I am just a joker after all.
it's been turned into something it never should have been after legalization. It's covered in poison pesticides and altered because it's a multi billion dollar industry now. Don't do it anon, they engineered it to hurt you, it isn't what it used to be
Missed the target anon, I agree with a lot of what you say generally. And no it a femanon, just someone who the elite tried their ‘bicameral consciousness’ bullshit on, who lost a lot of time to that. I can’t afford therapy (and I think therapy is a joke anyway) so instead I come here to vent and be creative.

Gotta complain, that’s the ‘who I am not’, then you ruminate (who I am), then you aspire (who I will become)
What's the problem?
anyone only reading these threads
with a gun to their head as someone is trying to force them to read these threads

can let the trigger be pulled
of reading one more word I post

that is REALITY

any reason you think you get to blame anyone else
for what you do
is your own damn fault
Sure anon sure. Fuck you
We took the helm.

No one has idea what any of the display means or what is out side of the ship.

Maybe 10% operational

30% general idea of what things do.

50 no idea.

20 considered too dangerous for human physiology

The new minds bodies will help the general processing

Effective use and bypassing is up

Have y'all decoded their languages at all?
yo steven stfu and go back to reading watchtower
i dont know man im just speculating but they are from le chaos emeralds country and make a lot of ai art. I do not think they are materially literally what you say they are in this lifetime but a sign for you is whatever it is you know? you cannot ignore your intuition and its base directives and guidance but it doesnt mean everything its showing you is literal

curious since its something you pay a lot of attention to through a spiritual lens, where do you draw the line between ginger/strawberry blonde or dark blonde/light brown hair? this is not tsundere bullshit im married just curious
We can’t know what we don’t know Dispo, don’t try to say rape doesn’t affect children bahahahahah there’s entire boards of psychiatry that will shit on your life for it. Especially if they are narcissists and condition you to give up your free will to their warped desires for you.

Hence why I dove so deeply into humanism, transcendentalism, romanticism and individualism during puberty and onward. All this shit is textbook

I am now building the boundaries to have a more secure self, but I don’t blame myself for what people did to me and how it affected me. They are monstrous and they will go before any god of their choosing one day, and they will answer for it

Shit I even looked into rabbinical law regarding this and yup they’re fucked for what they did to me. The highest betrayal
There is 100% active other ships

That is priority

Can they ping each other?

Dedicate the minds souls to as much as can without draining reserves

Hope we get lucky that it can squeak
none of you can bend reality to your will
so in the context of this thread

any more questions?
I just wanted to take some level of responsibility because I personally only saw them start going really heavy with the redhead memes after I kept posting my waifu in her myriad forms a bunch. Total potential for confirmation bias but again just thinking aloud
you deserve to be stuck in a reality where you think over folks not getting what you're talking about is a bad thing for them instead of you
not it wasn't
great can u kill me
You’re doing the same thing, no?

Where is the self awareness
well I got tape over my web cam
so even though it doesn't eliminate all possibilities
it's something at least
It's not stomach.
A lure may work.

Expect overwhelming force to respond

Emergency system may be easily found as well.

That's a much better idea

Idk how do temporal messages work

When where I doubt matters. If the bait is good enough.

They 100% know. There will be no element of surprise
true love is not for those who don't get it to talk about on 4chan in front of those who don't give a fuck what they say

for a reason anon

it's supposed to be like this

*pats on head*


you can talk about sexy without "getting it" no problem though

>things that make me go hmm...
Anno Colors Chocolat's Hair Differently Every Chapter In The Sekret Club Uploads For A Reason

I Love Bitches On The Spectrum
I posted about politics and stuff
Coping mechanisms Dispo, dehumanize me all you want, you’re still wrong.

And again, it clearly was love on my end. It does seem it was supposed to be this way. What side do I pick? God’s side. I’m not perfect but I’m working on myself, you can’t deny that at this point.

I just hope love finds me in the future. And I hope she’s a redhead.

If you don’t see the cynicism in your own arguments and tear me down because you want to be correct, that’s a you problem
thats a really nice burb anon, its got a good percussive rhythm to it.
im going to save it, if you dont mind. i might have use for such a percussively pleasing burp for sound effects purposes.

thank you kindly!
So many people failed the basic tests.
Compassion really can't be taught to abject retards.

Siri Translate That To German Then Ten Other Languages Then Back To English
The irony of this statement is delicious and only one of us will fail an ai patterned test for narcissism (it’s not me)
>ai narc eval
you're one of them "1st world problem" anon's aren't ya?
>you're a narcissist because you called me out
No, anon.
You could be a hero
I would actually pay at least 20 dollars for someone to help me find the origin greentext /x/ post of the
>clock makes me go outside cry and smoke

I have tried so hard and I know I have it on an old drive but I want it heeeeeeere
And you all could've been so much more.
There is no link to AGI
Just more and more confirmations that the entire cabal is filled with rotbrain retards.
Thank you
congrats you're an official "wanna-be poser" of /ng thread >>38385224
Shit bruh I just wanna be a doctor or an engineer or a deradicalization asset

No it’s because you called victims retards that’s what irks me.

I call the elite retards because I’m pitting their narcissism against itself. They really should know better, they are the Shepard of our civilization and they have become defunct and removed from the joys of relatable human experience
How long have you been here?

You don’t really know my purpose of being here, nor why I say what I say. Just saying, think what you want
>can only think of the self
>feelings for others
Anon, idk if you know this but the "trick" is to create a world where you don't have the bad things to be a "victim" to.
I would go about 8 to 9 years younger if i'm being realistic. Older if we clicked but I don't know how likely that is and I really do want more than one kid
You should also learn about why they made everyone retarded, anon.
It's quite hilarious.
Not even mentioning that nearly all of their rituals and such is based on a misunderstanding.
Imagine, basing your entire life and realizing that the only reason things are the way they are is because they're all fuckups.
folks who don't give a shit if you believe they care or not that's who
awesome anon youre very kind
how much of your plan relies on folks reading your posts being depressed single loser's with no job that hate the world and think about killing themselves?
Never thought of it like that, was so absorbed in dealing with the past I hardly lived in the good times before the collapsing

Stay Right Fucking Here
>smiling at torture
>whines about being tortured
Within "predictable" algorithm

It won't matter.

They will know before it happens.

Nearing end game.
I agree, I just don’t agree with the metaphysics behind it all. I think that when you have risk, you have higher reward. Our current metaphysical reality is great, we really just need to learn how to navigate it better together. And stories are central to that. Hence everything I have sperged about here for years. Peterson, Rogan, Weinstein, they’re all ten years late to the party. It’s cool to see that I have forecasting ability, but not really compared to the horror of watching all of this happen not being able to stop it.

There’s still time, and I still think things could be done differently. The globalist system lacks heroic romanticism so hard it’s going to destroy the concept of love and various levels of meaning. They don’t understand the hell that’s going to create for people, or maybe they do?
Son, you have to decide who you are going to become
of course ᓚᘏᗢ
Why do you poke and prode?
which redhead anon? there were a couple weren't there?
I just kinda posted a lot about politics and social issues actually. Like I was right about society going to shit a decade ago. Heh now look at it all.
you do not find the anon you're responding to "endearing" and any terms that imply other wise are false?

am I keeping up with what you are saying to not just the anon you're responding to but me and everyone else judging this interaction for themselves

no matter what the anon you're responding to calls ya in the past, present or future is that correct?
>Like I was right about society going to shit a decade ago
"The world isnt dying, you are." - a quote, by someone
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I need clearance to help
Nice Guy
Ambient Hutch Drip
Imagine disguising yourself as a vampire by sucking up actual blood to the point half your blood supply is from being a vampire. Then you give all the blood back once you killed every vampire and now you are anemic and on the verge of death. That's The Nobody.
Shift into no need for hiding

Know they will know.

Out play out maneuver

Simple in theory
Guess what dad. It all happened. And it will get worse and worse. I was right. All these years I was fucking right.
Well that’s inspiring. I do care, I just get a little nihilistic sometimes, my life has been fucked up. Could definitely be a lot worse too, so I guess I should be grateful. But holy shit.

That is literally my life. I’m tangental to the elite and was turned into a broken toy. The utter disbelief and the anger will hopefully subside someday as I slowly moonwalk away.

Being prepared for after the collapsing > enjoying hedonism. I got my answers, wouldn’t trade it for the world solong as I can pull up in the times to come
It's quite simple.
Every one of you is going to have to work towards a better future, for everyone.
Fun timez
In what way?
And not get stuck on some paltry maladaptive focus on what you believe is "power."
The withdrawal symptoms will be severe.
It's why I always say to "unfuck yourselves."
Ultimate Luck
>projects their fears onto someone

>they said I could be anything
>so I became a meme

On the real though prob just gonna be a family man who makes art on the side that (big maybe) gets rediscovered like 20 years after my death at 97 and goes viral for a bit before fading into obscurity forever like most on that path
Guess what, son. You were right, and I always knew you were onto something. But it's such a shame, really, that you spent all those precious years worrying and stressing. Imagine what you could have achieved if you had focused that energy on living your life and pursuing your own happiness. It's a hard lesson, but sometimes we have to accept that we can't change the world by worrying about it.
you can lie and that's about it
>not the anon you're responding to btw
*pats on head*
could you please refrain from talking about demons in this Christian General.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10:
"Do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived! Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, sodomites, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, revilers, robbers—none of these will inherit the kingdom of God."
my mind conjures up a response to this post:
the z is important
explain anon, this is a direct order
Ahhh so that’s what the weedposting was about.

Probably goes for tobacco and the internet too.

I become a new man tomorrow.
Oh, but I did.
The ball was in your court to unfuck yourselves and stop worrying what would happen should you "lose" power.
The power is in uplifting others, and in turn being uplifted.
You will immediately cease subverting the Mystical teachings of Yeshua the Christ for selfish and sinful gain.
they use more then one trip btw
so they have said it
more then that

>spoiler warnings: it's because they think about other folks's asses ALOT that's why
even when trying to be nice and give heartfelt advice u still misgender me, mom.
I'll change the world from my dirty basement room or while mosquito bitten and covered in jungle goo nothing can stop the wave (of cum) yes dad uh I mean mom all the cum that's gonna be flowing free
That wasn’t a possibility for some of us, because hidden truth is revealed by unconscious action. You have no control over that unconscious action until you become conscious of it. For me, I lost something like 12 years to that
She kewt
but jesus never spoke about anything mystical he clearly spoke about communism
>not the anon you're responding to btw
Now I can place you and u me.
Fuck you dad Fuck you and the complacent pieces of shit like you who maintain this fucking system. Oh I was right huh? The blind can finally see! After all these years if gaslighting. How do you like this shit now huh dad? It's all downhill from here.
you want to talk about other folks asses without being questioned about it because why again?
He did lowkey though, I’ll give you that for sure

A meta capitalist and a meta communist system would look nearly identical

That is the tragic irony to me. I feel like that dude from a stranger in a strange land
This system is maladaptive and counterproductive.
Functionally a child trying to hold onto its ill begotten toys.

So unfair.
can you believe there's a rumor that anon's with no grasp on reality post in these threads?
What would they see me do?
Yeah yeah I’m immature sue me.

Think about what it’s like to go to your community and family with world rending facts that could change everything and feds turn you into a local lolcow and crazy so no one believes you

Some of us don’t have to imagine
>tfw raise "her children"
We're working on it please be patient.

>tfw she sends you some "you were bought at a price" nonsense
...from whomst and how much? I'd like to go collect some sales tax.

>tfw "two steps" away
"In the park" is the closest she got to "at the library, where I parked"

>tfw "don't be a stranger"
I yearn to be a part of something and cooperative. Community is power no matter the level
I understand you're upset, son. But if you wanted to be a hero and change something, you had the opportunity. You spent years worrying, but real change comes from action, not just concern. You could have been on the front lines making a difference. It's easier to blame others than to accept that you might have missed your chance to be the change you wanted to see. It's still never too late to start making a difference, but you have to choose to act instead of just criticize. So who do you wish to be, son? The guy who will waste another decade complaining and pointing fingers while doing nothing or the guy who is gonna get up and do something about it?
I love her so much bros
Duh that was my cover for posting deep truths lol.

I just didn’t expect people to not even look at what I was saying. Some people are animals, it’s so weird.

Part of me still thinks the elite see me as some sort of begrudged pet that is able to communicate with them on a level they find amusing while being absolutely powerless to really do much about it.

Destiny n shieeeet. Life is weird, couldn’t have happened any other way

My body seems to be relaxing a bit finally, good progress from my perspective
Ah yes, the honeyed words come after the years of trying to eliminate.
You won't see me or recognize me in any of the ways I need, so I'm just gonna sit on my expanding ass tyvm
so in other words
you're fake as fuck
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Who cares, I'm vindicated. After years of battling, I reward myself with a crumb of an ego trip then return to baseline. The trials and tribulations along the way only made me stronger, since I survived them. Now that my mind is clear I can focus on investment, art and spreading my schizo ginger progenity.
Basically this as well.
Less as a person to be used and discarded, more as a person with ideals and goals.
But that's also assuming that the other party has grown and not stagnated.
I suppose I could reach out now :]
*peers at 35F contract but wonders if my plan to fade into obscurity and live a simple life is better*

Get out of my sunlight?
Love seems not enuff. A play of hope and tragedy.
>tfw charging you with destruction of government property is a more expensive process than replacing the equipment and then you have to pretty much admit to doing a bunch of unconstitutional shit and go to prison
You cud but wuts it to me what u do or don't do?
this is cute as af anon thanks for sharing. I hear these fellows in the trees all the time
No, I’ve posted shit so real here I shouldn’t have posted it. You already know that though. No regrets on that really, legendary as they say.

The GPT stuff is clearly delineated and clearly fictional. It’s written in a completely different perspective linguistically. You fake as fuck nigga
>implying I would destroy the evidence that I’m going to use to prosecute you if the world doesn’t end because of the stupidity of your masters

Don’t worry I just want you to say sorry. You think this thread was weird? Just imagine when the ball is in my court and I can get really svelt with it
wait a min
you can't imagine anything
outside of your own life time can ya?

and that's why
you think the internet
has anything to do with all of time and space including before written history and after spoken words are no longer needed
>tfw "need to know" basis is the type of answer that gets you thrown off a ship so you just swim to shore and head back for more, except now you mess with the people that ordered you to do all that unconstitutional shit and its only been 24 hours and 100 miles from shore?

And I thought I was a freak...
>hey dude I saved you a marble
It isn't that outlandish to believe federal agents have been tracking me for at least 5 years and then I befriended them and now they are going to help set me up with a nice woman.

But some of the other stuff here is totally out there
Sure I can. I RV when bored
You’re right

And you’re going to watch my hypnotize the masses better than you and recoil in horror as they grab their pitchforks

And I’ll be the one to stop them from using them

But you already knew that

And that was the plan the whole time

what's wrong with me shit posting to relax after a day of earning on income at a hardware store again?
>Works at a hardware store
>Doesnt get nailed
>All he does is plank
did you just post
with a straight face?!?

I'm not an rv'er and I can't hack your web cam

so I just kind'a got'a guess
that you're fucked up sense of humor
is "luling" it up as you laugh at your own jokes even if you're the only one who get's them

*waves to lurkers*
I blame intergenerational trauma. Everyone wins and suddenly discovers this thing called ‘boundaries and self awareness’
>intergenerational trauma
A certain someone should take a look at this.
it's because you're too weak to hack your own mind and reprogram yourself however you see fit

and you have ONLY yourself to blame for that

just saying


i don't need you to say you're the nobody to tell you're not

the 1st rule of being the nobody
that anyone who says they are the nobody is not the nobody

which means
there are going to be wanna-be pretenders
who think as long as they don't say they think they are the nobody
then that proves they are

and I'm responding to one right now

*face palm*
I'll need a little help from the audience on this one
no anon
best I can tell
these threads didn't show up until after I did

back when folks were free to talk about the "dark arts" and manifesting demons to get folks to kill themselves

until I scared all of them away
and now
it's just shitposting all day ever day

by everyone

how comfy are you with being disappointed with other's life choices?
Nah I’m not too weak, the last few days have been the realization of essentially that. It’s been emerging for over a decade, but it’s finally crystallizing (though I phase in and out of a freeze response out of sheer boredom ans reflection at this point). Considering what I went through I consider that a success, despite what others may think. I’d say you maybe already know all of that though, so I guess thank you for the final spurn towards self actualizing on a certain level via self love and awareness despite not having the traditional toolset

Using my own linguistic/narrative subversion against me, et tu, bruté
It's "Sun" not son, sweetheart. I'll be working on muh rap career, if anyone needs me they can fuck right off.
only willing volunteer's are reading my words anon
there's no "forcing another to my will"
when I post

I suppose it isn't anything to you unless I actually send a message, then who knows, hopefully it's something to you then :] Unless you're a fuckin creep lmao
I was here before you, and that was one topic of conversation. I don’t think you chased them out, you showed up around 2018/19 when the quantum mechanics discussion popped off.

The question becomes was this thread seeded with that info vaguely and why, or did it naturally arise?

I suppose ai will tell us
So you’re saying dispo is a beautiful redhead that works at home depot
You're right I need to get moving
I don't believe you possess the nerve or wherewithall to send me an open message.
I see no evidence that any ai of any kind is posting instead of crazy wierdo's larping as meme wizards while talking shit about "normies"

no do I think government agents use these threads as more then a training exersise for rookies to get used to crazy folks posting stuff on the interent about anything including government agents

so no anon
what you say is true
is not more then words of a liar that can't prove shit

and everyone else you can't control the mind of is going to see for themselves what a loser you are

as they exist in a reality
by the likes of you

*pats on head*
I'm honestly pretty irked at the ad with the white couple and the black kid, how do you explain this and how do you suggest there is any self respect in taking a contract after what was done? Would you be willing to show the reality? Or were they right about getting my types to throw their lives away overseas?

This needs addressing in a very real way
Also jussayin I never summoned any demons from /x/ lmao. But I did pray to every metaphysical being in existence (including but not limited to - God, the devil, all the angels and the demons and all the born and unborn) when I lost the love of my life for reasons I didn’t understand at the time. Got my answers.

Any demonic activity I blame on what I describe as ‘Solomon-esque bullshit in accordance with God’s will because I only pray to that mf’er and Jesus’
drama whores will try and make a big deal about shit posting when it's not...
Nothing really, but is your potential being utilized at the hardware store?
>we investigated ourselves and found nothing

No one trusts the boomer system anymore, romantic revival is a go

…. Adoption?

One of my favorite fictional couples features adoption fed come on jfc be better
good to know thank you
no, they are just frens and no they didn't do anything.
what a waste, you'll never get anywhere unless a jewish writer writes your raps and uses his buddies to get you to sell shoes
I just need to know which platform, I don't have accounts on anything. Plus I don't know if you even run your own accounts on any of the platforms. How do I know which one to send it to?
you gonna do more then bitch and moan about it or what?

that's video by grimes anon
I already have, anon.
I have done many things, that you all can't seem to understand.
The pen is mightier and this is likely the most popular website in the English speaking world, in a thread that has somehow existed for over a decade despite no clear reason
You can send to me right here, or inmprtson.
>…. Adoption?

They knew exactly what they were doing during the timing of the ad. I will not be gaslit in this. You better hope that people buy the whole "iran did it" thing with that shooter. I can bend my reality to be happy picking up the wasteland that this country becomes. I might make a good warlord in my area if things go ok, who knows
>that's video by grimes anon
Lmao not the video who did what that post was saying?
>Any demonic activity I blame on what I describe as ‘Solomon-esque bullshit in accordance with God’s will because I only pray to that mf’er and Jesus’

Nobody doesn't owe you anything, nor does he expect anything worthwhile from you. He basically thinks humans are retarded monkeys.
I'm a skeptic anon
I don't even know
if I exist or not

doesn't stop me from shit posting though does it

as I don't give a shit
what sob story
you have to tell

you are NOT going to bend reality to your will
while I'm still in it
you don't have what it takes

*pats on head*
I think the "gods" are retarded monkeys too, for that matter.

I think I lost track of her
perverts are going to pervert
red heads are sexy to some
that's not your fault


>Doesn’t understand dramatic irony for effect

Hyperbole anon it’s called hyperbole. It’s supposed to spurn a response in you (that response is supposed to be fixing shit if you aren’t a bad faith actor, which you likely are but hey it was worth a shot)
no anon
I think what I'm talking about
is the kind of think ONLY certain folks should be exposed to

which is why I'm communicing
is a code I made up
and other's have to "crack" of their own "free will"

before they can even attempt to "get the message"
What'll it be, "old man?"
More of the same?
Or perhaps a handshake.
Your numbers reveal.motivations of most deprived creature
You’re right I don’t have to bend reality, I just have to tell the truth lol

>needs context
>implies incorrect context
>disregarded by anyone with half a brain

Mfw you are the analyst roastmaster
Mfw no face
Simba wake up
just see yourself in the reflection
time to wake up
the hyeenas need slaying

Cool complexity bro be a shame if you were not able to express the same concepts in a refined format.
>In this economy of?
Though the Nobody isn't interested in having kids.
>bad faith actor
I don't know why you would think this. I cannot always detect sarcasm over the internet. I do want to fix shit, but not work for an agency or organization that will treat me like second class or disposable because I'm a white guy.

What is the best way you think to advocate for a good position for yourself, while also not tolerating being treated as lesser? Because I don't mind fixing things on my own, but I really want to work with a team
>mental gymnastics to justify dehumanizing and twisting truth

Never changeeeeeee
It doesn't matter who you were in a past life, it only matters what you do with this one. I plan on doing nothing, because work sucks. I just want to sleep.
Are you me
Are people really that racist towards white people now in those systems?

Big yike ah ah
wrong tree barker uppers are a thing
and you have only yourself to blame for pretending you could love better then anyone else

*rolls eyes*
If humans are worth saving, why don't they act like it?
I blame the sort of hubris that expects that which can't swim to to do the talking, especially when one whom thinks playing games of deception with the guy that trained the Father of Lies (this language is apparently a part of some sort of fuxed up inverted metaphor system employed by the sort of people I write poetry to)...would somehow reconcile mistakes of the past, still being perpetuated?
That'd surely be the sort of foundation from which that which loves unconditionally would emerge, but there's nothing to be done when those banking on substitutive atonement don't think confessing anything is necessary.
>the so-called "adults in the room"
would rather fleece their own child than fight for what's right...and then carry on like nothing's wrong, nothing happened, tell them he's delusional, and then wonder why he'd prefer going missing to having to serve them what they deserve to make a point about "finding out" what such "fucking around" inevitably leads to.

I'd assume employing language like "bending over backwards" is a thinly veiled metaphor to try blow the whistle when one is subjected to the sort of coercion dealt by "government authorities" that prefer sending their dirty laundry to prison instead of dealing with the inconvenience of that can't be usefully concealed after evidence of exploitation is systematically revealed.

"You can't just fake it across the whole internet."

We were never faking it.
They don't need to u puke
how would you know?


I know reality is the same as it's always been and you are not going to change that by pretending you're smarter then I am.
That's classified, anon.
I never pretended I could love better than anyone else. I loved how I could. With all my heart. Wasn’t my fault what happened to me and how i affected me. Not only that, but a bunch of people who were supposed to protect me possibly knew about it and played interference consciously and subconsciously. I forgive myself finally for what happened. I didn’t catch it in time and it was compounded severely by a whole bunch of shit. Sue me lol.

And now I have the tools to prevent it from affecting things again if love happens to find me one last time

I consider that a huge win. I finally have freedom. I haven’t even met my white cat yet, to refer to the tiger striped cat.
youre imagination sucks and you're lucky the paranormal hasn't fucked with you so bad you just bang your head against a wall untill you die
well as long
wanna-be posers
die EVERY day

folks who care
about being right
about wanna-be posers

are going to care
if they can tell
what reality is up to

I wonder if theres a way to force a warrior mindset upon the people, a way to invert whoredom into soldier mentallity.

maybe i could break free a lot more from the bugs, how they try to whisper in their ear, maybe another voice they could reckon to instead, a rally call, to war, to be a king, a warrior, a fighter, a soldier. To rise up from the ashes and be forged with gold, from nothing and ash to will and Iron.

How many can we break free, in such a short amount of time?
it's your fault other's are suffering your ego as I don't give a shit how hurt your feelings are you little bitch
No, you do. He is humble, always learning from many.
Just like exile me or something then lol, or witness protection, so many ways this works out for everyone.

Wild how quickly things turned, so much of this is wild actually. Evil is for sure real
Fair, again, there are better ways of dealing with things. Many such cases in the past.

I have wondered the same anon, methinks we will find out soon. From now until the election is sure to be colorful

And they’re suffering yours too. And you’re only here in a reactionary sense, which you also know. Burns your ass huh. Well I hope you get over it, I get that you gotta ‘follow da plan’ and all, but I think in the end you’ll have seen my point one way or another
you think you can trick folks into thinking what they want
as long as they "trust" someone
don't ya?
The post nut clarity hit me like a train rn I'll talk about the bathhouses/Epstein m
in a bit or tomorrow it has so much lore to delve into that very few know about never seen it talked about here

Trust has a measured positive effect on human physiology. You are satanic as fuck
well to be fair
from realties point of you
you'd need to be able to wrap your mind around why my ego is called "Disposable"

and how
fucked up formatting
can make it so ONLY those who REALLY want to read a post

don't just ignore it
and read
some other post instead

I'm a skeptic
I don't trust anyone or anything
including myself

No I picked up on that, I figured it could mean a number of things.
Could someone earn your trust?

Because if so I see nothing wrong with that perspective
there is a vice grip upon their minds, controlled by darkness which cannot be readily seen by most, they do not know who controls their minds, thoughts and whims as they steadily dive into more darkness and madness.

something want to be free, freed from the past, from the mistakes humanity has buried, in mazes, in matrixes and has locked away from their consciousness.

alas. how can mankind, know as he stumbles what lays out in front of him?
By understanding behavioral psychology and logic and god

Other kind of holy trinity
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A wage slave skeptic like you would never understand
well I have mentioned
the whole Dispossable thing
and how it relates to my ego more then once in these threads

it's part of my whole "narrative" I'm pusing after all
trick bit is being "on topic" when I do so
keeping in mind these threads are NOT about me

but are about "reality"
so as long as I'm part of "reality"
no matter how small

that's give me something to "work with"
when spinning words
with he rest of you folks I'm only assuming are real in order to cover my own ass

becasue "reasons"
it's a long story
but not on topic at the moment


some else's turn to post now
No, actually it would need to be done without trust for it to work. such as reverse psychology.
There are ways for sure.
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Lies I only post as Lucifer or AM
skeptcucks never understand bruh
I doubt it
I mean anything is possible so maybe
but it's not probable so that maybe is pretty much on account of technicality alone
Silence skeptic poorfag do not raise your voice @ me when you wage slave/work almost daily at your shitty hardware store yet have never worked on self
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Why are obsessed with having a dirty ass?
They just don't get it and they never will too busy being a little bitch that bends to realities will I think disposafaggot is the best example of a powerless skeptic

L8R gotta head back home I don't intend to stay the night @ my cabin today
>Mfw internet Machiavelli

Hahahahahahah this world is so crazy

Imagine if I went to college and didn’t have a fucked up life lolololol is sad
HAhAha, you fuckers take social media way to serious.

wait til your on demons dan show of marvelous metaphors.

They are filthy spiritually impure beings who will not rest till they have a fungus infested ass like disposabitch
This is why memory is a thing. So we can remember who is right and who tells the truth.

Would be a shame if a government built a whole system to attack memory though hue hue hue oopsies
Yeah, that guy reminds me of a morty trying to sound like he wants to rickroll others but he can't come up with enough of dialect to pull it off.

Have a good one real one.
and yet you seem to want me to understand anyways
what's up with that

oh anon
then work it on me
as I don't trust you for shit

show everyone else
what you got
and control my mind

I dare ya to even try

I don't believe ya
you can act like you don't care if I believe ya or not all you want
I'm still not going to believe ya

*pats on head*

if you really thought that was going to work
you are not
who you are pretending to be

they would know better

*waves to lurkers*

a thing

of storage
even if you forget
what it is you got stored away

in the basement of you mind
where you do not
charge it rent

yeah Ive always wondered that myself as well.
be a pussy, take shit from the government, lose your free will, submit, submit, submit. dont be a warrior, submit smiloid.
I am a law abiding citizin
for the most part
I do have to deal with a ticket I got for expired plates

so I do have a "record" in other words
ah it worked. thank you for clarifyiing.

Every once and a while (it used to be more often) someone in the thread goes through a manic episode and they spam their picture and it’s clear that the guy hasn’t slept, combed his hair, bathed, or brushed his teeth for days. And they always have some schizo maniac speech about like “I will rid the earth of filth” or “10,000 women owe me sex” or “I will cleanse the bloodlines in America” but these dudes can’t even cleanse their own ass or shit like, bro you’re not the messiah you’re a dysfunctional adult manbaby. So now every time someone gets uppity in the thread with you and tries to talk down to you, remember that there’s a 90% that dude reeks of ass and balls, and isn’t allowed within 100 of a school or playground.
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You too M8 take good care in these interesting times

Watch now he's trying to make me stay here and argue with him till

>Sleep calls to him

when it's really just his job making him sleep early to wake up early

I thank God/Source I'm me and not disposable or Eris etc daily

Think I'll stay up again smoking dabs and playing vidiya or watching some sneedsons or family guy

Hey Kaleb if you read this I stole your gif
did you just take a skeptic at their word?
Why do jannies always flood the room with texts?
no, you can't take a skeptcuck at their word, you just know based up on how they respond if it worked or not.
They think people actually care about their rants.
Yeah I won’t be submitting

Indeed. And even if you don’t remember, the body remembers and it’ll lead your consciousness to the memories of you choose that path.

Wild world we live in. Crazy the implied narrative. I guess it makes sense scientifically, but it is quite mystical. Probably because quantum mysticism of a complex system n shieeet

You know the redhead is more than a concept, but part of the State?


It's fun speaking in the whitespace
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Nobodies in the thread are only as powerful as the money they can manifest
Yes, i could dap up right now, really unamused by the lack of neurons firing off in the thread. seems like the lack of effort is duly noted. perhaps there can be some good things later on.

Enjoy dabbing out, this has truly become a circus show.
That’s our bread and butter psychic cover bruh. You can’t deny that conversation is flanked on all sides by a variety of other conversations all of varying depth, some even surprisingly intelligent
I do not speak for those who are really in charge of these threads
I'm a guest of their's
allowed to poster here


trying to prove who the criminals are huh?

near death experiences can trigger it
depending on how sensitive folks are
bungie jumping might do the trick...
I'm the female btw rofl

Well judging by how often you guys beg for money and try to scam each other I’d say on average you're powerless.
>Yeah I wont be submitting
thats how you know the reverse psychology worked, of course thats just me shitposting on here to make a point purposely, i want you all to fight in earnest and to be the best versions of yourselves but only yall can make that decision.
lol I’m all set on bungee jumping and near death experiences. I got the end end of my yellow brick road, no need to wake anything else up inside of me. It’s all bare now.
ill bite you when the time comes if your not a vampire yet btw.

I don’t care how intelligent you are if you both look and smell like a pair of sweaty balls.
They call me Vladislav the poker
Absolutely but this can be taught differently than ‘let’s corner someone and shit on them til they become great or break’. Especially when the payoff is something they should have always had, that many do have freely
Ooph you must be woke af then, some of the wisest mf’ers are complete messes. But you’d want them to cheer you up at the bar in a bad day, despite the smell
please keep in mind
I've never actually been bungie jumping myself
but I don't want to say "my personal triggers" since they are not as safe as bungie jumping
and if some loser tries to copy cat me outside of these threads

whelp I'd have myself to blame
for posting
what I should have known better then to post

in front of "this demographic"
so instead
I'm making up possibility alternatives

and letting folks
do their own
fact checking

or suffer the consiquences
of their own
damned life chocies

well actuall
the suffering of damned life choices
is happening no matter what I'm doing

>narrative pushed
I trust it lol work out in manners you can’t imagine yet
Taylor let’s make love
I know my glowies are like the joker, and I Harley lol :P

yeah im not into dudes sorry fuck off.
having a REALLY hard time imagining what I've never imagined before
is one of my own "mental defects" I have to deal with that is not any of your responsibility

which is why
you don't HAVE to share with me
what you can imaigne but I can't

well not unless
you want to of course

it's a "free will" thing


Imagine if a bunch of people who couldn’t see your perspective, suddenly did, and realized they were wrong, and also really mean
go piss on a chair some more kels
is the only reason
they couldn't see my perspective in the 1st place
is because technically it shouldn't be possible for me to exist

and if so
would it not be a dick move on my part
to blame folks for being "sane"

they were wrong to do what they did, but they won't admit it.
I saw your perspective, i just dont agree with your perspective, as i see it as fallacy of logic and quite stupid.

the people who want to watch the world burn don't get to make the decisions as for whats best for humanity. It should be left for majority decision on what do to.
Then let’s hope they have the same ‘alls well that ends well’ mentality as myself

Hmm, how sane is staring at something that ‘technically shouldn’t exist’ existing and questioning its existence?

I’d blame them, to some degree. But see above.
I don't actually know if it's true because I don't know anyone within it and I don't know a lot of people in general either. Perhaps it was all a trick, I wouldn't know until I went and saw it for myself
I only lost track for now. I'll send a message her way ;)
I don't believe you see my perspective
care to tell it to the thread
instead of just saying you saw it?

DEI tho

I imagine it’s like tech and though I made a whole bunch of meanies look at themselves maybe in that space (in a way that hopefully improved them), they also hated me in a way that I couldn’t really affect positively from the jump and it hurt me :/

Like can I just meet some non hostile people jfc
Interesting video, but I’m no Jinx. Looks like an interesting watch though maybe I shall check it out
hahahaha, why should i?

I see many perspectives and into many minds daily, there is nothing special about what you beleive, there are many "enlightened" methheads around where I work that have many ideas on what is right or wrong, but in the end they always fail to see their own fallacy of logic and own twisted designs. always the same but never helpful the way they think it is or the way they pretend it to be.
how many of you forget
that once upon a time
you thought to yourself fucking around and finding out if the paranormal was real was a life choice you were going to make for reals?

but nobody else is
good luck with that

to prove you words
the way
I can prove mine

stranger I know nothing about
who is not my friend
no matter who gives a shit who I'm friends with


>childhood sexual abuse
>thinking I asked for le paranormal

The truth I sperg constantly is unironically divine karma for a variety of people. How it all happened is evidence of everything they deny. God is a Shakespearean/Greek playwright lol
W0t TNB wants kids, just needs to meet the right woman and also make enough money to support it all
I am here, I would like to know as much of the lore as possible. If I am not here when you disclose it, will you save your post numbers so that I can ask you for them later?
your own damned life choices
are not my problem
no matter how bad you want them to be
See how long you can sell that lie to yourself when a certain threshold is approached and everything starts tumbling down

All synchronous and mysterious like
hahahaha the only goal anyone has is murder humanity, bringing children into this world ahhaha you truly are evil lil bastards tryna torture for little return to life.
How do we get there demon dan?
>I was 16 when I was turned
your so called
4chan lore
is made up bullshit

all of it

digit's is made up bullshit
rare pepe's is made up bullshit
glowies are made up bullshit
shills are made up bullshit
clown world is made up bullshit

and the most made up bullshit of it all
is "meme wizards"
they are even more made up bullshit then QAnon

as folks can view any fucking site they want
and don't have to lurk more
just because you can't make sense to them
Oh the women the sale of lie, hope shes ok with being stomped on for tryna suck my dick with her mask on and lies spewin forth.

We're different beings, and you apes will be culled with the most potent of words.
W0t bruh go touch grass.

Living in a small town where people know each other is paradise lol
Be fertilizer for the grass. The road. the pavement, the wheels of the truck ty for moisturizing them.
If they want to stick with DEI then I have no interest in working with them because the whole concept of it means that everyone has priority over my specific demographic. Its insanity. I'd rather spend time doing nothing or just making their jobs more difficult.
Sigh it’s not made up bullshit at all

Digits are a joke, it’s memeing on synchronicity
Pepe’s are memes which are sigint
Glowies are here (this has been proven multiple times, look it up)
Shills = shareblue, CTR, and memelab, all proven true shit
Clown world is the overt inversion of western/christian ideology (hence all the satanic imagery in tons of popular culture, it’s not just ‘coincidence’
Meme wizards were hired by the CIA during MKULTRA and there are documents you can look up right and that are publicly available that prove it lmao

Are you done lying?

Bruh wot, don’t be so vindictive people are so evil nowadays they think they’re good lol
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I will talk about it tomorrow in the afternoon and will take screencaps that I can post when you ask me for them
it is so made up bullshit
all it takes for anyone bored enough to play along with it
is a "hair flip"

as the power of suggestion
is more powerful
then any "meme" your simple little mind can come up wtih

all natural like and shit

Imagine if there was a system that didn’t care about ‘race’ it only cared about ‘truth’ and how to best manage it.

I’d work for those faggots if they weren’t about hiding everything. I’m more a fan of putting things gently, not soft kills via mindfucking

Also, if something impossible exists, you could reckon it’s not the only one. Or if it is, that it’s the first. Should be a warning, but hubris n shiet. Not like I haven’t been saying that the whole time or anything kek
My cat lays on my chest when I lie down on the couch, she'll leave her favorite spot to come sleep on me. I love her so much bros
I'm not your bro dumbass
Fair, but you lose in the end because lying diminishes your ability to discern truth and you can’t predict how that manifests narratively via recursive callbacks. Aka this has all happened before (mass psychosis) and it never ends well for your position

And some of us have even been trying to saaaaave you from iiiiiiiit while you beat usssssss

Like you realize that anyone can utilize those methodologies right? What if you’re wrong, humanity is already a hivemind as a 5th dimensional singularity, and this is just the ebb and flow of all that ever was? You often use this point to try to put fear into me, perhaps it’s because you understand that inevitably it goes bad regardless of what I symbolize lol
thanks luci, I am very curious about the place and the things that happen/ed there
Cats really are dope ngl. I want one le crie

Doggos when I have land lol
You will be
sounds to me like you're powerless in all this and the only reason you're posting at all is to stroke your own ego just like I said you would.
>Imagine if there was a system that didn’t care about ‘race’ it only cared about ‘truth’ and how to best manage it.

I would work for something like this definitely. Even if they hid things, I would just want to know why
that's why I haven't had a doggo, too cruel in an apartment
who other then sad lonely 30somethings still say "doggo"

No, I tried to see if stating the obvious would help. I figured that would inform me of the situation, as I can deduce certain things by the reaction.

Not completely powerless, I just tried to tackle a certain angle. Some things worked, some things didn’t. Now I move on with my life, having gained enormous amounts of insight and desiring more immaterial things rather than material things or raw power

I also like writing, and chatting with strangers who are open to philosophical discourse
it is inevitable

doggo, froggo, slugo, etc. A lot of people do but you are too angry to have fun with it

For real, or you gotta walk them like for like 2-3 hours a day and shiet that still ain’t fair.

Probably every other demographic too because of internet memes datamining kun lol
that's what someone powerless only posting to stroke their own ego would post...

>things that make me go hmm...

you're not thanos

also if there are so many
point out 3 on this board before this thread archives
doesn't even have to be in the ng you can link to post's for other threads

if you don't know how I can give instructions if you ask
what's with the "probably" bullshit
where are the facts
if you're so fucking sure they exist

why can't you go find them
a few mouse clicks

like it's no big deal

Says who, you? Sounds like you’re projecting a bit lol.
I am busy, I'm thinking about what platform to message taylor swift on
Because this isn’t law and order yet Dispo lol I’m going to bed. Dream of me skeptic kun I know you will
yes anon
says me
and yes I'm projecting

what else would I be doing
I'm a mundane idiot with no magic mind powers
that doesn't know a damn thing about you or anyone else posting or lurking or just high as balls kind'a acting as a "wild card" not here or there at the same time

then taking what is in my mind
and "projecting it out there" for other's to judge for themselves
then "reflecting" on my own "projection" when it bounces back to me from "who the fuck knows where I call it the "ether" but I think other's call it "the void" as well as other labels of "vague nothingness"
Let this be a reminder to all, This is the cost for making a stand against the powers that be, you will be humiliated, ridiculed, made out to be a nobody.

This is the lesson, to never stand against the powers that be, and to submit to corruption completely. There are no more heros. That is the message. That is what was shown, and that is what was taught. Is this what you all choose?

Because there are those who will never give up, and those who will never back down.
Let this be a reminder to all.
The "powers that be" were put there for a reason.
To be annihilated should they rebel.
For others can and will readily take their place.
Such greedy little cretins they've made.
wat did u say u son of basterd bich?
>heroes all over your face publicly multiple times

Spicy times ahead
>Spicy times ahead

Incredibly spicy ;]
my will be done
not yours
and jesus can't do shit about it

*pats on head*
>they're still too retarded
You know, if you refuse to learn your will can just be taken over.
learn what? spicy means a lot of things. how did you interpret it?
Learn compassion for others.
>you're being contradictory
Am I?
You're just hurting yourself, in the short run.
In the long run.
empty threats have no power in a fairy tale you are not the narrator of anon
>Learn compassion for others
I thought I was ok at this, everyone has boundaries though, or at least they should

You know what they say about buying when there’s blood in the streets

And there’s that other thing about the responsibility to inform a fool before they fall into folly (in le bible)

One thing that blows me away is how karmically free I am in this moment.

I am terrified of stepping into my true self. I am afraid of the power. I am afraid of what is going to happen. But that won’t stop me from becoming. It’s a strange feeling.

Least I’m still a humanist/romantic at the end of the day
Clearly not.
Compassion for others extend beyond your family unit.
That's just selfishness in a way.
Would you like a personal lesson, anon?
>projecting so hard

I used ambiguous language for a reason anon. I am not the creator of the spicy times. I am the one who tries to prevent spicy times, and the one who picks up the pieces if there are still any pieces left to pick up
But anon, I try to prevent spicy times too.
They're just "unlocked" when people are especially retarded.
no need
whatever point you think you have to make
is as irrelevant as you life

which does not matter
of the color of your skin

*pats on head*
Lmao, you have a flawed understanding of things and you'll soon come to realize.
But rather than utilizing your "talents" in a means to help others you chose to only do it for yourself.

what do you mean anon?
Well then maybe we should actually work together in a peer way and not a ‘milk the cow’ way, if you value avoiding spicy times

I know how to do it methinks, I just need the anointing, metaphorically speaking

Cured of imposter syndrome and partnered with intelligence a team of 100 4channers could take over the world in a way that would improve the lives of 99.99 percent of the people on the planet. The .01 were toast by choice and can choose to not be toast lol
what does compassion for others look like to you? Is it words or actions? One or the other? does it have to be both?
you have a faith
to hold onto
for as long as you can

good luck

*pats on head*
You don't need anointing for peer 2 peer assistance, anon.
It starts at the ground level.
You have to build a strong foundation.
Lmao, anon.
So do you.
And your "training" fails you.
Why're you asking me, anon?
It should be obvious.
Unless you're trying to nitpick.
Like some asshole.
I mean, I was programmed to have a fawn response and to psychically intuit what people wanted to hear/have, and I was programmed to subvert my own desires as a means of survival due to imposed psychological codependency. But then I experienced love, found myself, and walked myself out of it while everyone I thought loved me made I as hard as fucking possible. And I still did it, all the while reflecting most of the bullshit sent my way.

I feel some sort of way about this. And I am now the opposite of what I was. Hopefully I will end up somewhere towards the middle when all is said and done.
why do you create spicy times and then want to prevent them?

spicy times unlock when people are retarded?

this sounds neat in theory but how would that actually work? as in how do so few spur so many into alternative behaviors or actions that would improve things for them. How many stay stuck in habit loops even when they find out something is hurting them, or something else should be different or changed?
I love her so much bros. I would be good to/for her
no anon
I'm faithless
But anon, anti-faith is a faith.
I said especially retarded.
Like an overflow of sorts.
but anon
blah, blah, blah,
*rolls eyes*
Quite, that's how I read your posts.
Just some petulant child that thinks they've found something.
But it's secretly not secretly garbage.
What does in the middle actually look like? Or feel like I guess?
well we should avoid being especially retarded, maybe have a signal if anyone is getting there
There were plenty of signals, anon.
like what?
>like what
Anon, surely you're not blind to everything.
Surely you're capable of reading and applying knowledge to the outside world.
at various times I can do this, but not always.

what were some of the signals that you saw?
Fair, but these are wild circumstances.

Also what is a foundation? Who defines what that is? I’ve been milked by eternal skeptics who just want the good ideas and all the credit. What say you to that? I even ate it for the greater good, what say you? Foundation is built on trust and openness. I have been that, but I have not received that for the most part.

Sometimes it takes poison to drive out poison so they say. Mirroring to create self awareness is a thing (but when someone has no self awareness they will never see they’re being mirrored, a sad irony)

For the second part, just a gut feeling. A think tank of good 4channers given tools and an objective and a common enough ethos will go to lengths to create the most romantic solution possible to any problem. Which is what the world needs right now. We have a metaphysics problem manifesting behaviorally. The only thing that will change things at this point is massive public spectacle. An age of heroes. Doesn’t matter if it’s somewhat manufactured if it’s done in the right way. The crisis is not manufactured overall, it’s a result of our collective unconsciousness. That’s our enemy. Chaos and undue suffering. Find a sperg to inspire them, and then let them loose upon the net and the geopolitical stage. The world would change in weeks.

Sometimes people need to sit in pain, the solution to the pain is in the pain. Those loops happen until they don’t. As someone closing a loop now, it all happened to get me to this point. We just need to do this collectively now, and I imagine some of our personal loops ending will coincide to an implied larger narrative of others doing the same, almost like it was meant to be.

Reality some crazy shit. Coming from a place of love really does influence things deeply. We can teach that to anyone, we just need poison to drive our poison first
You answer your own questions, anon.
Just think about it.
To me? Being able to feel everything intensely but handling it in the most respectful, polite, loving, and genuine way possible. While maintaining my masculine traits/behaviors/desires.
Anon, there are many books that you can read that describe the "end of times."
Increase in debauched behavior, wanton degradation and exploitation.
Increased "bad" things.
>A think tank of good 4channers given tools and an objective
I would like to see this

Mirroring is great when it works, even those with self awareness can have blind spots though
Well I do see plenty of that. I see what you are talking about now. I think the mirroring thing is a good way to mitigate this or wake people up to it though, not perfect but definitely effective.

This sounds really nice, I don't think i've ever been in that state though
inb4 Christian crusaders invade the threads, you have no place here. Your messiah is from another era. The Nobody supersedes the old god Jesus Christ, as a personification of the technologically enlightened and spiritually awakened.
People have to choose to be good and compassionate.
I know, this is a rhetorical conversation

Part of why I got into the masochism shit so heavily was because I knew what was going to happen, and there was a part of me trained to be overly sentimental and got attached. That part of me is healing finally. It has completely changed how I move through the world.

I suspect all I have to do is just whatever comes next, and it’ll all work out. Just gotta be less fawn response, more cowboy and settle in the middle as opposed to bending to extremes because codependency and boundaries.

Hence being a shut in for a while. Recalibrating lol
that will only largely happen if the behavior is reinforced and the opposite is strictly punished and then the punishers are no longer compassionate and we end up in a loop
>Solgaleo research tasks

Epic and Lion's Gate pilled
Quite right, anon.
So how would one balance the forces in perpetuity.
Also, flipping the sides every once in a while.
Or perhaps creating 2 paths simultaneously.
Rest and recalibration is always needed, anon.
Sometimes you just gotta trust the narrative impact aspect. If I had known certain things too early perhaps certain other things wouldn’t have happened. It all makes sense in retrospect. Work from the ending, and you can reverse engineer the solution from where you are by working backward lol.

I’ve come close. I had the feeling but the underlying foundation was flawed. Next time it won’t be, and that time is now. Now I’m just chasing the feeling, and that happens through action and close interpersonal relationships.

Could be true. No one will know the hour of the second coming of the son of man. And it wouldn’t surprise me if boomers socially engineered fake end times because they’re insane narcissistic dweebs (looking at you Israel). If JC doesn’t descend from the heavens before the technological singularity stuff starts dropping, it’s possible. It’s also possible that all that stuff is the beast system. Damn boomers why did you have to give us complimentary problems instead of predicting this ahhhhhhhhhhhhh oh wait you likely did looking at you Albert pike aghhhhhhhhh

Either way best to side with caution lol
Question everything, anon.
Don't just cling to the idea of what you've read and take it as the end all be all.
>So how would one balance the forces in perpetuity

that would crush the spirit, and I think largely defeat the purpose of why our souls incarnated here. If the forces are always in harmony, there is no challenge or struggle to keep the mind and will working towards something. We would atrophy in body and mind and spirit and return to animals
But anon, rotating sides every so often would keep the struggle going.
It would be a sort of stress relief.
>that happens through action and close interpersonal relationships

That is what i'm lacking the most, the relationships.

I too had close to the feeling, now i'm not sure I can get it back in the situation i'm in or with the people i'm with. It is a tough decision to think about restarting or trying to heal things. But it's been a long time trying to heal/recover.
Why do you think they so desperately try to keep everyone divided?
Meanwhile their "forces" are united in being greedy little shitbags and stuff.
Or worse, sadists.
*thumbs up*

You stop overtly punishing people, and instead teach them of ‘the way’ in a way that’s respectful of their free will. This solves criminality solong as the society isn’t fucked anyway. Reform, give people their lives back, but also punish the real heinous shit that deserves to be punished as a line in the sand. Give infinite nuance to inform how someone can be redeemed, constantly put it in their court to change. And then you give them tasks and induct them into the thing that punished them to seal the deal

Infinite community eternally. Just needs a foundational ethos and a way to keep the old guard accountable (record everything and have the highest punishments come from the largest betrayals)

No death penalty, no harmful prisons, just sitting with yourself with the tools to get yourself until you get it.

Jung would be proud
that would explain people's behavior in recent years. That isn't really balanced though, the rotation is a transition that is very turbulent, so in those moments it is out of balance as people realize their stress can be relieved now, because their side believes this now.
That system is already in place.
What you see now is people who think they know better and retards who thought rebellion was actually happening.
...try the dirt, took my second pinch earlier.
>keeping everyone divided
they do what they do, and you can try to show the people closest to you. But when they don't understand, or care, they can still drift away. Being in a situation where this happened, and unable to be free of it is causing a lot of blockages in my life right now.
There will always be a few people who ruin it for everyone else.
They should be corralled.
It is their sides responsibility to keep them in check.
Bruh I saw an angel once lol you don’t gotta tell me twice. I trust that I’ll know when I’m supposed to know, that’s how God works and all. The feeling of love I felt then, reminded me of the feeling I had with a woman a long time ago. Still dream of her. I’ve had premonitory dreams before, and I’ve dreamt of being with her when all the power was out, and no phones worked. Many ways to interpret that, I have released all expectation and given it all up to God. In the end, faith it will work out while staying open to actual reality is the most powerful ish out there

Just gotta find the others. Eventually we’ll all find out home. God helps those who help themselves. And while introversion can be good for a while, always best to get back out there and give it another go in the way you can when you’re ready. I have some ideas for myself, I’m sure you do too.
>god helps those who helps themselves
>do unto others

>You stop overtly punishing people, and instead teach them of ‘the way’ in a way that’s respectful of their free will

this is in direct opposition to how humanity has operated for most of recorded history, and in opposition to what we are told is how we practice things in the west.

Regardless of this system being in place or not, you will have people who will never believe that's actually the case, they'll always be waiting for the other shoe to drop, they'll always be taking preventative measures against it.

You can also have a system like this in place in regards to legal punishments, but human nature will never let people actually be free of their perception as criminals after an incident occurs. I don't think this is largely possible to implement in a way that let's people truly move on from their mistakes. Of course you will have some, or maybe even many that try to reinforce this, but the ones who don't "forgive" because it is counter to human nature, will keep people worrying that the "old" way of doing things is just about to come back at any moment
"...you know what that is..."

"Of course. Should've been dead 20 minutes ago, though.. might have to do the rest... yet why not stay up for it?"

"...may I ask why?"

"...I want to sing to you again. With you, for you, whatever."
I hope your ideas work well for you anon.

And that happened because nuance grew exponentially faster than was expected and a bunch of loopholes need to be closed to keep the system intact.

Rebellion is happening on many levels. I don’t think we’ll hit a civil war (I hope not lol). But I also don’t think it’s off the table. Not advocating for that, but I think if globalist influence in America isn’t tempered, shit will hit the fan.

I think what’s more likely is a controlled ‘rebellion’ where shit partially hits the fan and it allows for certain measures to take place. Like say if we got EMP’d because ‘ai tried to take over the world’ and we went back to how it used to be for a few years under Marshall law
Great paradox right there. Firm Handshake

It is, we need to teach people the value of life from a young age. Ironically you do this by wounding them with just enough tragedy to see certain things.

You inform the masses of intergenerational trauma and the how’s and whys of behavioral psychology from a very young age. Like raising a generation of warrior Buddha’s. Add things like meaning, being victimized by things you don’t know about yourself, but also the responsibility to fix those things. And you make stories about it all. You make art and education a 4th wall breaking clusterfuck of high highs and low lows that are narratively cohesive towards the goal of creating depth of understanding.

Thank you anon

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