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Dump whatever info you have to this disgusting practice.
People willingly take drugs and sit in front of the tv. What more you want?
Frank zappas dad, a guy connected to the italian mafia and also a freemason, worked as a chemist, research, whatever, in some gringo military base.
You mean the nobody general? Just ask them.
That shit is at best a LARP and at worst a low tier psyop created by a private organization not directly connected to the fed.
They make a lot of claims about Tavistock but I've never seen any proof or even heard any stories about artists actually being gaslit into thinking they're the Nobody.

It's about turning on your bluetooth brain implant and start reading the post like the conversation is about what you're apparently thinking, and then responding vaguely to imply the same.

Current person we're gangstalking with scrying and magical wizardry is this person who thinks the nobody was the would-be assassin of the candidate, currently using my tulpa to get the spill of the details with auditory hallucinations.
Interesting. So are you like, working for a specific agency or what?
Well larp'd 391(cia)
The US government is creating bio-enhanced supersoldiers with no memories at Fort Detrick.

>The game follows the story of Alexander J. Mercer (voiced by Barry Pepper) who wakes up on a morgue slab in the basement of Gentek, a large and influential genetic engineering company. Alex escapes and sets out to recover his memory and find out exactly what occurred. He soon discovers that he now possesses powerful shapeshifting abilities that grant him superhuman strength, speed, agility, durability, weaponry and the ability to "consume" people to gain their memories, skills and appearance. With no memory of his previous life, Alex is forced to track down and consume those related to the conspiracy in order to uncover the truth.

if you didn't know already, they like blowing things out of proportion. But i'm pretty sure that it's based on real facts.
Well that's the reality of the situation. People think that evil is some grandiose character but it's really an amalgamation of selfish idiots that hamfist their way (they'll get a kick out of that pun) to the objects of their desire, usually resulting in the outright destruction of both.
Okay but if that's true then why do they provide no evidence and do nothing but chatroom it up like literally every other general ever?
its mind control they do mind control
Because lies REQUIRE deception.
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For example, let's say they are cannibals that eat people in their basement. Do you think they would talk openly about this? No. They talk in code.

Anything with "winking" "food" ";^)" all that shit is rape cannibal code speak.
Goatsacking opi pel.
Does anybody have more modern info on stimioceiver/brain computer implant stuff?

Its hard to find info outside the initial Delgado stuff. I can find stuff relating to Neuralink and other modern BCI's but wasnt able to find much outside of that. Doesnt have to be apart of MKUltra officially but just anything relating to stimioceivers before Neuralink came on the scene

Also FleshSimulator on youtube has pretty good QRDs of the MKUltra stuff that was declassified

P. Craig Russel adapted this shit? I might have to read that.
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And then they do subject saturation, where they flood the "tells" everywhere to obfuscate the code, which also acts as a bait for those receptive to the "meme".
I just wanted to stop in and tell you what a fucking moron you are
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On August 7, 2021, at the age of 41, Moore died after being involved in an accident at his residence resulting in blunt force head trauma. Subsequent toxicology reports identified alcohol as a contributing factor.
I actually heard Trevor Moore died trying to suck his own cock...
>died of blunt force head trauma
>died trying to suck his own dick
I mean, one doesn't exclude the other..
(((They))) killed him because of this.
>Disclosure on Targeted Individuals - US Navy SEALs (Unofficial)

>Synthetic Telepathy and the Early Mind Wars

>The Matrix Deciphered - Dr. Robert Duncan

>Dr. Robert Duncan Lecture

>Governor Jesse Ventura Telepathy Demonstration

>Dr. Robert Duncan on Koncrete

>Targeted Individual Tyrone Dew

>Eric Hecker Telepathy Whistleblower

>Odom Manifesto (Complete)

>Odom's War by Anonymous - Second Edition
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Well dumped
Audio is all the rage now. That's all I'll say
Why has no one dropped how methods learned from mkultra were implemented into american school systems
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Like what?
Does anyone remember that girl with the shaved head that posted webms on 4chan, she sang row row row the boat gently down the stream, would suddenly mentioned numbers mid conversation and talk about mk ultra and how she was severely raped, she had a whole bunch of Webms and then disappeared and I can't find anything since

It was directly related to this as she spoke about being in the program and was very convincing
I think I’ve seen these on tumblr, there’s a lot of weird shit on there that’s shadowbanned or not tagged you have to find the people that post or reblog it to find. Lots of MK ultra themed blogs that share some weird shit.

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